List of works by Henry Purcell

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The table below gives the following information (where applicable):

  • Z — numbering as given in Franklin B. Zimmerman, Henry Purcell, 1659–1695. An Analytical Catalogue of His Music (London, 1963).
  • Title — as used on IMSLP.
  • Key — the principal key of the work.
  • Date — the year(s) of composition or arrangement, where known.
  • Genre — as used by IMSLP's categorization system.
  • Scoring — the instrumentation used.
  • Notes — concerning related works, completeness, authorship, etc.

The catalogue is organized thematically, not chronologically, and contains over 700 individual pieces.


Anthems (Z.1–65)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
001 Awake, put on thy strength 1682–85 ca. Anthems
002 Behold, I bring you glad tidings 1687 Anthems
003 Behold now, praise the Lord 1680 ca. Anthems
004 Be merciful unto me 1683 or before Anthems
005 Blessed are they that fear the Lord 1688 Anthems
006 Blessed be the Lord my strength 1679 or before Anthems
007 Blessed is he that considereth the poor 1688 ca. Anthems
008 Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven 1688-92 ca. Anthems
009 Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord 1688 ca. Anthems
010 Blow up the trumpet in Sion 1679 or before Anthems
011 Bow down thine ear, O Lord 1680-82 ca. Anthems
012 Give sentence with me, O Lord 1681 or before Anthems
013 Hear me, O Lord, and that soon 1680-82 ca. Anthems
013 Hear me, O Lord, and that soon 1680-82 ca. Anthems 2 arrangements are Z.13A and Z.13B
014 Hear my prayer, O God 1683 or before Anthems
015 Hear My Prayer, O Lord C minor 1683 or before Anthems chorus
016 In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust 1682 ca. Anthems
017 In the midst of life 1682 or before Anthems 2 arrangements are Z.17A and Z.17B
018 It is a good thing to give thanks 1682-85 ca. Anthems
019 I was Glad when They Said unto Me G major 1682-83 ca. Anthems chorus
020 I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord 1682-85 ca. Anthems
021 I will give thanks unto the Lord 1680-82 ca. Anthems
022 I will sing unto the Lord 1679 or before Anthems
023 Let God arise 1679 or before Anthems
024 Let mines eyes run down with tears G minor 1682 ca. Anthems chorus, continuo
025 Lord, How Long wilt Thou be Angry? G minor 1680-82 ca. Anthems chorus
026 Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth? 1677 ca. Anthems
027 Man that is born of woman 1680-82 ca. Anthems
028 My Beloved Spake F major 1677 or before Anthems chorus, strings
029 My heart is fixed, O God 1682-85 ca. Anthems
030 My heart is inditing 1685 Anthems
031 My song shall be alway 1690 Anthems
032 O consider my adversity Anthems
033 O give thanks unto the Lord 1693 Anthems
034 O God the King of Glory B minor 1679 or before Anthems chorus
035 O God, thou art my god 1680-82 ca. Anthems
036 O God, thou has cast us out 1680-82 ca. Anthems
037 O Lord God of hosts 1680-82 ca. Anthems
038 O Lord, grant the King a long life 1685 Anthems
039 O Lord Our Governor C minor 1679 or before Anthems voices (5), chorus, continuo
040 O Lord, rebuke me not Anthems
041 O Lord, Thou art my God 1680-82 ca. Anthems
042 O praise God in his holiness 1682-85 ca. Anthems
043 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen 1681 or before Anthems
044 O sing unto the Lord 1688 Anthems
045 Out of the deep have I called 1680 ca. Anthems
046 Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem 1689 Anthems
046(a) Praise the Lord, ye servants 1689 Anthems fragment
047 Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me 1682-85 ca. Anthems
048 Praise the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God 1687 Anthems
049 Rejoice in the Lord Alway C major 1682–85 ca. Anthems voices (3), chorus, strings
050 Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences A minor 1679–82 ca. Anthems chorus
051 Save me, O God 1681 or before Anthems
052 Sing unto God 1687 Anthems
053 The Lord is king, be the people never so impatient Anthems
054 The Lord is King, the earth may be glad 1688 Anthems
055 The Lord is my light 1682-85 ca. Anthems
056 The way of God is an undefiled way 1694 Anthems
057 They that go down to the sea in ships 1685 Anthems
058 Thou know'st, Lord, the secrets of our hearts 1687 Anthems 2 arrangements are Z.58A and Z.58B, Full anthem Z.58B
059 Thy righteousness, O God, is very high Anthems
060 Thy way, O God, is holy 1687 Anthems
061 Thy word is a lantern unto my feet Anthems
062 Turn thou us, O good Lord Anthems
063 Unto Thee will I cry 1682–85 ca. Anthems
064 Who hath believed our report? 1679-80 ca. Anthems
065 Why do the heathen so furiously rage together? 1682-85 ca. Anthems

