Такође погледајте: Додатак:Варијанте од "x"
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Etymology 1
x (upper case X)
- The twenty-fourth letter of the basic modern Latin alphabet.
See also
- (Латински текст): Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Sſs Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
- (Variations of letter X): Ẍẍ Ẋẋ ᶍ Xx
Etymology 2
- (IPA) voiceless velar fricative.
- (mathematics) An unknown variable.
- (mathematics) The first coordinate in Cartesian coordinates, representing horizontal position.
- Used as a placeholder for a digit or value that may vary.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- A kiss at the end of a letter, or similar missive.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- (computing) A unit of transfer rate of CD drives, equal to 150 KiB per second.
- (computing) A unit of transfer rate of DVD drives, equal 1.32 MiB per second.
- (deprecated use of
parameter) Алтернативно спеловање од ×- Dimensions: 1280x720
Etymology 3
- Ⅹ, the Roman numeral ten (10)
Alternative forms
See also
- Letter styles
Capital and lowercase versions of X, in normal and italic type
Uppercase and lowercase X in Fraktur
See also
Other representations of X:
- (letter name):
- (deprecated use of
parameter)Audio (US): (file)
- (phoneme):
x (lower case, upper case X, plural x's)
- The twenty-четврти letter of the Енглески alphabet, called ex and written in the Latin script.
- Alternative letter-case form of X (“intersex or non-binary, in passports and identification documents”)
- (fandom slang) Used between the names of two characters to denote a ship, particularly in anime, manga, and video games.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- (deprecated use of
parameter) For more examples of usage of this term, see Цитати:x.
- (music) Used in place of and in artist collaborations.
- Taska Black x DROELOE, Steve Aoki x Lauren Jauregui, etc.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) letter; A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Y y, Z z
- -x
- The eighth letter of the Афарски alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) A a, B b, T t, S s, E e, C c, K k, X x, I i, D d, Q q, R r, F f, G g, O o, L l, M m, N n, U u, W w, H h, Y y
- (phoneme)
x lower case (upper case X)
- The twelfth letter of the Азербејџански alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) hərf; A a, B b, C c, Ç ç, D d, E e, Ə ə, F f, G g, Ğ ğ, H h, X x, I ı, İ i, J j, K k, Q q, L l, M m, N n, O o, Ö ö, P p, R r, S s, Ş ş, T t, U u, Ü ü, V v, Y y, Z z
- (letter name):
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The twenty-fourth letter of the Dutch alphabet.
See also
- The twenty-трећи letter of the Фински alphabet, called äks or eks and written in the Latin script.
Usage notes
- Used only in loanwords. In more established loanwords replaced with ks.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) kirjain; A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s (Š š), T t, U u, V v (W w), X x, Y y, Z z (Ž ž), Å å, Ä ä, Ö ö
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The twenty-пети letter of the Француски alphabet, written in the Latin script.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- With these passages and other similar ones, the poor gentleman lost his judgement. He spent his nights and tortured himself to understand them, to consider them more deeply, to take from them their deepest meaning, which Aristotle himself would not have been able to do, had he been resurrected for that very purpose.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- Romanization of 𐍇
- (context pronunciation)
- (letter name)
x (upper case X)
- The twenty-четврти letter of the Идо alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) litero; A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Y y, Z z
The multiplication sign × (which is visually similar to the letter x) is pronounced per in Italian.
x m or f (invariable)
- x; the 24th letter of the Latin alphabet
- (text messaging, slang) (deprecated use of
parameter) Скраћеница од per (“for”).
Usage notes
This convention is not only used for the preposition but also used within words such as, xké (“perché”), xò (“però”).
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The twenty-трећи letter of the Латински alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- More information at X.
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The twenty-четврти letter of the Малајски alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- (letter name):
- (phoneme):
- The 24th letter of the Norwegian alphabet.
Usage notes
- Only appears in loanwords from e.g. Latin.
- (deprecated use of
parameter)Audio (BR): (file)
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The twenty-четврти letter of the Португалски alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) letra; A a (Á á, À à, Â â, Ã ã), B b, C c (Ç ç), D d, E e (É é, Ê ê), F f, G g, H h, I i (Í í), J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o (Ó ó, Ô ô, Õ õ), P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u (Ú ú), V v, W w, X x, Y y, Z z
- The twenty-seventh letter of the Romanian alphabet representing the double-consonant sounds /ɡz/, /ks/. Preceded by v and followed by z.
- (phoneme)
- (letter name) (Castilian) (deprecated use of
parameter) Lua грешка in Модул:IPA at line 503: Invalid IPA: replace Ф with ɸ, : with ː и у with y. - (Latin America) (deprecated use of
parameter) Lua грешка in Модул:IPA at line 503: Invalid IPA: replace : with ː, L with ʟ и g with ɡ.- (deprecated use of
parameter)Audio (Spain): (file)
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The 25th letter of the Spanish alphabet.
- (text messaging, Internet slang) Abbreviation of "por"
x (lower case, upper case X)
- The twenty-четврти letter of the Zulu alphabet, written in the Latin script.
See also
- (Латиница-текст слова) A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g, H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u, V v, W w, X x, Y y, Z z
x (српски)
Падеж | Једнина | Множина |
Номинатив | ... | ... |
Генитив | ... | ... |
Датив | ... | ... |
Акузатив | ... | ... |
Вокатив | ... | ... |
Инструментал | ... | ... |
Локатив | ... | ... |
Слогови: ..., мн. ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
Сродни чланци са Википедије:
- Странице са грешкама у скрипти
- Карактер оквири са сликама
- Basic Latin блок
- Латиница script characters
- Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms блок
- Number Forms блок
- Међународни слова
- Међународни terms with redundant script codes
- Стране са 17 уноса
- Стране са language headings in the wrong order
- Стране са nonstandard language headings
- Стране са raw sortkeys
- Латиница текст карактери
- Међународни појмови са аудио везама
- Међународни symbol
- mul:Computing
- Енглески terms with usage examples
- Међународни нумерички симболи
- Амерички знаковни језик terms in nonstandard scripts
- IPA symbols
- mul:Ten
- Енглески 1-слог речи
- Енглески термини са ИПА изговором
- Енглески појмови са аудио везама
- Енглески letter
- Енглески adjective
- Енглески коњункција
- Енглески fandom slang
- Афарски letter
- Азербејџански термини са ИПА изговором
- Азербејџански слова
- Азербејџански terms with redundant script codes
- Азербејџански уноси са нетачним заглављем језика
- Риме:Холандски/ɪks
- Холандски термини са ИПА изговором
- Холандски letter
- Француски 1-слог речи
- Француски термини са ИПА изговором
- Француски letter
- Готски романизација
- Готски terms with redundant script codes
- Gothic romanizations without a main entry
- Идо термини са ИПА изговором
- Идо letter
- Италијански noun
- Италијански preposition
- Италијански text messaging slang
- Италијански slang
- Италијански скраћенице
- Латински letter
- Малајски letter
- Норвешки термини са ИПА изговором
- Норвешки letter
- Португалски појмови са аудио везама
- Португалски letter
- Румунски термини са ИПА изговором
- Румунски letter
- Romanian letters
- Шпански термини са ИПА изговором
- Шпански појмови са аудио везама
- Шпански letter
- Entries with non-standard headers
- Шпански abbreviation
- Шпански text messaging slang
- Шпански internet slang
- Zulu letter
- Српскe именицe
- Речи направљене аутоматизмом