M.P. Belaieff

Belayev, the founder
Typical color title page (1896)
Typical monochrome cover (1890)
Typical monochrome cover (1904)



Founded in 1885 and headquartered in Leipzig by lumber magnate Mitrofan Petrovich Belayev (1836-1904), M.P. Belaieff aimed to promote Russian music and secure European copyright for Russian composers, especially those of the nationalist school like Balakirev, Borodin, Glazunov, and Rimsky-Korsakov. The elaborate, expensively produced color lithograph title pages of M.P Belaieff issues from the late 19th century are highly sought collectors' items today. Offices were maintained in both St. Petersburg and Moscow until they were seized by the Bolshevik regime in 1918. During the First World War, publishing was tied up. Thereafter the company operated in Leipzig. In 1949, M.P. Belaieff moved to Bonn, working in partnership with Boosey & Hawkes. From 1971 until June 2006, the company was led by Peters in Frankfurt. Today M.P. Belaieff runs its own agency near Hamburg and works together with Schott.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • M.P. Belaieff, Leipzig
  • M.P. Belaïeff, Leipzig
  • Edition M.P. Belaieff, Leipzig
  • Изданія М.П. Бҍляевa въ Лeйпциiҍ
  • М.П. БѢЛЯЕВА (or М.П. Бҍляева)
  • М.П. Бҍляевъ (Schott covers)


  • 1885-1949 Leipzig
  • 1949-1970 Bonn
  • 1971-2006 Frankfurt
  • 2006-today Mainz


  • St.Pétersbourg, dépôt général chez J.Jurgenson, Morskaïa 9

Plate Numbers

Belaieff seems to have assigned plate numbers in a regular, chronological manner. They were also unusual for printing the actual date of publication on the cover and title page for most issues until First World War (1914-18). Engraving and printing was handled by C.G. Röder in Leipzig until 1914. Dates in italics are estimated dates where covers and title pages are lacking.

Plate Composer Work Year
0001-3 Glazunov Overture No.1 on 3 Greek Themes, Op.3 (full score/parts/4-hand reduction) 1885
0004-6 Glazunov Symphony No.1, Op.5 (full score/parts/4-hand reduction) 1886
0007-9 Glazunov Overture No.2 on Greek Themes, Op.6 (full score/parts/4-hand reduction) 1886
0010-12 Cui Suite concertante, Op.25 (full score/parts/violin+piano reduction) 1886
0013-15 Rimsky-Korsakov Overture on Russian Themes, Op.28 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1886
0016 Vītols Piano Sonata, Op.1 1886
0017-19 Rimsky-Korsakov Fairy Tale, Op.29 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1886
0020-22 Glazunov Serenade No.1, Op.7 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1886
0023-25 Glazunov To the Memory of a Hero, Op.8 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1886
0026-28 Rimsky-Korsakov Piano Concerto, Op.30 (full score/parts/2 piano red.) 1886
0029 Blumenfeld 4 Morceaux, Op.2 1886
0030 Kopylov 2 Mazurkas, Op.3 1886
0031-33 Sokolov 12 Mélodies, Op.1 (in 3 volumes) 1886
0034 Sokolov 3 Mélodies, Op.2 1886
0035 Shcherbachyov Mosaïque, Op.15 1886
0036 Shcherbachyov Scherzo-Caprice, Op.17 1886
0037 Shcherbachyov 5 Mazurkas, Op.16 1886
0038 Shcherbachyov Echos du passé, Op.18 1886
0039 Shcherbachyov Grande étude, Op.19 1886
0040 Shcherbachyov 2 Preludes, Op.20 1886
0041 Shcherbachyov Pages intimes, Op.21 1886
0042 Shcherbachyov Allegro appassionato, Op.22 1887
0043 Shcherbachyov 3 Idylles, Op.23 1886
0044 S. Blumenfeld 5 Melodies, Op.1
0045 Shcherbachyov 6 Melodies, Op.24 1887
0046 Shcherbachyov Les solitudes, Op.25 1887
0047 S. Blumenfeld Quasi mazurka sur le nom B-la-f, Op.2
0048 Sokolov Sérénade, Op.3 1887
0049 (Collaborative) String Quartet on the Theme 'B-la-F' 1887
0050 Blumenfeld 3 Etudes, Op.3 1887
0051 Blumenfeld Valse-Etude, Op.4 1887
0052-53 Shcherbachyov 2 Idylles (full score/parts) 1887
0054-56 Glazunov Suite caractéristique, Op.9 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1887
0057 S. Blumenfeld 5 Melodies, Op.3
0058 Blumenfeld 5 Melodies, Op.5
0059 (Collaborative) String Quartet on the Theme 'B-la-F' (4-hand red.) 1887
0060 Antipov 3 Etudes, Op.1 1887
0061 Kopylov Valse, Op.6 1887
0062 Shcherbachyov Fantaisies-Etudes, Op.26
0063 Antipov 3 Waltzes, Op.2 1887
0064 Antipov Variations sur un thème original, Op.3 1887
0065-67 Glazunov String Quartet No.2, Op.10 (score/parts/4-hand red.)
