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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 32/March 1888/Literary Notices

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Origins of the English People and of the English Language. Compiled from the Best and Latest Authorities. By Jean Roemer. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 658. Price, $3.50.

In this book political and literary history are combined, each being treated with a nearly equal degree of minuteness, in such a manner that a fair view of the subject is presented from both sides, and the mutual influence and reactions of the ethnic and linguistic development of the English people are plainly exhibited. The author's vindication of this course—if he needed any vindication for doing his work as completely as he could—may be found in the opening sentences of his preface: "The history of a language is, in a great measure, the history of the people who speak it, and of those who have spoken it. It is the history of the many populations, different in origin, manners, and in speech, who have at various epochs occupied the soil conjointly, sometimes in friendly but more often in hostile relations, until people of another race, more powerful than any, have crushed them all, and, taking possession of the land, have divided it among themselves, exterminating all who resisted them, and allowing the rest to live only on condition of their being quiet and doing all the work." The English people and language are a conspicuous example of the product of such a series of revolutions as is here described. The course to be followed in tracing the English language to its sources involves, therefore, a critical inquiry into the origin, character, and distribution of the various races of men—Celts, Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans—who at various epochs have found their way into the British Islands; their idioms and forms of religion, their social and political differences, and their relative progress in the arts of civilized life. If we go back to the beginning of this history, we must take notice of the palæolithic and neolithic men, whose part in the formation of the British people is a totally unknown factor. Still, they have left their marks on the land, and may have contributed more than we know toward shaping its future destiny. The Celts were a factor of more recognized importance, and exerted an influence which is still potent in the character of various populations and in the language. From them arc inherited numerous local names; and, "although the Druids committed nothing to writing, the religion of the British tribes has exercised an important influence upon literature. The mediæval romance?, and the legends, which for a long time stood for history, are full of the 'fair humanities' and figures of its bright mythology." The Romans contributed a quota, which must have been very considerable at the time, but the outward effects of which were to a large extent washed out by subsequent revolutions and invasions. So that, while English is full of what has been derived from Roman influences transmitted through factors operating intermediately in later times, it is doubtful whether any Latin word in modern English is traceable to that remote period. The visible building up of the English people and their language begins with the institution of the Saxon dominion. When Charlemagne had been crowned emperor, and was aspiring to revive the ancient Roman Empire, it was desirable to avoid complications which might arise from a supposed identity with the continental Saxons who had fallen before the great chief; and the names of English and England were adopted, in part, it may have been, "as more suitable to proclaim to the world at large a distinct nationality for all the inhabitants of England, possibly divided on minor questions, but having nothing in common with the Saxons of continental Europe." The earliest Anglo-Saxon literature originated in the conflict of Christianity with Anglo-Saxon paganism, in which not the heathen practices and ceremonies were the most formidable impediments to the progress of the Christian faith, but the kind of heathen poetry still current, by means of which the memory and practice of the ancient rites and ceremonies were kept alive in the songs at wakes and festivals. "It was to counteract this influence that the clergy composed Christian hymns and songs in the national language, which, to be effective, had to conform to the taste of the age, and to be made equal to the best poems then extant and admired by the most intelligent of those who had embraced the new religion." Among these works was the great poem of Cædmon. The Danes left their impress in local names and in changes in pronunciation, but the whole influence of their sojourn, owing to the disorders and divisions which it produced, was detrimental; and "it was impossible that in such circumstances the national character should not have become deteriorated, and that the country should not have lagged behind in the career of wealth, the arts, of literature, and of every other line of public prosperity and greatness. Accordingly, at the era of the Norman invasion, England was still a country of no account on the political map of Europe." This event, marking a new departure in the career of the English nation, is, with all that relates to it, treated with fullness of detail in its historical, linguistic, and literary aspects. The earlier history of the Normans is given. The conquest is related. The growth of the Norman-French language in England was followed, after the separation of Normandy, by its decline. Then occurred the fusion of the Anglo-Norman French and Anglo-Saxon English, the progress of which is carefully recorded. The last chapter in this department of the work is upon "The English Language and its Vocabulary"—that is, the development of the language as a self-contained entity—which is treated in a manner similar to that in which the other subjects are considered. The history is illustrated by collections, in separate chapters, of specimens of Anglo-Norman French and of early English, both arranged chronologically to show the changes that took place consecutively in the two languages during the course of the evolution. It is supplemented by an appendix treating of "French Sources of Modern English," in which are given an historical sketch of the French language and a chapter on its etymology, followed by specimens of early French. Though it is subordinate to the main purpose of the book, the execution of this department is equally satisfactory with that which characterizes the part more closely related to the English evolution. The whole book, so far as our cursory examination allows us to judge of its merits, bears the marks of conscientious research, and of a desire to be careful in statement and omit nothing that might contribute to a clear comprehension of the whole story which it tells and of every part of it. So full a presentment of the facts which it comprises, in their bearings upon one another, can not be so conveniently found in any other one book with which we are acquainted.

