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Advances, Systems and Applications

Performance analysis model for big data applications in cloud computing


The foundation of Cloud Computing is sharing computing resources dynamically allocated and released per demand with minimal management effort. Most of the time, computing resources such as processors, memory and storage are allocated through commodity hardware virtualization, which distinguish cloud computing from others technologies. One of the objectives of this technology is processing and storing very large amounts of data, which are also referred to as Big Data. Sometimes, anomalies and defects found in the Cloud platforms affect the performance of Big Data Applications resulting in degradation of the Cloud performance. One of the challenges in Big Data is how to analyze the performance of Big Data Applications in order to determine the main factors that affect the quality of them. The performance analysis results are very important because they help to detect the source of the degradation of the applications as well as Cloud. Furthermore, such results can be used in future resource planning stages, at the time of design of Service Level Agreements or simply to improve the applications. This paper proposes a performance analysis model for Big Data Applications, which integrates software quality concepts from ISO 25010. The main goal of this work is to fill the gap that exists between quantitative (numerical) representation of quality concepts of software engineering and the measurement of performance of Big Data Applications. For this, it is proposed the use of statistical methods to establish relationships between extracted performance measures from Big Data Applications, Cloud Computing platforms and the software engineering quality concepts.


According to ISO subcommittee 38, the CC study group, Cloud Computing (CC) is a paradigm for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable cloud resources accessed through services which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction [1].

One of the challenges in CC is how to process and store large amounts of data (also known as Big Data – BD) in an efficient and reliable way. ISO subcommittee 32, Next Generation Analytics and Big Data study group, refers Big Data as the transition from structured data and traditional analytics to analysis of complex information of many types. Moreover, the group mentions that Big Data exploits cloud resources to manage large data volume extracted from multiple sources [2]. In December 2012, the International Data Corporation (IDC) stated that, by the end of 2012, the total data generated was 2.8 Zettabytes (ZB) (2.8 trillion Gigabytes). Furthermore, the IDC predicts that the total data generated by 2020 will be 40 ZB. This is roughly equivalent to 5.2 terabytes (TB) of data generated by every human being alive in that year [3].

Big Data Applications (BDA) are a way to process a part of such large amounts of data by means of platforms, tools and mechanisms for parallel and distributed processing. ISO subcommittee 32 mentions that BD Analytics has become a major driving application for data warehousing, with the use of MapReduce outside and inside of database management systems, and the use of self-service data marts [2]. MapReduce is one of the programming models used to develop BDA, which was developed by Google for processing and generating large datasets.

Sometimes, anomalies and defects found in platforms of Cloud Computing Systems (CCS) affect the performance of BDA resulting in degradation of the whole system. Performance analysis models (PAM) for BDA in CC, should propose a means to identify and quantify “normal application behaviour”, which can serve as a baseline for detecting and predicting possible anomalies in the software (i.e. applications in a Big Data platforms) that may impact BDA itself. To be able to design such PAM for BDA, methods are needed to collect the necessary base measures specific to performance, and a performance framework must be used to determine the relationships that exist among these measures.

One of the challenges in designing PAM for BDA is how to determine what type of relationship exists between the various base measures and the performance quality concepts defined in international standards such as ISO 25010 [4]. For example, what is the extent of the relationship between the amounts of physical memory used by a BDA and the performance quality concepts of software engineering such as resource utilization or capacity? Thus, this work proposes the use of statistical methods to determine how closely performance parameters (base measures) are related with performance concepts of software engineering.

This paper is structured as follows. Related work and background sections present the concepts related to the performance measurement of BDA and introduces the MapReduce programming model. In addition, background section presents the Performance Measurement Framework for Cloud Computing (PMFCC), which describes the key performance concepts and sub concepts that the best represent the performance of CCS. Analysis model section, presents the method for examining the relationships among the performance concepts identified in the PMFCC. An experimental methodology based on the Taguchi method of experimental design, is used and offers a means for improving the quality of product performance. Experiment section presents the results of an experiment, which analyzes the relationship between the performance factors of BDA, Cloud Computing Platforms (CCP) and the performance concepts identified in the PMFCC. Finally, conclusion section presents a synthesis of the results of this research and suggests future work.

Related work

Researchers have analyzed the performance of BDA from various viewpoints. For example, Alexandru [5] analyzes the performance of Cloud Computing Services for Many-Task Computing (MTC) system. According to Alexandru, scientific workloads often require High-Performance Computing capabilities, in which scientific computing community has started to focus on MTC, this means high performance execution of loosely coupled applications comprising many tasks. By means of this approach it is possible to demand systems to operate at high utilizations, like to current production grids. Alexandru analyzes the performance based on the premise if current clouds can execute MTC-based scientific workload with similar performance and at lower cost that the current scientific processing systems. For this, the author focuses on Infrastructures as a Service (IaaS), this means providers on public clouds that are not restricted within an enterprise. In this research, Alexandru selected four public clouds providers; Amazon EC2, GoGrid, ElasticHosts and Mosso in which it is performed a traditional system benchmarking in order to provide a first order estimate of the system performance. Alexandru mainly uses metrics related to disk, memory, network and cpu to determine the performance through the analysis of MTC workloads which comprise tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of tasks. The main finding in this research is that the compute performance of the tested clouds is low compared to traditional systems of high performance computing. In addition, Alexandru found that while current cloud computing services are insufficient for scientific computing at large, they are a good solution for scientists who need resources instantly and temporarily.

Other similar research is performed by Jackson [6] who analyzes high performance computing applications on the Amazon Web Services cloud. The purpose of this work is to examine the performance of existing CC infrastructures and create a mechanism to quantitatively evaluate them. The work is focused on the performance of Amazon EC2, as representative of the current mainstream of commercial CC services, and its applicability to Cloud-based environments for scientific computing. To do so, Jackson quantitatively examines the performance of a set of benchmarks designed to represent a typical High Performance Computing (HPC) workload running on the Amazon EC2 platform. Timing results from different application benchmarks are used to compute the Sustained System Performance (SSP) metric to measure the performance delivered by the workload of a computing system. According to the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) [7], SSP provides a process for evaluating system performance across any time frame, and can be applied to any set of systems, any workload, and/or benchmark suite, and for any time period. The SSP measures time to solution across different application areas and can be used to evaluate absolute performance and performance relative to cost (in dollars, energy or other value propositions). The results show a strong correlation between the percentage of time an application spends communicating, and its overall performance on EC2. The more communication there is, the worse the performance becomes. Jackson also concludes that the communication pattern of an application can have a significant impact on performance.

Other researchers focus their work on the performance analysis of MapReduce applications. For example, Jin [8] proposes a stochastic model to predict the performance of MapReduce applications under failures. His work is used to quantify the robustness of MapReduce applications under different system parameters, such as the number of processes, the mean time between failures (MTBF) of each process, failure recovery cost, etc. Authors like Jiang [9], performs a depth study of factors that affect the performance of MapReduce applications. In particular, he identifies five factors that affect the performance of MapReduce applications: I/O mode, indexing, data parsing, grouping schemes and block level scheduling. Moreover, Jiang concludes that carefully tuning each factor, it is possible to eliminate the negative impact of these factors and improve the performance of MapReduce applications. Other authors like Guo [10] and Cheng [11] focus their works on improving the performance of MapReduce applications. Gou explodes the freedom to control concurrency in MapReduce in order to improve resource utilization. For this, he proposes “resource stealing” which dynamically expands and shrinks the resource usage of running tasks by means of the benefit aware speculative execution (BASE). BASE improves the mechanisms of fault-tolerance managed by speculatively launching duplicate tasks for tasks deemed to be stragglers. Furthermore, Cheng [11] focuses his work on improving the performance of MapReduce applications through a strategy called maximum cost performance (MCP). MCP improves the effectiveness of speculative execution by means of accurately and promptly identifying stragglers. For this he provides the following methods: 1) Use both the progress rate and the process bandwidth within a phase to select slow tasks, 2) Use exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) to predict process speed and calculate a task’s remaining time and 3) Determine which task to backup based on the load of a cluster using a cost-benefit model.

Although these works present interesting methods for the performance analysis of CCS and improving of BD applications (MapReduce), their approach is from an infrastructure standpoint and does not consider the performance from a software engineering perspective. This work focuses on the performance analysis of BDA developed by means of the Hadoop MapReduce model, integrating software quality concepts from ISO 25010.


Hadoop MapReduce

Hadoop is the Apache Software Foundation’s top level project, and encompasses the various Hadoop sub projects. The Hadoop project provides and supports the development of open source software that supplies a framework for the development of highly scalable distributed computing applications designed to handle processing details, leaving developers free to focus on application logic [12]. Hadoop is divided into several sub projects that fall under the umbrella of infrastructures for distributed computing. One of these sub projects is MapReduce, which is a programming model with an associated implementation, both developed by Google for processing and generating large datasets.

According to Dean [13], programs written in this functional style are automatically parallelized and executed on a large cluster of commodity machines. Authors like Lin [14] point out that today, the issue of tackling large amounts of data is addressed by a divide-and-conquer approach, the basic idea being to partition a large problem into smaller sub problems. Those sub problems can be handled in parallel by different workers; for example, threads in a processor core, cores in a multi-core processor, multiple processors in a machine, or many machines in a cluster. In this way, the intermediate results of each individual worker are then combined to yield the final output.

The Hadoop MapReduce model results are obtained in two main stages: 1) the Map stage, and 2) the Reduce stage. In the Map stage, also called the mapping phase, data elements from a list of such elements are inputted, one at time, to a function called Mapper, which transforms each element individually into an output data element. Figure 1 presents the components of the Map stage process.

Figure 1
figure 1

The mapping phase, in which an output list is created.

The Reduce stage (also called the reducing phase) aggregates values. In this stage, a reducer function receives input values iteratively from an input list. This function combines these values, returning a single output value. The Reduce stage is often used to produce “summary” data, turning a large volume of data into a smaller summary of itself. Figure 2 presents the components of the Reduce stage.

Figure 2
figure 2

The components of the reducing phase.

