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Alessandro Butticé
Brigadier General Guardia di Finanza (retired) Alessandro Butticé, Head of Unite (retired) of the European Commission, Journalist opinionist
Born (1959-05-11) May 11, 1959 (age 65)
Merano, Italy
AllegianceItaly, European Union
Service / branchGuardia di Finanza
Years of service19792013
Rank Brigadier General
AwardsCommander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 2019

Medal for length of service (20 years) at the European Commission, 2014

Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 2013

Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 1993

Maurician Medal, 2010

Military Medal of Merit for Long Command

Silver Cross for seniority of service in the Guardia di Finanza, 1995

Cross with the Order's white badge of merit of the Spanish Civil Guard Corps, 1996
Other workManager at Anti-Fraud Services and DG GROW of the European Commission

Alessandro Butticé (born in Merano May 11, 1959) is an Italian Brigadier General (retired) of the Guardia di Finanza, former Executive of the European Commission and expert in investigations and institutional communication of economic-financial law enforcement and international investigative cooperation[1][2]. He has been the first military and member of a police force to serve in the EU institutions. Today he is a columnist and opinionist journalist for Il Riformista[3], Formiche.net[4], aise.it[5] and other media. In his career he was commander of the Sapri Unit, Deputy Commander of the Guardia di Finanza at the Rome Airports, Editor-in-chief of the magazine Il Finanziere, Section Head of the Central Unit of Tax Police, before taking up the function in October 1990 as the first officer of the Guardia di Finanza, but also the first military officer and belonging to a police force at the European Commission. In the Guardia di Finanza he was one of the pioneers, from 1985 to 1990, of a new institutional communication policy of the Corps. The first institutional campaign was conceived by him, in 1988, "Guardia di Finanza, on the side of the honests”[6]. With two themes: "with you against ...: who plays with the health of your children" (on the theme of the fight against drugs) and "who wants to make you pay their taxes" (on the theme of the fight against tax fraud), this campaign preceded the Mani pulite season by a few years. Since his arrival at the European Commission, as the first military man and belonging to a European police force, he has been among the pioneers of the anti-fraud and anti-crime services of the European Union (at the Directorate-General for Budget, then the Secretary-General of the European Commission (UCLAF) and contributed to the creation of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) which he was the first spokesperson and the head of communication from its creation, in 1999, to 2009. In this capacity, he contributed to making the Guardia di Finanza an Italian flagship in the world and to correct the image of Italy not only as the home of fraud but also as a virtuous example in the fight against fraud and organized crime [7][8]. It has also launched an ethical policy of relations between investigative services and journalists[9][10][11]. He left the European Commission in 2018 and is today a columnist for Il Riformista, Formiche.net and a correspondent from Brussels for aise.it. He is also President of the Brussels-European Union Section of the National Association of Italian Financiers (ANFI)[12], which he founded in 2013, Delegate for Belgium, the European Union, NATO and international organizations, and for the coordination of other foreign delegates, from the National Association of the decorated of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (ANCRI)[13][14][15]. He is a member, Treasurer 2019/2021 and President-elect 2021/2022, of the Rotary International Club of Brussels West.

