From Transformers Wiki
Oh, no. Frag this! I am busting you outta here!Rattrap to a dying Botanica, "Endgame Pt. I: The Downward Spiral""
Frag is a curse used by Transformers.
- This is a shortened term for "fragment", as in a bad thing to have happen to your computer's hard drive or anything related to a Transformer's anatomy.
- In military slang, frag is a term for murdering a weak member of one's own troop with a fragmentation grenade.
- Due to the association fragging has with assassination, frag is often used as another word for just plain killing someone in a video game. This use of the word was popularized by First Person Shooters such as Doom.
- This term was made popular as an expletive (which would be deemed inoffensive in universal stream Quadwal -3760.925 Theta) by DC Comics' Lobo.