Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/CiphriusKane
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- Ye'r keekin at a closed Request for adminship. Mynd that the debate is closed an please dinna post onie mair comments. The raeson this request is closed is shawn ablo
Successfu nomination CiphriusKane (tauk) 20:02, 31 December 2020 (UTC)[replie]
Vote here (5/0/0) ending 2020-12-09 08:21 CiphriusKane (collogue · contreebs) - A feel a cid benefit fae the tuils as it'd sauf me fae haein tae rely on the ither admins (nae meanin tae gripe at em) an the wiki as a hale wid prolly benefit. A hae experience as an admin on a fan wiki an aa, sae a'm uised tae the demands ae adminship --CiphriusKane (tauk) 08:21, 2 Dizember 2020 (UTC)
- Candidate, please shaw gin ye accept the nomination here: Aye CiphriusKane (tauk) 08:21, 2 Dizember 2020 (UTC)
- OMG AYE. –MJL ‐Tauk‐☖ 17:23, 2 Dizember 2020 (UTC)
- Aye - He's a guid lad. YoungstownToast (tauk) 19:44, 2 Dizember 2020 (UTC)
- Ay - Kythed at CK's aye been abreist o ilka vandal, spammer, an non-Scots scrievins gaun. A'm no sweir ava wi CK bein promuived til admin. (Entohist (tauk) 17:00, 8 Dizember 2020 (UTC))
- Ay - (en) Active and reliable Wikipedian who doesn't get involved in drama and is a major force in the clean-up efforts. --Andreas (tauk) 17:07, 8 Dizember 2020 (UTC)
- Defo Ay - Thay'v bin braw howkin oot the worst airticles on 'e Wiki on 'e Discord server. A fully tryst thaim tae dae thair job an actual tak the action needit on the bad airticles! -Cobra! (tauk) 19:10, 8 Dizember 2020 (UTC)
Quaistens for the candidate
A feow generic quaistens tae gie guidance tae the voters:
- 1. Whit sysop chores, if ony, wad ye foresee yersel holpin wi? (Please read the page aboot administrators an the administrators' readin leet.)
- A. Coontervandalism, clearin up spam airticles, closin an actionin discussions. A've aareidy closed a few VfDs, pit up a couple ae DYKs an a FA ontae the main page
- 2. Amang yer ain airticles or contreibutions tae Wikipaedia, are there ony that ye'r rael prood o, an whit wey?
- 3. Haev ye bin in ony fechts ower editin in the past or div ye feel that ither uisers hae caused ye pain? Whit haev ye duin aboot it and whit will ye dae aboot it in the future?
- A. Nae aat a kin mind. A try an assume gweed feth an gie fowk leeway, as ootside ae a uiser tryin tae apply the Scunthorpe problem tae the Scots leid maist fowk hae jist bin misguidit
- The above discussion is preserved as a refelctor of the debate. Please dinnae chynge it. Nae more edits suid be made to this page.