Life and education


Military career in the Guardia di Finanza


Butticé entered the Guardia di Finanza Academy in 1979, with the 79th Corso “Podgora II”. He has three master's degrees in: Law (1985, University of Salerno, with a thesis on: "International cooperation in the prevention and repression of customs fraud"), Economics and Commerce (1987, Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis on: "The Secret of the Banks Today "), Economic and Financial Security Sciences (2004, University of Rome Tor Vergata, with a thesis on "Information and communication as instruments for the protection of the EU's financial interests"), and has a two-year specialisation in Journalism and Mass Communications (1989, Rome, LUISS, with a thesis on ""On the side of the honests, yes, but how and why? The institutional communication of law enforcement agencies", with praise and publication of the thesis). Among other different formations: "Il problema della sicurezza per l'Europa Occidentale e per l'Italia", Comitato Atlantico (1979); VIII Corso di Orientamento e formazione sulle organizzazioni internazionali della S.I.O.I. in Rome (1983); the XII Study Programme in Japan for Young Europeans of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (1990; "Parler en Public" (1992); Residential Seminar of the College of Europe in Bruge (1995); "Les techniques de management " of the European Commission (1996); "Developing Management Effectiveness", Henley Management School (2001); "Management Training Programme", European Commission, Brussels (2005); "Leading For Results programme", INSEAD, Fontainebleau (2017). In 1983/84, he commanded the Tenenza della Guardia di Finanza di Sapri. In 1984/85, he was Deputy Commander of the Guardia di Finanza at the Rome Airports. From 1985 to 1990 he was Head of Section, and responsible for institutional communication of the Guardia di Finanza; creator and head of institutional communication ("Dalla parte degli onesti" campaign), editor-in-chief of the Corps' specialised magazines ("Il Finanziere" and "Panorama Tributario e professionale", assistant editor of the "Rivista della Guardia di Finanza"). In 1990, in Rome, at the Nucleo Centrale di Polizia Tributaria (Central Tax Police Unit), as draftee commander, he directed some major national investigations on public expenditure, on behalf of the Attorney General's Office of the Court of Audit.

The assignments to the European Union


In 1990/92, in Brussels, at the Directorate-General for Budget DGXIX-B-4 ("Enforcement of regulations and fight against fraud in the field of own resources") of the European Commission, he took part in and coordinated the first inspections of the European Commission in the field of Own Resources, creating contacts with Secretariat General of the European Commission (UCLAF) and implementing the first collaborative relations of the European Commission with the national investigation services. From 1992 to 1999, at the Anti-Fraud Coordination Task Force (UCLAF) he was responsible for legislative and horizontal matters, then as deputy Head of Unit TF6-Fight against Fraud - Trade in Agricultural Products (98-99); Head of an investigation team of Unit TF6 (95-98); responsible for anti-fraud policy and coordination of the first anti-fraud investigations of UCLAF, raising awareness and assisting the Italian authorities, including the judiciary[16], in setting up the Guardia di Finanza Community Police Centre. During this period he established UCLAF's first collaborative relations with the judicial and police authorities (92/95) and was the negotiator and the person responsible for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between UCLAF and the Guardia di Finanza. Organiser and promoter of training actions for officials of the national investigation services and magistrates on fraud against the EU budget and organised and transnational economic crime, he recruited or contributed to the recruitment of several others belonging to the Guardia di Finanza and other Italian and European police forces at OLAF. For this activity, the Director General of the Spanish Civil Guard, together with the Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the European Union, decorated him in 1996 with the Cross with White Badge at the order of the Guardia Civil. From 1999 to 2009 he was Head of the "Spokesperson, Communication and Public Relations" Unit and Spokesperson of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). Butticè became the right-hand man of the first Director General of OLAF, the German Prosecutor Franz-Hermann Brüner, who will defend to the end, faithful to the vision of OLAF as a service coined in the image of the Guardia di Finanza, champion of legality in the Union. In 2013, on the occasion of his farewell from the Guardia di Finanza, Romano Prodi, with whom General Butticé collaborated in the early years of his life, declared:

"Your work was extraordinary, also because everything had to be done from the beginning and it was certainly not an easy task. Nor was it easy to overcome a certain diffidence towards Italy with regard to such a delicate function as the one entrusted to you. For this reason, I find the ending of the letter which recalls your double loyalty to Italy and Europe entirely appropriate”[17]

