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- Maxima is a Camien or Maximal from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Maxima is a virtuous Transformer who dies and inspires her comrades to action.
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Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons
- Voice actor: Amy Johnston (English)
Maxima was on Caminus when Computron and Menasor fell onto the planet. With Computron out of commission, she and Windblade tried to bring the giant Decepticon down. Menasor retaliated by knocking off both of her arms, and Maxima bought time for Windblade by firing her jets directly into Menasor's eyes. This self-sacrificing move proved fatal, and Maxima was killed by Menasor shortly afterwards. The Fall
Beast Wars: Uprising
Maxima was the first Maximal, considered the "first daughter" of Fortress Maximus, and known to later generations as "She Who Sang". She and Preditron were unwilling enemies, with Maxima at one point writing a battle song for her supposed adversary. Safe Spaces Derailment At some point long before the Grand Uprising, she died. It was her death that inspired Preditron to write the Predacon Manifesto, and was used as a rallying point to form the nascent Maximal faction, with the image of her luponoid steed used as the faction's insignia. The Predacon Manifesto Preditron would later reminisce about her to Ser-Ket, claiming the Predacon reminded him of her. Safe Spaces
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Maxima was the founder of the modern-day Maximal faction, and most historical accounts remembered her as a fair and noble Cybertronian. Technorganic Secrets
- Combiner Wars Maxima is a reuse of Windblade's model but in new colors and with a new head.
- Jim Sorenson stated that he would have liked to use Maxima in the Beast Wars: Uprising universe, but ran out of time before he could write a story focusing on her adventures.[1] He did manage to get in nods to her in "Safe Spaces" and "Derailment", which explained her role in that universe.
- ↑ "The finale will have some flashbacks and the like about the past, but most of it will be in the here and now. Should the universe continue, I've got plenty of stories ranging from minus eleven million years all the way to the 34th century. That said, I like that the focus of the universe is the Maximals and Predacons, so I'd mostly want to focus on stories that are relevant to them. I think it's neat to get a glimpse of the mythology, but probably wouldn't write a whole story about, say, Jazz vs Starscream in 1985. But the story of Maxima, Virtue Signaling, is set in the past. So was the aforementioned Immorticon tale."—Jim Sorenson, The Allspark forums, "Beast Wars Uprising: AMA", 2016/10/15 (archive link)