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Welcome to my Wikiversity Userpage & Bibliography Project.

Hello and welcome to my wikiversity namespace,

The content in this namespace, User:Jtwsaddress42, will be undergoing regular revisions well into the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, I hope that those that share my interest in these matters will find the contents herein to be of utility in their own endeavors.

Here, I am developing Projects ( Roman numerals ) that are potential future Wikiversity contributions. When, if ever, they achieve a suitable degree of coherency, I hope to submit them to the main Wikiversity namespace.

The User:Jtwsaddress42 namespace is primarily organized as a Bibliography ( green navbar ) of my assorted readings in the sciences and humanities. It is intended to be a record of my own personal journey as well as a public source of citations for inclusion into Wikiversity projects. I have also tried to include links to audio, video (video) and web-based resources ( gold resource collection boxes ).

There is an additional section designed to highlight some of my favorite thinkers and their ideas ( blue navbar ) - and to serve as an additional resource to some of their work.

My User Homepage, User:Jtwsaddress42, is dedicated to mashups of some of my favorite Evolutionary Origins themes using transclusions of resource content generated here for use in various projects...

Some of my intellectual passions...

I am primarily interested in science and natural history - and, the origin and evolution of structural transformations in physics, chemistry, and biology.

I am also an avid follower of politics, geopolitics & international relations, and human history.

I am actively seeking a bridge between the hard sciences and the humanities, via an understanding of the generative substrate - Human anatomy and behavioral physiology.

I am interested in how organizational relationships define the potential of a structure and how it is manifested by working within the degrees of freedom and limiting constraints available.

A major passion of mine is seeking an understanding of the historical contingencies and mechano-chemical processes underlying the origin and evolution of the biosphere, metabolism, genome, bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, metazoans, vertebrates, amniotes, mammals, primates, humans and our society.

I am particularly interested in the origin and evolution of the animal organism as a multicellular colony that has, and is, adaptively coordinating and integrating it's global behavior at the cellular level in accordance with the principles of Natural Selection and is structurally organized as a collection of somatic selective systems.

I am seeking a bottom-up explanation of animal bodyplan and nervous system orgins, function, and evolution - and, the circumstances surrounding the origin of major changes in these structures.

I am also committed to the idea that the process of biological consciousness is a sub-modality of cognition, constrained by anatomy and primarily dedicated to the assimilation of novelty and hedonically-salient ecological conspecifics.

Ideally, I would like to arrive at a satisfactory bottom-up explanation of anatomy, physiology, cognition, and behavior that is rooted in the idea that the cell, is the fundamental unit of life - and, multicellularity is an aggregate phenomena.

One of my goals is to find a mechanistically continuous, physiologically viable sequence of transformations from the origin of life and biosphere to the present state of phenomenal reality as we experience it today.

Please share your thoughts with me on my talk page at: User_talk:Jtwsaddress42

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 00:41, 27 October 2022 (UTC)

JTW's Bibliography & Evolutionary Origins Project Sitemap

“The very essence of instinct is that it's followed independently of reason.”[1] - Charles Darwin

Attribution: User Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) created this resource and is actively using it. Please coordinate future development with this user if possible.
Subject classification: this is a history resource.
Subject classification: this is a science resource.
Subject classification: this is a evolution resource
Subject classification: this is a biology resource.
Subject classification: this is a chemistry resource.
Subject classification: this is a physics resource.

This user has a page on the Wikimedia Commons.
This user has a page on Wikipedia.
en This user is a native English speaker.

Type classification: this is a notes resource.
Type classification: this is a bibliography resource.

JTW's Evolutionary Origins

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Theodosius Dobzhansky

In the Light of Evolution...

"Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science.
Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole."

Theodosius Dobzhansky (1973)


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I    II    III    IV    V    VI     VII    VIII    

Quotation:  Ira B. Black on The Evolutionary Prehistory of "Neuro"-transmitters

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Neurotransmission - Regulatory Biology With A Unicellular Prehistory

"Neurotransmission is part of the larger process of information flow and the alteration of function in biological systems. To survive, all cells presumably must be capable of information reception, processing, storage, and communication. These faculties are required for unicellular life as well as life of complex metazoa. Can we gain additional insights by attempting to place neural function in the broader context of biological regulation? More specifically, can we identify effector molecules and symbols in nonneural cells? By examining simple forms, the essential features of molecular transduction may be grasped, devoid of the confounding complexities of higher nervous systems."[4]

Ira B. Black (1994)