Thanks to its leading role within OLAF, the Guardia di Finanza reaches the height of its prestige with the European institutions. It promotes a memorandum of understanding between OLAF and the National Anti-Mafia Directorate, headed at the time by the National Prosecutor Pierluigi Vigna[18]. Many Guardia di Finanza Officers are seconded to OLAF, other Directorates-General and institutions, including in key services such as the Legal Service, which provides legal advice to the President of the European Commission. His vision becomes a tangible reality[19]. OLAF is a structured service that protects the Union's finances with high efficiency and expertise, coordinating anti-fraud actions at both the technical, administrative and judicial repressive levels[20]. As spokesperson and collaborator of Franz-Hermann Brüner, Butticè is constantly working on his next idea; the creation of an OLAF Anti-Fraud Communicators Network (OFCN) [21], which he chaired from 2001 to 2009, when he is awarded spokesperson of the year[22], donating the prize money received to the International Federation of Journalists, for the benefit of journalists who are victims of acts of violence[23][24]. He signed a memorandum of understanding with Aidan White's IFJ on the relationship between investigative services and journalists[25]. He works ceaselessly for OLAF (even renouncing, in 2006, in order not to deprive its Director General of his support, to hold the position of Deputy Spokesperson of the European Commission, and Head of the Unit of its Spokespersons[26], at the request of President José Manuel Barroso and Vice-President Franco Frattini for transparency in the management of public resources and the fight against corruption in Europe, even in the less brilliant moments for the service, those that follow the unexpected death of Franz-Hermann Brüner, due to a sudden serious illness. From 2009 to 2012 Butticé became Head of the "Direct Expenditure and External Aid" Unit of the Investigations and Operations Directorate I of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). In 2012, not liking the appointment of the Director "Policy" of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) as Director General of the Italian magistrate and politician Giovanni Kessler [27][28], following his arrival at OLAF, he accepted the proposal of the then Vice-President of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani, to serve as Security and Anti-Fraud Counsellor of the Directorate General for Industry and Enterprise of the European Commission, with responsibility also for the defence industry and space policy, including Galileo and Copernicus Programmes. And he decides to leave OLAF definitively. Between 2013 and 2015, under the Directorate-General of Daniel Calleja Crespo, he assumes the role of Head of the Communication Activities Unit of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Industry and Enterprise, also leading the European Commission's information campaign against counterfeiting of EU industrial products[29][30][31][32]. In the two-year period 2015/2017, he held the position of the Human Resources Unit of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, during which he oversaw one of the largest internal restructurings of the European Commission, cutting human resources by 20% in the two-year period. In 2017/2018, in Brussels, he was Head of the Business Continuity, Security and Administrative Coordination Unit of the DG GROW of the European Commission, before the creation of the new Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space of the European Commission. After leaving the European Commission in April 2018[33], he is now an expert in economic and financial police investigations and international investigative cooperation as a speaker at conferences and debates. He is a columnist for Il Riformista and Formiche.net, correspondent for www.aise.it and (until August 2019) co-founder of “Più Europei” and Vice President for Europe-founder of PIUE (Pubblicisti Italiani Uniti per l'Europa)[34]. Delegate for Belgium, the EU, NATO and international bodies, and Delegate for the coordination of delegations abroad of the National Association of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (ANCRI).


  • Arriva l’Euro!., Carmenta, Bologna, 1998 (con prefazione del Commissario Europeo Emma Bonino)[35].
  • Forze dell'ordine e comunicazione. Polizia di Stato, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, opinione pubblica e mass- media., Bariletti Editori, Roma, 1990 (con prefazione di Maurizio Costanzo)[36].
  • Guardia di Finanza., Comando Generale G. di F., Roma, 1989.
  • Il Servizio Navale della Guardia di Finanza., Comando Generale Guardia di Finanza, Roma, 1986.
  • Chapter 3.A, L’Ufficio Europeo per la lotta antifrode (OLAF)., pp. 190-210 del libro di L. Macchia Le frodi al Bilancio dell’Unione Europea., Edizioni Giuridiche Simone, Roma, 2001.
  • Chapter Servizi di vigilanza per le Comunità Europee., Titolo XXXVII, pp. 685-718, dell’VIII edizione di I servizi Extra tributari della Guardia di Finanza., F. Lauro, edizioni Laurus, Roma, 1993.
  • Chapter La lotta alle frodi: l’UCLAF., del libro di F. Lauria-P. Poletti L’Unione Europea e la tutela degli interessi finanziari comunitari., Comando Generale della Guardia di Finanza, Roma, 1997.
  • Il Servizio Doganale degli Stati Uniti., in Il Finanziere. n. 10/1982.
  • La D.E.A., in Il Finanziere. n. 11/1982.
  • Il Servizio di Polizia Doganale Francese., in Il Finanziere. n. 1/1983.
  • Svizzera: l' Amministrazione Federale delle Dogane., in Il Finanziere. n. 3/1983.
  • Il Servizio di sorveglianza al confine dell'Amministrazione doganale della Repubblica Federale di Germania., in Il Finanziere. n. 4/1983.
  • Giubbe Rosse, vedette insonni del confine canadese., in Il Finanziere. n. 7/1983.
  • La Divisione delle investigazioni criminali del Fisco americano., in Il Finanziere. n.6/1983.
  • Il Servizio Doganale Canadese., in Il Finanziere., n. 12/1983.
  • La Guardia Costiera degli U.S.A., in Il Finanziere. n. 9/1984.
  • L'Ufficio dell'Alcool, del Tabacco e delle Armi da Fuoco degli U.S.A., in Il Finanziere. n. 4/1987.
  • Il Servizio Segreto del Dipartimento del Tesoro degli U.S.A., in Il Finanziere. nn. 10 e 12/1985.
  • L'evasione fiscale internazionale., in Rivista della Guardia di Finanza., n. 3/4 1988; Cooperazione internazionale in materia di prevenzione e repressione delle frodi finanziarie, in Rivista di Diritto Internazionale e Comparato., n. 3/1989.
  • Svizzera: le guardie di confine., in Interscambio., n. 3/4 1989.
  • Francia: la Surveillance., in Interscambio., n. 5/1989.
  • Dogane. Canada: un sistema articolato., in Interscambio., n. 10/89.
  • Forze dell'ordine e mass media: il limite del segreto al diritto di informazione dell'opinione pubblica., in Rivista della Guardia di Finanza., n. 6/1989.
  • Cooperazione internazionale in materia di prevenzione e repressione delle frodi finanziarie., in Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi., 1989.
  • Lotta all' evasione... europea., in Il Finanziere., n. 4/1991.
