Genetic modifier
From Transformers Wiki
A genetic modifier is a very useful thing to have. Especially if, like Prometheus Black, you're into messing about with the genetic structure of living organisms.
Animated cartoon
After Black's transformation into Meltdown, his genetic modifier was left in his sealed-up laboratory. When Blackarachnia had him broken out of Blackwater Prison so that he could help her purge her organic half, Meltdown told her he needed the genetic modifier from his lab. She blackmailed Optimus Prime into accompanying Grimlock on a mission to find it. The pair went to Sumdac Tower and threatened Porter C. Powell until he let them into Black's old lab and gave them the modifier. Back on Dinobot Island, Meltdown set the results of his earlier experiments on the two Autobots and took the genetic modifier. Unfortunately for Blackarachnia, Meltdown had decided to change the plan and purge her technological half, so he could use what was left in his experiments. He began to use the genetic modifier on her, but Optimus and the Dinobots finally triumphed over Meltdown's creations, and Optimus ripped the modifier out of Meltdown's lab equipment. Meltdown tried to get the modifier back, but on touching it received a jolt of power that converted him to a liquid state. Optimus later returned the half-melted genetic modifier to a horrified Powell. Fanzone suggested Powell use it as a paperweight. Black Friday