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Hellbat (G1)

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This article is about the Victory Decepticon. For the Animated Decepticon, see Hellbat (Animated).
Hellbat is a Decepticon Breastforce warrior from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Member of the Ambitious Screwups Club.

Of all of Deathsaurus's warriors, Hellbat (ヘルバット Herubatto, aka Fellbat or Ellbat) is by far the most underhanded and maniacal. As a member of the elite Breastforce team, he thinks that he would be much better suited to lead the unit than his commanding officer, Leozack, and he goes to any lengths that he can to prove it to Deathsaurus. Hellbat is a highly accomplished spy, regularly obtaining information that none of his fellow Decepticons are able to, and formulating any number of plans and schemes in his never-ending quest to climb the greasy ladder. He is also a sneak of the highest order, constantly talking behind his teammates' backs and spreading rumors, but he's not sneaky enough to prevent his fellow Decepticons from knowing what he gets up to. It is perhaps not surprising, then, to learn that nobody likes Hellbat, and that they trust him even less than that. In fact, his teammates would all be quite happy to kick him out of the Breastforce, if not for his strangely skilled silver tongue. Hellbat is usually able to talk just about anyone around to his way of thinking just long enough. He would genuinely go to any length to keep his position in the Breastforce ranks, although he'll usually come off as just plain pathetic in the process.

In robot mode, Hellbat has one of the most useful special attacks among all the other Decepticons: with a chant of "Saimin, suimin, tōmin, Hellbat!",[1] he can project mesmerizing waves of sonic energy that weaken his opponents, leaving them open to his influence-or his teammates' attacks. His breastplate, Kōmoribreast, can detach and transform into either a bat-like robot mode (equipped with an energy-draining whip in its mouth), or the hand-held "Kōmori Cannon" blaster. Like his fellow Breastforce warriors, Hellbat is also armed with an Electromagnetic Nunchaku.

So it's a pity, then, that he's kind of a schmuck.

Hellbat can merge with his Breastforce teammates into Liokaiser, forming the left arm of the super robot.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Victory cartoon

Voice actor: Yoku Shioya (Japanese)
"Hypnosis, slumber, hibernation, HELLBAT!"

Hellbat was summoned by Leozack to join the Breastforce on Earth after they had already waged several battles against Star Saber's Autobots. For his first mission, Hellbat snuck into the New Energy Resource Research and Development Laboratory in Japan, where he deployed his Kōmoribreast to download information from the lab's computers. Discovered by one of the scientist, Hellbat knocked out the Autobot and human troops that attacked him and fled. He soon met back up with the rest of the Breastforce, and was chastised for being unable to keep his actions a secret by Leozack, who then decided to simply steal the entire contents of the lab. In the battle that ensued, Hellbat faced off against Blacker, but the brawny Autobot overcame the Decepticon's hypnotic waves by stabbing himself in his own leg. The Decepticons were ultimately repelled by a brainwave-scrambler invented by Braver, and when Leozack was chewed out by Deathsaurus for the team's failure, Hellbat silently observed the whole affair, deciding that he would be a much better leader than Leozack was. The New Warrior - Hellbat

Oh, come on, give me money for the roller coaster.

Hellbat immediately set about currying Deathsaurus's favour, gathering information on an energy shipment leaving from a spaceport in Nevada. Leozack was enraged when Hellbat went over his head with the information and took it directly to Deathsaurus, but Hellbat won him around by appealing to his own desire to see Deathsaurus dethroned, explaining that they could take the energy for themselves. To their credit, they were able to abscond with the energy, but when Star Saber appeared to chase them down, Hellbat was shot out of the sky and decided to let Leozack fend for himself while Hellbat made plans to blame the whole debacle on his commander. Attack the Shuttle Base!!

