Kategorî:Bilêvkirina IPAyê bi îngilîzî
!Serkategorî » Hemû ziman » Îngilîzî » Bilêvkirina IPAyê
Hemû gotarên zimanê îngilîzî yên tê de bilêvkirina bi IPAyê hene.
Gotarên di kategoriya "Bilêvkirina IPAyê bi îngilîzî" de
Di vê kategoriyê de 2818 rûpel hene. Jêr 200 rûpel tên nîşandan.
rûpela berî vê ↔ rûpela pêş'
- à la carte
- a priori
- abacterial
- abandoned
- abashed
- abating
- abbey
- abbreviation
- abecedary
- abide
- Abkhas
- Abkhaz
- Abkhazian
- ablaze
- able-bodied
- ablution
- abolish
- above-board
- above-mentioned
- abovementioned
- abrade
- absent-minded
- absent-mindedly
- absent-mindedness
- absentmindedly
- absolve
- absonant
- absterge
- abstruse
- abundant
- abusive
- abut
- abutt
- abysmal
- Abyssinia
- acarina
- acarpellous
- accede
- accidentally
- acclamation
- acclimation
- accomplished
- accredit
- accrete
- accumulate
- accumulation
- accursed
- accustomed
- acephalous
- acerb
- achievement
- acidify
- acidulous
- acock
- acolyte
- aconite
- acoustic
- acoustics
- acquiesce
- acquirement
- acquit
- actionable
- activist
- acupuncture
- addend
- addendum
- addictive
- adespota
- adhan
- adhibit
- adjoin
- adjudge
- adjure
- administrator
- admonish
- adorable
- adorbs
- adrift
- adulterer
- adultery
- adust
- advantageous
- advocate
- Aegean Sea
- aerolite
- aeronaut
- Aeschylus
- aesthetics
- affair
- afforest
- afoot
- afore
- Africa
- African
- afro
- after the fact
- aftereffect
- aggrieve
- agha
- aghast
- agleam
- aglow
- agog
- agriculture
- aid
- aide-de-camp
- aids
- aigrette
- aileron
- aimlessly
- airily
- airiness
- airport
- airs
- airstrip
- airy
- alack
- alacrity
- albatross
- albeit
- albino
- albumen
- alchemy
- alcove
- Alemannic
- Alex
- alexia
- alforja
- alfresco
- algebraic
- align
- alizarin
- allay
- allege
- alleyway
- allocate
- allot
- allowed
- allude
- alma mater
- aloof
- alopecia
- alpha
- Alsace
- alter ego
- altruism
- amadou
- amain
- amalgam
- amanuensis
- amaranthine
- amatory
- ambergris
- amberjack
- ambidexter
- ambidextrous
- ambit
- ambsace
- ambuscade
- ameba
- amerce
- amethyst
- ammonium
- amnion
- amoeba
- amœba
- amour
- amphetamine
- amphitheatre
- amply
- ampulla
- anachronistic
- anachronistically
- analogous
- analyst
- anamnesis
- anathema
- anchorage
- ancillary
- and
- androgynous
- angle
- angleworm
- Anglophone
- animadvert
- anime
- animism
- anneal
- annex
- annihilation
- annoy
- annoyingly
- anodyne
- anoint
- anomaly