Megatron (ROTB)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Megatron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Megatron (disambiguation). |
- Megatron is a Predacon from the Rise of the Beasts portion of the Movie continuity family.
You can't see me!
This character has no official visual representation in any Transformers product or media... yet, at least.
Megatron is the leader of the Predacons! According to Waspinator, Megatron's "gone," and Waspinator rules in his absence.
Rise of the Beasts
- Command & Convert Animatronic Optimus Primal (Command & Convert Animatronic, 2023)
- Accessories: two swords
- This electronic Optimus Primal sometimes calls out Megatron, who he claims is the Predacon leader. But instead of Megatron, Waspinator replies, and tells Primal that Waspinator rules! [1]