Gallery:  Bonnie L. Bassler on Intra- and Inter-species Communication in Bacteria

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  • Bassler, Bonnie (2010a). Part 1: Bacterial Communication via Quorum Sensing. iBiology - Cell Biology Lectures. Princeton University/HHMI (published March 27, 2010). video (0:28:54)
  • Bassler, Bonnie (2010b). Part 2: Vibrio Cholerae Quorum Sensing and Novel Antibiotics. iBiology - Cell Biology Lectures. Princeton University/HHMI (published March 27, 2010). video (0:19:45)
  • Bassler, Bonnie (2017). Tiny Conspiracies. iBiology - Cell Biology Lectures. Princeton University/HHMI (published November 20, 2017). video (0:26:33)

Gallery:  Thomas Cavalier-Smith on The Evolution of Unicellularity

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Thomas Cavalier-Smith

Gallery:  Thomas Cavalier-Smith on The Evolutionary Origins of Multicellularity

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Gallery:  The Microtubule Organizing Center - Divide or Differentiate

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Gallery:  Patterning the Bilaterian Anterior-Posterior Axis

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Feature Scientist:  Alfred Sherwood Romer on The Vertebrate as a Dual Organism

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The Vertebrate as a Dual Animal: Somatic and Visceral

"In many regards the vertebrate organism, whether fish or mammal, is a well-knit unit structure. But in other respects there seems to be a somewhat imperfect welding, functionally and structurally, of two somewhat distinct beings: (1) an external, "somatic," animal, including most of the flesh and bone of our body, with a well organized nervous system and sense organs, in charge, so to speak, of "external affairs," and (2) an internal, "visceral," animal, basically consisting of the digestive tract and its appendages, which, to a considerable degree, conducts its own affairs, and over which the somatic animal exerts but incomplete control."[20]

Alfred Sherwood Romer (1972)

The Functional Welding of the CNS to the ENS - The Autonomic Nervous System

"To sum up the phylogenetic suggestions gained from a consideration of the structure of the nervous system in living vertebrates, high and low, and of their chordate and protochordate "ancestors," one tends strongly to gain the impression that the remote "visceral" ancestral form had a simple superficial nerve net and, at some early stage, acquired a visceral nerve net as well; that, with the development of the "somatic" animal, there developed the central nervous system, with segmental nerves including a ventral root of somatic motor type and a distinct dorsal root at first composed merely of somatic sensory neurons; but that there was a strong tendency for the somatic animal to attempt neural control over the visceral animal, first perhaps, by a direct connection with the important visceral muscles of the pharynx, later by an attempt to dominate the gut by autonomic fibers, originally by way of dorsal nerve roots, running to the postganglionic neurons, which represent elements of the original gut nerve net. The development of visceral centers in brain and cord was associated with this attempt at domination of the visceral by the somatic animal. But, as we are ourselves aware, the integration of the visceral animal into the dominant nervous system of our somatic being is still far from perfect."[20]

Alfred Sherwood Romer (1972)

The Functional Welding of the CNS to the ENS - Gaining Control

"It is not unreasonable to speculate on the possibility that: The ancestor of the vertebrates may have had, like many invertebrate types, an essentially independent visceral nerve net; that the development of the autonomic system represents an attempt by the central nervous system at gaining control over visceral activity; and that possibly in the peculiar two-neuron system seen here, the post-ganglionic neurons may be representatives of the original visceral nerve net system, the pre-ganglionics representatives of attempts at domination by the central nervous system."[20]

Alfred Sherwood Romer (1972)

Picture Galleries
Gallery Sitemap
Camillo Golgi

Gallery: The Drawings of Camillo Golgi

Gallery Collection - Scientific & Historical Images from the Wikimedia Commons

Quotation:  Brian K. Hall on The Neural Crest as a Fourth Germ-Layer

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The Neural Crest as a Fourth Germ Layer And Vertebrates as Quadroblastic Not Triploblastic

"...[N]eural crest cells are not a homogenous population of cells, but rather a collective of populations of cells. Although they overlap in the neural crest, some of these cell populations have been separate since the origin of the vertebrates almost 500 million years ago... [N]eural crest cells transform to mesenchyinal cells and migrate away from the developing brain and spinal cord, migrating as discrete populations of cells. Similar populations of cells can be observed across the vertebrates, i.e.. they have been conserved throughout vertebrate evolution. The neural crest gives rise to so many different cell types - more types than arise from mesoderm - that the neural crest can be regarded as a fourth germ layer, one that is unique to vertebrates and that allowed many distinctive vertebrate tissues to arise."[22]