0068 S. Blumenfeld 5 Songs, Op.4
0069-71 Glazunov String Quartet No.1, Op.1 (score/parts/4-hand red.) 1887
0072 Glazunov Suite on the Name 'Sasha', Op. 2 1887
0073 Dreyer Badinage musical, Op.2 1887
0074-76 Rimsky-Korsakov Concert Fantasia on Russian Themes (full score/parts/violin,pf red.) 1887
0077-79 Rimsky-Korsakov Sinfonietta on Russian Themes, Op.31 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0080 Sokolov Sérénade sur le nom B-la-f, Op. 3 (4-hand red.)
0081-83 Glazunov Serenade No.2, Op.11 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1888
0084-86 Glazunov Poème lyrique, Op.12 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0087 S. Blumenfeld 6 Brimborions, Op.5
0088 S. Blumenfeld 2 Mazurkas, Op.6
0089-91 Glazunov Stenka Razin, Op.13 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1888
0092 Blumenfeld 2 Nocturnes, Op.6
0093 Glazunov String Quartet No.1, Op.1 (Andante arr. for piano)
0094-96 Rimsky-Korsakov Symphony No.3, Op.32 (version B, full score/parts/4-h red) 1888
0097-99 Rimsky-Korsakov Spanish Capriccio, Op.34 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1887
0100-102 Glazunov 2 Pieces for Orchestra, Op.14 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0103-104 Kopylov Andantino sur le thème B-la-f, Op.7 (score & parts/4-hand red.) 1888
0105-106 Borodin String Quartet No.2 (score/4-hand red.)
0107 Borodin Serenata alla spagnola, from String Quartet on the Theme 'B-la-F' (arr. for piano)
0108-110 Blumenfeld Allegro de Concert (full score/parts/2 piano red.) 1888
0111-113 Lyadov Village Scene by the Inn, Mazurka for Orchestra, Op.19 (full score/parts/2-piano red.) 1888
0114 Blumenfeld Variations Caractéristiques, Op.8 1888
0115-120 Borodin Prince Igor (full score/parts/chorus parts/soloist parts/vocal score/solo piano red.) 1888
0121-123 Glazunov Symphony No.2, Op.16 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1889
0124-125 Glazunov 5 Novelettes, Op.15 (score/4-hand red.) (1st ed.) 1889
0126-128 Borodin Symphony No.3 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1889
0129 Kopylov Mazurka, Op.8 1889
0130 Kopylov Etude, Op.9
0131-133 Sokolov Elegy, Op.4 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0134 Antipov 3 Melodies, Op.4
0135 Antipov 5 Morceaux, Op.5 (1889)
0136 Borodin Arabian Melody
0137 Borodin For the shores of your far homeland
0138 Lyapunov 3 Pieces, Op.1
0139 Kopylov Méditation du laboureur
0140 Borodin Serenade of Four Knights for One Lady
0141-144 Borodin Overture, Dances, and March from Prince Igor: 1. Overture (full score/parts/piano red./4-hand red.)
