From Transformers Wiki
- Equinoids are toy robots from the 2005 IDW portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Manufactured and sold by the former Decepticon entrepreneur Demus on Tebris VII, Equinoids are a series of Roboids shaped like Earth horses. They are strong enough to carry at least one adequately-sized Cybertronian on their backs.
2005 IDW continuity
As Demus himself explained to the Scavengers, he branched out into making Roboids (including Equinoids) when he noticed that his domestic appliances sold better when they looked like they had faces. He found that the toy pets—with a limited battery life, a few limited phrases on a sound chip and some glow-in-the-dark panels—were extremely successful. Some Of My Best Friends Are Autobots
However, this tale of economic success hid a much darker secret. As Fortress Maximus the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord revealed to the Scavengers, Demus wasn't building the Roboids but instead capturing and lobotomising Transformers with beast modes and selling them to mechanoid-hating organics as torture dolls upon which they could vent their frustrations. After Fortress Maximus was distracted by Grimlock and went to grapple with him, the Scavengers saddled up on some Equinoids to race to the Dinobot's aid. They then tricked Maximus into believing the Roboids' lives were in danger and fled the planet—but not before Spinister left instructions on how to undo the damage Demus had wrought on the Roboids. All the Roboids were subsequently brought aboard Maximus's ship, to be taken to a place with better equipment and repaired. This presumably included the Equinoids. Animals