Hymns and Sacred Songs (Z.101–200)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
101 Joy, mirth, triumphs I do defy Catches
103 Gloria Patri et Filio 1680 ca. Glorias
104 Gloria Patri et Filio 1680 ca. Glorias
105 Gloria Patri et Filio D minor 1680 ca. Glorias chorus
106 Gloria Patri et Filio 1680 ca. Glorias
107 Gloria Patri et Filio Glorias
108 Laudate Dominum Sacred songs
109 Misere Mei Sacred songs
120 Chant in A minor A minor Chants authorship uncertain
121 Chant in G major G major Chants authorship uncertain
122 Chant in G major G major Chants authorship uncertain
123 Chant in D minor D minor Chants authorship uncertain
124 Chant in G major G major Chants authorship uncertain
125 Burford psalm-tune in G minor G minor Psalms authorship uncertain
130 Ah! few and full of sorrow 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
131 Beati omnes qui timent Dominum G minor 1680 ca. Sacred hymns chorus, continuo
132 Early, O Lord, my fainting soul 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
133 Hear me, O Lord, the great support 1680-82 ca. Sacred hymns
134 In guilty night Sacred hymns
135 Jehovah, quam multi sunt hostes mei A minor 1680 ca. Psalms voices (2), chorus, continuo
136 Lord, I Can Suffer Thy Rebukes G minor 1680 ca. Sacred hymns voices (4), continuo
137 Lord, not to us, but to thy name 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
138 O all ye people, clap your hands 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
139 O happy man that fears the Lord Sacred hymns
140 O, I'm sick of life 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
141 O Lord our governor 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
142 Plung'd in the confines of despair 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
143 Since God, so tender a regard 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
144 When on my sickbed I languish 1680 ca. Sacred hymns
181 Awake, and with attention hear 1681 or before Hymns
182 Awake, ye dead 1693 or before Hymns
183 Begin the song, and strike the living lyre 1681 or before Hymns
184 Close thine eyes and sleep secure 1688 or before Hymns
185 Full of wrath his threatening breath Hymns
186 Great God and just 1688 or before Hymns
187 Hosanna to the highest Hymns
188 How have I strayed 1688 or before Hymns
189 How long, great God? 1688 or before Hymns
190 In the black dismal dungeon of despair 1688 or before Hymns
191 Let the night perish 1688 or before Hymns
192 Lord, what is man? 1693 or before Hymns
193 Now that the sun hath veiled his light 1688 or before Hymns
195 Sleep, Adam[, sleep and take thy rest] 1688 or before Hymns
196 Tell me, some pitying angel 1693 or before Hymns
197 The earth trembled 1688 or before Hymns
198 Thou wakeful shepherd 1688 or before Hymns
199 We sing to him, whose wisdom form'd the ear 1688 or before Hymns
200 With sick and famish'd eyes 1688 or before Hymns

Services (Z.230–232)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
230/1 Te Deum Laudamus B-flat major 1682 or before Te Deum Morning Service
230/2 Benedictus D major 1682 or before Benedictus Morning Service
230/3 Benedicite Omnia Opera B-flat major 1682 or before Morning Service
230/4 Jubilate Deo B-flat major 1682 or before Morning Service
230/5 Kyrie Eleison B-flat major 1682 or before Communion Service
230/6 Nicene Creed B-flat major 1682 or before Communion Service
230/7 Magnificat B-flat major 1682 or before Evening Service
230/8 Nunc dimittis B-flat major 1682 or before Evening Service
230/9 Cantate Domino B-flat major 1682 or before Evening Service
230/10 Deus misereator B-flat major 1682 or before Evening Service
231 Evening Service G minor Vespers voices (6), chorus, continuo
232 Te Deum and Jubilate Deo D major 1694 Te Deum voices (6), chorus, orchestra