According to Yahoo! [15], when a mapping phase begins, any mapper (node) can process any input file or part of an input file. In this way, each mapper loads a set of local files to be able to process them. When a mapping phase has been completed, an intermediate pair of values (consisting of a key and a value) must be exchanged between machines, so that all values with the same key are sent to a single reducer. Like Map tasks, Reduce tasks are spread across the same nodes in the cluster and do not exchange information with one another, nor are they aware of one another’s existence. Thus, all data transfer is handled by the Hadoop MapReduce platform itself, guided implicitly by the various keys associated with the values.

Performance measurement framework for cloud computing

The Performance Measurement Framework for Cloud Computing (PMFCC) [16] is based on the scheme for performance analysis shown in Figure 3. This scheme establishes a set of performance criteria (or characteristics) to help to carry out the process of analysis of system performance. In this scheme, the system performance is typically analyzed using three sub concepts, if it is performing a service correctly: 1) responsiveness, 2) productivity, and 3) utilization, and proposes a measurement process for each. There are several possible outcomes for each service request made to a system, which can be classified into three categories. The system may: 1) perform the service correctly, 2) perform the service incorrectly, or 3) refuse to perform the service altogether. Moreover, the scheme defines three sub concepts associated with each of these possible outcomes, which affect system performance: 1) speed, 2) reliability, and 3) availability. Figure 3 presents this scheme, which shows the possible outcomes of a service request to a system and the sub concepts associated with them.

Figure 3
figure 3

Scheme of performance analysis of a service request to a system.

Based on the above scheme, the PMFCC [16] maps the possible outcomes of a service request onto quality concepts extracted from the ISO 25010 standard. The ISO 25010 [4] standard defines software product and computer system quality from two distinct perspectives: 1) a quality in use model, and 2) a product quality model. The product quality model is applicable to both systems and software. According to ISO 25010, the properties of both determine the quality of the product in a particular context, based on user requirements. For example, performance efficiency and reliability can be specific concerns of users who specialize in areas of content delivery, management, or maintenance. The performance efficiency concept proposed in ISO 25010 has three sub concepts: 1) time behavior, 2) resource utilization, and 3) capacity, while the reliability concept has four sub concepts: 1) maturity, 2) availability, 3) fault tolerance, and 4) recoverability. The PMFCC selects performance efficiency and reliability as concepts for determining the performance of CCS. In addition, the PMFCC proposes the following definition of CCS performance analysis:

“The performance of a Cloud Computing system is determined by analysis of the characteristics involved in performing an efficient and reliable service that meets requirements under stated conditions and within the maximum limits of the system parameters”.

Once that the performance analysis concepts and sub concepts are mapped onto the ISO 25010 quality concepts, the framework presents a model of relationship (Figure 4) that presents a logical sequence in which the concepts and sub concepts appear when a performance issue arises in a CCS.

Figure 4
figure 4

Model of the relationships between performance concepts and sub concepts.

In Figure 4, system performance is determined by two main sub concepts: 1) performance efficiency, and 2) reliability. We have seen that when a CCS receives a service request, there are three possible outcomes (the service is performed correctly, the service is performed incorrectly, or the service cannot be performed). The outcome will determine the sub concepts that will be applied for performance analysis. For example, suppose that the CCS performs a service correctly, but, during its execution, the service failed and was later reinstated. Although the service was ultimately performed successfully, it is clear that the system availability (part of the reliability sub concept) was compromised, and this affected CCS performance.

Performance analysis model for big data applications

Relationship between performance measures of BDA, CCP and software engineering quality concepts

In order to determine the degree of relationship between performance measures of BDA, and performance concepts and sub concepts defined in the PMFCC (Figure 4), first it is necessary to map performance measures from the BDA and CCP onto the performance quality concepts previously defined. For this, measures need to be collected by means of extracted data from MapReduce log files and system monitoring tools (see Table 1). This data is obtained from a Hadoop cluster, which is the cloud platform in which the CCS is running.

Table 1 Extract of collected performance measures from the BDA and CCP

Once the performance measures are collected, they are mapped onto the performance concepts defined in the PMFCC by means of the formulae defined in the ISO 25023. ISO 25023 - Measurement of system and software product quality, provides a set of quality measures for the characteristics of system/software products that can be used for specifying requirements, measuring and evaluating the system/software product quality [17]. It is important to mention that such formulae were adapted according to the different performance measures collected from the BDA and CCP in order to represent the different concepts in a coherent form. Table 2 presents the different BDA and CCP performance measures after being mapped onto the PMFCC concepts and sub concepts.

Table 2 BDA and CCP performance measures mapped onto PMFCC concepts and sub concepts

Selection of key PMFCC concepts to represent the performance of BDA

Once the performance measures extracted from the BDA and CCP are mapped onto the performance quality concepts (see Table 2), the next step is to select a set of key sub concepts of PMFCC that best represent the performance of BDA. For this, two techniques for feature selection are used in order to determine the most relevant features (PMFCC sub concepts) from a data set. According to Kantardzic [18], feature selection is a set of techniques that select relevant features (PMFCC sub concepts) for building robust learning models by removing most irrelevant and redundant features from the data. Kantardzic establishes that feature selection algorithms typically fall into two categories: feature ranking and subset selection. Feature ranking ranks all features by a specific base measure and eliminates all features that do not achieve an adequate score while subset selection, searches the set of all features for the optimal subset in which selected features are not ranked. The next subsections present two techniques of feature ranking which are used in the PAM for BDA in order to determine the most relevant performance sub concepts (features) that best represent the performance of BDA.

