This tag tracks all tasks which are related to one or more Malayalam (ml) language project editions. It supersedes T58295: [DO NOT USE] Malayalam Wiki Projects (tracking) [superseded by #Malayalam-Sites] and the migration was proposed and approved at T152288: Replace tracking task T58295 by creating #Malayalam-Sites.
Event Timeline
MarcoAurelio renamed this project from Malayam-Sites to Malayalam-Sites.Dec 24 2016, 6:01 PM2016-12-24 18:01:41 (UTC+0)
MarcoAurelio edited a custom field.
Mahir256 updated this project's image from F5151254: fa-tags-yellow.png to F8820859: profile.Jul 23 2017, 5:23 PM2017-07-23 17:23:25 (UTC+0)
Aklapper changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Custom Policy".Jul 11 2023, 7:33 PM2023-07-11 19:33:35 (UTC+0)