Catches (Z.240–292)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
240 A health to the nut-brown lass 1685 Catches
241 An ape, a lion, a fox and an ass 1686 Catches
242 As Roger last night to Jenny lay close Catches
243 Bring the bowl and cool Nantz 1693-94 Catches
244 Call for the reckoning Catches
245 Come let us drink Catches
246 Come my hearts, play your parts 1685 Catches
247 Down, down with Bacchus 1693 Catches
248 Drink on till night be spent 1686 Catches
249 Full bags, a brisk bottle 1686 Catches
250 God save our sovereign Charles 1685 Catches
251 Great Apollo and Bacchus Catches
252 Here's a health, pray let it pass Catches
253 Here's that will challenge all the fair 1680 Catches
254 He that drinks is immortal 1686 Catches
255 If all be true that I do think 1689 Catches
256 I gave her cakes and I gave her ale 1690 Catches
257 Is Charleroy's siege come too? 1693 Catches
258 Let the grave folks go preach 1685 Catches
259 Let us drink to the blades 1691 Catches
260 My lady's coachman, John 1688 Catches
261 Now England's great council's assembled 1685 Catches
263 Of all the instruments that are 1693 Catches
264 Once in our lives let us drink to our wives 1686 Catches
265 Once, twice, thrice, I Julia tried Catches
266 One industrious insect Catches
267 Pale faces, stand by 1688 Catches
268 Pox on you for a fop Catches
269 Prithee be n't so sad and serious Catches
270 Room for th'express 1694 Catches
271 Since the duke is return'd 1685 Catches
272 Since time so kind to us does prove Catches
273 Sir Walter enjoying his damsel Catches
274 Soldier, soldier, take off thy wine Catches
275 Sum up all the delights 1688 Catches
276 The Macedon youth 1686 Catches
277 The miller's daughter riding 1686 Catches
278 The surrender of Limerick 1691 Catches
279 Tis easy to force 1685 Catches
280 Tis too late for a coach 1686 Catches
281 Tis women makes us love 1685 Catches
282 To all lovers of music 1687 Catches
283 To thee, to thee and to a maid 1685 Catches
284 True Englishmen drink a good health 1689 ca. Catches
285 Under a green elm lies Luke Shepherd's helm 1686 Catches
286 Under this stone lies Gabriel John 1686 Catches
287 When V and I together meet 1686 Catches
288 Who comes there? 1685 Catches
289 Wine in a morning makes us frolic and gay 1686 Catches
290 Would you know how we meet 1685 Catches
291 Young Colin cleaving of a beam 1691 Catches
292 Young John the gard'ner 1683 Catches

Odes and Welcome Songs (Z.320–344)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
320 Arise my Muse 1690 Odes
321 Celebrate this Festival 1693 Odes voices (5), chorus, orchestra
322 Celestial music did the gods inspire 1689 Odes
323 Come, Ye Sons of Art Away D major 1694 Odes voices (4), chorus, orchestra
324 Fly, bold rebellion 1683 Odes
325 From hardy climes and dangerous toils of war 1683 Odes
326 From those serene and rapturous joys 1684 Odes
327 Great parent, hail! 1694 Odes
328 Hail, Bright Cecilia D major 1692 Odes voices (5), chorus, orchestra also referred to as Ode for St. Cecilia's Day 1692
329 Laudate Ceciliam 1683 Odes
331 Love's goddess sure was blind 1692 Odes
332 Now does the glorious day appear 1689 Odes
333 Of old when heroes thought it base 1690 Odes voices (5), chorus, orchestra also referred to as Yorkshire Feast Song
334 Raise raise the voice 1685 ca. Odes
335 Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum 1678 Odes voices (4), chorus, strings also referred to as Welcome Ode for James II
336 Swifter, Isis, swifter flow 1681 Odes
337 The summer's absence unconcerned we bear 1682 Odes
338 Welcome, welcome glorious morn 1691 Odes
339 Welcome to all the pleasures 1683 Odes
340 Welcome, vicegerent of the mighty king 1680 Odes
341 What, what shall be done in behalf of the man? 1682 Odes
342 Who can from Joy Refrain? C major 1695 Odes voices, chorus, orchestra also referred to as A Birthday Song for the Duke of Gloucester
343 Why, why are all the Muses mute? 1685 Odes
344 Ye tuneful Muses 1686 Odes

