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- User Since
- Oct 11 2014, 8:58 AM (534 w, 4 d)
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- Unknown
- MediaWiki User
- Dan-nl [ Global Accounts ]
Jun 13 2015
Jun 11 2015
GWToolset uses GWToolset\Handlers:UploadHandler:getFileExtension() to attempt to determine the media file’s extension. it uses php’s pathinfo and mediawiki’s MimeMagic to determine a valid file extension. if either of those methods fails, the file extension is assumed to be invalid.
sorry, didn’t know what the acronymn meant: Server Admin Log (SAL). thanks for your help.
Jun 10 2015
i just checked both beta and production and the whitelist config change appears in both environments. was the merged patch also deployed to production?
based on past experience, once these config` patches are merged, the changes are available on beta and production in about 15 minutes. there was no need for a SWAT or regular deploy.
Feb 26 2015
it looks like there was a problem with the original metadata that fæ cleaned-up; see this revision comparison. but i’d double-check with fæ to make sure. not sure how to add @fæ to this task. will @Fae do it?
Feb 14 2015
Would a 14 million entry XML file be too big?
yes, as @Reedy already mentioned. i believe the largest xml file i used during testing was a 10,000 record file that was 58.7mb in size, which is a good size to limit each xml file to - 10,000 records.
Feb 4 2015
might be good to open a new task for the issue. in any case:
- i tested the url by running curl -i and got a response that seems like it should work.
- is the error message you mention the complete error message?
- can you upload a small sample of the xml file you’re using?
- and a link to the metadata mapping you created?
- i don’t see any GWToolset uploads with your username in the beta commons Special Log, so i assume that means that you’re getting the error message as you setup the batch job - correct?
Feb 2 2015
i suggest you try uploading a few maps on commons beta ahead of the hackathon so that any issues you might run into could be addressed as soon as possible.
Jan 31 2015
thanks for taking care of this @yuvipanda!
Jan 29 2015
i see. thanks, but how is MW-Vagrant determining where to get the apt-get package for hhvm?
i agree, that ideally this would be fixed in the hhvm package, but it seems that this issue has existed for some time. i checked out a commit hash from 25 september 2014, 7447c9804b947b4b7eba9af1d0dc93828d59bed9, and still saw this issue when creating a new vm.
Jan 27 2015
installed hhvm version: 3.5.0-trusty in an unpuppetized vagrant instance and it installs php.ini in /etc/hhvm/php.ini. it seems that the issue is with the pkg version 3.3.1+dfsg1-1+wm3, which installs php.ini in /etc/hhvm/php.ini/php.ini. i don’t know how or where this needs to be fixed or reported.
Jan 26 2015
this commit based on this patch seems to have created the issue.
Jan 23 2015
would you mind setting that cherry picked merge up?
you should be able to run a small test on beta first. if your test works on beta, then “in theory” it should work on production once GWToolset 0.3.8 (1fd5c4d) 16:55, 22 January 2015 is deployed there. you can check this page in production and look for GWToolset to see which version is on production.
Jan 22 2015
once is deployed to production you can try the upload again. i suggest using a small subset to start and then the rest once you're able to verify that all is well.
Jan 21 2015
thanks for checking it.
Jan 20 2015
is the constant PHP_SAPI defined in production?
when a job is run by the job runner, is that constant set to 'cli'?
Jan 14 2015
Dec 15 2014
the fix has been deployed to production. are you okay with closing this task or is there something i may have missed?
Dec 7 2014
thanks hoo,
Dec 3 2014
this seems to be a job runner/job queue issue.
- is there someone on the ops team who could investigate it?
- is there a way to tell when the job runner is having a problem?
- is there a way to see which job's are in the job queue?