Brian K. Hall (2000)

Tables Sitemap

Tables Collection

Structural Themes in the Evolution of the Nervous System[23]
  Main Themes     Concommitants  

  Bilateral Symmetry     Orienting and Aversive Movements  

  Decussation     Sensorimotor Coordination  

  Sensorimotor Metamerism     Modularity  

  Progessive Cephalization     Special Senses  
  Fusion of Structures  
  Modular Repetition of Microscopic Structures  

  Overlapping Innervation     Degeneracy  
  Compaction of Tracts  

  Somatotopy     Body Mapping of Sensory Sheets and Motor Ensembles  

  Parallelism of Sensorimotor Systems     Reentry and Classification Couples  

  Increasing Nuclei and Laminae     Multilayered Structures  
  Vertical and Horizontal Circuit Organization  
  Increasing Variety of Cell Types  

Based upon Table 6.1 from:

Feature Scientist:  Gerald M. Edelman on Neural Darwinism, The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection

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Professor Gerald M. Edelman

The Ubiquity of Degeneracy in Biological Systems

"Degeneracy, the ability of elements that are structurally different to perform the same function or yield the same output, is a well known characteristic of the genetic code and immune systems. Here, we point out that degeneracy is a ubiquitous biological property and argue that it is a feature of complexity at genetic, cellular, system, and population levels. Furthermore, it is both necessary for, and an inevitable outcome of, natural selection."[24]

Gerald M. Edelman & Joseph A, Gally (2001)

Recognition and Memory in the Immune and Nervous Systems

"[I]t is not difficult to see that both the brain and the immune system are recognition systems. Both can recognize and therefore distinguish positively among different objects in a set (in the one case via sensory signals, in the other via molecular complementarity between the shapes of antigens and the combining sites of antibodies). By positive recognition I mean that they do not merely exclude an object by subjecting it to a match with a fixed pattern, but rather that they can name or tag an object uniquely. This is a much more powerful kind of recognition than the exclusive one embodied, say, in the construction of a combination lock. Furthermore, both systems have the capacity to store a recognition event ("memory" and "immunological memory") as well as the capacity to forget."[25]

Gerald M. Edelman (1975)

Two Kinds Of Nervous System Organization

"There are, grossly speaking, two kinds of nervous system organization that are important to understanding how consciousness evolved. These systems are very different in their organization, even though they are both made up of neurons. (...) The two systems, limbic brain-stem and thalamocortical, were linked during evolution. The later-evolving cortical system served learning behavior that was adaptive to increasingly complex environments."[30]

Gerald M. Edelman (1992)

The Hedonic Limbic Brain Stem System

"The first [type of nervous system] is the brain stem, together with the limbic (hedonic) system, the system concerned with the appetite, sexual and consummatory behavior, and evolved defensive behavior patterns. It is a value system; it is extensively connected to many different body organs, the endocrine system, and the autonomic nervous system. (...) It will come as no surprise that the circuits in this limbic-brain stem system are often arranged in loops, that they respond relatively slowly (in periods ranging from seconds to months), and that they do not consist of detailed maps. They have been selected during evolution to match the body, not to match large numbers of unanticipated signals from the outside world. These systems evolved early to take care of the bodily functions; they are systems of the interior."[31]

Gerald M. Edelman (1992)

The Thalamocortical System

"The thalamocortical system consists of the thalamus and the cortex acting together, a system evolved to receive signals from the sensory receptor sheets and to give signals to voluntary muscles. It is very fast in its responses (taking from milliseconds to seconds), although its synaptic connections undergo some changes that last a lifetime. (...) Unlike the limbic-brain stem system, it does not contain loops so much as highly connected layered structures with massively reentrant connections. In many places these are topographically arranged. The cerebral cortex is a structure adapted to receive a dense and rapid series of signals from the world through the sensory modalities simultaneously - sight, touch, taste, smell, joint sense (feeling the position of your extremeties). It evolved later than the limbic-brain stem system to permit increasingly sophisticated motor behavior and the categorization of world events."[32]

Gerald M. Edelman (1992)

Feature Scientist:  Stephen W. Porges on The Polyvagal Theory

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The Three Phylogenetic Stages of The Neural Control of The Heart[34]
Phylogenetic Stage   ANS Component   Behavioral Function   Lower Motor Neurons  

I   Unmyelinated
Parasympathetic Vagus  
Feigning Death,
Passive Avoidance  
Dorsal Motor Nucleus (DMNX)  

II   Myelinated
Active Avoidance  
Spinal Cord  

III   Myelinated
Parasympathetic Vagus
(Vagal Brake)  
Social Communication,
Self-soothing and Calming,
Inhibition of Sympathetic-Adrenal  
Nucleus ambiguus (NA)  

Based upon Table 2. from:

Polyvagal Contributions to Mammalian Consciousness

"The Polyvagal Theory proposes that the evolutionary shift resulting in both a NA that is distinct from the DMNX and the development of special visceral efferents changed the role of the vagus... The special visceral efferent pathways from the NA create an active voluntary motor system associated with the conscious functions of attention, motion, emotion, and communication, and, thus, a smart vagus"[35]

Stephen Porges (1995)

Neural Regulation of the Heart as a Function of Vertebrate Phylogeny[34]
  Group     CHM     DVC     SNS     AD/m     VVC  

  Jawless Fish      X +     (X +)                 
  Cartilaginous Fish      X +      X -                 
  Bony Fish      X +      X -      X +           
  Amphibians      X +      X -      X +            
  Reptiles      X +      X -      X +      X +        
  Mammals      X +      X -      X +      X +      X -  

Abbreviations: CHM, chomaffin tissue; DVC, dorsal vagal complex; SNS, sympathetic nervous system; AD/m, adrenal medulla; and VVC, ventral vagal complex. X indicates cranial nerve ten, i.e. the vagus nerve. Cardio-excitatory influence, X + and cardio-inhibitory influence, X -
Based upon Table 2. from:

In Mammals... There Are Two Vagal Motor Systems

"There are two vagal motor systems. One vagal system is the vegetative vagus, which originates in the dorsal motor nucleus [DMNX] and is associated with passive reflexive regulation of visceral functions. The other vagal system is the smart vagus, which originates in [the Nucleus Ambiguus] NA and is associated with the active processes of attention, motion, emotion, and communication. These two systems are neuroanatomically distinct, have different ontogenetic and phylogenetic origins, and employ different adaptive strategies."[35]

Stephen Porges (1995)

Vagal Strategies[35]   Reptiles   Mammals  

Ambient State   Low DMNX   High NA/Low DMNX  
Response to Novelty   Increase DMNX   Decrease NA/Increase DMNX  

Based upon Table 3. from:

The Social Engagement System: Phylogenetic Origins of Behavioral and Autonomic Components

"The Phylogenetic origin of the behaviors associated with the social engagement system is intertwined with the phylogeny of the autonomic nervous system. As the striated muscles, via special visceral efferent pathways, evolved into a behavioral system that regulated social engagement behaviors, there was a profound shift in neural regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Phylogenetically, these changes in both somatomotor and visceromotor regulation are observed in the transition from reptiles to mammals. As the muscles of the face and head evolved into an ingestion (i.e., nursing) and social engagement system, a new component of the autonomic nervous system (i.e., a myelinated vagus) evolved that was regulated by a brainstem nucleus, which was also involved in the regulation of the striated muscles of the face and head (i.e. nucleus ambiguus). This convergence of neural mechanisms resulted in an integrated social engagement system with a synergism between behavioral and visceral features of social engagement. Thus, activation of the somatomotor components would trigger visceral changes that would support social engagement, while modulation of visceral state would either promote or impede social engagement behaviors... Moreover, activation of the social engagement system dampens the neural circuits including the limbic structures that support fight, flight, or freeze behaviors."[36]

Stephen Porges (1997)

Projects I'd like to complete...

These projects are currently under construction.[r]
Beware of potholes and unexpected debris.


Projects Collection

Projects Sitemap
(I) - The Evolutionary Origins of the Metabolism and Biosphere

The Krebs Cycle, also known as the Citric Acid Cycle (CAC) or Oxidative Citric Acid Cycle (OCC), is generally encountered running in the oxidative direction and dismantles acetate into carbon dioxide while using the energy derived to reduce coenzymes and ultimately produce ATP. It has a counterpart, the Reductive Citric Acid Cycle (RCC) that runs in the reverse direction, assembling carbon dioxide and water into larger complex molecules with carbon backbones.

It appears on the basis of available facts that the circumstances surrounding the origin of life on Earth are inextricable from the origin of the solar system and Earth itself - the biosphere rising off the geosphere is the one continuous biochemical reaction that has persisted from the beginning of life on earth to the present.