Weather. A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather-Changes from Day to Day. By the Hon. Ralph Abercromby. "International Scientific Series," Vol. lviii. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 472. Price, $1.75.

There is no class of natural phenomena which compels such general and constant interest as that which constitutes weather. The number and importance of human affairs which are affected by rain, snow, and bail, winds, lightning, heat, and cold, make a knowledge of the laws which govern weather-changes extremely desirable. Although the need of this knowledge has been felt from the earliest times, it is only within twenty years that the science of meteorology has advanced so far as to be of much practical benefit. But now that weather-predictions are issued by the governmental bureaus of the United States and other countries, and prove true four times out of five, a wide-spread desire has arisen to know how this baffling problem of the weather has been so far mastered. To satisfy this desire is the object of the present volume. "Many books," says the author, in his preface, "have been written on storms and climate, but none on every-day weather. The whole of this work is devoted to weather, in the tropics as well as in the temperate zone." The more elementary parts of weather-science are treated in the first three chapters, the rest of the book being devoted to explaining the more difficult questions. "This volume is not a mere compilation of existing knowledge, for the results of many of the author's original and unpublished researches are included in its pages—such, for instance, as the explanation of many popular prognostics; the elucidation of the general principles of reading the import of cloud-forms; the classification of those cases in which the motion of the barometer fails to foretell correctly the coming weather; and the character of that kind of rainfall which is not indicated in any way by isobaric maps." In the elementary portion of the book the author tells how weather charts are made and what they teach, and shows why popular weather-signs sometimes prove true and sometimes fail. He also describes here the various forms of clouds, and notes the prognostics to be drawn from them. In the advanced chapters there is a further discussion of lines of equal barometric height, which is followed by a description of the making and use of the records of the barometer, thermometer, and wind-gauge. The nature of squalls, thunder-storms, blizzards, barbers, pamperos, and tornadoes is next explained. Some account is then given of local, diurnal, annual, and secular variations of weather.

In the last three chapters of the book the manner in which the individual weather disturbances follow one another, and the forecasting which depends on knowledge of these sequences, are taken up. The chief types of weather which occur in western Europe and the United States are given in detail, and are copiously illustrated by charts. In the chapter on "Forecasting for Solitary Observers," which can never be superseded for the use of mariners and herdsmen, the author points out "the best that a single observer can do, who has his eyes to look at the appearance of the sky, and any instruments at his disposal." This chapter will interest all who have any taste for amateur work in meteorology. The forecasting by synoptic charts, as done in central bureaus having telegraphic communication with stations for many hundred miles around, is described in the closing chapter. It appears that forecasting is much easier for some countries than for others. In temperate regions, those countries are best situated which lie east of a well-observed land area, because most disturbances in the temperate zone move from the west. Hence, the eastern United States can usually count on timely warning of approaching storms. Still, infallibility can not be expected, however favorable the locality. "It is impossible to suppose," says the author, "that we have yet nearly reached the highest perfection of which forecasting is capable, but still we know enough of the nature of the subject to say with certainty that calculation will never enter much into the science of weather-prevision. Natural aptitude and the experience of many years' study are the qualifications of a successful forecaster. In fact, meteorology is not an exact but an observational science, like geology or medicine."

A Manual of North American Birds. By Robert Ridgway. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 631, with 124 Plates, containing 464 Outline Drawings of the Generic Characters. Price, $7.50.

