Scan and deliver is a free electronic document delivery service from UCC Library.
Submit a request here and we'll scan a book chapter or a journal article and deliver it to you electronically.
Please note, you can only request 1 chapter or 10% of any book. Whichever is greater.
You must login with your UCC credentials.
The Scan & Deliver service may only be used for personal use. For materials which can be added to Canvas Modules , please use our Digitised Course Readings Service
Academic staff can request copyright compliant scans of chapters of books and journal articles which can be uploaded to the Digital Content Store (DCS) and accessed by students from a link in Canvas.
Please click here to read more about Digitised Content for Canvas
You can request scans of book chapters and journal articles located in UCC Library’s general print collections and Special Collections. There will be limited access to material from Special Collections. Every effort will be made to fulfil requests but this may not always be possible due to availability, copyright restrictions, size and condition of materials.
You may place as many requests as you wish at one time, but the Scan and Deliver service reserves the right to process one request per person per day, depending on staffing and overall request volume.
The Scan & Deliver service is available to all staff and students of University College Cork free of charge.
Please check the UCC Library catalogue to see if the books or journals you want to scan from are available in the library. Check the eJournals/eBooks portal on the library website for eBooks and electronic journals, as we may already subscribe to a full text version of the article or the book may be available as an eBook. If the book chapter or journal article isn't available in the library you may be able to request it from the Inter Library Loan service.
All scans will be compliant with copyright law. This means that whichever is the greater of one chapter or 10% of a book or one article from a journal issue can be provided. When requesting a scan the requester agrees that by submitting a request they are also agreeing to the conditions in the copyright declaration below:
If you have questions or comments about the Scan & Deliver service please contact us at
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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