Help:Coming soon
From Transformers Wiki
Though strives to constantly update its pages with as much information as possible, there are instances where we purposely do not update an article or section as soon as information becomes known, out of a matter of respect to official parties.
"Unofficial" releases
Originally, this policy was put into effect prior to the release of the live-action Transformers movie, in response to all of the leaked information on it that had not come through any official channel. Since an incredible amount of early "information" on that project was rumor, hearsay, based on unfinished concept work, and so on, this wiki's policy was to feature only information on the movie that had come through official channels in order to cut back on the amount of misinformation being spread.
Which is a bit like spitting at the ocean, but it's the principle of the thing.
However, this template is also applied currently in reference to unofficial information and unreleased, unannounced toys that have appeared on eBay for any series. For example, if Hasbro announces that the next series will be Transformers Chunky Style but offers no other information, then while a "Chunky Style" page may be created, any leaked toys or secondhand friend-of-the-janitor-at-Cartoon-Network information tidbits should not be included, and the {{Coming soon|unreleased}} template should be added.
Currently, the EarthSpark cartoon is the series that will see the most use of this template.
The following templates have been provided to mark articles or sections where information is being intentionally withheld for the sake of politeness/respect: