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Animaniacs (2020 TV series)

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Animaniacs (2020–2023) is an American animated buddy comedy streaming television series developed by Wellesley Wild and Steven Spielberg for Hulu. It is a revival of the original 1998 animated television series of the same name created by Tom Ruegger.

Theme Song

The Warners: It's time for Animaniacs. And we're zany to the max. So just sit back and relax. You'll laugh till you collapse. We're Animaniacs!
Yakko and Wakko: Come join the Warner Brothers.
Dot: And the Warner Sister Dot.
The Warners: Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot. They lock us in the tower whenever we get caught. But we break loose and then vamoose and now you know the plot. We're Animaniacs! Dot has wit, and Yakko yaks. Wakko packs away the snacks. Our careers have made comebacks. We're Animaniacs! Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe. A brand-new cast who tested well in focus group research. Gender-balanced, pronoun-neutral, and ethnically diverse. The trolls will say we're so passé, but we did meta first. We're Animaniacs! You should see our new contracts! We're zany to the max, There's baloney in our slacks! We're Animan-ey! Totally insaney! [variable line; see the following section (example: Have no shame-y)] Animaniacs! Those are the facts!
[Episode begins immediately after theme song wraps up]

Season 1


Jurassic Lark/Suspended Animation Part 1/Of Mice and Memes/Suspended Animation Part 2

[First lines of the reboot series, the Jurassic Park jeep pulls up, and Alan takes his hat off and pulls off his sunglasses and sees something]
Dr. Ellie Sattler: [holding an animated cel of the Animaniacs] Alan, this species of cartoon has been extinct since 1998. I mean these haven't been seen on TV since the golden era of animation! [Alan turns her head with his hand] What? [shocked and pulls off his sunglasses to stare in wonder what Alan is looking at]
[From afar, the camera sees what appears to be a shadow of a brontosaurus, but it then morphs into three separate shadows. The Warner siblings prance towards them, gleaming in the sun]
The Warner Siblings: ♪ La! ♪
[Alan and Ellie get out to investigate]
Dr. Alan Grant: It's the Warner Brothers!
Dot: [from far away] And the Warner Sister!
Steven Spielberg: [parodying the role of Richard Attenborough's John Hammond, he laughs to himself at their reactions] That's - Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: [seated in the Jeep behind them] He-He did it. That, that, that, that crazy son-of-a-gun actually did it.
Alan: [holds up Wakko] Clean, vectored outlines. [holds up Yakko] Widescreen format.
Ellie: [holding up Dot] These don't look like reruns.
[Dot grabs Ellie's nose and trumpet horns come out her ears; the Warners scamper away]
Steven: Well, they're not. [Dot carries him over to Alan and Ellie] I reanimated them.
Hulu Executive: [to himself] We are gonna make a fortune with this show.
[Dot holds up a cream pie and the Warner Brothers run away]
Alan: How zany are they?
Steven: Oh, to the max. [Alan is immediately hit with Dot's cream pie] Of course, then there's Pinky and The Brain.
Ellie: Pinky and The Brain? You said you're bringing back Pinky and The Brain?
Steven: Mm-hmm.
Alan: [grabs Steven by the shoulder] Say it again.
Steven: [smiles] We're bringing back Pinky and The Brain.
[At the sound of this, Alan hunches over, dizzy]
Ellie: Put your head between your knees.
[Alan collapses anyway]
The Warner Siblings: [bounce away into the sunlight] Boingy, boingy, boingy, boingy!
Ellie: Where are they going?
Steven: Home. Welcome to Animaniacs!
Ellie: [smacks Alan's face several times] Wake up!