Songs (Z.351–547)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
351 Aaron thus propos'd to Moses 1688 Songs authorship uncertain
352 Ah! Cruel nymph, you give despair Songs
353 Ah! how pleasant 'tis to love 1688 Songs
354 Ah! Cruel nymph, you give despair Songs
355 Amidst the shades and cool refreshing streams 1687 Songs
356 Amintas, to my grief I see 1679 Songs
357 Amintor, heedless of his flocks 1681 Songs
358 Ask me to love no more 1694 Songs
359 A thousand sev'ral ways I tried 1684 Songs
360 Bacchus is a power divine Songs
361 Beware, poor Shepherds 1684 Songs
362 Cease, anxious world 1687 Songs
363 Cease, O my sad soul 1678 Songs
364 Celia's fond, too long I've loved her 1694 Songs
365 Corinna is divinely fair 1692 Songs
367 Cupid, the slyest rogue alive 1685 Songs
368 Farewell, all joys 1685 Songs
369 Fly swift, ye hours 1692 Songs
370 From silent shades and the Elysian groves 1683 Songs
371 The Knotting Song 1695 Songs voice, continuo also referred to as Hears not my Phyllis
372 He himself courts his own ruin 1684 Songs
373 How delightful's the life of an innocent swain Songs
374 How I sigh when I think of the charms 1681 Songs
375 I came, I saw, and was undone Songs
376 I envy not a monarch's fate 1693 Songs
377 I fain would be free Songs
378 If grief has any power to kill 1685 Songs
379 If Music be the Food of Love 1692–1695 Songs
380 If prayers and tears Songs
381 I Lov'd Fair Celia D minor 1694 Songs voice, continuo
382 I love and I must Songs
383 Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas 1695 Songs
384 In Cloris all soft charms 1684 Songs
385 In vain we dissemble 1685 Songs
386 I resolve against cringing 1679 Songs
387 I saw that you were grown so high 1678 Songs
388 I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams 1681 Songs
389 Leave these useless arts in loving Songs
390 Let each gallant heart 1683 Songs
391 Let formal lovers still pursue 1687 Songs
392 Love Arms Himself in Celia's Eyes C major Songs voice, continuo
393 Love is now become a trade 1685 Songs
394 Lovely Albina's come ashore Songs
395 Love's power in my heart shall find no compliance 1688 Songs
396 Love, thou canst hear, tho' thou art blind 1695 Songs
397 More love or more disdain I crave 1678 Songs
399 My heart, wherever you appear 1685 Songs
400 Not all my torments can your pity move Songs
401 No watch, dear Celia, just is found 1693 Songs
402 O! fair Cedaria, hide those eyes Songs
403 O! how happy's he 1690 Songs
404 Olinda in the shades unseen Songs
405 On the brow of Richmond Hill 1692 Songs
406 Oh Solitude C minor 1687 Songs voice, continuo
407 Pastora's beauties when unblown 1681 Songs
408 Phyllis, I can ne'er forgive it 1688 Songs
409 Phillis, talk no more of passion 1685 Songs
410 Pious Celinda goes to prayers 1695 Songs
411 Rashly I swore I would disown 1683 Songs
412 Sawney is a bonny lad 1694 Songs
413 She loves and she confesses too 1683 Songs
414 She that would gain a faithful lover 1695 Songs
415 She who my poor heart possesses 1683 Songs
416 Since one poor view has drawn my heart 1681 Songs
417 Spite of the godhead, pow'rful love 1687 Songs
418 Sweet, be no longer sad 1678 Songs
420 Sylvia, now your scorn give over 1688 Songs
421 The fatal hour comes on apace Songs
422 They say you're angry 1685 Songs
423 This Poet Sings the Trojan Wars C major 1688 Songs voice, continuo also referred to as Anacreon´s Defeat
424 Through mournful shades and solitary groves 1684 Songs
425 Turn then thine eyes Songs
426 Urge me no more Songs
427 We now, my Thyrsis, never find 1693 Songs
428 What a sad fate is mine Songs
