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Wiki99/open-source software

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Wiki99 for open-source software is a Wiki99 project with theme "open-source software" (OSS).



Wiki99 is a Wikipedia article development model in which a team improves 99 Wikipedia articles which share a topical theme. The goal is to promote good access to basic information and common understanding in a field.

Wiki99 list


Openness concepts

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1open-source softwaresoftware that anyone is free to use and redistribute in its current state with a permissive licence giving a libre access to its original source code (but no necessarily to modify it)1Q1130645101
2The Open Source Definitiondocument published by the Open Source Initiative, to determine whether a software license can be labeled with the open-source certification mark1Q23670205
3open source (1998–)philosophy about free redistribution and access to a product1Q39162111
4free softwaresoftware distributed under terms that allow users to freely run, study, change and distribute it and modified versions1Q341163
5free and open-source softwaresoftware that is both free (as in freedom) and open-source1Q50688310
6open hardwarehardware whose design documents are openly accessible to and modifiable by others1Q15917231
7open datadata that is openly accessible and usable to others1Q30990113
8Open Definitiontext definition of the term 'open' in the context of open content and open data1Q2160552551
9open accessfree distribution of knowledge1Q232932185
10open sciencescience that uses open practices1Q309823102
11free contentcreative work with few or no restrictions on how it may be used1Q1407551
12Creative Commons licensefamily of public copyright licenses for allowing free use of a work1Q284742111
13software as a servicesoftware licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted1Q12545963
14source-available softwaresoftware licensed to ensure access to source code1Q562737124
15copyright infringementillegal usage of a copyrighted works1Q64757861
16intellectual propertyintangible asset consisting of ownership of ideas and processes1Q1312578
17software copyrightconcept of copyright applied to computer code1Q11315264
18digital rights managementtechnology to control access to software or digital content1Q1925327
19right to repairlegal right for owners of devices and equipment to freely modify and repair products1Q1088379473
20Benevolent Dictator for Life (1995–)title given to a small number of open-source software development leaders1Q1127181
21free rider problemconsumption of goods & services without payment1Q4992152
22commonsshared resources1Q982845141
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Software licensing

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1software copyrightconcept of copyright applied to computer code1Q11315264
2software license1Q2076214
3permissive free software licensefree software license with minimal requirements about how the software can be redistributed1Q14379373
4license compatibilitythe legal compatibility of the licenses of different pieces of software allowing for their joint distribution1Q190922
5proprietary softwarecomputer software released under a license restricting use, study or redistribution1Q2186166
6copyleft licenselicense that any redistributed derivative of the work must also fulfill (it can be free or proprietary)1Q11392746
7end-user license agreementcontract between the licensor and purchaser of a piece of software1Q7259204
8GNU General Public Licenseseries of free software licenses1Q7603152
9Apache Licensefree software license scheme developed by the Apache Software Foundation1Q61652681
10MIT License (1984–)permissive free software license1Q33466115
11BSD licensestype of free software license, imposing minimal restrictions on the use and distribution of covered software.1Q191307102
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Concepts in software

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1software developmentcreation and maintaining of programs and applications1Q6386089
2information technologydevelopment, management, and use of computer-based information systems1Q11661142
3source codecollection of computer instructions written using some human-readable computer language1Q128751131
4programmerperson who writes computer software (subclass of software developer)1Q5482740131
5softwarenon-tangible executable component of a computer1Q7397263
6information and communications technologyuse of integration of telecommunications and computers to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information1Q526883492
7programming languagelanguage for communicating instructions to a machine1Q9143211
8computer hardwarephysical components of a computer1Q3966132
9software maintenancemodification of a software product after delivery1Q9400532
10operating systemsoftware that manages computer hardware resources1Q9135202
11data collectionprocess of gathering and measuring information1Q49292397
12web applicationapplication that uses a web browser as a client1Q1892108
13machine learningscientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions1Q2539172
14data sciencefield of study to extract insights from data1Q237446381
15artificial intelligencefield of computer science that develops and studies intelligent machines1Q11660262
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Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1computer securitythe protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak1Q3510521121
2computer virustype of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code1Q48592
3cyberattackany attempt to expose, alter, disable, destroy, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of a computer system1Q40719285
4vulnerabilitysecurity weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance1Q63142591
5cyberwarfareuse of technological force within cyberspace1Q84934051
6hackerperson who uses technical knowledge to achieve a goal within a computerized system by non-standard means1Q148781
7bug bounty programdeals offered for reporting software bugs1Q168487591
8information securityprotecting information by mitigating information risks1Q18990091
9data breachintentional or unintentional release of secure information to an untrusted environment1Q11724866
10zero-daycyberattack that utilizes a recently-publicized computer software vulnerability on systems which are yet to be mitigated1Q8467263
11Log4Shell2021 software security vulnerability1Q11006843310
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Ethics, values, and social topics

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1Cyberethicsethics of online activities1Q5197779
2computer ethicsphilosophy concept in computing1Q11224462
3digital rightshuman rights that allowing individuals to access, use, create, and publish digital media or to access and use computers, other electronic devices, or communications networks1Q11346271
4technology policypolicies related to technology support and development in a country1Q76926194
5regulation of artificial intelligencepolicy, law and regulation on the development and use of artificial intelligence1Q964822664
6smart cityurban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of things sensors to collect data and then use these data to manage assets and resources efficiently1Q123155872
7Internet of thingsInternet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects1Q251212142
8civic technologytechnology that enables engagement, participation or enhances the relationship between the people and government by enhancing citizen communications and public decision, improving government delivery of service and infrastructure1Q173868074
9citizen scienceA collaborative approach that involves members of the public in scientific research, including including nonprofessional scientists. It encompasses a wide range of activities from data collection to project design.1Q109343461
10acqui-hiringpractice of acquiring a company to recruit its employees (rather than for its assets or business)1Q46747642
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Consumer product software names

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1Debian (1993–)free Unix-like operating system1Q7715973435
2Firefox (2002–)free and open source web browser1Q698454
3WordPress (2003–)content management system1Q13166203
4Audacity (2000–)open-source digital audio editor and recording application1Q191782274
5Signal (2014–)privacy-focused encrypted messaging app1Q19718090322
6LibreOffice (2011–)office suite supported by the free software community1Q10135403
7Tordaemon and utilities for an anonymizing network1Q202044262
8VLC media player (1996–)free/libre and open-source cross-platform media player, streaming client, streaming media server and audio and video converter (transcoder)1Q171477294
9Blender (1994–)free and open-source 3D computer graphics software1Q173136394
10GIMP (1995–)image retouching and editing tool1Q8038293
11Inkscape (2003–)free vector graphics editor1Q8041354
12Stable Diffusion (2022–)image-generating machine learning model1Q113660857161
13Open Source Initiative (1998–)organization dedicated to promoting open-source software1Q845918151
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Infrastructure product software names

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1Linux (1991–)family of Unix-like operating systems1Q388295
2Apache HTTP Server (1995–)open-source web server software1Q11354211
3MySQL (1995–)SQL database engine software1Q850252
4PHP (1995–)scripting language focused on web development1Q59397
5LAMPsoftware bundle1Q19134262
6Kubernetessoftware to manage containers on a server-cluster1Q22661306204
7Node.js (2009–)JavaScript runtime environment1Q756100191
8GitHub (2007–)hosting service for software projects using Git1Q364431
9Git (2005–)distributed version control system1Q186055342
10GitLab (2011–)online git source code repository host1Q16639197253
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Professional product software names

Wikipedia articles
Description on WikidataenΣ
Wikidata item
1Python (1991–)general-purpose programming language1Q28865374
2R (1993–)programming language for statistical analysis1Q206904293
3Julia (2009–)high-performance dynamic programming language1Q2613697242
4Project Jupyter (2014–)nonprofit organization that developed and supported the interactive computing products Jupyter Notebook, JupyterHub, and JupyterLab1Q55630549151
5Stack Overflow (2008–)website for professional and enthusiast programmers1Q549037273
6Docker (2013–)open-source software for deploying and running of containerized applications1Q15206305282
7ImageJimage processing software1Q1659584122
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(100 %)


Conflict of interest disclosure

Lane Rasberry, Wikipedia user:bluerasberry, is a paid researcher at the University of Virginia who has paid other university students, university faculty and staff, and Wikipedia editors to develop the articles on this list.