The emergence of a metabolic network capable of autocatalytically building and decomposing the monomeric components required for macromolecular polymerizaion, and cellular encapsulation, marks the crossing point from the inanimate to the animate. The emergence of cellular encapsulation would facilitate the global spread of that metabolic network - thereby, effecting a transformation of the geosphere into bioshpere as the chemistry of the planet changed in response to the input and output of materials derived from the geological substrate (as well as the hydrological and atmospheric environ) through the metabolic networks of the globally distributed cellular populations.

The primary setting for the origin point is postulated to be hydrothermal vent systems forming just after the last major extraterrestrial impactor to boil off the Earths oceans had struck, ~3.9 bya at the end of the Great Bombardment period. As the water vapor condensed and rained down, the first stable terrestrial oceans emerged. Although subsequent impactors would strike that were capable of boiling the oceans, by 3.9 bya the enduring body of water we know as the ocean had been established and would persist long after the last of these impactors struck, up until this day. The planetary dynamics sought equilibrium in the aftermath of planetary accretion and extraterrestrial bombardment. Through the fissures and hydrothermal vents that formed on the surface of the early Earth flowed an up-welling of organic material moving across the mineral surfaces of the vent systems giving rise to a complex environmental chemistry.

Following the work of Graham Cairns-Smith and Günter Wächtershäuser, I will depart from the primordial soup theories of Alexander Oparin, Stanely Miller, Leslie Orgel and others -and, take the position that the metabolism was ignited in the form of a surface-catalyzed reaction system that evolved into a dissipative structure synergistically organized as an autocatalytic Surface Metabolist on the sides of the hydrothermal vent systems of the newly formed Earth. Although it appears that Wächtershäuser (and others) appropriately focused on the reductive citric acid cycle (RCC) as the starting point for the auto catalytic core of the metabolism, I will deviate from Wächtershäuser in that I feel Thomas Cavalier-Smith has appropriately identified Archea and Eukaryotes as sister domains and of relatively recent origin (950 mya), not ancient and primordial (3.5 bya) as had been originally proposed by Carl Woese - an idea that gained widespread acceptance but appears to be a flawed interpretation of the molecular and fossil data.

The goal, ala Elie Metchnikoff, is to elucidate a series of mechanistically continuous and physiologically viable transitions between each stage in the evolution and diversification of life.

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 19:49, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

(II) - The Evolutionary Origins of Multicellularity, Embryology, & Animal Body Plans

Phylogenetic classification of animals and their unicellular relatives.[s][38]
Choanoflagellate and choanocyte
Animals are multicellular colonies and pattern formation is at the heart of embryology.

One of the great problems that evolutionary developmental biologists have been trying to solve since the time of Darwin is - how unicellular organisms living in a colonial environment made the transition from cells being selected as individuals within the population of cells - to, the entire multicellular colony being selected as an individual, an event that marks the transition to multicellularity. This threshold has been achieved at least three times in evolution of the eukaryotic domain,[t] yielding three of the seven major biological kingdoms[u] - plants, animals, and fungi, each with its own historically contingent outcome.

We can rephrase the problem for animals as - how unicellular organisms living in a clonal colony, along with other potential microfluoral and faunal symbionts, made the transition from cells being selected as intracellularly-digesting phagocytic individuals within the population - to, the entire multicellular colony being selected as a single extracellularly-digesting individual functioning as a unitary whole; an event that marks the transitional endpoint in the origin of metazoans as a firmly established biological form of organization.

For animals with their unicellular ancestral roots in the relatively sophisticated choanoflagellate protozoa, the problem becomes one of understanding how they made the transition to Porifera, Cnidaria, Bilateria, Deuterostome, and Chordate - and, onward to vertebrates and mammals where Edelman will pick up the story. Edelman investigates the problem of pattern formation from the perspective of evolutionary developmental morphology, but enters the game with the vertebrates.

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 19:48, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

(IV) - The Evolutionary Origins Of Vertebrates & Mammals

Introduction goes here

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 19:51, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

(VII) - The Human Narrative & Culture As Ancestor Knowledge Transmission

Beyond the Realm of Experience the Universe is inherently Mysterious...