After joining in on the Breastforce's attempt to ransom Marine City with a neutron bomb, Tanker Hijack Operation Hellbat put another scheme of his own to work. While the Breastforce kept most of the Autobots busy in a battle over a fleet of oil tankers, Hellbat invaded the under-staffed Shuttle Base and tried to steal information from its computers. When he tripped an alarm, Hellbat simply snatched a random computer disk and tried to flee, but when his way was barred by Galaxy Shuttle, he kidnapped Jan Minakaze and Holi to ensure his safe getaway. The Autobots soon tracked him down to the temporary base he and the Dinoforce were using and rescued Holi and Jan, but Hellbat passed the buck, blaming Leozack and Goryu for the bungled mission. Hellbat still had the computer disk to give to Deathsaurus, but unfortunately for him, it turned out that all he had stolen was Jan's homework. Rescue Jan!!

Hellbat tree trouble.jpg

When Autobots Mach and Tackle discovered a Breastforce scheme to tap hydroelectric power in Canada, Hellbat didn't fare very well in the ensuing chase, and wound up being lured into the nearby forest and entangled in a cluster of trees. Mach and Tackle Soon after, Hellbat participated in the Decepticons' plan to captured spacecraft in the asteroid belt. A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid


A little later, the Breastforce departed Earth for planet Micro, intending to spring the sixth member of their team, Guyhawk, from the Satellite Penitentiary on the planet's moon, so that they could combine to form the giant robot, Liokaiser. Before that mission got underway, however, the enterprising Hellbat decided to launch a series of raids on several of Micro's major energy-gathering facilities. Hiring the mercenaries Black Shadow and Blue Bacchus to aid him, Hellbat soon found he had to triple their cut to keep them on the job when Star Saber turned up to stop them. Rather than risk fighting Star Saber, Hellbat decided to cut his losses and blow up the plasma energy plant they were stealing from, but a parting shot from Greatshot destroyed what little energy he had already been able to steal, leaving him unable to pay the furious mercenaries. Planet Micro - The Mysterious Warrior Upon returning to the Thunder Arrow after this mission, Hellbat was met with threats of violence by the rest of the Breastforce, who were not impressed with his sneaking around behind their backs. Hellbat calmed his teammates by claiming that the energy he had tried to steal would have been intended for the whole team's personal use. The argument settled, the team set about their original goal, and attacked the Satellite Penitentiary to free Guyhawk. While the rest of the team held off Star Saber and his Autobots, Hellbat ventured into the prison to locate Guyhawk, only to have the object of his search be the one to find him, right when he was in the middle of ruminating on what effect the addition of Guyhawk to the Breastforce would have on his standing. Over-compensating to cover up his scheming, Hellbat met Guyhawk with hugs and kisses, and helped him recharge his energy from the prison's main supply. A battle between Guyhawk and Greatshot subsequently erupted, which sent the prison up in flames, forcing Hellbat to transform to jet mode and join Leozack in carrying their non-flying comrades to safety. Rescue! Guyhawk

Oh, this'll bite me in the ass.

When Leozack did not invite Hellbat to the meeting to welcome Guyhawk back to the fold, he panicked, listened in on the conversation, and was horrified to discover that they were planning to kick him out of the team and replace him with an old comrade of Leozack's named Deathcobra, who was already on his way to the planet. Hellbat intercepted Deathcobra before he reached the Thunder Arrow, and petitioned him to simply leave, so that he could remain on the team. Deathcobra, however, was disgusted by Hellbat's cowardly request and swatted him out of the way, forcing Hellbat to draw his gun on him. Deathcobra dared Hellbat to pull the trigger, and to Hellbat's own surprise, he actually did, prompting a firefight between the two. Even as Hellbat squealed that it was an accident, he managed to unintentionally land a fatal shot on Deathcobra, killing him outright. Spotting the Autobot Micromaster Holi watching from a nearby ridge, Hellbat sped back to the Thunder Arrow and blamed Deathcobra's untimely end on him, then led the rest of the Breastforce in a "retaliatory" attack. In the battle that followed, Hellbat and the Breastforce combined into Liokaiser for the first time and actually defeated Star Saber. Unite! Liokaiser

We're wearing him down, lads!