0145-147 Borodin Overture, Dances, and March from Prince Igor: 2. Dances (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0148-150 Borodin Overture, Dances, and March from Prince Igor: 3. March (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0151-152 Kopylov Prélude et fugue sur le thème B-la-f, Op.11 (score & parts/4-hand red.) 1889
0153-170 Borodin Prince Igor (18 individual items extracted from plate 119)
0171-173 Kopylov Scherzo, Op.10 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0174 Kopylov 3 Fugues, Op.12 1889
0175 S. Blumenfeld 5 Melodies, Op.7
0176 Lyadov Novelette, Op.20
0177 Glazunov Elegie, Op.17
0178-180 Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade, Op.35 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1889
0181 Vītols Mélodie et Mazurka, Op.2 (1889)
0182 Alferaki 6 Melodies, Op.7
0183-185 Glazunov Mazurka, Op.18 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0186-187 Blumenfeld 6 Mélodies, Op.9 (in 2 vols.) 1889
0188-190 Blumenfeld Mazurka, Op.10 (full score/parts/4-hand red.)
0191-193 Glazunov La forêt, Op.19 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1889
0194-195 (Collaborative) Jour de fête (score/4-hand red.) 1889
0196-199 Sokolov Final Chorus from Tolstoy’s Don Juan, Op.5 (full score/parts/chorus parts/vocal score) 1890
0200 Alferaki 5 Melodies, Op.8
0201 Alferaki 2 Chansons de Victor Hugo (Si mes vers) 201
0202 Alferaki 4 Melodies, Op.10
0203 Lyadov 6 Children's Songs, Op.22
0204 Sokolov Choruses for Male Voices, Op.6
0205 Blumenfeld Mazurka, Op.11 1890
0206 Lyadov From Bygone Days, Op.21 1890
0207 Vītols Humoresque, Op.3 1890
0208 Artsybushev 2 Mazurkas, Op.3 1890
0209-211 Glazunov 2 Pieces for Cello and Orchestra, Op.20 (full score/parts/cello+piano red.) 1890
0212-214 Glazunov Wedding March, Op.21 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1890
0215 Antipov 4 Morceaux, Op.6 1890
0216-219 Borodin String Quartet No.1 (score/parts/4-hand red./Scherzo arr. for piano)
0220-223 Borodin In the Steppes of Central Asia (full score/parts/4-hand arr./piano arr.)
0224 Rimsky-Korsakov 6 Variations on the Theme B-A-C-H, Op.10
0225-229 Rimsky-Korsakov 4 Morceaux, Op.11 1890
0230-240 Rimsky-Korsakov May Night (vocal score/solo piano red./9 items extracted from the VS)
0241 Rimsky-Korsakov 2 Choruses, Op.13
0242 Rimsky-Korsakov Variations and Fughetta, Op.14
0243 Rimsky-Korsakov 4 Choruses, Op.23
0244 Lyadov Sur la prairie, Op.23
0245-247 Rimsky-Korsakov Russian Easter Festival, Op.36 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1890
0248-250 Borodin "At Some Folks' Houses" (full score/parts/voice & piano arr.)