Animal Nervous systems operate fundamentally in terms of adaptive pattern recognition rather than logic. They are finite structures with a finite resolution on reality and their experience. They cannot know an effectively infinite reality in it's totality, therefore they don't attempt to do so because it would be impossibly costly in terms of time and resources. Instead, animal nervous systems evolved a strategy of adaptive pattern recognition that allow for the environment to be cognitively modeled or "imagined" based upon the finite nature of it's experience. The nervous system is capable of constructing a seemingly infinite variety of cognitive approximations that are of greater or lesser degree of correspondence to the actual features of reality that they are experiencing. They are not primarily interested in those models with the closest correspondence to reality, but rather to those models meeting their primary adaptive needs at any particular point in time and space. Animal nervous systems are not logic devices, nor are they Truth-seeking devices. They are primarily engaged in adaptive pattern recognition, albeit with Humans, the degrees of creative freedom made available by language, and the constraints of logic, reason, and empiricism; can all be harnessed as techniques for fine tuning the correspondence between the cognitive construct and the outlines of existential reality. But there always remains a limit of validity for the cognitive model, beyond which paradox and contradiction will arise. At best we can expand the range of validity for our cognitive models by reexamining our existing models and modifying their underlying assumptions to be more consistent and coherent with the actual contours of the phenomena we seek to model.

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 20:42, 20 November 2022 (UTC)

(VIII) - Gerald M. Edelman & The Quest to Complete Darwin's Program

Introduction goes here

Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) 19:53, 20 November 2022 (UTC)


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Notable Scientists & Natural Philosophers