Not long after the Breastforce returned to Earth, Hellbat discovered the existence of the Schaeffer Energy plant in America, and the Breastforce led the charge in raiding it. Battle Up of Wrath!! After this, Hellbat let his own schemes and plans take a back seat for a while, and was content to simply participate in a series of missions without any of his typical backstabbing: drilling oil in Antarctica; Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle ambushing the Brainmasters in the desert; Crisis! Ambush in the Desert aiding Deathsaurus in laying a trap for Star Saber; A Deadly Battle and raiding energy from a solar power plant. Ginrai Dies!!

After this temporary bout of restraint, Hellbat started looking out for number one again when he had his Kōmoribreast sneak into the Shuttle Base on an information gathering mission, which led him to learn of the apparent death of God Ginrai. He took this report to Deathsaurus, and also informed his emperor of another discovery he had made: the existence of a large energy stockpile in America. He, Leozack and the Dinoforce proceeded to attack a tractor trailer delivering a load of energy to this stockpile, but were easily defeated by the reborn Ginrai, who had been recreated as Victory Leo. Fight!! Victory Leo When Victory Leo again roared into battle to thwart the Breastforce's attempt to pillage the Mount Asama geothermal energy plant, Hellbat was in no rush to confront the feral Autobot, but he didn't have any compunctions about chasing the helpless Jan Minakaze through the plant's corridors and locking him in the exploding building. Awaken! Victory Leo

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When Leozack tried posing as Star Saber in order to infiltrate the Shuttle Base and steal information on the Autobot leader's ability to combine with Victory Leo, Hellbat helped complete the illusion by broadcasting a fake message to the Autobots, demanding that "Star Saber" bring the relevant computer disk to him or he would blow their base up with hidden bombs. A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs After the failure of that plan, Hellbat was next dispatched to a jungle planet somewhere in the depths of space to search for the metal-eating Doriya insects, which he had previously heard about while visiting Planet X. His hatred of the wilderness notwithstanding, Hellbat successfully retrieved the insects and brought them back to Earth and helped unleash them against the Autobots, but the scheme turned sour when the heroic robots discovered that intense cold could defeat the little metal-munchers. In the chaos that followed, Hellbat wound up spilling the insects all over himself, and ran off screaming. The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!

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Hellbat's final plot was his grandest: he actually succeeded in locating the lost continent of Atlantis and its massive supply of energy, and took the information straight to Deathsaurus. This proved to be the last straw for Leozack, who gave Hellbat a ferocious beating, until Hellbat revealed what he had told Deathsaurus: raise the continent and use its energy to recharge Deathsaurus's Planet-Destroying Fortress. The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves The plan succeeded, and with this Atlantean energy in their clutches, the Breastforce and Deathsaurus departed for space, heading right for the fortress. The Autobots pursued the villains, but were unable to stop them from bringing the fortress back online. The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress! To keep the Autobots busy while the fortress's main cannon charged, Deathsaurus dispatched the Breastforce—combined as Liokaiser—to battle them. In the course of the clash, Victory Leo was able to blast Liokaiser into the fortress's cannon barrel, which drained his energy dry. With his consciousness fading and his body unable to move, Liokaiser could only utter a fading scream for help as he drifted off into the depths of space. Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification

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Jan - Defend the Campus!!

Zone catalog

As part of Liokaiser, Hellbat was revived from death by some means. Lead by the reborn Dark Emperor Deathsaurus, Liokaiser joined several other powerful Decepticons in an assault on planet Zone. Attempting to steal their Energon Z, the Decepticons proved no match for the Micromasters and were driven away. Zone Project Story

Victory comic

Hellbat debuted silently, standing behind Guyhawk as he informed Deathsaurus that Leozack had gone off on a solo mission, foolishly believing that he could conquer Earth on his own. Leozack's Rampage!

Hellbat and the rest of Breastforce dramatically charged into battle against Star Saber, outnumbering him 4-to-1. Star Saber mowed them all down with a single strike from his sword. Star Saber, Warrior of Love!

Later, Hellbat and the other Breastforcers combined into Liokaiser to battle Star Saber on Energy Planet X. When the combiner warrior managed to seize Star Saber, his individual components began arguing over who would get right to destroy the Autobot leader; Hellbat believed he was the one who should be allowed to "switch them off". Star Saber exploited the opening to turn the battle around, and Liokaiser was defeated and escaped. Star of Friendship, Jan and Star Saber! In their next battle with Star Saber, the Breastforce almost had him defeated thanks to the aid of Deathsaurus and Dinoking, but the tables were turned when Star Saber merged with new arrival Victory Leo, to form Victory Saber. The Strongest Pair, the Combination of Victory!

In their next battle, Liokaiser and Deathsaurus were defeated by the Autobots' "Five Stars of Victory" attack technique, and Liokaiser split back into Guyhawk and the rest of the Breastforce to flee back to Deathsaurus's "Space Stronghold". Shine, Five Stars of Victory From the stronghold, the Decepticons began a final attack on Earth, bombarding the planet with meteors, but the Autobots succeeded in thwarting their scheme, despite a bit of attempted treachery courtesy of Leozack. At the battle's end, Deathsaurus revealed that the fortress was home to the Decepticon civilians, and that they had been fighting to keep them safe. Struck by this revelation, Star Saber decided that it was time for the Autobots and Decepticons to lay down their arms, and live in peace—the truest victory of all! The Grand Victory War

Wings Universe

WOH Hellbat.jpg

Hellbat was part of Banzai-Tron's squad of Decepticons sent to Beta-Nine to retrieve some valuable cargo from the crashed Van De Graaff. Hellbat, Banzai and Guyhawk had the young Kup cornered, but Hellbat's hypnotism ability drew the impressionable young bot out. Lucky for the Autobot, a hungry aquatic monster decided to try and make a snack out of Hellbat, breaking the spell and distracting the other two Decepticons long enough for Kup to run for it. Wings of Honor

Of course, millions of years later, Kup's recollection of these events were a little... different.

2005 IDW continuity

Gigatron hellbat empire of stone.jpg

Acting as Gigatron's second-in-command, Hellbat was disillusioned by millions of years of unending war and came to the conclusion that destruction was the reason Cybertronians existed. Accepting this role in the universe with gusto, he began planning to fulfill his race's destiny by killing all other living beings. When Gigatron learned of a Stone Army laying dormant on a remote planet, Hellbat hid it from him in hopes of using it for his own purposes, secretly dissecting captive Autobots and Decepticons alike and using their parts to reactivate the stone soldiers. Empire of Stone #3

Hellbat stood by Gigatron's side when Drift, Ratchet and Grit were brought before him, Empire of Stone #1 advising him against releasing Ratchet. He mercilessly mocked Grit for being found with the Autobots, calling him a traitor and an unworthy Decepticon; Grit took this as a deadly insult and headbutted him in the face. The captives' ensuing escape attempt was stopped by Gigatron, but Hellbat convinced him to let them live, Empire of Stone #2 intending to use their bodies to activate more of the Stone Army. He allowed Drift and Ratchet to find the army before sharing with them his philosophy and plans, only for his evil monologue to be interrupted by an attack by the vengeful Grit. In the battle that followed, a pressed Hellbat chose to make his move, activating his Stone Army soldiers and sending them to destroy Gigatron. Empire of Stone #3

Gigatron teamed up with Drift and company and fought his way to Hellbat, who unleashed a gigantic stone soldier he'd prepared specifically to destroy his leader. He taunted Drift with Grit's apparent death and their own similarities, believing them both to be heartless killers, but his goading proved ineffective when Drift, touting his belief that people can change, ripped the Stone Army's control device off his arm. When Drift was distracted by Gigatron turning on him, however, Hellbat retrieved the device and used it to send all remaining soldiers after Gigatron, all while goading his leader to kill him. Gigatron waded through the stone soldiers and obligingly cut the deranged Decepticon in half as he stood motionless, welcoming death. Empire of Stone #4


Hellbat was one of many criminals being held prisoner within Axiom Nexus's offworlder maximum security prison. Cybertron's Most Wanted


Transformers: Earth Wars

  • Class: Aerial
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2

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The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

I'm Batmammary.
  • Hellbat (Breastforce, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers toyline, Hellbat transforms into a dark blue and white Dassault Rafale fighter jet. He comes with his Breast Animal partner Kōmoribreast, who can attach to Hellbat's chest as armor or be used as the hand-held "Kōmori Cannon" weapon.
Hellbat can combine with his fellow Breastforce members, forming the left arm of Liokaiser. Unlike most combiners in the original line, Hellbat's combiner "kibble" is built in, with Liokaiser's fist sliding out of his foot.