  • La Gendarmeria belga., in Il Finanziere., n. 3/1992.
  • Procedure di controllo e lotta all'evasione IVA negli Stati membri della C.E.E., in Panorama Tributario e Professionale., n. 4/1992.
  • Accertamento e procedure di controllo in materia di IVA negli Stati membri della C.E.E., in Il Fisco., n. 13/1992.
  • Frodi comunitarie: bilancio di un anno di attività., in Il Fisco., n. 30/92.
  • Strategia della comunicazione e comunicazione strategica., in Quaderno della Rivista Militare "La pubblica informazione militare nei 12 Paesi della CE., 1992.
  • Frodi Comunitarie: tipologia e strumenti di contrasto offerti dal diritto comunitario., in Rivista della Guardia di Finanza., n. 5/1993, pp. 919-944.
  • Prospettive di collaborazione tra l’UCLAF e gli organismi investigativi nazionali., in Rassegna Tributaria, Quaderno monotematico di dottrina n.7/1993: “La politica della Commissione delle Comunità Europee in materia di lotta alle frodi in danno del bilancio comunitario, ETI., Roma, 1993.
  • Les fraudes au préjudice du budget communautaire et la répression de la grande délinquance financière., in Union Européenne: Intégration et coopération., CRUCE - Centre de Recherche Universitaire sur la Construction Européenne - Université de Picardie Jules-Verne, Presse universitaires de France, 1995, pp. 121-154.
  • Guardia delle Finanze d'Europa., in Il Finanziere., n. 3/1995, pp.8-11.
  • Frodi comunitarie: nuovi poteri della Commissione Europea in materia di controlli e verifiche sul posto., in Il Fisco., n. 46/1996, pp. 11138-11144.
  • Le nuove opportunità nel pagamento dell’IVA all’importazione. Il caso delle transazioni di argento con la Svizzera ed il contrabbando doganale all’importazione., in Il Fisco., n. 6/97, pp. 1453-1458.
  • Frodi Comunitarie: dal Corpus iuris al nuovo programma di lavoro della Commissione Europea. Verso uno spazio giudiziario europeo per la protezione degli interessi finanziari dell’Unione Europea?., in Il Fisco., n. 24/97, pp. 6703-6708.
  • Lotta alle frodi comunitarie in materia doganale ed agricola., in Rivista della Guardia di Finanza., n. 5/97.
  • L’IVA come risorsa propria non tradizionale. Conseguenze sul piano della collaborazione internazionale per la repressione delle frodi comunitarie., in Il Fisco., nr. 39/97, pp 11406-11412.
  • Brevi considerazioni sull'Ufficio Europeo per la lotta antifrode quale strumento della strategia della Commissione europea in materia di lotta alla corruzione e di protezione degli interessi finanziari dell'unione europea., in Impresa., nr. 1/2000, pp. 34-40.
  • Azioni comunitarie in materia di prevenzione e repressione della falsificazione dell’Euro., in Per asperam ad veritatem – rivista di intelligence e di cultura professionale del Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Democratica (SISDE)., Roma, nr. 13/99, pp.63-87