429 What can we poor females do? 1694 Songs
430 When first Amintas sued for a kiss 1687 Songs
431 When first my shepherdess and I 1687 Songs
432 When her languishing eyes said love 1681 Songs
433 When I a lover pale do see 1678 Songs
434 When my Aemelia smiles Songs
435 When Strephon found his passion vain 1683 Songs
436 When Thyrsis did the splendid eye 1675 Songs
437 While Thyrsis, wrapt in downy sleep 1685 Songs
438 Whilst Cynthia sung, all angry winds lay still 1686 Songs
440 Who but a slave can well express Songs
441 Who can behold Florella's charms? 1695 Songs
442 Why so serious, why so grave? Songs
443 Ye happy swains, whose nymphs are kind 1685 Songs
444 Stript of Their Green Our Groves Appear B-flat major 1692 Songs voice, continuo
461 Beneath a dark and melancholy grove Songs
462 Draw near, you lovers Songs
463 Farewell, ye rocks 1685 Songs
464 Gently shepherds, you that know 1687 Songs
465 High on a throne of glitt'ring ore 1690 Songs
466 Let us, kind Lesbia, give away 1684 Songs
467 Musing on cares of human fate 1685 Songs
468 No, to what purpose should I speak Songs
469 Scarce had the rising sun appear'd 1679 Songs
470 See how the fading glories of the year 1689 Songs
471 Since the pox or the plague 1679 Songs
472 What hope for us remains now he is gone? 1679 Songs
473 Young Thyrsis' fate, ye hills and groves, deplore Songs
482 Alas, how barbarous we are Songs
483 Come, dear companions of th'Arcadian fields 1686 Songs
484 Come, lay by all care 1685 Songs
485 Dulcibella, when e'er I sue for a kiss 1694 Songs
486 Fair Cloe, my breast so alarms 1692 Songs
487 Fill the bowl with rosy wine 1687 Songs
489 Go tell Amynta, gentle swain Songs
490 Haste, gentle Charon Songs
491 Has yet your breast no pity learn'd? 1688 Songs
492 Hence, fond deceiver 1687 Songs
493 Here's to thee, Dick 1688 Songs
494 How great are the blessings 'A Health to King James' 1686 Songs
495 How sweet is the air and refreshing 1687 Songs
496 In all our Cynthia's shining sphere Songs
497 In some kind dream 1687 Songs
498 I saw fair Cloris all alone 1687 Songs
499 I spy Celia, Celia eyes me 1687 Songs
500 Julia, your unjust disdain 1687 Songs
501 Let Hector, Achilles and each brave commander 1689 Songs
502 Lost is my quiet forever 1691 Songs
503 Nestor, who did to thrice man's age attain 1689 Songs
504 O dive custos Auriacae domus C minor 1695 Songs voices (2), continuo
505 Oft am I by the women told 1687 Songs
506 Oh! what a scene does entertain my sight Songs
507 Saccharissa's grown old 1686 Songs
508 See where she sits Songs
509 Sit down, my dear Sylvia 1685 Songs
510 Soft notes and gently raised 1685 Songs
511 Sylvia, thou brighter eye of night Songs
512 Sylvia, 'tis true you're fair 1686 Songs
513 There never was so wretched lover as I Songs
514 Though my mistress be fair 1685 Songs
515 Trip it, trip it in a ring Songs
516 Underneath this myrtle shade 1692 Songs
517 Were I to choose the greatest bliss 1689 Songs
518 What can we poor females do? Songs
519 When gay Philander left the plain 1984 Songs
520 When, lovely Phyllis, thou art kind 1985 Songs
521 When Myra sings 1695 Songs
522 When Teucer from his father fled 1686 Songs
523 While bolts and bars my days control Songs
524 While you for me alone had charms Songs
525 Why, my Daphne, why complaining? 1691 Songs
541 Hark Damon, hark Songs
542 Hark how the wild musicians sing Songs
543 How pleasant is this flowery plain 1688 Songs
544 If ever I more riches did desire Songs
545 In a deep vision's intellectual scene 'The Complaint' Songs
546 Tis wine was made to rule the day Songs
547 We reap all the pleasures Songs

