As a commons user, I want to be able to filter my search results by license type so that I can select images that I can use.
Acceptance Criteria:
- A "license" filter is added that allows users to only see results that have a certain license type.
- The license filter should only appear on the Images, Audio, Other, and Video tabs.
- The license filter should have the following options:
- "Use with attribution" - this is everything with the CC-BY license
- "Use with attribution and same license" - this is everything with the CC BY-SA license
- "No restrictions" - this is everything that's either CC0 or in the public domain
- "Other" - everything else
- The license filter should use only license data contained in structured data statements
- The license filter should behave and look like the "media size" filter on desktop. This task does not cover the mobile UI (this will be done as part of T258615)