Griffin Rock Zoo
From Transformers Wiki
Griffin Rock Zoo contains many animals. Chief among them is the cross-eyed lion, but they also have hippos, giraffes and lemurs.
Rescue Bots cartoon
On Earth Day, the zoo had an exhibit which included the lemurs, trained to sort recyclable trash. Cody Burns and Frankie Greene paid the zoo a visit, and Cody took lots of photos to send back to Boulder. His description of the zoo as a large "animal shelter" led the Rescue Bot to break in during the night intending to adopt one of the animals as a pet. After Boulder selected the lion, Blades shut down the power, allowing both the lion and the lemurs to escape. The animals had the run of Griffin Rock until the Rescue Bots rounded them up and returned them to the zoo. The lion got a new "Mayor Luskey Enclosure" to keep it safe. Walk on the Wild Side
Nancy Morrison fell into the lion enclosure and had to be rescued by Kade and Blades. Prescott's Bots Boulder saved the zoo's hippos from a piece of falling space debris. Space Bots A shipment of snakes bound for the zoo was mixed up, with the zookeeper finding the crates were full of electronics. The rescue team eventually rounded up all the missing snakes and returned them to the zoo. Buddy System Servo deactivated the power at the zoo in the process of rescuing Poopsie from the lion enclosure. as the result the Rescue Bots had to round up an escaped gorilla. Four-Legged Hero
The lion enclosure was fancied up with technology for the lion's 25th birthday, however the lion itself was abducted overnight by Lord Chumley. The Rescue Bots posed as robot dinosaurs in a zoo enclosure to act as bait, however Chumley's Q-Drones released a number of the zoo's animals as a distraction, and though the Bots recaptured them, they themselves were abducted by Chumey's tech. Enemy of My Enemy