Theatre Music (Z.570–613)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
570 Abdelazer 1695 Incidental music voice, strings also referred to as The Moor's Revenge
571 A Fool's Preferment 1688 Incidental music voice, continuo also referred to as The Three Dukes of Dunstable
572 Amphitryon 1690 Incidental music also referred to as The Two Sosias ; authorship uncertain movements 3-9
573 Aureng-Zebe 1692 Incidental music ; Songs voice, continuo also referred to as The Great Mogul
574 Bonduca 1695 Incidental music voices, chorus, orchestra also referred to as The British Heroine ; authorship uncertain movements 2-7
575 Circe 1690 Incidental music
576 Cleomenes, the Spartan Hero 1692 Incidental music
577 Distressed Innocence 1694 Incidental music strings also referred to as The Princess of Persia
578 Don Quixote 1694-95 Incidental music
579 Epsom Wells 1693 Incidental music
580 Henry the Second 1692 Incidental music
581 King Richard the Second 1681 Incidental music also referred to as The Sicilian Usurper
582 Love Triumphant 1693 Incidental music also referred to as Nature Will Prevail
583 Oedipus 1692 Incidental music voice, continuo
584 Oroonoko 1695 Incidental music
585 Pausanius 1695 Incidental music voices (2), continuo
586 Regulus 1692 Incidental music also referred to as The Faction of Carthage
587 Rule a Wife and Have a Wife 1693 Incidental music
588 Sir Anthony Love 1692 Incidental music also referred to as The Rambling Lady
589 Sir Barnaby Whigg 1681 Incidental music also referred to as No Wit Like a Woman's
590 Sophonisba 1685 Incidental music also referred to as Hannibal's Overthrow
591 The Canterbury Guests 1694 Incidental music also referred to as A Bargain Broken
592 The Double Dealer 1693 Incidental music
594 The English Lawyer 1685 Incidental music
595 The Fatal Marriage 1694 Incidental music also referred to as The Innocent Adultery
596 The Female Virtuosos 1693 Incidental music
597 The Gordion Knot Untied 1691 Incidental music strings
598 The Indian Emperor 1691 Incidental music also referred to as The Conquest of Mexico
599 The Knight of Malta 1691 Incidental music
600 The Libertine 1692 Incidental music voices (3), orchestra also referred to as The Libertine Destroyed
601 The Maid's Last Prayer 1693 Incidental music also referred to as Any Rather Than Fail
602 The Marriage-Hater Matched 1693 Incidental music
603 The Married Beau 1694 Incidental music also referred to as The Curious Impertinent
604 The Massacre of Paris 1693 Incidental music
605 The Mock Marriage 1695 Incidental music
606 Theodosius 1680 Incidental music also referred to as The Force of Love
607 The Old Bachelor 1691 Incidental music voice, orchestra
608 The Richmond Heiress 1691 Incidental music also referred to as A Woman Once in the Right
609 The Rival Sisters 1691 Incidental music voice, strings also referred to as The Violence of Love
610 The Spanish Friar 1694-95 Incidental music also referred to as The Double Discovery
611 The Virtuous Wife 1694 Incidental music strings also referred to as Good Luck at Last
612 The Wives' Excuse 1691 Incidental music also referred to as Cuckolds Make Themselves
613 Tyrannic Love 1694 Incidental music also referred to as The Royal Martyr