Feature selection based on comparison of means and variances

The feature selection based on comparison of means and variances is based on the distribution of values for a given feature, in which it is necessary to compute the mean value and the corresponding variance. In general, if one feature describes different classes of entities, samples of two different classes can be examined. The means of feature values are normalized by their variances and then compared. If the means are far apart, interest in a feature increases: it has potential, in terms of its use in distinguishing between two classes. If the means are indistinguishable, interest wanes in that feature. The mean of a feature is compared in both cases without taking into consideration relationship to other features. The next equations formalize the test, where A and B are sets of feature values measured for two different classes, and n 1 and n 2 are the corresponding number of samples:

SE A B = var A n 1 + var B n 2
Test: mean A mean B S E A B >threshold_value

In this approach to feature selection, it is assumed that a given feature is independent of others. A comparison of means is typically a natural fit to classification problems. For k classes, k pair wise comparisons can be made, comparing each class with its complement. A feature is retained if it is significant for any of the pair wise comparisons as shown in formula 2.

Relief algorithm

Another important technique for feature selection is the Relief algorithm. The Relief algorithm is a feature weight-based algorithm, which relies on relevance evaluation of each feature given in a training data set in which samples are labeled (classification problems). The main concept of this algorithm is to compute a ranking score for every feature indicating how well this feature separates neighboring samples. The authors of the Relief algorithm, Kira and Rendell [19], proved that ranking score becomes large for relevant features and small for irrelevant ones.

The objective of the relief algorithm is to estimate the quality of features according to how well their values distinguish between samples close to each other. Given a training data S , the algorithm randomly selects subset of samples size m , where m is a user defined parameter. The algorithm analyses each feature based on a selected subset of samples. For each randomly selected sample X from a training data set, it searches for its two nearest neighbors: one from the same class, called nearest hit H , and the other one from a different class, called nearest miss M .

The Relief algorithm updates the quality score W (Ai ) for all feature Ai depending on the differences on their values for samples X , M , and H as shown in formula 3.

W new A i = W old A i diff X A i , H A i 2 + diff X A i , M A i 2 m

The process is repeated m times for randomly selected samples from the training data set and the scores W (Ai ) are accumulated for each sample. Finally, using threshold of relevancy τ, the algorithm detects those features that are statistically relevant to the target classification, and these are the features with W (Ai ) ≥ τ. The main steps of the Relief algorithm are formalized in Algorithm 1.

Choosing a methodology to analyze relationships between performance concepts

Once that a subset of the most important features (key performance sub concepts) has been selected, the next step is to determine the degree of relationship that exist between such subset of features and the rest of performance sub concepts defined by means of PMFCC. For this, the use of Taguchi’s experimental design method is proposed: it investigates how different features (performance measures) are related, and to what degree. Understanding these relationships will enable us to determine the influence each of them has in the resulting performance concepts. The PMFCC shows many of the relationships that exist between the base measures, which have a major influence on the collection functions. However, in BDA and more specifically in the Hadoop MapReduce application experiment, there are over a hundred possible performance measures (including system measures) that could contribute to the analysis of BDA performance. A selection of these performance measures has to be included in the collection functions so that the respective performance concepts can be obtained and, from there, an indication of the performance of the applications. One key design problem is to establish which performance measures are interrelated and how much they contribute to each of the collection functions.

In traditional statistical methods, thirty or more observations (or data points) are typically needed for each variable, in order to gain meaningful insights and analyze the results. In addition, only a few independent variables are necessary to carry out experiments to uncover potential relationships, and this must be performed under certain predetermined and controlled test conditions. However, this approach is not appropriate here, owing to the large number of variables involved and the considerable time and effort required. Consequently, an analysis method that is suited to our specific problem and in our study area is needed.

A possible candidate method to address this problem is Taguchi’s experimental design method, which investigates how different variables affect the mean and variance of a process performance characteristics, and helps in determining how well the process is functioning. This Taguchi method proposes a limited number of experiments, but is more efficient than a factorial design in its ability to identify relationships and dependencies. The next section presents the method to find out the relationships.

Taguchi method of experimental design

Taguchi’s Quality Engineering Handbook [20] describes the Taguchi method of experimental design which was developed by Dr. Genichi Taguchi, a researcher at the Electronic Control Laboratory in Japan. This method combines industrial and statistical experience, and offers a means for improving the quality of manufactured products. It is based on a ‘robust design’ concept, according to which a well designed product should cause no problem when used under specified conditions.

According to Cheikhi [21], Taguchi’s two phase quality strategy is the following:

• Phase 1: The online phase, which focuses on the techniques and methods used to control quality during the production of the product.

• Phase 2: The offline phase, which focuses on taking those techniques and methods into account before manufacturing the product, that is, during the design phase, the development phase, etc.