[The Warners arrived at the film lot]
Yakko: Alright guys, there's a lot of pressure on our first lines. They gotta be funny, they gotta be irreverent, and most of all, they got to be carefully crafted.
Wakko: But you just wasted yours on. [American accent; imitating Yakko] "Alright guys, there's a lot of pressure on our first lines."
Yakko: And you just wasted yours on. [Liverpool accent; imitating Wakko] "But you just wasted yours on...'Alright guys, there's a lot of pressure on our first lines.'"
Dot: To be-
Yakko: [covering Dot's mouth] Wait, don't! Make sure it's good first.
Wakko: Yeah, it's all on you, Dot.
[Dot thinks for a quick moment, then she took a deep breath as if she was saying something]
Yakko: [quickly interrupts her again by covering her mouth] Maybe something reminiscent of the 1st season?
Wakko: But, modern to show them that we're not your dad's Animaniacs.
Yakko: But, not so modern that you'll alienate your dads because they're a key part of our demographic! [Dot took a deep breath as if she was trying to say something, but she, once again, is interrupted] Don't overthink it.
Dot: [annoyed, bangs her brothers with a huge mallet] 22 years later and I'm still a knockout!

Wakko: My sandwich! [notices a sandwich in the middle of the hall of lasers, which was old, moldy and gone bad] Just where I left it!

Yakko: Quantum mechanics, quinoa wraps, Queen Bey. We miss so much! [passes out, but perks up] But now, I KNOW EVERYTHING!!!! [spreads his arms, white doves fly away behind him] About the last 22 years.

Yakko: All joking aside, reboots are symptomatic of a fundamental lack of originality in Hollywood. A creativity crisis fueled by terrified executives clinging to the past like rats to the debris of a sinking ship.

Warners Unbound/How to Brain Your Dragon/Suffragette City

Brain: [whispers quietly] Okay, Pinky. This is it. Remember the plan.
Pinky: [whispers also] Righto! [runs in] LEEROY JENKINS!!!

Gold Meddlers/Pinko and the Brain/Math-Terpiece Theater: Apples


Bun Control/Ex-Mousina/Bloopf

Yakko: Finally! Our Giuseppe Arcimboldo tribute sculpture is complete!
Dot: And it only took us three months!
Wakko: Who's Giuseppe Arcimboldo again?
Yakko: I'm glad you asked, Wakko.

Good Warner Hunting/No Brainer/Ralph Cam

[The Warners are trying to decide in tormenting today's episode with random combinations of foes to tangle with from Wakko's hat]
Yakko: So, it's agreed. In today's episode of Animaniacs, the Warners will torment a… [selects an idea] narcoleptic…
Dot: [also selects one] Dairy cow who's also a...
Wakko: [selects one, using his tongue] Vampire? [he and Dot both sigh]
Yakko: Hey, this is… [sighs] Who am I kidding? Face it, guys. We're out of ideas.
Dot: It does feel like we've been doing a lot of the heavy lifting in this reboot.
Wakko: Yeah. Didn't this show used to have more characters?

The Cutening/Close Encounters of the Worst Kind/Equal Time


Warner She Wrote/France France Revolution/Gift Rapper

Pinky: Oh, it's too bad we used that DeadMau5 joke in the last episode. This would've been perfect.
Brain: Keep working your controls, or you're going to be in danger, mouse!
Pinky: Danger Mouse? That works, too! We’ve both got jokes! Narf!

WhoDonut/Mousechurian Candidate/Starbox and Cindy

Wakko: Somebody ate my donuts! [holds out an empty donut box]

Wakko: Well...That's the strongest alibi I've ever heard. Consider yourselves lucky. Because when I find the person who did this, I'm gonna turn their faces into mashed potatoes with butter and gravy! [starts breaking down, depressingly] Oh, man. Mashed potatoes with gravy was one of the donut flavors! [crying]

Here Comes Treble/That's Not the Issue/Future Brain/The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths


Anima-Nyet/Babysitter's Flub/The Warners' Press Conference

Yakko: [outraged] Hey! I am not ignorant plebeian! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!

Dot: That's supposed to be me?! I do not look, sound, or probably smell like that!
Yakko: Oh, that's what everybody says when they see themselves on camera.

