Embracive, pervasive, and unstoppable global algorithmization greatly influences the deployment of artificial intelligence systems in criminal courts to replace obsolete bail and sentencing practices, reduce recidivism risk, and modernize judicial practices. Since artificial intelligence systems have provably appeared to have the duality of golden promises and potential perils, applying such a system in the justice system also entails some associated risks. Hence, allocating this unchecked-novel resource in judicial domains sparks vigorous debate over their legal and ethical implications. With such backgrounds, this paper examines how and why artificial intelligence systems reinforce bias and discrimination in society and suggest what approach could be an alternative to the current predictive justice mechanisms in use.
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For this paper, artificial intelligence (AI) includes automated computer programs capable of helping or replacing the traditional judicial decision-making methods (e.g., algorithms used in predictive analytics).
The term ‘predictive’ in AI jargon is contextually linked to the possibility of predicting future results through inductive analysis, which identifies correlations between input and output data (see Ref. [89]). And the term 'preventive justice' was first used in the late eighteenth century and aimed at preventing future crime ([72], p. 1753). Over time, preventive justice schemes have been reinvigorated with risk assessment algorithms to predict recidivism risk.
The ‘COMPAS’ is created by the for-profit company Northpointe (which rebranded itself to ‘Equivant’ in January 2017). The recidivism risk scale of COMPAS has been in use since 2000 (see Ref. [31]).
As for predictive justice, there are nowadays reportedly ‘more than 200 risk assessment tools available in criminal justice and forensic psychiatry, which are widely used to inform sentencing, parole decisions, and post-release monitoring’ (see Ref. [63]).
881 N.W.2d 749 (Wis. 2016), cert. denied, 137S Ct. 2290 (2017); this was a Wisconsin Supreme Court case that was appealed to the United States Supreme Court but denied on June 26, 2017 ( see Ref. [91]).
Algorithmic bias describes systematic and repeatable errors in a computer system that create unfair outcomes, such as privileging one arbitrary group of users over others. Bias can emerge due to many factors, e.g., the design of the algorithm or the way data is coded, collected, selected, or used to train the algorithm (see Ref. [59]).
At Google, only 21%, and at Facebook, only 22% of technical roles are filled by women. This estimate came from tallying the numbers of men and women who had contributed work at three top machine learning conferences in 2017 (see Ref. [92]).
ProPublica, a nonprofit organization, aiming to produce investigative journalism in the public interest, looked at risk scores assigned to over 7000 people in Broward County, Florida, and checked to see how many were charged over the next 2 years, and found that COMPAS tool was ‘biased against blacks’. Such findings provoked a public debate about the problems of automating government systems [57].
However, a rejoinder was also made to this investigation report (see Ref. [37]).
An interesting difference between intelligence and wisdom is knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad (Miles Klington’s witticism).
A recent example includes that a new bill is introduced in the senate of the United States in April of 2019 [7] that represents one of the first major efforts to regulate AI [2]. The new bill would require big companies to audit their machine-learning systems for bias and discrimination in an ‘impact assessment’, and take corrective action in a timely manner if such issues were identified. Notably, the US is not alone in this endeavor; jurisdictions like UK, France, Australia, and others have all recently drafted or passed legislation to hold tech companies accountable for their algorithms (see Ref. [53]).
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The guideline sets forth 12 principles that are intended to guide the design, development, and deployment of AI, and frameworks for policy and legislation.
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Malek, M.A. Criminal courts’ artificial intelligence: the way it reinforces bias and discrimination. AI Ethics 2, 233–245 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-022-00137-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43681-022-00137-9