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User:Centralismo/Userboxes about me

Infoboxes I use to describe myself!
This user is transgender.
This user is transfeminine.
sheThis user's pronouns are she/her/hers.
This user is queer.
This user identifies as bisexual.
I love sharing all my political opinions (but I'm respectful to other political supporters that aren't violent and discriminatory!)
This user is a libertarian socialist.
This user is a socialist, and is disgusted by this regressive societal system, that places corporate greed and profitability above human life, the environment and the collective well being of society.
This user supports the independence of any nation that wants it.
Politics 1 - Ideologies I support
This user supports no government or government that is extremely limited.
This user reserves the right to question authority.
This user advocates cooperative universal health care.
This user seeks to dismantle private property and abolish wage-slavery.
This user supports unschooling and anarchist education.
This user thinks GNU, copyleft, and free software are great ways of promoting a gift economy.
This user is interested in the Spanish Revolution.
This user would prefer anarchy to tyranical government.
This user opposes work.
?This user doesn't understand why there are anarcho-primitivists on the Internet.
User:Life in General/Userboxes/ZapatistaUser:ChristTrekker/War On Terror FAIL
This user recognizes the US as a terrorist state
This user ardently supports
Liberal Democracy
throughout the world.
Politics: from Poli (Greek) meaning many and Ticks (English) meaning blood sucking creatures.
This user strongly supports the policies and views of political leader.
This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia.
This user is a non-conformer, but still likes to be uniform.
This user believes if voting changed anything, it would be made illegal.
We the PeopleThis user understands that a
republic is a system of law
while a democracy is a political system, and that the two are
opposing choices.
This user despises all dictators.
This user despises Gerrymandering.
This user supports the direct participation of electorates by initiative, referendum, recall, and dissolution.
This user supports
proportional representation.
This user believes that liberal democracy is the only legitimate form of government.
This user supports universal basic income.
This user is an anti-consumerist.
This user is anti-work and/or refuses to work.
$This user believes that progressive taxation reduces inequality, increases happiness, and improves life-satisfaction of a country's citizens.
This user believes that both capitalism and state socialism are inherently unjust systems that concentrate most wealth and power in the hands of a few, and that humans can do better.
This user opposes corporate welfare and bailouts.
This user does not trust politicians who condemn CEOs while living like one with other people's money.
This user is anti-capitalist.
User:Поль Крол Злой Диктатор/Userboxes/Anti-capitalism
This user wonders how this can be a free country when everything is for sale.
This user has not forgotten those killed by Communist China on the Tiananmen Square.
This user promotes efforts to counter
climate change
This user is car-free.
This user is in favour of desalination.
This user supports the taxation of pollution.
This user is an environmentalist.
This user supports the genetic modification of plants and animals.
This user supports sustainable living.
This user knows that genetically modified food has saved over a billion lives, and that all agriculture is "genetic modification", what we do today is just faster.
This user supports protection of the environment.
This user supports sustainable living and protection of the
and believes that world leaders need to take action.
This user supports a
carbon fee and dividend.
This user ardently opposes
the alt-right
This user ardently opposes the rise of neo-fascism.
This user ardently opposes all forms of RACISM.
This user ardently opposes all forms of racial nationalism.

