Flame (Movie)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Flame" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Flame (disambiguation). |
- The Flame is an evil power source from the 2007 movie franchise of the live-action film continuity family.
The Flame is an energy source, a plasma-flame, of unknown origins. It has the ability to induce rage into anyone within a wide, wide radius. But not just that; If a potential victim resists the Flame's influence, it is even capable of manipulating the victim's mind and senses, creating illusions of whatever happens to be that individual's particular trigger button. All things considered, the Flame might be alive, but there's nothing to confirm that suspicion.
Titan movie comics
Perhaps created by the peaceful inhabitants of that world, the Flame manipulated and destroyed a planet's entire civilization, though not before some of the natives could place warning holograms around their planet to warn future visitors. Devastator ended up one such visitor an unknown time later when he was transported to the planet by the foldspace warhead's effects.
Devastator was aware of some odd influence tuning up his need for destruction, and so could think past it in order to scan for a power source to recharge his inter-planetary thrusters and escape. Locking onto a power source, Devastator went looking for it, paying no attention to a warning hologram he encountered. In fact, he didn't pay attention to anything at all until the inexplicable appearance of his Decepticon colleagues Starscream, Barricade, and Bonecrusher, who called him an idiot and attacked. Devastator killed them and moved on to the Flame. He realized it was the energy source that was causing his mental malfunctioning, but he didn't care. Taking from it what he needed to power up his thrusters, he left the planet. Lost In Space 2: Devastator