0251 Blumenfeld 2 Impromptus, Op.13
0252 Borodin "Pride"
0253 Blumenfeld 4 Preludes for Piano, Op.12 1890
0254 Blumenfeld Sur Mer (Etude), Op.14 1890
0255-256 Glazunov 2 Pieces for Cello and Orchestra, Op.20 (cello/piano red.) from plate 211 1890
0257-259 Glazunov 2 Pieces for Piano, Op.22 1890
0260 Glazunov Walzer über das Thema Sabela für Pianoforte, Op.23 1890
0261 Glazunov Rêverie, Op.24 1890
0267 Kopylov Symphony in C minor, Op.14 (4 hands red.) 1894
0268 Glazunov Prelude and 2 Mazurkas, Op.25 1890
0272 Vītols La fête Lihgo, Op.4 (full score) 1890
0296-301 Glazunov 2 Mélodies, Op.27 (full score/parts/vocal score) 1891
0302-304 Glazunov La mer, Op.28 (full score/parts/8-hand reduction) 1890
0328-331 Blumenfeld 4 Preludes for Piano, Op.12 1890
0336-338 Glazunov Slavonic Festiva, Op.26a (full score/parts/4-hand red. by Sokolov) 1890
0341-345 Kopylov 4 Petits morceaux, Op.13 1890
0346-348 Glazunov Rhapsodie Orientale, Op.29 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1890
0380 Kopylov Polka de salon, Op.16 1891
0432 Antipov 2 Preludes, Op.8 1891
0435-438 Antipov 3 Miniatures, Op.9 1892
0446-450 Kopylov 4 Miniatures, Op.17 1891
0459-462 Glazunov 3 Etudes, Op.31 [1892]
0465 Glazunov The Kremlin, Op.30 (4-hand red.) 1892
0470 Blumenfeld Valse-Impromptu, Op.16 1898
0471-474 Cui Suite Concertante, Op.25 1892
0475 Vītols Variations sur un Theme Lette, Op.6 1892
0510-512 Glazunov Spring, Op.34 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1892
0523 Antipov Prelude in F major, Op.10 1892
0525 Vītols Berceuse, Op.8 1892
0557-559 Antipov Valse et Etude, Op.11 1892
0560 Antipov Nocturne in A-flat major, Op.12 1892
0561-563 Antipov Impromptu et Valse, Op.13 1892
0604 Sokolov String Quartet No.2, Op.14 (parts) 1892
0647 Glazunov Petite Valse pour Piano, Op.36 1892
0648 Glazunov Nocturne pour Piano, Op.37 1892
0684-686 Vītols Mazurka et Valse, Op.9 1892
0743 Glazunov Triumphal March, Op.40 (4-hand red.) 1893
0748 Shcherbachyov 2 Morceaux, Op.28 1893
0767-772 Kopylov 5 Pieces, Op.20 1893
0797 Shcherbachyov Valse-Entr'acte, Op.34 1893
0803 Shcherbachyov Au soir tombant, Op.39 1893
0812 Glazunov Grande Valse de Concert pour Piano, Op.41 1893
0813-816 Glazunov 3 Miniatures pour Piano, Op.42 1893
0819 Shcherbachyov Souvenir de Lithuanie, Op.40 1893
0837-840 Vītols 3 Preludes, Op.10 1893
0856 Sokolov Mélodie, Op.16 (sc&pt) 1894
0858 Glazunov Elegia, Op.44 (sc&pt) 1894
0862 Glazunov Carnaval, Op.45 (4-hand red.) 1894
0863 Glazunov Chopiniana, Op.46 (full score) 1894
0918 Glazunov Concert Waltz No.1, Op.47 (full score) 1894
0937-940 Vītols 3 Preludes, Op.13 1894
0945 Sokolov Romance for Cello, Op.19 (sc&pt) 1894
0966 Shcherbachyov Sérénade, Op.33 1894
0978 Glazunov Symphony No.4, Op.48 (4-hand red.) 1894
0985-986 Kopylov String Quartet No.2, Op.23 (score/parts) 1894
0991 Kopylov Es weht ein holder Fliederduft, Op.25 1894
0992-995 Kopylov 3 Feuilles d'album, Op.26 1894
1000 Glazunov Suite, Op.35 (full score) 1894
1002 Kopylov String Quartet No.1, Op.15 (full score) 1894
1008 Sokolov String Quartet No.1, Op.7 (full score) 1895
1009 Sokolov String Quartet No.2, Op.14 (full score) 1895
1010-1011 Sokolov String Quartet No.3, Op.20 (full score/parts) 1894
1024 Glazunov 3 Pieces for Piano, Op.49 (full score) 1895
1028-1030 Glazunov Cortège solennel, Op.50 (full score, parts, 4 hand red.) 1895
1041-1044 Vītols 3 Preludes, Op.16 1895
1058 Rimsky-Korsakov Serenade, Op.37 (cello and piano) 1895
1059-1060 Scriabin 2 Impromptus, Op.10 1895
1062-1063 (Collaborative) String Quartet on the Theme 'B-la-F' (full score/parts, revised ed.) 1895
1066 Glazunov Concert Waltz No.1, Op.47 (concert piano arr. by Blumenfeld) 1895
1095-1098 Vītols 3 Morceaux, Op.17 1895
1099 Sokolov Sérénade, Op.3 (string orch. arrangement) 1895
1138 Balakirev A Collection of Popular Russian Songs 1895
1139-1141 Vītols Berceuse et Etude, Op.18 1895
1156 Kopylov String Quartet No.1, Op.15 (parts) 1894
1171 Sokolov String Quartet No.1, Op.7 (parts) 1895
1174-1177 Vītols 2 Preludes, Op.19 1895
1212 Glazunov La forêt, Op.19 (2 piano 8-hand arr. by Chernov) 1895
1220-1221 Sokolov Serenade for Strings No.2, Op.23 (full score/parts) 1894
1255 Glazunov Fantasy, Op.53 (4-hand red.) 1896
1261-1264 Blumenfeld 3 Pieces for Piano, Op.21 1895
1266 Lyadov 3 Preludes, Op.36 1895
1273 Blumenfeld Nocturne-Fantasie for Piano, Op.20 1895
1283-1287 Vītols 4 Morceaux, Op.20 1895
1309-1310 Blumenfeld 2 Pieces, Op.22 1896
1315-1317 Tchaikovsky The Storm, Op.76 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1896
1334 Glazunov Symphony No.5, Op.55 (4-hand red. by Taneyev) 1896
1343-1345 Tchaikovsky Fatum, Op.77 (score/parts/4-hand red.) 1896
1366 Glazunov Coronation Cantata, Op.56 (full score) 1897
1370-1372 Tchaikovsky The Voyevoda, Op.78 (full score/orch. parts/4-hand red.) 1897
1373-1375 Tchaikovsky Andante & Finale, Op.79 (full score/orch. parts/red. for 2 pianos) 1897
1383 Scriabin 24 Preludes, Op.11 1897
1427-1429 Vītols 2 Morceaux, Op.23 1897
1441-1442 Alenev 2 Mazurkas, Op.8 1897
1476-1479 Vītols 3 Morceaux, Op.25 1897
1539-1542 Alenev 4 Morceaux, Op.10 1897
1546-1550 Blumenfeld Suite Polonaise No.1, Op.23 1897
1552 Blumenfeld Etude, Op.24 1897
1553-1555 Blumenfeld 2 Etude-Fantasies for Piano, Op.25 1898
1594 Glazunov Symphony No.6, Op.58 (4-hand red. by Rachmaninoff) 1898
1633 Scriabin Piano Concerto, Op.20 (arr. for 2 pianos) 1898
1739 Sokolov 5 Mélodies, Op.32 1898
1745 Glazunov 6 Mélodies, Op.59 1898
1752 Glazunov 6 Mélodies, Op.60 1898
1841-1847 Alenev 6 Morceaux, Op.12 1898
1858-1860 Blumenfeld String Quartet, Op.26 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1898
1868-1869 Blumenfeld 10 Moments Lyriques, Op.27 (Cahiers I-II) 1898
1876 Blumenfeld Impromptu for Piano, Op.28 1898
1902-1904 Blumenfeld 2 Etudes for Piano, Op.29 1898
1924 Scriabin Rêverie, Op.24 (full score) 1899
1981 Glazunov Prélude et fugue, Op.62 1899
2000 Rimsky-Korsakov The Tsar's Bride (full score) (1900)