This noble book, embodying descriptions of all the birds known to frequent the United States, was originally projected by Professor Spencer F. Baird, who had collected, in sympathy with its purpose, the great cabinet of American birds now forming a part of the National Museum. The pressure of official duties which fell upon him prevented his completing the scheme, or even carrying it on. The task—or "the privilege," as he expresses it—of continuing the work then fell to the present author, who is known as an enthusiastic naturalist, and especially interested in birds. He has endeavored to make of it such a manual as its projector would have desired to see as the fruit of his conception. The object of the volume is to furnish a convenient manual of North American ornithology, reduced to the smallest compass by the omission of everything that is not absolutely necessary for determining the character of any given specimen, and including, besides the correct nomenclature of each species, a statement of its natural habitat, and other concomitant data; to provide a handy book for the sportsman and traveler, as well as for the resident naturalist. The greater part of the material on which the work is based has been furnished by the collection of American birds and their eggs which forms a part of the National Museum. The collections of the American Museum of Natural History, in New York city; of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia; of the Boston Society of Natural History; and of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, have also been consulted; and acknowledgment is made that the private collections of George N. Lawrence, of New York city; William Brewster, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and H. W. Henshaw, of Washington, have furnished indispensable material in the way of extra-limital species or more extensive series of certain species. Not consultation of specimens alone, however, has been depended upon; "for, however much the proper discrimination of species and subspecies may be a question of material, a great deal depends upon our knowledge of the birds in life, their natural surroundings, and other things which can be learned only out of doors. Fortunately, a very large number of accomplished field-naturalists have carefully observed the habits of our birds, and through their published records have together contributed a vast store of information which no single person could himself have gained. To the much that has been gleaned from this source have been, added the author's field-notes, collected during the period extending from a recent date back to the year 1863, and embracing many measurements of fresh specimens, notes on location of nests, first colors of bill, eyes, feet, etc., and various other useful memoranda." It is intended to embrace the North American species, as they are included within the geographical limits defined in the American Ornithological Union's check-list. But it has at the same time been deemed desirable to include certain extra-limital species from contiguous countries; such as those which are known to inhabit Socorro Island, off the coast of northwestern Mexico, which is North American in its zoological affinities; those species which have been included for the sake of comparison, or on account of the greater or less probability of their occurrence within the southern boundary of the United States; and certain "high-sea" species whose wanderings may make them liable to reach our coasts as "accidental visitors." The body of the manual—which is preceded by a "Key to the Higher Groups"—consists of technical descriptions of the orders, families, genera, and species, in the general order of diving-birds, swimmers, waders, shore-birds, gallinaceous birds, pigeons, birds of prey, parrots, etc.; cuckoos, woodpeckers, etc.; goat-suckers and swifts, and the perching birds. The appendix gives additional memoranda concerning certain rare or little-known species, and lists of new genera and species, and of genera and species admitted as North American which are not included in the American Ornithological Union's check-list. The index gives a reference to every genus and species described, under both its scientific and its popular name.

Introductory Steps in Science. For the Use of Schools. By Paul Bert. Translated by Marc F. Vallette. Revised and enlarged by John Mickleborough. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 363. Price, $1.50.

One of the greatest obstacles with which the new scientific education has had to contend is a lack of text-books embodying the true spirit of scientific teaching. This lack is now being rapidly supplied, in each of the several branches of science, with books adapted to pupils of various needs and states of advancement. The present volume is designed as a first book in science for young pupils. The study of Nature is especially fit for the training of the young. In the words of the preface to this book: "It is a well-recognized fact that the cultivation of the sense-perceptions lies at the foundation of all knowledge. These sense perceptions are converted into knowledge under two conditions: first, by observing differences; second, by observing likeness or similarity." It is in early childhood that the exercise of the senses is most active and most pleasurable. A little training in proper methods of observation at this time is worth more than months spent in memorizing scientific facts at a later period. As the child's interest is not confined to animals, plants, or rocks, to physical, chemical, or physiological phenomena alone, so this book obviously accords with natural development in presenting the elements of all the common branches of science before the pupil is required to pursue advanced study in any one. The work consists of seven parts: Animals; Plants; Minerals and Rock Formations; Physics; Chemistry; Animal Physiology; and Vegetable Physiology. "In all departments of the book the subjects have been treated in a manner to cause the learner to observe, think, and then express the result of the observations in suitable language. The pernicious practice of memorizing the text-book, or of requiring the student to listen, recollect, and then repeat the formulated statement of the instructor, can not be too strongly condemned." The favor with which the French original was received is shown by the fact that over half a million copies were sold within three years. The style of the translation is conversational, adhering closely to the language of the author when this is possible. Illustrations have been supplied with a liberal hand. "In the natural history, so far as possible, American species have been substituted for foreign ones; and in the chapter on rock formations, that portion which treats of the continental development of North America has been substituted for the author's geological history of France. In short, such corrections and changes have been made as would materially enhance the value of the book in the bands of beginners in science in America."

Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. By Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 302. Price, $1.

This memoir, by one of the first of living English romancers, gives a breathing portrait of a very interesting man. While Fleeming Jenkin's original work in electrical science is a notable part of the world's recent advances therein, it was as a man that he was chiefly remarkable. Professor Jenkin was ardent and impulsive, with little conventional polish, the soul of honor, and a man with whom honesty was a passion. lie found in his engineering work a noble opportunity for his love of exactitude and thoroughness. He exemplified how supremely ethical are the tasks of applied science in the demands made on its votaries. During his long voyages, while he was busy laying and recovering ocean-cables, he showed himself capable of the heroic, with all the added charm of being unconscious about it. And amid all the anxious demands of professional emergencies, domestic affections of the tenderest were never absent from his mind. With him, all the powers of an acute, able Intellect were heightened and warmed by a fine emotional nature. The death of several children in a friend's family, through bad drainage, directed his sympathetic interest to the question of wholesome plumbing. As the result of his investigations, he became convinced of the necessity for thorough-going reform. In 1878 he accordingly established in Edinburgh the first sanitary association ever formed, and which has not only had many imitators in Great Britain and America, but done much to convince the public of the strict preventability of a large class of dangerous maladies. This volume has added interest, in that it is to some extent autobiographical of its author, Mr. Stevenson. He shows us incidentally and unwittingly how he has become so thoroughly grounded in his art. His imagination is supplied with clear impressions of actual men; in faithfully observing whom, nothing, however apparently trivial, is neglected. His discriminating judgment and quick sympathy are quite as evident as this faculty of keen observation. The way in which he unravels the skein of his friend's heredity is masterly.

The Education of Man. By Friedrich Froebel. Translated and annotated by W. N. Hailman, A. M. "International Education Series." Vol. V. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 332. Price, $1.50.

This work is one of the educational classics with which every teacher should be familiar. Although dealing with first principles, it is not a mass of untested theorizing, but comprises the reasons for the practical method which the experience of a great teacher proved to be successful in the school-room. Froebel's aim is that the pupil shall be educated by self-exertion, beginning with that activity which, while easy and attractive, leads him forward in a continuous development of his powers. In this volume, originally designed as the first of a series, we find the fundamental ideas of the system of methods and appliances to which, fourteen years later, the author gave the name "Kindergarten." The earlier portion of the work deals with general principles, and considers the development of man during infancy and boyhood, the most important doctrines being contained in the first two chapters. In the latter part the chief subjects of instruction are taken up in the four classes: religion, natural science and mathematics, language, art. This is followed by a discussion of the connection between school and family. The translator has inserted at many points biographical and other illustrative notes, and includes in his preface the essential parts of the interesting report on Froebel's Institute at Keilhau, made in 1825, by Superintendent Zech.

Animal Life in the Sea and on the Land. By Sarah Cooper. Illustrated. New York: Harper & Brothers. Pp. 413. Price, $1.25.

This very attractive book is designed as an introduction to the study of zoölogy for children. While accuracy and freshness have been aimed at in its pages, scientific terms have been avoided as much as possible. In classification, which has not been made prominent, the arrangement of Nicholson has been followed. In arrangement, the ascending scale is pursued, beginning with sponges and ending with man. Such animals as are most likely to interest young people have been selected to illustrate the several orders and classes. Of the study of animals, the author says, very properly, in her preface: "It is far more charming to gain this knowledge from the objects themselves than from merely reading about them in books; and it is therefore hoped that each subject which is treated in these pages will be studied from specimens actually in hand, whenever it is possible to obtain them." A very good substitute for unobtainable specimens is afforded by the abundant and clear illustrations.