One of the most important activities in the offline phase of the strategy is parameter design. This is where the parameters are determined that makes it possible to satisfy the set quality objectives (often called the objective function) through the use of experimental designs under set conditions. If the product does not work properly (does not fulfill the objective function), then the design constants (also called parameters) need to be adjusted so that it will perform better. Cheikhi [21] explains that this activity includes five (5) steps, which are required to determine the parameters that satisfy the quality objectives:

  1. 1.

    Definition of the objective of the study, that is, identification of the quality characteristics to be observed in the output (results expected).

  2. 2.

    Identification of the study factors and their interactions, as well as the levels at which they will be set. There are two different types of factors: 1) control factors: factors that can be easily managed or adjusted; and 2) noise factors: factors that are difficult to control or manage.

  3. 3.

    Selection of the appropriate orthogonal arrays (OA) for the study, based on the number of factors, and their levels and interactions. The OA show the various experiments that will need to be conducted in order to verify the effect of the factors studied on the quality characteristic to be observed in the output.

  4. 4.

    Preparation and performance of the resulting OA experiments, including preparation of the data sheets for each OA experiment according to the combination of the levels and factors for the experiment. For each experiment, a number of trials are conducted and the quality characteristics of the output are observed.

  5. 5.

    Analysis and interpretation of the experimental results to determine the optimum settings for the control factors, and the influence of those factors on the quality characteristics observed in the output.

According to Taguchi’s Quality Engineering Handbook [20] the OA organizes the parameters affecting the process and the levels at which they should vary. Taguchi’s method tests pairs of combinations, instead of having to test all possible combinations (as in a factorial experimental design). This approach can determine which factors affect product quality the most in a minimum number of experiments.

Taguchi’s OA can be created manually or they can be derived from deterministic algorithms. They are selected by the number of parameters (variables) and the number of levels (states). An OA array is represented by Ln and Pn, where Ln corresponds to the number of experiments to be conducted, and Pn corresponds to the number of parameters to be analyzed. Table 3 presents an example of Taguchi OA L12, meaning that 12 experiments are conducted to analyze 11 parameters.

Table 3 Taguchi’s Orthogonal Array L12

An OA cell contains the factor levels (1 and 2), which determine the type of parameter values for each experiment. Once the experimental design has been determined and the trials have been carried out, the performance characteristic measurements from each trial can be used to analyze the relative effect of the various parameters.

Taguchi’s method is based on the use of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The SNR is a measurement scale that has been used in the communications industry for nearly a century for determining the extent of the relationship between quality factors in a measurement model [20]. The SNR approach involves the analysis of data for variability in which an input-to-output relationship is studied in the measurement system. Thus, to determine the effect each parameter has on the output, the SNR is calculated by the follow formula:

S N i =10log y ¯ i 2 S i 2


y ¯ i = 1 N i u = 1 N i y i , u S i 2 = 1 N i 1 u = 1 N i y i , u y ¯ i

i =Experiment number

u =Trial number

N i =Number of trials for experiment i

To minimize the performance characteristic (objective function), the following definition of the SNR should be calculated:

S N i =10log u = 1 N i y u 2 N i

To maximize the performance characteristic (objective function), the following definition of the SNR should be calculated:

S N i =10log 1 N i u = 1 N i 1 y u 2

Once the SNR values have been calculated for each factor and level, they are tabulated as shown in Table 4, and then the range R (R = high SN - low SN) of the SNR for each parameter is calculated and entered on Table 4.

Table 4 Rank for SNR values

According to Taguchi’s method, the larger the R value for a parameter, the greater its effect on the process.


Experiment setup

The experiment was conducted on a DELL Studio Workstation XPS 9100 with Intel Core i7 12-core X980 processor at 3.3 GHz, 24 GB DDR3 RAM, Seagate 1.5 TB 7200 RPM SATA 3Gb/s disk, and 1 Gbps network connection. We used a Linux CentOS 6.4 64-bit distribution and Xen 4.2 as the hypervisor. This physical machine hosts five virtual machines (VM), each with a dual-core Intel i7 configuration, 4 GB RAM, 20 GB virtual storage, and a virtual network interface type. In addition, each VM executes the Apache Hadoop distribution version 1.0.4, which includes the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce framework libraries, Apache Chukwa 0.5.0 as performance measures collector and Apache HBase 0.94.1 as performance measures repository. One of these VM is the master node, which executes NameNode (HDFS) and JobTracker (MapReduce), and the rest of the VM are slave nodes running DataNodes (HDFS) and JobTrackers (MapReduce). Figure 5 presents the cluster configuration for the set of experiments.

Figure 5
figure 5

Cluster configuration for the experiment.

Mapping of performance measures onto PMFCC concepts

A total of 103 MapReduce Jobs (BDA) were executed in the virtual Hadoop cluster and a set of performance measures were obtained from MapReduce Jobs logs and monitoring tools. One of the main problems that arose after the performance measures repository ingestion process was the cleanliness of data. Cleanliness calls for the quality of the data to be verified prior to performing data analysis. Among the most important data quality issues to consider during data cleaning in the model were corrupted records, inaccurate content, missing values, and formatting inconsistencies, to name a few. Consequently, one of the main challenges at the preprocessing stage was how to structure data in standard formats so that they can be analyzed more efficiently. For this, a data normalization process was carried out over the data set by means of the standard score technique (see formula 7).