University assignments and conferences

  • Expert lecturer with university contracts 1997-2003 pursuant to art. 4 of Presidential Decree no. 162 of 1982, specialised administrative law on "Administrative procedures for the repression of EU tax fraud", at the School of Specialization in European Community Economics Law of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bari.
  • Frascati (June 19-21, 1997), Italian Superior Council of the Magistracy, seminar on "The protection of the financial interests of the European Community. The role of the national judicial authorities and the European Commission's anti-fraud service": UCLAF's investigative experiences against fraud in the import, export and transit of agro-food products.
  • Rome (May 5, 1997), Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, “Le frodi ai danni del bilancio comunitario in materia doganale e agricola”.
  • Rome (April 24, 1997), Guardia di Finanza Academy - Corso di Perfezionamento sulla tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'Unione Europea, speaker on the subject “The discipline of the protection of financial interests. The role of UCLAF. Practical cases of fraud”.
  • Brussels (April 23, 1997), European Commission, "Information study visit for senior civil servants from Malta to the European Commission: UCLAF and the strategy to combat fraud against the Community budget”.
  • Rome (May 10, 1996), AGECONTROL, Meeting of Representatives of the Olive Oil Control Agencies, “Presentation of UCLAF, competences and possibilities for cooperation with the Agencies”.
  • Rome (May 7, 1996), Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia, “Le frodi ai danni del bilancio comunitario nei materia doganale e agricola”.
  • Republic of San Marino (April 29-30, 1996), Information seminar on customs and accounting matters: "Interim Agreement on trade and customs union between the European Community and the Republic of San Marino: Fraud and irregularities: UCLAF and the Commission's anti-fraud strategy”.
  • Ostia (October 12-14, 1995), Italian High Council of the Judiciary, Meeting of studies on "The criminal protection of the financial interests of the European Communities: UCLAF and the anti-fraud strategy of the European Commission".
  • Athens (April 3-4, 1995), European Commission and Greek Ministry of Agriculture, Seminar "Les contrôlés au secteur FEOGA-Garantie: objectifs - évolution: UCLAF, son rôle et la stratégie des contrôlés anti-fraude".
  • Amiens (December 16, 1994), University of Picardy Jules Verne-Faculty of Jurisprudence – University Research Centre on European construction, colloquium "Integration and cooperation in the framework of the European Union": The repression of the great financial crime.
  • Brussels (November 21, 1994), European Commission, seminar organised for representatives of the wine sector of the Young French farmers (CNJA), “The Commission's anti-fraud strategy, particularly in the wine sector”.
  • Florence (May 6, 1993), Commission of the European Communities, seminar "Commission policy on combating fraud against the Community budget: Prospects for cooperation between UCLAF and national investigation bodies”.
  • Rome (April 22, 1993), Suprema Corte di Cassazione, seminar "The legal protection of the financial interests of the European Community: criminal organisations and means of intervention: Typology of Community fraud, particularly in the agricultural sector”.
  • Rome (April 21, 1993), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria della Guardia di Finanza, study conference "Problems of Community taxation and fraud. Prospects for collaboration between UCLAF and national investigative bodies”.
  • Bergamo (March 5, 1993), Guardia di Finanza Academy, seminar on "Community Fraud: Typology of fraud against the Community budget and anti-fraud policy of the European Communities”.
  • Rome (December 14, 1992), Istituto di Studi Europei "A. De Gasperi", study day "Per una politica europea contro le frodi ai danni del bilancio e dell'economia della Comunità e contro gli illeciti economici-finanziari internazionali. Tipologia delle frodi a danno del bilancio comunitario e azione di contrasto della Commissione delle Comunità Europee”.
  • Rome (November 5, 1992), Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, study conference of the European Military Press Agency on "Public military information in the 12 member countries of the EEC. Communication strategy and strategic communication”.
  • Brussels (July 16, 1992), Commission of the European Communities, seminar organised for the Spanish "Inspectores de Finanzas del Estado. Fight against fraud against the Community budget”.
  • Rome (May-June, 1991), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, professor of "Institutional communication of law enforcement agencies" at the I Centralized Course "External relations techniques and relations with the media" for officers of the Guardia di Finanza.
  • Rome (December 1990), Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali “Guido Carli” (L.U.I.S.S.), presentation of the book "Forze dell'ordine e comunicazione. State Police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, public opinion and mass media".
  • Bergamo (1990), Guardia di Finanza Academy, conference on "Techniques of external relations and relations with the media" to the second year student officers of the School of Application”.
  • Rome (February-March, 1990), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, deputy lecturer in "Legislation on Narcotic Substances" at the course "Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances".
  • Rome (February-March, 1990), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, lecturer in the subject "Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and International Cooperation Relations" at the course "Intra-inspective Smuggling and Narcotics".
  • Rome (January-February 1987), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, assistant lecturer in "Tax Criminal Law" at the course "Technique of verification and repression of tax offences".
  • Rome (January-February, 1987), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, deputy professor of "Supplementary legislation (accompanying bill, receipt and receipt)” to the centralised qualification course "Technique for the verification and repression of tax offences".
  • Rome (September-October, 1986), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, deputy lecturer in "Technique for the verification and repression of tax offences" at the 3rd centralised qualification course "Technique for the verification and repression of tax offences" for operational NCOs.
  • Rome (May-July, 1986), Scuola di Polizia Tributaria, deputy lecturer in "Acts of the Judicial Police - cenni sulla legislazione antimafia", at the 2nd centralised qualification course "Technique for the verification and repression of tax offences" for NCOs in operational departments.