This user is anti-fascist who is against racist ideology of the Third Reich, Fascist Italy, NDH and Nedić's Serbia.
This user doesn't like Nazis.
LibThis user believes taxation is theft.
User:Поль Крол Злой Диктатор/Userboxes/Non-neoliberalist user
This user is a citizen of a micronation:.
BRIT-REPThis user is a British republican.
This user is a citizen not a subject.
This user is against monarchy.
This user believes that the Hawaiian Kingdom was illegally overthrown. Long live Queen Liliʻuokalani!
This user is against
monarchism and nobility titles when they were abolished, because they are not democratic and give no respect to the freedom of the peoples.
This user wants a philosopher king.
This user is intrigued by monarchies, but is glad he doesn't live under one.
The Great Emperor NortonThis user believes in the rightful rule of the Emperors of the United States of the Nortonian dynasty, Norton I and Norton II.
This user considers the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of civilian control of the military in Thailand to be essential for the country's national interests.
190930 Plenarsaal Sitze Reichstags-blueThis user is a constitutional patriot
This user is interested in the French Revolution.
This user is interested in the history of the struggle against apartheid.
This user believes that Nationalism is good for culture but bad for politics.
This user believes in Liberal nationalism.
This user is interested in the American Revolution.
This user is interested in the Texas Revolution.
Persons of the same nationality have more in common than persons of the same ethnicity!
This user is interested in the Mexican Revolution.
This user opposes all forms of
This user supports
This user is a socialist, and is disgusted by this regressive societal system, that places corporate greed and profitability above human life, the environment and the collective well being of society.
This user identifies as a
Democratic Socialist.
This user wants to tax the rich to provide health care, education and welfare for everyone.$ £
¥ €
This user is interested in the Paris Commune.
This user is interested in the
Russian Revolution.
This user is interested in the November Revolution.
This user is interested in the Cuban Revolution.
This user is interested in the Nicaraguan Revolution.
This user supports youth rights.
ANTIThis user opposes religion as a whole.
This user supports the cooperative economy.
This user supports the legalization of all drugs for adults.
This user is interested in politics.
This user identifies as a leftist.
This user supports LGBTI rights.
PROThis user is a progressive.
This user thinks consensual adult prostitution/sex work should be legal and regulated for the safety and rights of sex workers and clients.
Red-umbrellaThis user supports sex workers' rights.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user is an objectivist, but not a jerk.
This user thinks the copyright system infringes his human rights!
This user is an advocate of open research and open access.
This user supports labor/workers' rights.
This user is an anti-militarist.
This user is a social populist.
This user opposes the stereotype of hostility between Western civilization and others.
This user supports the worldwide Pirate Party movement.
This user supports workers' self-management.
Politics 2 - Issues I support
This user is antifa.
This user demands the immediate and unconditional release of Raif Badawi
This user opposes all dictators and authoritarian regimes.
This user supports jury nullification.
This user is in pursuit of an Equal Society.
This user believes in the concept of "By any means necessary"
This user supports equality for everyone.
 刘晓波This user demanded the
unconditional release
of Liu Xiaobo (died 2017)
This user is an egalitarian.
This user recognizes that no one has the fundamental right to the labor or product of another individual.
This user believes that abortion should be legal but strongly discouraged.
This user supports stem cell research.
PC This user is pro-choice.
This user is ambivalent about animal rights but thinks some people really take it too far.
Animal crueltyThis user opposes animal rights, but opposes animal cruelty.
This user supports animal rights, but believes human rights are more important.
This user supports the rights of all people to resist colonisation and imperialism.
This user is against imperialism.
This user supports the right of all people to resist occupation, colonialism and imperialism by any means necessary.
Apartheid: Wrong for South Africans; wrong for Palestinians.
User:Поль Крол Злой Диктатор/Userboxes/Anti-imperialist
This user generally opposes the death penalty, but would support its use on those convicted of crimes against humanity.
User:ChristTrekker/War On Drugs FAIL
This user is pro-cannabis.
This user recognizes that the War on Drugs is racially motivated.
''\ This user is against the War on Drugs and agreed with 2Pac when he said "Instead of a war on poverty, they've got a war on drugs so the police can bother me."
This user supports the full legalisation of cannabis and other soft drugs.
This user supports the legalisation of all recreational drugs under a harm reduction scheme.
This user is against the ban on smoking in public places.
This user is against the war on drugs.
This user does not trust politicians who praise public schools while sending their own children to private schools.
This user believes in
universal college tuition.
This user believes the world would be a better place if everyone had access to a quality, free education.
EuThis user supports euthanasia under certain circumstances.Su
Politics 2.1 - Rights and social issues
This user opposes any and all laws restricting, registering or monitoring the ownership of firearms.
This user's favorite gay rights organization is the Pink Pistols.
This user supports gun regulation, but not an outright ban on the civilian ownership of guns.
This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.

