Yes, it has. At home here, I should never have conquered myself, never brought myself to the point of renunciation. Never at home!
Then that was why you went away this summer?
[With shining eyes.] Yes! I went up into the infinite solitudes. I saw the sunrise gleaming on the mountain peaks. I felt myself nearer the stars—I seemed almost to be in sympathy and communion with them. And then I found the strength for it.
[Looking sadly at him.] But you will never write any more of your book on "Human Responsibility"?
No, never, Asta. I tell you I cannot split up my life between two vocations. But I will act out my "human responsibility"—in my own life.
[With a smile.] Do you think you can live up to such high resolves at home here?
[Taking her hand.] With you to help me, I can. [Holds out the other hand.] And with you too, Asta.