From Transformers Wiki
- Dragbreak is a Decepticon Stunticon combiner from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Given the disparate personalities of Drag Strip and Wildbreak, you wouldn't expect their combined form Dragbreak to be all that harmonious... but you'd be wrong, and not in the way that you'd expect. Rather than even try to unite their minds, Dragstrip simply takes control of the combined mode's psyche, giving him the power of two 'bots without having to put up with Wildbreak's whining.
Contents |
2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: Maurice LaMarche (English), Diego Baldoin (Italian)
Drag Strip and Wildbreak merged into Dragbreak atop a parking building while being pursued by Bee Team and crashed down on Bumblebee and Drift, only to be knocked down moments later by Sideswipe and Blurr. Wielding a Decepticon Hunter as a hammer, he (they?) successfully went on to fight Bumblebee and Sideswipe effectively, until the former dropped the roof on him. The pair were separated when the Decepticon Hunter subsequently exploded. Bee Cool
Transformers: Robots in Disguise mobile game
Version | Unlock Cost (Energon) | Unlock Cost (Ultra Sparks) |
Crash Combiner | 4000 | 80 |
Dragbreak was among the many Decepticons available to repel an Insecticon invasion. Robots in Disguise
Robots in Disguise (2015)
- Decepticon Dragstrip & Wildbreak (Crash Combiners, 2017)
- Robots in Disguise Crash Combiner Dragbreak consists of two roughly Basic-sized Cons: Dragstrip and Wildbreak. As a Crash Combiner, the components of Dragbreak can swap with those of other Crash Combiners. His colors and the positions of the two Decepticons are swapped as compared to his animation model.
- In Asian markets, Dragbreak was a shelfwarmer, often filling shelves with some other Crash Combiners.