Xnor m i = X i μ i S i


X i =Feature i

μ i =Average value of Xi in data set

S i =Range of feature i (Max X i -Min X i )

The normalization process scaled the values between the range of [-1, 1] according to the different collected performance measures which are expressed in different units and dimensions. For example the measure processing time is expressed in minutes while the measure memory utilization is expressed in Mbytes. Table 5 presents an extract from the different collected performance measures after the process of normalization.

Table 5 Extract of collected performance measures after process of normalization

Note: Table 5 shows that values related to network measures are equal to zero because the experiment is performed in a Hadoop virtual cluster. This means that real transmission over a physical network does not exist leaving out the possibility of errors. In addition, other measures such as mean time between failure and mean recovery time are also equal to zero because during the experiment duration Hadoop virtual cluster never failed.

Selection of key measures to represent the performance of BDA

One of the challenges in the design of the PAM for BDA is how to determine a set of key sub concepts which have more relevance in the performance compared to others. For this, the application of feature selection is used during the process for knowledge discovery. As previously mentioned, two techniques used for feature selection are: means and variances, and the Relief algorithm. The means and variances approach assumes that the given features are independent of others. In the experiment a total of 103 Hadoop MapReduce Jobs were executed storing their performance measures. A MapReduce Job may belong to one of two classes according to its status; failed or successful (0 or 1) (see Table 5).

Thus, applying means and variances technique to the data set, the feature Job Status classifies each Job records into two classes 0 and 1. First, it is necessary to compute a mean value and variance for both classes and for each feature (PMFCC sub concept measure). It is important to note that test values will be compared with the highest set of values obtained after the ranking process (0.9) because this distinguished them from the rest of results. Results are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Results of means and variances

The analysis shows that measures job processing time and job turnaround have the potential to be distinguishing features between the two classes because their means are far apart and interest in such measures increases, this means their test values are greater than 0.9. In addition, it is important to mention that although between the second and third result (hard disk bytes written) there is a considerable difference; the latter is also selected in order to analyze its relationship with the rest of measures because it also has the potential, in terms of their use, to stand out from the rest of the measures and give more certainty to the analysis of relationships. Thus, the measures job processing time, job turnaround and hard disk bytes written are selected as candidates to represent the performance of the BDA in the Hadoop system.

In order to give more certainty to the above results, the Relief algorithm technique was applied to the same data set. As previously mentioned, the core of Relief algorithm estimates the quality of features according to how well their values distinguish between samples (performance measures of MapReduce Job records) close to each other. Thus, after applying the Relief algorithm to the data set, results are presented in Table 7 where the algorithm detects those features that are statistically relevant to the target classification which are measures with highest quality score.

Table 7 Relief algorithm results

The Relief results show that the performance measures job processing time and job turnaround, have the highest quality scores (W ) and also have the potential to be distinguishing features between the two classes. In this case the performance measure ‘hard disk bytes written’ is also selected by means of the same approach as in the means and variance analysis: in other words, this has in terms of their use to stand out from the rest of the measures and give more certainty to the analysis of relationships. Thus, the measures job processing time, job turnaround and hard disk bytes written are also selected as candidates to represent the performance of BDA in the Hadoop system.

The results show that Time behavior and Resource utilization (see Table 2) are the PMFCC concepts that best represent the performance of the BDA. The next step is to determine how the rest of performance measures are related and to what degree. Studying these relationships enables to assess the influence each of them has on the concepts that best represent the BDA performance in the experiment. For this, Taguchi’s experimental design method is applied in order to determine how different performance measures are related.

Analysis of relationship between selected performance measures

Once that a set of performance measures are selected to represent the performance of BDA, it is necessary to determine the relationships that exist between them and the rest of the performance measures. These key measures are defined as quality objectives (objective functions) according to Taguchi’s terminology. According to Taguchi [20], quality is often referred to as conformance to the operating specifications of a system. To him, the quality objective (or dependent variable) determines the ideal function of the output that the system should show. In our experiment, the observed dependent variables are the following:

• Job processing time,

• Job turnaround and

• Hard disk bytes written

Each MapReduce Job record (Table 5) is selected as an experiment in which different values for each performance measure is recorded. In addition, different levels of each factor (see Table 3) are established as:

• Values less than zero, level 1.

• Values greater or equal to zero, level 2.

Table 8 presents a summary of the factors, levels, and values for this experiment.

Table 8 Experiment factors and levels

Note. The factor set consisting of the rest of performance measures after the key selection process. In addition, it is important to mention that it is feasible to have values less than 0.0; this means negative values because the experiment is performed after the normalization process.

Using Taguchi’s experimental design method, selection of the appropriate OA is determined by the number of factors and levels to be examined. The resulting OA array for this case study is L12 (presented in Table 3). The assignment of the various factors and values of this OA array is shown in Table 9.

Table 9 Matrix of experiments

Table 9 shows the set of experiments to be carried out with different values for each parameter selected. For example, experiment 3 involves values of time of system up fewer than 0, map task capacity fewer than 0, reduce task capacity greater than or equal to 0, network rx bytes greater than or equal to 0, and so on.