Maintaining Wikipedia's standards for ethics and ethical transparency is vital to the Wiki99 project model. The Wikipedia community is strict to manage en:Wikipedia:Conflict of interest. The project coordinator user:bluerasberry is responsible for managing this.

Lane Rasberry user:bluerasberry says, "I think this is a good project design! For Wikipedia's paid-contribution disclosure, and with additional caution and sensitivity due to many thousands of previous reported problems, see the below information on conflict of interest.

Paid-contribution disclosure and disclosure of other conflict of interest
  • Coordinator Lane Rasberry user:bluerasberry is Wikimedian in Residence at the School of Data Science at the University of Virginia, and gets salary. More information about such staff Wikimedian roles is at Wikimedians in Residence Exchange Network.
  • This project is part of the University of Virginia's Democracy Initiative described at https://democracyinitiative.virginia.edu/ . This participation is informal and there is no documentation, but Rasberry may report results at a future conference for this initiative. This affiliation introduces bias in favor of concepts in democracy.
  • Student editing projects can introduce bias in many ways, including through the hundreds of complaints logged at en:Wikipedia:Education noticeboard. A Wiki Education Program coordinator wrote in a 2022 opinion piece in Wikipedia's newsletter, The Signpost, that despite the problems, the model of encouraging students to edit usually results in good outcomes.
  • This project pays student editors as research assistants. Wikipedia regulates paid editing in en:Wikipedia:Paid-contribution disclosure. Discuss on the talk page, but here are some reasons why this project is different from other paid editing projects:
    • Almost all of the paid editing complaints at en:Wikipedia:Conflict of interest/Noticeboard are the promotion of products, services, organizations, or people. In this project, the topics are of general interest and do not particularly benefit any brand.
    • All editors paid in this project are encouraged to provide balanced coverage, including seeking counterpoints to any perspectives, arguments from all sides, criticism and taboo information, and significant minority perspectives.
    • This project applies university and academic ethics to the project. Many parts of university ethics are global and understandable by many. Additionally, to the extent that it fits, University of Virginia students are aware that they must uphold University of Virginia Honor, and that they have options for discussing ethical problems with this project with others at the university.
  • This project has a grant from a major foundation. We are in the process of publishing the grant proposal.
Steps to ensuring quality and openness
  • Before beginning a Wiki99 project’s editorial activity, organizers should list their funders publicly on their project home page.
  • Researchers, editors, and fellow organizers will be vetted and informed of the importance of transparency.
  • During the editing process, each sentence should be checked by at least one, and hopefully two people.
  • Throughout the project, an open WikiEducation dashboard should be used to track and measure progress for each editor and for the project as a whole.
  • After the project, the dashboard and home page should remain open in perpetuity, so as to make it easy to trace editorial activity back to its source.
  • At least once during the project, a third-party expert should be brought in to evaluate the comprehensiveness of a Wiki99 project.
  • All researchers, editors, and organizers involved in a Wiki99 project must disclose any potential conflicts of interest upfront. This includes financial interests, affiliations, or personal biases that might affect their work on Wikipedia articles. This information will be publicly accessible.
  • Our projects hope to encompass a diverse set of interests. Where possible we hope to draw on different cultural, gender, geographic, and academic backgrounds to ensure a broad and balanced viewpoint on the subjects being edited.
  • We will engage with the wider Wikipedia community and consider soliciting feedback from the public or other Wikipedia editors.

Editors in this project must uphold "neutrality". Neutrality can have many meanings and editors can practice it in various ways. In this project, the strategy for achieving neutrality is as follows:

  1. The project is open to public discussion on the talk page at Talk:Wiki99/open-source software. Complaints and comments go here.
  2. Editing in the project happens in the model of the en:Wikipedia:Education program. In this model, a university professor has each student in a class select a topic around a theme. Each student does their own research to identify the best sources of information for that topic. They draft the best information they can while citing those sources. They then post the content to Wikipedia under the professor's oversight.
  3. Student editors discuss the hazards of conflict of interest as described below.
  4. The Wiki99 for Open-Source Software team coordinator, user:bluerasberry, is responsible for seeking additional community review.

See also

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