This user opposes gun control for civilians but supports gun control for the military and police forces and thinks gun ownership by anyone is a Bad Thing.
This user opposes gun control.
This user opposes gun control in all forms and acknowledges its roots in classism and racism as a tool to disarm the oppressed.
This user knows that freedom of speech includes the right to offend, criticize, and satirize.
This user knows that a right not to be offended is fundamentally incompatible with freedom of speech.
This user strongly believes in freedom of speech.
This user knows that all groups, however crazy they may be, have just as much a right to free speech as anybody else and WILL NOT TOLERATE "hate speech" laws or attempts to prevent people from expressing their views.
This user believes in gender equality.
This user is a transfeminist.
This user supports trans-inclusive gender equality.
This user is a sex-positive feminist.
This user is an individualist feminist or a libertarian feminist.
This user respects women and rejects any violence against women.
This user supports action to stop violence against women, particularly on December 6.
User:Поль Крол Злой Диктатор/Userboxes/Radical feminism
This user is against both radical feminism and radical masculism
This user believes contraceptives should be freely available to everyone.
This user supports and encourages the practice of safe sex.
This user is Anti-psychiatric on the grounds of side effects and withdrawal syndromes
This user is concerned about
Human Rights
This user believes that sweatshops in poor countries do more good than harm.
This user condemns and opposes Bosnian genocide denial.
This user condemns and opposes Rohingya genocide denial.
This user condemns and opposes Romani genocide denial.
This user opposes Uyghur genocide denial. See also: Cultural genocide.
This user believes that we all need to fight for indigenous rights.
This user acknowledges the Kaurna people as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which they contribute, and pays their respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.
This user supports labor/workers' rights.
This user knows that
Respect Matters.
This user supports equal rights for queer people.
This user supports queer liberation.
LET IT GOThis user boggles at how so many people get so obsessed with other people having sex when there's so much human suffering right now.
This user supports trans rights.
This is an intersex ally.
This user supports the MOGAI community.
This user believes that people should use the bathroom for the gender that they identify as.
This user thinks the bathroom issue is overblown and honestly doesn't care about it.
This user supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
This user supports both straight and gay marriages, and is against any restrictions on who can marry.
This user believes that telling someone what gender they can marry is no different than telling them what race they can marry.
This user supports marriages of both the monogamous and polyamorous varieties between expressly consenting persons of any gender.
This user is opposed to
political censorship.
This user finds censorship offensive.
PC-0This user is politically incorrect.
Thxs usxr thxnks chxnging the spxllings of wxrds to "avxd offxnding pxple" is ridiculxs.
Entertainment is a commodity.
News is a right.
$ ¥
€ £
This user believes that the profit motive makes network news reporting inaccurate and biased.
This user believes that politicians should not interfere with Public news broadcasting.
This user supports
alternative media.
This user doesn't believe in the ownership of culture and knowledge but is nonetheless opposed to plagiarism.
This user supports Project Chanology.
This user supports Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
This user supports Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
This user stands with France, against terror, and for freedom of speech and expression for all, without fear of reprisals.
This user knows that
Black Lives Matter.
This user knows that
This user knows that
Empathy Matters.
This user recognizes that America is a police state.
SAY NO TO POLICE BRUTALITYThis user opposes police brutality

This user believes, based on experience, that society favors the "straight christian white male".