A total of approximately 1000 performance measures were extracted by selecting those that met the different combination of parameter values after the normalization process for each experiment. Only a set of 40 measures met the experiment requirements presented in Table 9. This set of 12 experiments was divided into three groups of twelve experiments each (called trials). An extract of the values and results of each experiment for the processing time output objective is presented in Table 10 (the same procedure is performed to developed the experiments of job turnaround and hard disk bytes written output objectives).

Table 10 Trials, experiments, and resulting values for job processing time output objective

Taguchi’s method defined the SNR used to measure robustness, which is the transformed form of the performance quality characteristic (output value) used to analyze the results. Since the objective of this experiment is to minimize the quality characteristic of the output (amount of processing time used per a map reduce Job), the SNR for the quality characteristic “the smaller the better” is given by formula 8, that is:

S N i = u = 1 N i y u 2 N i

The SNR result for each experiment is shown in Table 11. Complete SNR tables for the job turnaround and hard disk bytes written experiments were developed in order to obtain their results.

Table 11 Processing time SNR results

According to Taguchi’s method, the factor effect is equal to the difference between the highest average SNR and the lowest average SNR for each factor (see Table 4). This means that the larger the factor effect for a parameter, the larger the effect the variable has on the process, or, in other words, the more significant the effect of the factor. Table 12 shows the factor effect for each variable studied in the experiment. Similar factor effect tables for job turnaround time and hard disk bytes written output values were also developed to obtain their results.

Table 12 Factor effect rank on the job processing time output objective


Analysis and interpretation of results

Based on the results presented in Table 12, it can be observed that:

Memory utilization is the factor that has the most influence on the quality objective (processing time used per a MapReduce Job) of the output observed, at 6.248288, and

Hard disk bytes read is the least influential factor in this experiment, at 0.046390.

Figure 6 presents a graphical representation of the factor results and their levels for processing time output objective.

Figure 6
figure 6

Graphical representations of factors and their SNR levels.

To represent the optimal condition of the levels, also called the optimal solution of the levels, an analysis of SNR values is necessary in this experiment. Whether the aim is to minimize or maximize the quality characteristic (job processing time used per a MapReduce Job), it is always necessary to maximize the SNR parameter values. Consequently, the optimum level of a specific factor will be the highest value of its SNR. It can be seen that the optimum level for each factor is represented by the highest point in the graph (as presented in Figure 6); that is, L2 for time of system up, L2 for map task capacity, L1 for reduce task capacity, etc.

Using the findings presented in Tables 11 and 12 and in Figure 6, it can be concluded that the optimum levels for the nine (9) factors for processing time output objective in this experiment based on our experimental configuration cluster are presented in Table 13.

Table 13 Optimum levels for factors of the processing time output

Statistical data analysis of job processing time

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique typically used in the design and analysis of experiments. According to Trivedi [22], the purpose of applying the ANOVA technique to an experimental situation is to compare the effect of several factors applied simultaneously to the response variable (quality characteristic). It allows the effects of the controllable factors to be separated from those of uncontrolled variations. Table 14 presents the results of this ANOVA analysis of the experimental factors.

Table 14 Analysis of variance of job processing time output objective (ANOVA)

As can be seen in the contribution column of Table 14, these results can be interpreted as follows (represented graphically in Figure 7):

Memory utilization is the factor that has the most influence (almost 39% of the contribution) on the processing time in this experiment.

Time of CC system up is the factor that has the second greatest influence (21.814% of the contribution) on the processing time.

Network Rx bytes is the factor that has the third greatest influence (17.782% of the contribution) on the processing time.

Hard disk bytes read is the factor with the least influence (0.002% of the contribution) on the processing time in the cluster.

Figure 7
figure 7

Percentage contribution of factors for processing time output objective.

In addition, based on the column related to the variance ratio F shown in Table 14, it can be concluded that:

• The factor Memory utilization has the most dominant effect on the output variable.

• According to Taguchi’s method, the factor with the smallest contribution is taken as the error estimate. So, the factor Hard disk bytes read is taken as the error estimate, since it corresponds to the smallest sum of squares.

The results of this case study show, based on both the graphical and statistical data analyses of the SNR, that the Memory utilization required to process a MapReduce application in our cluster has the most influence, followed by the Time of CC system up and, finally, Network Rx bytes.

Statistical data analysis of job turnaround

The statistical data analysis of job turnaround output objective is presented in Table 15.

Table 15 Analysis of variance of job turnaround output objective (ANOVA)

As can be seen in the contribution column of Table 15, these results can be interpreted as follows (represented graphically in Figure 8):

Load reduce task capacity is the factor that has the most influence (almost 50% of the contribution) on the job turnaround in this experiment.

Load map task capacity is the factor that has the second greatest influence (almost 21% of the contribution) on the job turnaround.

Hard disk bytes read is the factor that has the third greatest influence (16.431% of the contribution) on the job turnaround.

CPU utilization is the factor with the least influence (0.006% of the contribution) on the job turnaround in the cluster system.

Figure 8
figure 8

Percentage contribution of factors for job turnaround output objective.

In addition, based on the column related to the variance ratio F shown in Table 15, it can be concluded that:

• The factor Time of CC system up has the most dominant effect on the output variable.

