
利用者:Anesth Earth/作業場3

別称 Autonomic failure, Autonomic dysfunction
The autonomic nervous system
診療科 神経学精神医学 心身医学
症状 Anhidrosis英語版 or hyperhidrosis, blurry vision英語版, tunnel vision英語版, orthostatic hypotension, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, dysphagia, bowel incontinence, urinary retention or urinary incontinence, dizziness, Brain Fog, exercise intolerance英語版, insomnia, tachycardia, vertigo, weakness英語版 and pruritus.[1]
原因 Inadequacy of sympathetic, or parasympathetic, components of autonomic nervous system[2]
危険因子 Alcoholism and Diabetes[3]
診断法 Ambulatory Blood pressure, as well as EKG monitoring[より良い情報源が必要][4]
治療 Symptomatic and supportive[2]
ICD-10 G90
ICD-9-CM 337.9
MeSH D001342

自律神経不全とはしばしば混同されるが[5]、自律神経失調症とは体位性頻脈症候群(postural tachycardia syndrome: PoTS)や神経調節性失神(neurally mediated syncope: NMS)など,交感神経または副交感神経機能,あるいはその双方が亢進を示す病態であり、自律神経不全症とは、シャイ・ドレーガー症候群など,交感・副交感神経機能の 双方が機能低下を示す病態である、と埼玉医科大学神経内科田村直俊は述べている[5][6]。第二次世界大戦前、自律神経学の中心テーマは自律神経失調症であったが戦後は潮流が一変して自律神経不全症が主要テーマになり、自律神経失調症は“junk disease”とみなされるようになった[5]。1992年からの欧米でのPoTSの概念提唱は田村自らが「自律神経失調症の概念のリバイバル」[5]と言うように、自律神経失調症そのものは、神経内科領域全体で疾患概念としては再確立されたとは言えない現状を表すものである。

















xxx: Dysautonomia

Dysautonomia, autonomic failure or autonomic dysfunction is a condition in which the autonomic nervous system (ANS) does not work properly. This may affect the functioning of the heart, bladder, intestines英語版, sweat glands, pupils, and blood vessels. Dysautonomia has many causes, not all of which may be classified as neuropathic英語版.[11] A number of conditions can feature dysautonomia, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, dementia with Lewy bodies英語版,[12] Ehlers–Danlos syndromes,[13] autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy英語版 and autonomic neuropathy英語版,[14] HIV/AIDS,[15] pure autonomic failure英語版, autism and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

The diagnosis is achieved through functional testing of the ANS, focusing on the affected organ system英語版. Investigations may be performed to identify underlying disease processes that may have led to the development of symptoms or autonomic neuropathy. Symptomatic treatment is available for many symptoms associated with dysautonomia, and some disease processes can be directly treated. Depending on the severity of the dysfunction, dysautonomia can range from being nearly symptomless and transient to disabling and/or life-threatening.[16]

Signs and symptoms


The symptoms of dysautonomia, which are numerous and vary widely for each individual, are due to inefficient or unbalanced efferent英語版 signals sent via both systems.[要出典医学] The primary symptoms in individuals with dysautonomia include:



Dysautonomia may be due to inherited or degenerative neurologic diseases英語版 (primary dysautonomia)[11] or it may occur due to injury of the autonomic nervous system from an acquired disorder (secondary dysautonomia).[1][18] The most common causes of dysautonomia include:

In the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), predominant dysautonomia is common along with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and interstitial cystitis, raising the possibility that such dysautonomia could be their common clustering underlying pathogenesis英語版.[24]

In addition to sometimes being a symptom of dysautonomia, anxiety can sometimes physically manifest symptoms resembling autonomic dysfunction.[25][26][27] A thorough investigation ruling out physiological causes is crucial, but in cases where relevant tests are performed and no causes are found or symptoms do not match any known disorders, a primary anxiety disorder is possible, but should not be presumed.[28] For such patients, the anxiety sensitivity英語版 index may have better predictivity for anxiety disorders, while the Beck Anxiety Inventory英語版 may misleadingly suggest anxiety for patients with dysautonomia.[29]



The autonomic nervous system is a component of the peripheral nervous system and comprises two branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS). The SNS controls the more active responses such as increasing heart rate and blood pressure. The PSNS slows down the heart rate and aids in digestion, for example. Symptoms typically arise from abnormal responses of either the sympathetic or parasympathetic systems based on situation or environment.[11][30][22]


Valsalva maneuver

The diagnosis of dysautonomia depends on the overall function of three autonomic functions – cardiovagal, adrenergic, and sudomotor. A diagnosis should, at a bare minimum, include measurements of blood pressure and heart rate while lying flat, and after at least 3 minutes of standing. The best way to achieve a diagnosis includes a range of testing, notably an autonomic reflex screen, tilt table test, and testing of the sudomotor英語版 response (ESC英語版, QSART or thermoregulatory sweat test).[31]

Additional tests and examinations to determine a diagnosis of dysautonomia include:

Tests to elucidate the cause of dysautonomia can include:

Vegetative-vascular dystonia


Particularly in the Russian literature,[32] a subtype of dysautonomia which particularly affects the vascular system has been called vegetative-vascular dystonia.[33] The term "vegetative" reflects an older name for the autonomic nervous system: the vegetative nervous system.[要出典]

A similar form of this disorder has been historically noticed in various wars, like the Crimean War and American Civil War and among British troops who colonized India英語版. This disorder was referred to as "irritable heart syndrome" (Da Costa's syndrome) in 1871 by American physician Jacob DaCosta英語版.[34]


The H2 receptor antagonist cimetidine

The treatment of dysautonomia can be difficult; since it is made up of many different symptoms, a combination of drug therapies is often required to manage individual symptomatic complaints. Therefore, if an autoimmune neuropathy is the case, then treatment with immunomodulatory therapies is done, or if diabetes mellitus is the cause, control of blood glucose is important.[1] Treatment can include proton-pump inhibitors and H2 receptor antagonists used for digestive symptoms such as acid reflux.[35]

For the treatment of genitourinary英語版 autonomic neuropathy medications may include sildenafil (a guanine monophosphate type-5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor). For the treatment of hyperhidrosis, anticholinergic agents such as trihexyphenidyl or scopolamine can be used, also intracutaneous injection of botulinum toxin type A can be used for management in some cases.[36]

Balloon angioplasty, a procedure referred to as transvascular autonomic modulation英語版, is specifically not approved in the United States for the treatment of autonomic dysfunction.[37]



The prognosis of dysautonomia depends on several factors; individuals with chronic, progressive, generalized dysautonomia in the setting of central nervous system degeneration such as Parkinson's disease or multiple system atrophy have a generally poorer long-term prognosis. Consequently, dysautonomia could be fatal due to pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, or sudden cardiopulmonary arrest.[11]Autonomic dysfunction symptoms such as orthostatic hypotension, gastroparesis, and gustatory sweating英語版 are more frequently identified in mortalities.[38]


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