This user believes race does not exist except as an oppressive social construct and will oppose racism by any means necessary.
This user is an anti-racist striving for a non-racial society.
This user knows Black Lives Matter.
This user believes the First Amendment guarantees freedom from religion.
This user is sick and tired of religion hijacking the government, and wants separation of church and state in the UK.
This user is sick and tired of religion trying to hijack the government, and wants stronger separation of church and state in South Africa.
This user is sick and tired of Religion's attempts to hijack government and wants stronger separation of church and state.
This user believes religion should stay out of politics.
This user believes religion should have no role to play in politics.
This user believes the world would be a happier, safer and saner place without religion.
This user is against compulsory state sanctioned prayer in public schools.
This user is strongly opposed to the branding of children as witches and has signed a petition against the despicable so-called 'Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries'.
This user is a transhumanist.
This user believes if you're old enough to go to war, you're old enough to drink alcohol.
This user strongly opposes curfew laws.
This user is against unnecessary circumcision on infants and children.
Politics 2.2 Globalization, internationalism, and nationalism AND War and peace
This user supports defunding and demilitarizing the United States Armed Forces.
This user wants a
World government.
This user wants a World Federation composed of Independent Nation States..
This user believes in a foreign policy of non‐interven­tionism, but is not a pacifist.
This user believes that the borders of African Countries should be redrawn to reflect the nations and tribes of Africa.
This user supports the division of oversized countries and wants to see the US, Canada, Russia, China, Brazil, Australia and Mexico dissolve into Nation States.
This user supports the alter-globalisation movement.
= This user supports the Make Trade Fair campaign.
End the embargoThis user favors free trade between the United States and Cuba.
This user supports immigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user supports "illegal immigrants" and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user believes in the power of nonviolence.
This user believes that except in extreme circumstances, starting a war is one of the worst things a country can do.
This user opposes conscription.
This user is against involuntary military service.
This user, while generally preferring non-violence, is not a pacifist.
This user supports peace in space.
This user believes that space warfare is as unavoidable as Earth warfare.
This user understands why armed peacekeeping is necessary.
This user wishes humans would just get rid of their overly destructive weapons.
Centralismo totally supports world peace and loves everyone!
Politics 4: Multinational
This user is proud to be an
Australian !
This user is proud to be a
Southeast Asian !
This user supports NATO.
This user supports Andorra's membership in NATO
This user supports Ukraine's membership in NATO.
This user wants the UN to move to Geneva.
This user supports a deep reform of the United Nations.
This user supports the
São Paulo Forum.
This user is interested in the now-defunct League of Nations
This user supports the
Union for the Mediterranean.
This user supports the creation of CANZUK.
North American Union This user supports the idea of
a North American Union.
United States of America
United Mexican States
This user supports the idea of a monetary union in the Americas.
This user believes in the creation of the Pacific Union.
This user supports EU enlargement.
This user supports EU enlargement.
This user wants all states of Europe to join the EU.
This user wants Palestine to join the EU.
This user wants Russia to join the EU.
This user supports the integration of Ukraine in the European Union
This user is in favour of EU enlargement in a westerly direction.
This user opposes Poland's membership of European Union.
This user wants all of Europe to adopt the euro.
This user wants Brussels as the only seat of Parliament.
Politics 5 - By Country - Australia
This user believes Australia should become a Republic.
This user is against the Australian Crown.
This user advocates for the Re-nationalisation of the South Australian power network.
This user supports changing the Flag of Australia.
This user supports the freedom to display the Eureka Flag
This user supports a flag depicting a Kangaroo and Southern Cross as Australia's new flag.
This user supports changing the flag of Australia.

Userboxes made by me!

Code Result Where used
{{Template:Userbox/Respectfully disagree on no controversy}}
This user respectfully disagrees on the "no controversy" opinion, and believes that controversial topics should be listed in a userbox, as it's good to be unique (in my opinion!)
(add "{{" and closing brackets before and after: Special:WhatLinksHere/User:Dhrm77/Userboxes/Gardening)
Yes, I love to procrastinate by adding things to Wikipedia, mostly Wikimedia Commons!
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