• According to Taguchi’s method, the factor with the smallest contribution is taken as the error estimate. So, the factor CPU utilization is taken as the error estimate, since it corresponds to the smallest sum of squares.

• The results of this case study show, based on both the graphical and statistical data analysis of the SNR, that the Load reduce task capacity into which is used by the Job in a MapReduce application in our cluster has the most influence in its job turnaround measure.

Statistical data analysis of hard disk bytes written patients

The statistical data analysis of hard disk bytes written output objective is presented in Table 16.

Table 16 Analysis of variance of hard disk bytes written output objective (ANOVA)

As can be seen in the contribution column of Table 16, these results can be interpreted as follows (represented graphically in Figure 9):

Time of CC system up is the factor that has the most influence (37.650% of the contribution) on the hard disk bytes written output objective in this experiment.

Hard disk bytes read is the factor that has the second greatest influence (32.332% of the contribution) on the hard disk bytes written.

CPU utilization is the factor that has the third greatest influence (18.711% of the contribution) on the hard disk bytes written.

Memory utilization is the factor with the least influence (0.544% of the contribution) on the hard disk bytes written in the cluster system.

Figure 9
figure 9

Percentage contribution of factors for hard disk bytes written output objective.

In addition, based on the column related to the variance ratio F shown in Table 16, it can be concluded that the following:

• The factor Time of CC system up has the most dominant effect on the output variable.

• According to Taguchi’s method, the factor with the smallest contribution is taken as the error estimate. So, the factor Memory utilization is taken as the error estimate, since it corresponds to the smallest sum of squares.

The results of this experiment show, based on both the graphical and statistical data analysis of the SNR, that the Time of CC system up while a Job MapReduce application is executed in our cluster has the most influence in the hard disk written.

Summary of performance analysis model

To summarize, when an application is developed by means of MapReduce framework and is executed in the experimental cluster, the factors job processing time, job turn around, and hard disk bytes written, must be taken into account in order to improve the performance of the BDA. Moreover, the summary of performance concepts and measures which are affected by the contribution performance measures is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10
figure 10

Summary of performance measurement analysis.

Figure 10 shows that the performance on this experiment is determined by two sub concepts; Time behavior and Resource utilization. The results of the performance analysis show that the main performance measures involved in these sub concepts are: Processing time, Job turnaround and Hard disk bytes written. In addition, there are two sub concepts which have greater influence in the performance sub concepts; Capacity and Availability. These concepts contribute with the performance by means of their specific performance measures which have contribution in the behavior of the performance measures, they are respectively: Memory utilization, Load reduce task, and Time system up.


This paper presents the conclusions of our research, which proposes a performance analysis model for big applications – PAM for BDA. This performance analysis model is based on a measurement framework for CC, which has been validated by researchers and practitioners. Such framework defines the elements necessary to measure the performance of a CCS using software quality concepts. The design of the framework is based on the concepts of metrology, along with aspects of software quality directly related to the performance concept, which are addressed in the ISO 25010 international standard.

It was found through the literature review that the performance efficiency and reliability concepts are closely associated with the performance measurement. As a result, the performance analysis model for BDA which is proposed in this work, integrates ISO 25010 concepts into a perspective of measurement for BDA in which terminology and vocabulary associated are aligned with the ISO 25010 international standard.

In addition, this research proposes a methodology as part of the performance analysis model for determining the relationships between the CCP and BDA performance measures. One of the challenges that addresses this methodology is how to determine the extent to which the performance measures are related, and to their influence in the analysis of BDA performance. This means, the key design problem is to establish which performance measures are interrelated and how much they contribute to each of performance concepts defined in the PMFCC. To address this challenge, we proposed the use of a methodology based on Taguchi’s method of experimental design combined with traditional statistical methods.

Experiments were carried out to analyze the relationships between the performance measures of several MapReduce applications and performance concepts that best represent the performance of CCP and BDA, as for example CPU processing time and time behavior. We found that when an application is developed in the MapReduce programming model to be executed in the experimental CCP, the performance on the experiment is determined by two main performance concepts; Time behavior and Resource utilization. The results of performance analysis show that the main performance measures involved in these concepts are: Processing time, Job turnaround and Hard disk bytes written. Thus, these measures must be taken into account in order to improve the performance of the application.

Finally, it is expected that it will be possible, based on this work, to propose a robust model in future research that will be able to analyze Hadoop cluster behavior in a production CC environment by means of the proposed analysis model. This would allow real time detection of anomalies that affect CCP and BDA performance.


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Correspondence to Luis Eduardo Bautista Villalpando.

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All the listed authors made substantive intellectual contributions to the research and manuscript. Specific details are as follows: LEBV: Responsible for the overall technical approach and model design, editing and preparation of the paper. AA: Contributed to requirements gathering and evaluation for designing the performance measurement framework for CC. Led the work on requirements gathering. AA: Contributed to requirements gathering and evaluation. Contributed to the design of methodology for analysis of relationship between performance measures. Contributed to the analysis and interpretation of the experiment results. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Bautista Villalpando, L.E., April, A. & Abran, A. Performance analysis model for big data applications in cloud computing. J Cloud Comp 3, 19 (2014).

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