Other assignments


Awards and decorations

Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 2019[38]
Medal for lenght of service (20 years) at the European Commission, 2014
Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 2013[39]
Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 1993[40]
Mauritian Medal, 2010
Military Medal of Merit for Long Command
Silver Cross for seniority of service in the Guardia di Finanza, 1995
Cross with the Order's white badge of merit of the Spanish Civil Guard Corps, 1996


  1. ^ "Alessandro Butticé, Radio Radicale".
  2. ^ "Generale Butticé al seminario "Educazione anti-corruzione: uno strumento efficace per la prevenzione della corruzione" quale esperto in comunicazione anti-frode e anti-corruzione".
  3. ^ "Author Alessandro Butticé, su Il Riformista".
  4. ^ "Author Alessandro Butticé, su Formiche.net".
  5. ^ "AISE archive, Alessandro Butticé".
  6. ^ "Guardia di Finanza, dalla parte degli onesti" (PDF).
  7. ^ "Alessandro Butticé, un grande italiano che lavora per l'Italia ma non in Italia".
  8. ^ "Generale Alessandro Butticé, delegato a rappresentare la ANCRI anche presso gli Organismi Internazionali".
  9. ^ "Generale Alessandro Butticé, intervista al nuovo delegato ANCRI presso gli organismi internazionali".
  10. ^ "Summary of the Eleventh Meeting of the OLAF Anti-Fraud Communicator's Network (OAFCN), May 4, 2007, Brussels" (PDF).
  11. ^ "La legalità del cittadino, la legalità delle Istituzioni".
  12. ^ "Elenco Sezioni Italiane".
  13. ^ "Delegazioni estere".
  14. ^ "Il Generale Alessandro Butticé delegato a rappresentare l'ANCRI nel Regno del Belgio".
  15. ^ "Generale Alessandro Butticé, intervista al nuovo delegato ANCRI presso gli Organismi Internazionali".
  16. ^ "Butticé e altri, Quaderni del Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Anno 1998, n. 102".
  17. ^ "Alessandro Butticé, un grande italiano che lavora per l'Italia ma non in Italia".
  18. ^ "Firma a Roma di un Protocollo di cooperazione tra la Direzione Nazionale Antimafia (DNA) e l'Ufficio Europeo di Lotta Antifrode (OLAF)".
  19. ^ "9th OAFCN Training Seminar, Alessandro Butticé's Opening Speech" (PDF).
  20. ^ "OLAF: Performance of Bulgaria's Judiciary Still".
  21. ^ "Informazione e comunicazione come strumento di prevenzione della frode: la rete dei comunicatori antifrode dell'OLAF".
  22. ^ "A Laura Boldrini (UNHCR) il premio alla carriera "Addetto Stampa dell'anno 2009".
  23. ^ "Europe Award Winner Donates Prize Money to IFJ Safety Fund" (PDF).
  24. ^ "Portavoce OLAF devolve premio a fondo sicurezza IFJ".
  25. ^ "Prevenir la fraude par l'information du public: Séminaire FIJ-OLAF sur la communication antifraude".
  26. ^ "Butticé not wanted anymore by press service".
  27. ^ "Thierry Cretin: "La giustizia italiana agli occhi di un PM francese".
  28. ^ "Il caso Kessler, il Marchese del Grillo può abitare anche a Bruxelles".
  29. ^ "Contraffazione, Tajani a Roma per lanciare campagna europea".
  30. ^ "Parte la campagna europea contro i prodotti contraffatti. In Italia persi 13,7 miliardi e 110 mila posti di lavoro".
  31. ^ "Too good to be true ? The real price of fake products".
  32. ^ "Too good to be true? How social media can help to advertise an EU campaign" (PDF).
  33. ^ "Alessandro Butticé : il primo finanziere europeo lascia la Commissione Europea".
  34. ^ "Più Europei" (PDF).
  35. ^ "Arriva l'Euro!".
  36. ^ "Forze dell'ordine e comunicazione. Polizia di Stato, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, opinione pubblica e mass- media".
  37. ^ "Ordine dei Giornalisti, elenco".
  38. ^ "Generale di Brigata Alessandro Butticé, Commendatore Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana".
  39. ^ "Colonnello Alessandro Butticé, Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana".
  40. ^ "Colonnello Alessandro Butticé, Cavaliere Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana".
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