2030 Various LES VENDREDIS. Collection of Pieces for Quartet of Strings [string quartet]. Cahier I. 1899
2032 Various LES VENDREDIS. Collection of Pieces for Quartet of Strings [string quartet]. Cahier II. 1899
2010 Glazunov Ruses d'Amour, Op.61 (piano red. by Winkler) 1900
2033 Sokolov 3 Mélodies, Op.39 1899
2041 Glazunov Festive Cantata, Op.63 (vocal score) 1899
2185-2189 Glazunov Ruses d'Amour, Op.61 (piano red. by Winkler), from plate 2010 1900
2198 Kryzhanovsky Thème varié, Op.1 1900
2200 Glazunov The Seasons, Op.67 (full score) (1901)
2202 Glazunov 'The Seasons', Ballet (piano red.) 1901
2213 Glazunov Pas de caractère, Op.68 (piano red.) 1900
2216 Amani String Trio, Op.1 (parts) 1901
2232-2236 Blumenfeld Suite Polonaise No.2, Op.31 1901
2237-2238 Kalafati 2 Piano Sonatas, Op.4 1900
2249 Amani Theme and Variations, Op.3 1901
2252 Glazunov Chant du Ménestrel, Op.71 (cello/piano red.) 1901
2257 Glazunov Thème et Variations pour Piano, Op.72 1901
2293-2295 Glazunov Ouverture solennelle, Op.73 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1901
2296-2300 Amani Suite for Piano, Op.4 1901
2301-2303 Amani 2 Valses, Op.5 1901
2314 Amani 4 Pièces caractéristiques, Op.7 1901
2319 Pogojeff 5 Fugues, Op.1 1901
2325 Amani 3 Preludes, Op.8 1901
2326 Scriabin Fantasie, Op.28 1901
2327 Kalafati Nocturne, Op.5 1901
2333 Glazunov Piano Sonata No.1, Op.74 1901
2348 Blumenfeld Lyrical Suite, Op.32 1902
2349 Glazunov Piano Sonata No.2, Op.75 1902
2356 Pogojeff 4 Fugues, Op.2 1902
2358-2360 Kalafati 2 Nouvellettes, Op.6 1902
2361 Kalafati 5 Preludes, Op.7 1902
2377 Maliszewski Violin Sonata, Op.1 1902
2378–2379 Winkler Viola Sonata, Op.10 1902
2391 Blumenfeld Fragments Caracteristiques, Op.33 1902
2392 Blumenfeld Ballade in the Form of Variations, Op.34 1903
2393-2396 Blumenfeld 3 Mazurkas, Op.35 1902
2405-2407 Akimenko 3 Morceaux, Op.16 1903
2415 Lyadov 3 Bagatelles, Op.53 1903
2421-2424 Vītols 3 Preludes, Op.30 1903
2429-2431 Glazunov Ballade, Op.78 (full score/parts/4-hand reduction) 1903
2433 Akimenko Petite Ballade pour Clarinette, Op.19 1903
2439-2441 Glazunov From the Middle Ages, Op.79 (full score/parts/2-piano reduction) 1903
2455 Kryzhanovsky Cello Sonata, Op.2 (sc&pt) 1903
2475 Maliszewski String Quartet No.1 in F major, Op.2 (full score) 1903
2476 Maliszewski String Quartet No.1 in F major, Op.2 (parts) 1903
2488 Glazunov Raymonda, Op.57 (Pizzicato - piano arr. by Siloti) (1904)
2489 Barmotin Theme and Variations, Op.1 1904
2534 Zolotarev Piano Quartet, Op.13 (full score and parts) 1905
2546 Taneyev String Quintet No.2, Op.16 (full score and parts) 1905
2549-2551 Rimsky-Korsakov At the Grave, Op.61 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1905
2557-2559 Glazunov Scène dansante, Op.81 (full score/parts/pf red.) 1905
2590-2592 Blumenfeld 2 Pieces, Op.37 1905
2601-2603 Glazunov Violin Concerto, Op.82 (full score/parts/violin+piano red.) 1905
2637 Pogojeff Quartettino, Op.5 (parts) 1906
2650 Barmotin Sonata for Piano, Op.4 1906