Outlines of Natural Philosophy. For Schools and General Readers. By J. D. Everett. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 335. Price, $1.

This little volume, by the editor of that standard work, Deschanel's "Natural Philosophy," is designed to be easy enough for a class reading-book, and precise enough for a text-book. It is written in the continuous style of a general treatise, instead of being cut up into detached paragraphs like a common school-book. Although the book is elementary, its language is adapted to the adult reader and the academy or college student, rather than to the young pupil; but technical terms have been avoided, and algebraic formulas have been altogether excluded. The descriptions are uniformly clear, and arc made more effective by abundant illustrations.

Childhood: Its Care and Culture. By Mary Allen West. Illustrated. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publication Association. Pp. 772.

The moral and physical culture of children is treated in this large volume, especial prominence being given to religious teachings. The mental culture which is more properly received at home than in school is also touched upon. The bock is embellished with pictures, poetry, stories, and music.

A History of Elizabethan Literature. By George Saintsbury. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 471. Price, $1.75.

This book is intended to be the second of a series of four volumes, by different authors, together comprising a history of English literature. The period covered in the present volume is from 1560 to 1660. The large number of writers noticed seems to leave nothing to be desired on the score of completeness. Illustrative extracts are given from all the important ones excepting the four best known.


Pohlman, Julius, M. D., Buffalo, N. T. Cell-Life. Pp 12.

The Etiquette of Men's Dress. New York: "The Men's Outfitter." Pp. 92. 25 cents.

The Havre de Grace Republican Illustrated Almanac for 1888. Havre de Grace, Md. Pp 80.

Gilman, D. C. A Plea for the Training of the Hand: Belfield, H. H. Manual Training and the Public Schools. (Monographs of the Industrial Educational Association. Vol. I. No. l.) New York: Industrial Associations. Pp. 24. 25 cents.

Clapp, Charles. Cincinnati. The Present Truth for the Honest Inquirer. Pp. 20.

Brinton, Daniel G., M. D., Philadelphia. On the so-called Alaguilac Language of Guatemala. Pp. 12. On an Ancient Human Footprint from Nicaragua. Pp. 8, with Plate.

Woman Publishing Company, New York. "Woman: A Monthly Magazine." Vol. I. No. 2, January, 1888. Pp. 78. 25 cents, $2.75 a year.

Wilde, Oscar. "The Woman's World," January, 1888. Pp. 48. 35 cents, $3.50 a year. New York: Cassell & Co.

Hill, Robert T. The Texas Section of the American Cretaceous Pp. 24.

Gerry, Elbridge T., and others. Report of the Commission to investigate and report the most Humane and Practical Method of carrying into Effect the Sentence of Death in Capital Cases. To the Legislature of New York. Pp. 100.

Treat, E. B., Publisher. The "Don't forget it Calendar" for 1888. New York. 20 cents.

Hicks, Lewis K., Lincoln, Nebraska. Irrigation in Nebraska. Pp 32.

Smithsonian Institution. Report of Spencer F. Baird, Secretary, for 1886-'87. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 27.

Photo-Engraving Company, New York. Book of Specimens.

Woodward, F. C. English in the Schools. Pp. 25. Huffent, Ernest W. English in the Preparatory Schools. (Heath & Co.'s "Monographs on Education.") Boston. Mass.: D. C. Heath & Co.

Henderson, J. T. Analyses and Commercial Values of Commercial Fertilizers and Chemicals. Report showing comparatively the Yield of the Leading Crops of the State of Georgia. Pp. 32. Atlanta, Ga.: Department of Agriculture.

Linderfelt, Klas August. Volapük: An Easy Method of acquiring the Universal Language. Milwaukee, Wis.: C. N. Caspar and U. H. Bahn. Pp. 130. Paper, 50 cents.

Canadian Club of New York. Canadian Leaves, History. Art, Science. Literature, Commerce. G. M. Fairchild. Jr., Editor. New York: Napoleon Thompson & Co. Pp. 289, with Plates.

Gilson, F. H., Reading. Mass. The Trees of Reading, Mass. Five Engravings, with Letterpress.

Burgess, Edward S. Washington High-School. Guide to the Student in Botany. Pp. 44.