Operas (Z.626–632)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
626 Dido and Aeneas 1687-88 Operas voices, chorus, orchestra
627 Dioclesian 1690 Operas voices, orchestra also referred to as Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian
628 King Arthur 1691 Operas voices, chorus, orchestra also referred to as The British Worthy
629 The Fairy Queen 1692 Operas voices, chorus, orchestra
630 The Indian Queen 1695 Operas voices, orchestra
631 The Tempest 1695 ca. Operas voices, chorus, orchestra also referred to as The Enchanted Island
632 Timon of Athens 1694 Masque voices, chorus, orchestra

Instrumental Music (Z.641–860)

Keyboard (Z.641-729)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
641 Air in G major G major Airs
642 Almand and Corant A minor Allemandes ; Courantes
644 Corant in G major G major Courantes keyboard authorship uncertain
645 A Ground in Gamut G major Grounds keyboard
646 A New Irish Tune G major
647 March in C major C major 1687 Marches keyboard
648 March in C major C major 1687 Marches keyboard
649 Minuet in A minor A minor 1687 Minuets keyboard
650 Minuet in A minor A minor 1687 Minuets keyboard
651 Minuet in G major G major Minuets keyboard
652 Prelude in A minor A minor Preludes
653 Rigadoon in C major C major 1687 Rigaudons keyboard
654 Saraband with Division A minor Sarabandes keyboard
655 A New Scotch Tune G major 1687 Pieces keyboard
656 Sefauchi's Farewell D minor 1687
660 Suite in G major G major 1696 Suites keyboard
661 Suite in G minor G minor 1696 Suites keyboard
662 Suite in G major G major 1696 Suites keyboard
663 Suite in A minor A minor 1696 Suites keyboard
665 Suite in C major C major 1687 Suites keyboard
666 Suite in C major C major 1696 Suites keyboard
667 Suite in D major D major 1696 Suites keyboard
668 Suite in D minor D minor 1696 Suites keyboard
669 Suite in F major F major 1696 Suites keyboard
670 The Queen's Dolour A minor Pieces keyboard
716 Verset in F major F major Voluntaries organ
717 Voluntary in C major C major Voluntaries organ
718 Voluntary in D minor D minor Voluntaries organ
719 Voluntary in D minor D minor Voluntaries organ
720 Voluntary in G major G major Voluntaries organ
721 Voluntary in A major on the 100th Psalm A major Voluntaries organ

Chamber Music (Z.730-850)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
730 Chacony in G minor G minor 1680 Chaconnes 2 violins, viola, continuo
731 3 Parts upon a Ground D major 1680 Fantasias 3 violins, continuo
732 Fantasy in D minor D minor 1680 Fantasias
733 Fantasy in F major F major 1680 Fantasias
734 Fantasy in G minor G minor 1680 Fantasias
735 Fantasy in G minor G minor 1680 Fantasias
736 Fantasy in B-flat major B-flat major 1680 Fantasias
737 Fantasy in F major F major 1680 Fantasias
738 Fantasy in C minor C minor 1680 Fantasias
739 Fantasy in D minor D minor 1680 Fantasias
740 Fantasy in A minor A minor 1680 Fantasias
741 Fantasia in E minor E minor 1680 Fantasias 4 viols
742 Fantasia in G major G major 1680 Fantasias 4 viols
743 Fantasia in D minor D minor 1680 Fantasias 4 viols
744 Fantasy in A minor A minor 1680 Fantasias incomplete
745 Fantasia upon One Note F major 1680 Fantasias 5 viols
746 In Nomine of Six Parts G minor 1680 In nominies 6 viols
746 In Nomine G minor 1680 In nominies
748 Pavan in A major A major 1680 Pavans
749 Pavan in A minor A minor 1680 Pavans
750 Pavan in B-flat major B-flat major 1680 Pavans
751 Pavan in G minor G minor 1680 Pavans
752 Pavan in G minor G minor 1680 Pavans
770(a) Overture in G minor G minor 1680 Overtures
770(b) Suite for Strings G major 1681 ca. Suites strings
771 Overture in D minor D minor Overtures
771 Overture in G minor G minor Overtures
780 Trio Sonata in G minor G minor Sonatas violin, viola da gamba, continuo
790 Trio Sonata in G minor G minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
791 Trio Sonata in B-flat major B-flat major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
792 Trio Sonata in D minor D minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
793 Trio Sonata in F major F major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
794 Trio Sonata in A minor A minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
795 Trio Sonata in C major C major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
796 Trio Sonata in E minor E minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
797 Trio Sonata in G major G major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
798 Trio Sonata in C minor C minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
799 Trio Sonata in A major A major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
800 Trio Sonata in F minor F minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
801 Trio Sonata in D major D major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
802 Sonata in B minor B minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
803 Sonata in E-flat major E-flat major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
804 Sonata in A minor A minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
805 Sonata in D minor D minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
807 Sonata in G minor G minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
807 Sonata in G minor G minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
808 Sonata in C major C major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
809 Sonata in G minor G minor 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
810 Sonata in F major 'Golden Sonata' F major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
811 Sonata in D major D major 1680 ca. Sonatas 2 violins, bass viol, continuo
850 Sonata in D major D major 1694 Sonatas trumpet, strings

Funeral Music (Z.860)

Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
860 Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary C minor 1695 Funeral music chorus, 4 trumpets, organ
860(a) Funeral Sentences Funeral music
27 Funeral Sentences Funeral music
17 Funeral Sentences Funeral music
58c Funeral Sentences Funeral music