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Notes & Commentary

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Notes & Commentary
  1. Subject to major change, revision ,and/or retraction at any moment.
  2. Reconstructed by the maximum likelihood method for 78 protein-coding genes. Numbers beside the internal nodes are maximum likelihood bootstrap values obtained from RaxML and Bayesian MCMC posterior probabilities. Black circles indicate 100% bootstrap support and 1.00 posterior probability values.
  3. A: hedgehog and B: Notch homologues. The illustrated domains are some of those found by searches against the Conserved Domain Database. Numbers at the species names are accession numbers, protein IDs from the Joint Genome Institute (JGI) and references where annotation recently have been presented. Domain structure identified in Ministeria is compared with animals - Porifera (Amphimedon and Oscarella), Cnidaria (Nematostella) and Chordata (Homo) - and the choanoflagellate Monosiga. Abbreviations: Hh-signal domain, N-terminal hedgehog domain; Hint cleavage site, cleavage site of the C-terminal hedgehog domain; Hint domain, C-terminal hedgehog domain; Notch(DSL), Notch domain also called Delta Serrate Ligand; EGF, epidermal growth factor domain; NL, domain found in Notch and Lin-12; NOD, NOD region; NODP, NODP region; ANK, ankyrin reapeats; PTP, protein tyrosine phosphatase.
  4. The five choanozoan classes (bold) form at least four distinct clades, one probably related to fungi and the others to animals. Innovations in pseudopod character and their multiple losses with the origin of cell walls during nutritional shifts from engulfing prey (phagotrophy) to saprotrophy or parasitism are indicated by bars. In the common ancestor of animals and choanoflagellates a subset of the filozoan actin-supportd tentacles aggregated as a collar around the cilium (flagellum) for filter feeding. Epithelia and connective tissue made the first animals: the filter-feeding sponges.
  5. Cell structure divergence in phagotrophic non-amoeboid flagellates provided the basis for evolving animals, fungi, plants and chromists. Original description: "Cell structure divergence in phagotrophic non-amoeboid flagellates provided the basis for evolving animals, fungi, plants and chromists.
    Pseudopodia evolved secondarily, myosin II providing the basis for pseudopodia in animals, Amoebozoa (and Percolozoa) and muscles.
    Chloroplasts, originating when the plant ancestor enslaved and modified undigested cyanobacteria, were transferred laterally (red arrow) to make chromists (e.g. brown seaweeds, diatoms, dinoflagellates) whose ancestor modified an enslaved undigested red alga.
    The most basic eukaryote structural dichotomy contrasts Euglenozoa (parallel centrioles; cilia with paraxonemal rods; cytopharynx for feeding) and excavates (Percolozoa, Eolouka, Neolouka: orthogonal centrioles: no paraxonemal rods; feeding by phagocytosing prey drawn into a ventral groove by posterior ciliary currents).
    The pre-animal lineage lost excavate groove-feeding by evolving ventral ciliary gliding locomotion to generate Sulcozoa, protozoa with a dorsal proteinaceous pellicle (blue).
    Irrespective of whether the eukaryote tree is rooted within the protozoan subkingdom Eozoa as shown (most likely) or beside Eolouka-like Reclinomonas with the most primitive mitochondria, the immediate ancestors of animals (Choanozoa) arose by loss of the anterior cilium and sulcozoan dorsal pellicle to make opisthokonts (in red) with a radically simplified, more radially symmetric, microtubular cytoskeleton.
    Long actin-supported filodigits arose in the ancestor of Filosporidia and choanoflagellates and became a circlet of microvilli to make the choanoflagellate/sponge collar for catching bacteria. Filosporidia comprise Filasterea, Ichthyosporea, Corallochytrea.
    The four derived kingdoms (e.g. ANIMALIA, PLANTAE) are shown in upper case; all taxa in lower case belong to the basal eukaryotic kingdom Protozoa." - Of interest to us on our journey towards animals are: myosin, integrins, catenins, cadherins, epithelia, gametes (sperm and egg), and extracellular matrix (ECM).
  6. The cytoskeleton is a dynamic structure and microtubules play an important role in determining the architectural state of differentiation for specialized cells. In many ways, the dynamic action of microtubules manifests one of the first, and most easily observable, indications in cells of what we would recognize as life - flagellar motility and/or the amoeboid exploration of the environment through process extension and retraction - all processes determined by the adaptive dynamics of microtubule formation and dissolution.
  7. Multicellular lifecycle diagrams in terms of soma and germ line populations in A.) Plants, B.) Animals, C.) Fungi - (1) Meiosis, leading to the production of germ, (2) Mitosis, leading to production of soma and amplifying germ line populations (3) Sexual Recombination of germ lines within the species population
  8. Induction of the Neural crest during neuralation. Once the neural tube has successfully formed and the neural crest cells delaminate from the neural tube and ectoderm by down regulating their CAMs.
  9. Description: 1) Degeneracy is the source of Robustness. 2) Degeneracy is positively correlated with Complexity. 3) Degeneracy increases Evolvability. 4) Evolvability is a prerequisite for Complexity. 5) Complexity increases to improve Robustness. 6) Evolvability emerges from Robustness.
  10. The ingenuous 1964 Nirenberg and Leder experiment would identify the mRNA codons, a triplet sequence of ribonucleotides, that coded for each amino acid; thus elucidating the universal genetic code within the DNA when the transcription process was taken into account. Changes in the third position of the codon, the wobble position, often result in the same amino acid, and oftentimes the choice comes down to purine or pyrimidine only when a choice must be made. Similar, but variant, codon sequences tend to yield similar classes of amino acid - polar to polar, non-polar to non-polar, acidic to acidic, and basic to basic residues.
  11. The twenty biological amino acids breakdown into four major classes of biological amino acids - polar (hydrophilic), nonpolar (hydrophobic), acidic, and basic side chain residues. The amino acid backbone is an amino group linked to an α-carbon, on which resides the side chain residue and a hydrogen atom, that is connected to a terminal carboxylate group.
  12. Description: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image of leukocytes, red blood cells platelets circulating in the human bloodstream.
  13. Description: Illustration of disulfide bridges (red) linking the light (L, green) and heavy (H, purple) chains of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody. The variable (V) regions are located at the antigen-binding end; and, the constant (C) domains form the primary frame of the IgG molecule. Another disulfide bridge holds the two symmetrical units made up of a light chain (VL+CL) and a heavy chain (VH+CH1+CH2+CH3) together to form the completed antibody. Work by Rodney Porter with the enzyme papain resulted in cleavage of the antibody into Fab and Fc fragments, while work by Gerald Edelman lead to the reduction of the disulfide bridges so as to separate the molecule into light- and heavy-chain fragments. Together, this work allowed the antibody structure to be sequenced and reconstructed, resulting in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1972.
  14. Description: The immune system has an ancient history within animals. All animals have an innate immune system, but only vertebrates have an "active" antibody-based immune system. The innate (left branch) immune system is ancient and anchored around the phagocytic white blood cells discovered by the pioneering biologist, embryologist, zoologist, immunologist, gerantologist Élie Metchnikoff (May 15, 1845–July 15, 1916).[26]. The antibody-based system (right branch) arose at the origin of vertebrates and is associated with the genome duplication events[27] that provided the duplicate copies of NCAM which eventually resulted in the emergence of genetically recombinant antibodies.[28][29] Paul Ehrlich (March 14, 1854–August 20, 1915)) was the discoverer of antibodies - and, along with Elie Metchnikoff, is considered to be one of the founders of Immunology. In 1908, they would share the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. 64 years later, Edelman and Porter would share this very same prize.
  15. Description: Clonal selection theory (CST) - hematopoietic stem cells (1) differentiate and undergo genetic rearrangement to produce a population of cells possessing a wide range of pre-existing diversity with respect to antibody expression (2). Lymphocytes expressing antibodies that would lead to autoimmunity are filtered from the population (3), while the rest of the population represents a degenerate pool of diversity (4) where antigen-selected variants (5) can be differentially amplified in response (6). Once the antigen has been cleared, the responding population will decrease, but not by as much as it was amplified, leaving behind a boosted capacity to respond to future incursions by the antigen - a form of enhanced recognition and memory within the system.
  16. Neuron counts of cerebral cortex and cerebellum - The cerebellum is a key player in integrating the output of the thalamocortical system with the subcortical system. Notice the greater than four-fold abundance of neurons in the cerebellum relative to the neocortex.
  17. Superior-pattern-processing-is-the-essence-of-the-evolved-human-brain-fnins-08-00265-g0002[33] - Structural features of the brains of mammals are conserved from rodents to humans. The upper drawings show the hippocampal formation of an adult human, a kitten and a young mouse. The lower two drawings show the cellular organization of the cerebral cortex of an adult human and an adult mouse, both of which exhibit six cell layers. All of the drawings are adapted from Santiago Ramon y Cajal (DeFelipe and Jones, 1988). CA, cornu ammonis; DG, dentate gyrus; SUB, subiculum.
  18. Subject to major change, revision ,and/or retraction at any moment.
  19. Original description: "Figure 1. Phylogenetic classification of animals and their unicellular relatives.
    (a) A timeline of different events during early animal evolution. The transition to animal multicellularity, and therefore the origin of the first animals, occurred sometime at the end of the Tonian period, according to molecular clock estimates. The oldest fossil or geological evidence of recognizable animals dates back to the Ediacaran period, with molecular clocks extending the emergence of different animal phyla back to the Cryogenian. Time units are million years ago (Ma).
    (b) Cladogram representing the major clades of the tree of animals and the major groups of unicellular relatives of animals: choanoflagellates, filastereans, ichthyosporeans and corallochytreans-pluriformeans.
    Coloured nodes indicate different ancestors that we can reconstruct and that are important to understand the transition to animal multicellularity; the highlighted internal branch (from the Urchoanozoan to the animal LCA) indicates the animal stem. Uncertain positions within the animal tree and within Holozoa are represented with polytomies."[37]
  20. The three domains being:
    • Eubacteria
    • Archea
    • Eukarya
  21. The seven kingdoms being:
    • Eubacteria
    • Archea
    • Protozoa
    • Chromista
    • Plants
    • Fungi
    • Animals