Phantomaniacs/Fear and Laughter in Burbank/Bride of Pinky/Things That Go Bump in the Night

[In a Poltergeist parody, Kelly Sue, her brother and their parents sleep in bed. Kelly wakes up as she sees the TV on with static on the screen. She then crawls over to it. A gray cat with green eyes watches her. Kelly stares wide-eyed at the screen. A gloved hand pokes out of the TV. With neon blue bodies, the Animaniacs shoot out as ghosts. Dot hits a ceiling fan. Wakko eats a portrait of fruit. Yakko throws clothes at the family. As a pair of panties hits the man's face, his wife covers her son's eyes. Yakko honks the boy's nose and points to a toy clown sitting in an arm chair]
Yakko: I'd keep an eye on this guy if I were you. Hahaha!
[Wakko appears upside down]
Wakko: Gah! Clown!
[Yakko and Wakko are pulled back. Dot writes "Totally Insaney!" in lipstick, then gets pulled back too. The Animaniacs are sucked back into the TV, which shuts off. The cat falls on its back. The family sigh in relief when Kelly turns the TV back on, the static is reflected in her eyes]
Kelly's Mom: No!
Kelly: [eerily; singsong] They're back!

A Zit!/1001 Narfs/Manny Manspreader


Hindenburg Cola/Road-ent Trip/FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us?

[After the Animaniacs come out of their hiding place after getting chased by Ralph, they head to Dr. Scratchansniff's office]
Wakko: Office of Dr. Otto Von Scratchansniff. Yes! Still practicing.
Yakko: Wow! He's still practicing?! Well. He'll figure out how to do it eventually.
[They go inside to visit their old friend]
Dot: Dr. Scratchansniff! Oh, we haven't seen you all season!

Yakko: [angrily] Hey! Zack Snyder! It's a seven minute segment. Move it along! [ then smiles]

Season 2


Rome Sweet Rome/Backwards Pinky/Wakko's Short Shorts: Now Loading

Nerdy Troll: Actually, that's an anachronism. Mt. Vesuvius doesn't erupt until 79 A.D., another 11 years from now. [tosses the ash globe over his shoulder, and it shatters offscreen] Lazy writing. [walks away]

Nero: [as the tigers proceed to maul him] SOMEBODY, GRAB THESE PUSSY-
Yakko: [quickly] Goodnight, everybody!
Nero: CATS!!! OWW!!!

Brain: [while he and Pinky were in the teleportation device] Pinky, when's the last time you bathe?
Pinky: Ooh. Stinky Pinky, huh, Brain.

Pinky: Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Brain: I think so, Pinky, but can a relationship with a puppet ever be...
Pinky and the Brain: No strings attached!
[They laugh]

Please Submit/The Flawed Couple/Everyday Safety

Yakko: Does anybody wanna say a few words?
Wakko: Sure! Ahem. Mustard, umbrella, Borborygmus! [his stomach growls]
Dot: That was beautiful, Wakko.

Wakko: In all seriousness, folks, the internet can be a treacherous place. Be careful not to submit your personal information to third parties.
Yakko: Thank you, Wakko. In fact, there is only one website you can trust: www.dotwarnermalwarevirusspreaderidentitythefttrojanhorsebotcom.edy.
Dot: Order now, and use the promo code Suckers to add 50% on your purchase!

Nora Rita Norita: Expecting to see your two favorite mice being dumb, smart or whatever it is that they do. Unfortunately, nobody’s seen them in months. So, to fill the slot, I turned otherwise useless footage into a nostalgic streaming experience. You see, Pinky and the Brain wasn’t always the show we know and love today. In fact, the studio struggle to find a vehicle for the dynamic duo for a long long time. What you’re about to see are the original pilots for Pinky and the Brain. They’ve never been seen by anyone before. Except the archival editor who shaves his face over the water fountain. So, open wide, baby birdies! Mommy’s about to regurgitate some slop into your content hungry mouths. [begins to regurgitate, but the screen changes to a Please Stand By card]

Rug of War/Run Pinky Run/The Hamburg Tickler


Ralph World/My Super Sour Sixteen/How To: Brain Takes Over The World

[In a Westworld parody, a light shines a figure's belly. Ropes from a net sway in the air. A reflection of the WB Studio lot water tower sweeps over the figure's eye. Wheels of a cart spin, and a headlight shines brightly. Two mechanical hands draw a cap with pencils. Another hand adds shading to the figure's boot and pant leg. A third hand adds dark brown ink to breast pockets and a necktie. A sprayer sprays a 5 o'clock shadow on the figure's face. A metal ring lifts up with the figure on it. It's Ralph. The word "Ralph World" appears below him. His shirt spreads open revealing his belly, causing a button to ricochet at the hands]
Ralph: Huh? [covers his belly with a nervous chuckle] Duh…