Works with non-standard Z numbers (ZD-ZT)

ZD-ZT Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
ZD 4 O god, they that love thy name Anthems
ZD 171 A Poor blind woman Songs
ZD 172 When the cock begins to crow Songs
ZD 201 When night her purple veil had softly spread Songs
ZD 219 Almond and Borry D major Allemandes ; Bourrees keyboard authorship uncertain
ZD 221 Ground in C minor C minor Grounds keyboard authorship uncertain
ZD 222 Ground in D minor D minor Grounds keyboard
ZD 225 Minuet in E minor E minor Minuets keyboard authorship uncertain
ZN 66 If the Lord himself Anthems
ZN 773 Prelude in G minor G minor Preludes violin
ZS 69 Sweet tyranness, I now resign 1667 Songs solo version
ZS 70 Sweet tyranness, I now resign 1678 Anthems
ZT 675 Air in D minor D minor Airs keyboard
ZT 676 Air in D minor D minor Airs keyboard
ZT 677 Canary in B-flat major B-flat major Pieces keyboard
ZT 678 Trumpet Tune in C major C major Pieces keyboard
ZT 680 Chaconne in G minor G minor 1696 Chaconnes keyboard
ZT 681 Ground in C minor C minor Grounds keyboard
ZT 682 A New Ground in E minor E minor 1687 Grounds keyboard
ZT 683 Hornpipe in B-flat major B-flat major Hornpipes keyboard
ZT 684 Hornpipe in D minor D minor Hornpipes keyboard
ZT 685 Hornpipe in E minor E minor Hornpipes keyboard
ZT 686 Jig in G minor G minor 1696 Jigs keyboard
ZT 687 March in C major C major 1696 Marches keyboard
ZT 688 Minuet in D minor D minor 1687 Minuets keyboard
ZT 689 New Minuet D minor 1687 Minuets keyboard
ZT 690 Overture in C minor C minor Overtures keyboard
ZT 691 Overture in D major D major Overtures keyboard
ZT 692 Overture in D major D major Overtures keyboard
ZT 693/1 Overture in G minor G minor Overtures keyboard
ZT 693/2 Air in G minor G minor Airs keyboard
ZT 694 A Song Tune C major 1687 Songs keyboard
ZT 695 A Song Tune C major 1687 Songs keyboard
ZT 696/1 Air in D minor D minor Airs keyboard 2nd version of ZT 675
ZT 696/2 Air in D minor D minor Airs keyboard
ZT 697 Trumpet Tune in C major C major 1696 Pieces keyboard
ZT 698 Trumpet Tune in C major C major 1696 Pieces keyboard

Works without Z numbers

Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
Air in F major F major Airs keyboard
I was glad when they said unto me 1685 Anthems originally attributed to John Blow
Pavane and Chaconne in G minor G minor 1680 ca. Pavanes ; Chaconnes strings Z.752 (Pavan) ; Z.730 (Chaconne)
Prelude in C major C major Preludes keyboard attributed to Purcell
Prelude in D major D major Preludes keyboard
Voluntary Voluntaries keyboard attributed to Purcell
Toccata quasi Fantasia con Fuga A major Toccatas keyboard authorship uncertain ; once attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach as BWV Anh.178


Z Title Key Date Genre Scoring Notes
Catches, Rounds, Two-part and Three-part Songs Catches ; Rounds voices, continuo
A Choice Collection of Lessons for the Harpsichord or Spinnet Suites keyboard
A Collection of Ayres Compos'd for the Theatre Airs strings
732-747 19 Fantazias, In Nomines and Other Pieces Fantasias strings
Harmonia Sacra Anthems voices, continuo
Harpsichord Music and Organ Music Pieces keyboard
Orpheus Britannicus Songs voice, continuo
10 Pianoforte Pieces Pieces keyboard
5 Sacred Choruses Sacred choruses voices
Selected Songs Songs voice, continuo
802-811 10 Sonatas in Four Parts Sonatas strings
790-801 12 Sonatas of Three Parts Sonatas strings
666 ; 678 3 Stücke Allemandes ; Sarabandes strings
Suites, Lessons and Pieces for the Harpsichord Suites keyboard

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