The Activators are a size class of toy originally released as part of the Transformers Animated toyline. They are chunky, small, Scout-sized figures (roughly 4 inches tall in robot mode) with spring-loaded autotransformations from vehicle to robot, but must be hand-transformed back into vehicle mode.
The line continued through the 2010-2011 Transformers toyline, though these represent characters from the live-action film series and are larger than previous Activators (similar in size to Deluxe-class figures). For the Dark of the Moon line, the Activators were further simplified and released under the "Robo Power" subline.
- Hasbro
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Wave 5
Wave 6
Wave 7
Wave ??? (Cancelled)
- TakaraTomy
While TakaraTomy did release the Activators toys in their version of the Animated toyline, they were not part of a separate assortment, but rolled into the normal line, released in the same waves as the other toys. The majority of them are minimally-changed, with the only notable difference being that the Takara versions have full-color faction symbols rather than the silver/gold ones of the Hasbro releases, but there are a few truly exclusive decos in Takara's offerings, indicated by italics below.
Transformers (2010)
Dark of the Moon: "Robo Power"