Try to become more DMARC-complient on the mailing lists to improve deliverability, particularly given Yahoo and AOL recently switched to a policy p=reject, preventing these users from sending emails to the mailing lists.
This bug is partly wontfix since this is linked to an upstream Mailman for a proper resolution, but could be partly mitigated by changing some configuration parameters, although there is no proper solution. I open this bug partly to isolate this mailing lists issue from other DMARC-related bugs (56414, 59731, 64795), and properly tracking the issue.
Two mitigations:
1/ is a way to mitigate the issue, although the main point is to change the From: header to a fixed address like (quite disruptive for all users).
2/ proposes to rewrite Yahoo (+AOL) sending addresses from to to bypass DMARC.
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: normal
See Also: