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Maître incontesté du techno-thriller, Michael Crichton réinvente la terreur: après les monstres de Jurassic Park, voici les robots tueurs de moins de un millimètre de long...
Personnalité des milieux high tech de Silicon Valley, Julia dirige Xymos, une jeune société qui fabrique des nanoparticules, ces robots infiniment petits destinés à la recherche militaire.Depuis quelque temps, le comportement de Julia est étrange. Elle s'absente de plus en plus souvent, se cache pour téléphoner, se désintéresse de son bébé malade, prononce des phrases incohérentes...
Jack, son mari, veut comprendre. Chercheur en informatique, il parvient à se faire embaucher par Xymos pour une mission de consultant. C'est là, dans un curieux complexe technologique au coeur du désert du Nevada, qu'il va découvrir jusqu'où peuvent aller le génie et la folie des scientifiques. Seul, il devra affronter un prédateur que nul n'avait jusque-là imaginé. Un prédateur infiniment petit, mais qui menace la planète.
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programmers, nanorobotics, reproduction, evolution, predation, grey goo, isotopes, thermite, symbiosis, phange, E. coli, methane, imaging technology, human test subject research, cautionary tale, technology, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, distributed artificial intelligence, population dynamics, host-parasite coevolution, emergence, complexity, genetic algorithms, agent-based computing, Molecular biologists, Vida artificial, Biología molecular, Science fiction, Ciencia-ficción, Fiction, Novela, Artificial intelligence, Biología molecular, Nevada in fiction, Nanotechnology in fiction, Molecular biologists in fiction, Open Library Staff Picks, Artificial intelligence in fiction, Artificial life in fiction, Suspense fiction, Roboter, Biotechnologie, Bedrohung, Menschheit, Nanotechnologie, Artificial life, Biólogos, Ciencia-ficción, Fiction, science fiction, hard science fiction, Nevada, fiction, Fiction, thrillers, Fiction, thrillers, general, Littérature américaine, Roman, Roman policier américain, nyt:combined-print-and-e-book-fiction=2015-04-05, New York Times bestseller, New York Times reviewed, Nanobiotechnologie, Belletristische Darstellung, Molecular biologists--fiction, Artificial life--fiction, Ps3553.r48 p74 2002, 813/.54People
Jack Forman, Julia Forman, Mae Chang, Ricky Morse, Charley Davenport, David Brooks, Rosie Castro, Swarm, Vince Reynolds, Amanda Forman, Nicole Forman, Eric Forman, silver men, Ellen, Don Gross, Gary, Maria, Annie, Carol, Mary, Bobby Lembeck, Tim BermanPlaces
Nevada, Xymos research facility, Basin Desert, U.S. ArmyShowing 10 featured editions. View all 64 editions?
Edition | Availability |
01 |
2008-11, Harper
Mass Market Paperback
in English
- 1st Harper paperback printing (7)
0061703087 9780061703089
03 |
La proie
2004-07, Éd. France loisirs
in French
- Edition du Club France Loisirs
2744174297 9782744174292
05 |
06 |
2002, HarperCollins Publishers
in English
- Doubleday Large Print Home Library Edition
0739431382 9780739431382
2002, HarperCollins Publishers
in English
- First Edition (1)
0066214122 9780066214122
09 |
10 |
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Work Description
Prey is a novel by Michael Crichton, his thirteenth under his own name and twenty-third overall, first published in November 2002, making his first novel of the twenty-first century. The novel serves as a cautionary tale about developments in science and technology; in this case, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and distributed artificial intelligence.
The book features relatively new advances in the computing/scientific community, such as artificial life, emergence (and by extension, complexity), genetic algorithms, and agent-based computing. Fields such as population dynamics and host-parasite coevolution are also at the heart of the novel.
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