  • Liocaesar [sic] (Gift set, 1989)
  • ID number: D-335
  • Accessories: "Kōmoribreast" Breast Animal
Hellbat was also available in a complete six-piece box set of the entire Breastforce/Liokaiser team. All of the toys are identical to their individual releases. This release does not have bio/Tech Spec cards for the individuals, only the combined form.

Combiner Wars

What the Fell happened to my name?
  • Liokaiser (Platinum Edition Collection Pack, 2016)
  • Accessories: Double-barreled gun (white), gun/fist/foot
Combiner Wars Fellbat (like Killbison, renamed for obvious reasons) is a redeco and new-head retooling of Combiner Wars Skydive, transforming into a fighter jet roughly based on a General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The bat wings on his helmet are articulated and need to be flipped back into his head before transformation.
As a Combiner Wars Deluxe limb he can combine with any Voyager Class toys released as part of that subline or the Unite Warriors line, or form one of Legends Godbomber's legs, but is of course intended to be combined with his pack-in Destrons to form Liokaiser. His nominal placement is as the left arm.
Fellbat was only available as part of a boxed Liokaiser giftset, the only Combiner Wars "Collection Pack" that's co-branded as part of the Platinum Edition range. In the United States, this set was officially exclusive to online retailer Entertainment Earth, but was also stocked by competitor BigBadToyStore, which obtained its stock through Asian vendors. In Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong and Singapore, it was available at general retail. Additionally, it was also sold at Ripley stores in Chile and at Myer stores in Australia, whereas in Canada, it was available via the Canadian Walmart website, but never sold in stores.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing


Just take the L(bat)
  • Liokaiser (Multi-pack, 2026)
Legacy "Ellbat" and the rest of his Chest-force team constitute the fifth Transformers-based HasLab project. Like his original toy, Hellbat is capable of combining with his squaddies to form Liokaiser, acting either as an arm or as a shoulder mounted cannon. He also includes his animal companion, the "bat Chest Animal".
The name "Hellbat" was unable to be used, as McFarlane Toys had a concurrent trademark for toys of Batman's Hellbat armor.[5] However, several Hasbro Pulse promotional emails and presentation slides used "Hellbat" sporadically.

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If you build it, they will play.

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Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Transformers Gum

  • Guyhawk · Hellbat · Drillhorn (Candy toy kit, 1989)
Released in the Victory portion of Kabaya's Transformers Gum candy toy line, this Hellbat is a tiny little version of his original toy, unassembled and unpainted, cast in white, black and red plastic, with add-on stickers for detailing. He even comes with a little Kōmoribreast that doubles as a handgun (it doesn't actually transform, just can be held as a gun). And he keeps the combiner functionality as well.
Hellbat was only available in a box packed in with Guyhawk, Drillhorn, and a plank of gum which by no means should you put in your mouth if you acquire it.


  • Hellbat's body in Wings continuity is a "virtual redeco" of the Energon Deluxe-sized Starscream mold.

Foreign names

  • Mandarin: Lán Biānfú (藍蝙蝠, 蓝蝙蝠, "Blue Bat")
  • Russian: Netopyr' (Нетопырь, "Pipistrelle")


  1. "睡眠、催眠、冬眠、ヘルバット!", a rhyme meaning "Hypnotism, sleep, hibernation, Hellbat!" in English.
  2. HasLab Liokaiser campaign page
  3. NEW TRANSFORMERS HASLAB! Legacy Liokaiser Combiner - The Ultimate Combiner Awaits! at the Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel.
  4. HasLab presentation from the Megacon Orlando 2025 Transformers panel with Emily Bader and Evan Brooks, recorded at the "Blind Prime" YouTube channel.
  5. Hasbro correspondence at Megacon 2025.
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