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List of Citations
  1. Darwin 1871.
  2. Darwin 1837.
  3. Dobzhansky 1973.
  4. Black 1994.
  5. Cavalier-Smith 2010a.
  6. Cavalier-Smith 2006c.
  7. Cavalier-Smith 2010b.
  8. Cavalier-Smith 2017.
  9. Shalchian-Tabrizi et al. 2008, Fig.1.
  10. Shalchian-Tabrizi et al. 2008, Fig.2.
  11. Shalchian-Tabrizi et al. 2008, Fig.3.
  12. Cavalier-Smith 2017, Fig.1.
  13. Cavalier-Smith 2017, Fig. 2.
  14. Cavalier-Smith 2017, Fig. 3.
  15. Chifflet 2012.
  16. Piper 1999.
  17. Akkari 2014.
  18. Hueber 2010.
  19. Lynch 2009.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Romer 1972.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Golgi 1885.
  22. Hall 2000a.
  23. Edelman 1987a.
  24. Edelman & Gally 2001.
  25. Edelman 1975, p. 65-66.
  26. Tauber & Chernyak 1991.
  27. Dehal & Boore 2005.
  28. Edelman 1987b.
  29. Edelman 1992, p. 206-207.
  30. Edelman 1992a, p. 117,118.
  31. Edelman 1992a, p. 117.
  32. Edelman 1992a, p. 117-118.
  33. Mattson 2014.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Porges 2001.
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Porges 1995.
  36. Porges, 1997 & p.34-35.
  37. Ros-Rocher et al. 2021, Fig.1 caption.
  38. Ros-Rocher et al. 2021, Fig.1.

Sources & References

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