Cora: Mom! This is worse than my quinceañera! Stop embarrassing me, and get off my stage! [points to the Warner siblings] And send these three back where they came from. I'm guessing Dr. Seuss' garbage can.
Wakko: Alright! We'll see ya!
Yakko: [holding him back] Ooh! Hang on. I think Dot's about to blow.
Dot: [steams up furiously and explodes; thrives over to Cora] How dare you! You're talking to Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III!
Cora: Well, I am Queen Cora Nora Bora Bora Angora Dora Norita IV!
Dot: Are you sure? [gets up into Cora's face] Because it feels like I'm talking to a spoiled brat whose mommy gets her everything she wants!
Cora: That's not true! [pushes Dot off of her] I asked for an ice sculpture of a dolphin, but this is clearly a porpoise!
Nora: Don't worry, sweetie. Mama will fix this. She'll make it a dolphin for you.

The Warners Are Present/The Pinktator/Know Your Scroll

[The Warner siblings are at an art museum, looking at some paintings and sculptures]
Yakko: I don't get it.
Dot: I don't get it.
Wakko: I don't get it.
[The painting reads, "I don't get it"]
Yakko: Now, that one I get.
[A painter is painting Daffy as The Thinker]
Dot: Finally, some real art!
Daffy: At least someone appreciates my exquisite physique.

Dot: I don't get it.
Wakko: Me neither.
Yakko: Well, sibs, maybe our brains aren't sophisticated enough for this, huh? We're just silly kids with silly thoughts. Like, I don't know, what was the best thing before sliced bread?
Dot: And why do they have interstate highways in Hawaii? And why do we take the bus when the bus is the one taking us?
Wakko: And how come the letter W is called "double U," but the letter M isn't called "double N"?
Yakko: Good question, Wakko. And if you ate pasta and anti‐pasta, wouldn't a black hole open in your stomach?
Dot: And why is mixed fruit called a fruit salad, but mixed cheese is called a cheese board?
Wakko: Why would you ever look a gift horse in the mouth unless you were a qualified horse dentist?

Dot: [walks back into the water tower as the weather pours down rain; disappointed] Well, looks like the company picnic's gonna be canceled. [sits on the sofa]
Wakko: [dismayed] Aw, man. But I love the company picnic! They got games, and food, and games you play with food.
Yakko: Yeah. Even though we're never invited, I really do look forward to getting kicked out every year.
Dot: Guess we could just watch WebPix until the weather clears up.
Wakko: WebPix? Is that like, Net‐‐
Yakko: Exactly! It's a streaming service, loaded with thousands of the world's finest TV shows and movies.
Wakko: With all those options, how will we choose what to watch?
Dot: Well, that's the best part. Well, since every single thing on WebPix is top notch, we can just watch the first thing that comes up.

Dot: Can't take it anymore.
Wakko: Me neither. Can't we just play food games since we missed the company picnic?
Yakko: Oh, absolutely. We can do anything as long as we don't scroll through WebPix anymore. I've had a little too much of "the golden age of television." [throws the remote aside]
[A group of three kids are seen pausing the show on the TV screen]
Girl: Should we watch that?
Boy: Nah. Animaniacs is way too meta.

Yakko's Big Idea/Mouse Congeniality/Rejected Animaniacs Characters


Yakko Amakko/The Longest Word/Happy Narfday/Magna Cartoon

[The animator draws Pepe Le Pew on Yakko's ice cream cone and Yakko licks him and reacts in disgust]
Pepe Le Pew: Zis is not something I would usually say, but, uh, things may be moving a little fast for moi.
Yakko: Hey! Bring back my health insurance ice cream, pal.
Pepe Le Pew: No! No! Please, mon cheri! Do not erase me! The void, she is cold and dark and‐ [the animator erases him]

Yakko: [after the animator erases his body, leaving only his mouth] Give me a body before you get us sued! [the animator erases his mouth and redraws him in his original design] Ah. [the animator draws a mirror in his hand; looks at his reflection and screams in horror, dropping the mirror] I thought we were passed all this!

Yakko: [talking in Ralph's voice] Duh, poor Ralph. He never stood a chance with this voice. [laughs] Change me back into a Warner. [the animator changes his voice to Dot's] I meant a Warner brother. [the animator changes his voice again to Wakko's] I meant...Actually, wait. I've always wanted to try this. [speaking in a Ringo impression] People used to say there were better drummers than me, even in The Beatles. People can be real jerks. [the animator changes his voice back to his own] You know, I was always more of a George guy anyway. How about I go back to being the rapier wit who carries this whole operation, and you go back to being the paint‐by‐numbers wannabe artiste. Hm?

Yakko: [breathes deeply] Just walk away, Yakko. Be the bigger man. [the animator shrinks him; high-pitched voice] Small things amuse small minds. GIVE ME MY HEIGHT BACK! [the animator makes him tall and thin] And my width. [the animator stretches him out, completely widen and flat] And my depth!

Nora: Which is why we can expect sustained... [the animator changes her voice tone to Daffy's] increases in studio profitability. Say, do we even have the right to use this voice?

Wakkiver Twist Part One/Plight of Hand/Wakkiver Twist Part Two


What Is That?/Mouse Madness/Christopher Columbusted/Fake Medicines


Exercise Minute/Reichenbrain Falls/Targeted Ads/Bathtime


A Brief History of History/Gerard/The Prisoner's Dilemma/Math-Terpiece Theater: Beach Balls

Brain: This is ridiculous, Pinky. I must prove to dad, I mean, Dr. Doppler that I am worthy of his respect and utmost confidence. [hears a loud rumbling sound] Aah!
[Turns out, Pinky's tummy was rumbling]
Pinky: And how will you do that, Brain?

Brain: Pinky! Don't you dare!
Pinky: Oh. I’m sorry, Brain! But, I’m so hungry, my body is eating itself [his tummy rumbles] And I don’t taste very good!

Pinky: [imitates Yakko] Goodnight, everybody! [normal voice, laughs] I did it! I crossed over!

Warner's Ark/The Apology/Narf Over Troubled Water/The Warner's Vault


80's Cats/All About the Benjamin/23 and WB


Season 3


Previously On/Season 3 and WB Part One/How To: Friendship/Season 3 and WB Part Two

[Last lines]
Dot: Everything as it should be!
Wakko: I could sure use another million-dollar hoagie!
Yakko: [laughs] What a start to a season of TV, huh?!

Soda-pressed/A Starbox is Born/Royal Flush


Planet Warner/Talladega Mice: The Ballad of Pinky Brainy/D.I.WHY?


Fantasy/Über Nachtmare/Mad Mouse: Furry Road

Yakko: Phew. That was easy! Now, all we have to worry about is that All Seeing Eye.
Dot: Where?
Yakko: There!
Wakko: Did they watch us when we go to the bathroom?
Yakko: Weirdos!
[The Warners kick the screen, which flips directly to the opening theme]