Illinois State Board of Health. Proceedings of Annual Meeting, January, 1888. Pp. 28.

Comstock, Anthony. Morals vs. Art. New York: J. S. Ogilvie & Co. Pp. 89. 10 cents.

Chicago Manual-Training School Fifth Annual Catalogue, 1887-'88. Pp. 24.

Wilder, Burt G. Remarks on Classification of Vertebrata. Pp. 5.

Smyth, B. B., Topeka. The Age of Kansas. Pp. 8.

Evening Post Publishing Company, New York. A Bill to promote Mendicancy. Pp. 27.

Richardson, C. Gordon. Alcohol: a Defense of its Temperate Use. Toronto: National Liberal Temperance Union. Pp. 67.

Chadwick, John W. A Noble Life. Richard Henry Manning. Pp. 19.

The "How I was Educated" papers from the "Forum" Magazine. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 126. 30 cents.

Ogilvie, J. S. Seven Hundred Album Verses. New York: J. S. Ogilvie & Co. Pp. 128. 15 cents.

Holmes, William H. The Use of Gold and other Metals among the Ancient Inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien. Pp. 27. Pilling, James Constantine. Bibliography of the Eskimo Language. Pp. 116. Bibliography of the Siouan Languages. Pp. 87. Henshaw, Henry W. Perforated Stones from California. Pp. 34. Washington: United States Bureau of Ethnology.

Hazen, W. R. Report of the Chief Signal-Officer for 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 500.

Goode, George Brown. The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the United States. Vol. II. Geographical Review for 1880. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 787.

Stockwell, C. T. The Evolution of Immortality. Chicago; Charles H. Kerr & Co. Pp. 69. $1.

Seller, Emma The Voice in Singing. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 192,

Schurman, Jacob Gould. The Ethical Import of Darwinism. New York: Charles Scribner & Sons. Pp. 264. $1.50.

Camp. C. C. Labor, Capita), and Money: Their Just Relations. Bradford, Pa.: D. W. Leech. Pp. 250.

Halliwell-Philiips, J. O. The Works of William Shakespeare, in reduced facsimile. from the First Folio of 1623. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Pp. 926. $2.

Morgan, Mary. Poems and Translations. Montreal: J. Theodore Robinson. Pp. 195.

Gordon. Anna A. The White Ribbon Birthday Book. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publishing Association. Pp, 279.

Lindley, Walter. M.D., and Widney, J. P., M.D. California of the South. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 377. $2.

Salomons, Sir David. Management of Accumulators and Private Electric Light Installations. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 150, with Plate.

Oliver, John A. Westwood. Astronomy for Amateurs. London and New York: Longmans Green & Co. Pp. 316. $2.25.

Kinney, Coates, Xenia, Ohio. Lyrics of the Ideal and the Real Pp. 140.

Kansas Academy of Science. Transactions 1885-'86. Topeka: Kansas Publishing House. Pp. 155, with Plates.

Müller, F. Max. Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 278.

Ballou, Maturin M. Under the Southern Cross. Boston: Ticknor & Co. Pp. 405.

Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de Paul and Virginia Translated by Clara Bell. New York: W. S. Gottsberger. Pp. 219.

Rnete, Emily. Memoirs of an Arabian Princess. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 307. 75 cents.

Bain, Alexander. On Teaching English. Pp. 256. $1.25. English Composition and Rhetoric Pp. 343. New York: D. Appleton & Co. $1.50.

Morrison, Gilbert B. The Ventilation and Warming of School-Buildings. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 173. 75 cents.

Wilson, James Harrison. China, with a Glance at Japan. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp 376. $1.75.

Beecher, Henry Ward. Patriotic Addresses in America and England, from 1850 to 1885 New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert. Pp. 857. $2.75.

Patton. Jacob Harris. Natural Resources of the United States. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 523. $3.

Day, David T. Mineral Resources of the United States. Calendar Year 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 813.

Bancroft Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific States of North America. Mexico. Vol VI. 1861 to 1887. San Francisco: The History Company. Pp. 760. $5.

Muybridge, Eadweard. Animal Locomotion. An Electro-Photographic Investigation of Consecutive Phases of Animal Movements. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. 100 Plates. $100.

Bishop, George R., New York Stock Exchange Exact Phonography. Pp. 244. $3.

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