Devron (G1)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Devron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Devron (disambiguation). |
- Devron is a Decepticon from the cartoon portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Devron was a Decepticon leader. He is now honored by a statue in the Hall of Heroes.
The Transformers cartoon
The statue of Devron was seen in the Hall of Heroes during Starscream's coronation. It was the innermost statue on the left. While Unicron chastised Galvatron on account of the Decepticon's defiance in declaring dominion over Cybertron and its lunar satellites, Devron's massive statue was suddenly missing from its location in the Hall. The Transformers: The Movie
- Given that the early script for the film had the released life sparks of these ancient Decepticons becoming Galvatron's new troops, it is possible that Devron's resemblance to Scourge and the Sweeps was intentional.