Teeniacs/Dog Days/Groundmouse Day


Animaliens/Murder Pals/Groundmouse Day Again/The Island of Dr. Warneau

[In an Aliens movie parody, the sun gleams over a planet. The camera then cuts to see the abandoned WB Studio lot. The rickety metal WB Studio lot water tower bops gently in the breeze, its door hanging open. The camera pans over to a lab with a spaceship nearby. Inside, a light flickers. In the hallway, three dark figures crawl on the floor from a red light. In a room, three tables block the door. Nora hides behind a desk with Scratchy and Ralph]
Ralph: [holds a radar gun, and looks at it] Duh...8 meters. 7. Duh...6. [Scratchy cowers]
Nora: [pushes Scratchy down] It can't be! That means they're inside the room. That means we're incredibly stupid for not leaving!
Scratchy: Game over, man! Game over!
[The trio looks up at an air vent in the ceiling while hearing footsteps]
Ralph: [looks at the radar again] Duh...5 meters! And now, 1 less than 5! Uh, what's it called again?
Nora: You must be reading it wrong!
[Taking the radar gun from Ralph, Nora climbs on the desk. She peeks her head into the vent, holding a flashlight. Behind her in the darkness, three pairs of glowing eyes, shaped like stars, glow brightly. The lighting gives way to the figures from the hallway. Nora's eyes widen as she shines the flashlight on the figures. It's the Animaniacs crawling upside down]
Warners: [in creepy voices] Boingy, boingy, boingy, boingy!
[Nora screams. Wakko turns his head right-side up, and opens his mouth in a smile, baring his sharp teeth at Nora while hissing. A miniature version of himself on the tip of his tongue does the same]
Dot: We mostly bounce at night. Mostly. [a facehugger protrudes from her mouth, then latches onto Nora's face]
[Nora screams as she struggles to get facehugging Dot off]
Yakko: [grabs Dot and Wakko while still in his normal self] Heel! Heel! Sibs, am I right? Haha! Don't worry, they're harmless. [bright green acid drips from Dot and mini Wakko's mouths, then burns through the vent, making holes in which Ralph and Scratchy peek out; slides over to Nora with a smug look on his face] Ah, you know, they're just a little hangry. We're just trying to find the space cafeteria for a midnight snack. You couldn't point us in the right direction, could you? [with a confused look on her face, Nora points a direction] Thanks so much. Again, sorry for the hubbub. Ta-ta. Bye-bye now. [slides away on his stomach with his siblings beside him into a vent duct]
[Nora sighs with relief. She climbs down and screams to find Ralph laying down with a red stain on his chest]
Scratchy: [lifts his hand, which holds a jelly donut] Too many jelly donuts.
Nora: Quiet, you fool! You can't let them hear that word.
[They look over at the ceiling vent open. Nora and Scratchy gape. An orange cat licks its paw as Wakko and Dot appears]
Wakko and Dot: Donuts?
[Yakko, with a gray Xenomorph crest on his head in place of his eyes, appears upside down. His mouth is open in a smile baring sharp teeth. Nora and Scratchy scream. From the point of view of Yakko's alien-like mouth with sharp teeth, the view cuts to black]

Global Warner-ing/Lawn in 60 Seconds/All's Fair in Love and Door/Cute Things That Can Kill You


WARnerGAMES/Bedtime/WARnerGAMES 2/Crumbly's Moment


How the Brain Thieved Christmas Part One/Santamaniacs/How the Brain Thieved Christmas Part Two


International Mouse of Mystery/Aliens Resurrected/Joe/The Stickening/Slappy's Return/Everyday Safety: Giant Adirondack Chair

[Inside Slappy's retirement treehouse, she is suddenly woke up by the cheering fans who chant "We want slappy". She grabs her retainer and went downstairs]
Slappy: [to herself] "Move to Pensacola" they said. "I wanna move to Pensacola" they said.
[Outside of Slappy's retirement treehouse]
Fans: [chanting] We want Slappy! We want Slappy! We want Slappy! We want Slappy! We want Slappy! We want Slappy!
Slappy: [bursting through her front door] Would you knock it off already?! Can't you see I'm trying to retire in peace?! [the fans are shocked; gets a bag of fan-mail and dumps it outside] And here's your fan mail back! Who actually writes letters anymore? I knew my fans were crazy, but, now I could see that you're just plain nuts!
Spectator 1: Hey! She still got it!
[Everyone cheered]
Slappy: [annoyed] Ugh. For the love of Pete Puma. [goes back inside]

[Last lines of the series]
Yakko: Next time?! We don't even know if there's gonna be a next time, because our show hasn't been renewed for more seasons yet.
Wakko: But, why?! I thought people liked us?! [makes a sad puppy-eyed face]
Dot: We're all about to die!
Yakko: Well, that's a bit dramatic, but I know how you feel, sis. Animaniacs brings laughter and hope to so many across the globe. So without it, yes. A little piece of all of us would die.
Dot: No, we're really all about to die.
[The giant meteor is falling onto Earth]
Yakko: Oh. Well. If that's the case, we better think of a good way to end this show. There's a lot of pressure on our last lines.
Wakko: Oh, I know! What about-
[Before Wakko can say anything else, the meteor crashed and an explosion occurred and the title, "Stay Safe, Sweeties!" appears, ending the episode and the series altogether]


Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you wanna do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!


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