- A method or system used to represent the surface of the Earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane.
Scheme Members
- Aitoff
- Alber's equal area
- armadillo
- azimuthal equidistant
- azimuthal, other
- azimuthal, specific type unknown
- Bonne
- butterfly
- Cassini-Soldner
- Chamberlin trimetric
- conic, other
- conic, specific type unknown
- cordiform
- cylindrical, other
- cylindrical, specific type unknown
- Dimaxion
- Eckert
- equidistant conic
- equirectangular
- Gall
- Gauss-Kruger
- general vertical near-sided
- gnomic
- Goode's homolographic
- Goode's homolosine
- Krovak
- Lambert conformal
- Lambert's azimuthal equal area
- Lambert's conformal conic
- Lambert's cylindrical equal area
- Mercator
- Miller
- Miller's bipolar oblique conformal conic
- modified stereographic for Alaska
- Mollweide
- oblique Mercator
- orthographic
- polar stereographic
- polyconic
- Robinson
- sinusoidal
- space oblique Mercator
- stereographic
- transverse Mercator
- Van Der Grinten
Instance Of
Change Notes
- 2019-04-26: new
Alternate Formats