"Hell to Heaven" is a short film directed and written by Amardeep Garg, who has skillfully acted in it. It is an inspiring story about a man named Karan who overcomes drug addiction and poverty to become a successful entrepreneur. When we ...See more"Hell to Heaven" is a short film directed and written by Amardeep Garg, who has skillfully acted in it. It is an inspiring story about a man named Karan who overcomes drug addiction and poverty to become a successful entrepreneur. When we are on a wrong path, life tries to show us the right one. If we understand it and change our path, then no one can stop us from reaching the right destination. It also highlights the dark side of drug addiction by showing how a drug peddler can lure someone into addiction with no cost and then take away everything from them.The film challenges the idea that drugs are always bad and shows that people can change their lives for the better. The message of the film is that with hard work and determination, anyone can achieve success and happiness. Written by
Gunjan Melwani
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