2668-2674 Blumenfeld 6 Pieces, Op.38 1906
2688 Kryzhanovsky Violin Sonata, Op.4 1906
2697-2700 Kalafati 3 Bagatelles, Op.9 1907
2762-2768 Barmotin 6 Morceaux, Op.5 1907
2769-2779 Barmotin 10 Morceaux, Op.6 1907
2822 Glazunov Le chant du destin, Op.84 (full score) 1909
2827 Blumenfeld Cloches - Suite for Piano, Op.40 1909
2836 Vītols Spriditis, Op.37 1909
2842 Pogojeff String Quartet, Op.7 (parts) 1909
2873 Vītols 2 Morceaux, Op.41 1910
2874 Rimsky-Korsakov Quintet in B major (full score and parts) 1911
2895-2897 Glazunov Symphonic Prologue, Op.87 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1912
2921 Sokolov Divertissement, Op.42 1913
2930 Pogojeff Morceaux de ballet, Op.8 (full score) 1911
2938-40 Glière The Sirens, Op.33 (full score, 4-hands red.) 1912
2944-2946 Glazunov Finnish Sketches, Op.89 (full score/parts/4-hand red.) 1914
2950-2952 Glazunov Introduction et la Danse de Salomée, Op.90 1. Introduction. Full score/parts/4-hand redu.) 1912
2953-2955 Glazunov Introduction et la Danse de Salomée, Op.90 (4-hand red. by A. Winkler) 1912
2968-2971 Blumenfeld 4 Etudes for Piano, Op.44 1912
2977 Glazunov Cortège solennel, Op.91 (transcription for piano 4 hands) 1912?
2998-3000 Glazunov Introduction et la Danse de Salomée, Op.90 ((complete) (full score/parts/duet reduction, from plates 2950-5)) 1912
3037 Maliszewski Symphony No.3, Op.14 1912
3046-3048, 3051 Glazunov Finnish Sketches, Op.89 (full score/parts/duet red. by A. Winkler, from plates 2946-8) 1914
3053 Glazunov Introduction et la Danse de Salomée, Op.90 (piano red. by V. Shcherbachyov) 1912
3058 Glazunov Concert Waltz No.1, Op.47 (piano red. by A. Winkler) 1913
3063 Blumenfeld 2 Impromptus for Piano, Op.45 1913
3066 Lyadov A Fragment from Apocalypse, Op.66 1913
3070 Blumenfeld Sonate-Fantasie, Op.46 1913
3075–3076 Zolotarev String Quartet No.4, Op.33 (parts) 1913
3105-3108 Vītols 3 Reminiscences, Op.43 1914
3145 Glazunov Symphony No.8, Op.83 (piano red. by B. Sabaneyev) 1915
3146 Glazunov The King of the Jews, Op.95 (4-hand red. by A. Winkler) 1915
3162 Glazunov Paraphrase on the Hymn of the Allies, Op.96 (full score) 1915
3174-3175 Sokolov String Trio, Op.45 (full score/parts) 1916
3214 Tcherepnin Toccata in D minor, Op.1 1922
3247a Glazunov Song of the Volga Boatmen, Op.97 (piano red. with English text) 1923
3266-3270 Glazunov 4 Preludes and Fugues, Op.101 1925
3285 Glazunov Romance de Nina, Op.102 1926?
3318 Glazunov Idylle, Op.103 1926
3328 Glazunov Elegy, Op.105 (full score) 1929
3333 Glazunov Fantaisie, Op.104 1930
3339 Kartzev, Aleksandr String Quartet in C minor, Op.11 (sc) 1930
3371 Grechaninov Symphony No.3, Op.100 (sc) 1931
3556 Scriabin 24 Preludes, Op.11 (reprint of Philipp edition) 1972

IMSLP Entries

Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear



Language: English
ISBN-10: 1905912145
ISBN-13: 978-1905912148

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pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy