Metascan Omega
From Transformers Wiki
Lying somewhere between Cybertron and Garrus-16, LGC-8803 is a fairly insignificant chunk of rock in an asteroid field.
In a bygone era, it was known as Metascan Omega, last colony of the Logicons, an ancient race who fought the Destructons eons ago. It has a lot of ruins built by the Logicons and a ziggurat where pilgrims came to obtain some of their vast knowledge.
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Beast Wars: Uprising
The Logicons left behind the means of accessing their knowledge, but at some point after their departure, Metascan Omega was close to the epicenter of a large war, and their databank was damaged. From that point on, near anyone who tried accessing it was destroyed instead of enlightened. Intersectionality
The Destructons began dwelling there at some point, Kindred Lord Imperious Delirious having been drawn to the planet by rumors of the Logicons, but never managed to access it. Intersectionality He did gain enough knowledge to shoot down the prison ship Claustrum as it passed on its way to Garrus-16, hoping to salvage technology Delirious and among the debris and bodies which crashed on the planet were Rampage Paranoia and Trans-Mutate. Perception Following a clash between the two parties, the Destructons left the planet, having sent a distress call to bring rescuers from Cybertron for the two Maximals. Clarity
The distress signal was intercepted by both the Human Confederacy and the crew of the Dinosaur, the later being then prompted to come in search of the two escaped convicts.
Once there, the Dinosaur and its crew came under attack from the Destructons, with the ones on the surface being saved by Trans-Mutate. Elsewhere, Saberback was attracted to an engraved pillar, which gave him a physical jolt followed by a deeper, more profound, feeling. He then negotiated with Apelinq, senior officer of the retrieval squad, so that he could stay back and help with investigating the ruins. Apelinq accepted, but soon realized the disappearance of his subordinate, still traceable inside the ziggurat via his spark energy.
Inside, inexorably compelled to go forward, Saberback found an obsidian pyramid with a chiseled iris. As he touched it, both he and his superior were transported into a virtual reality, where they unknowingly begin an ancient mystical trial left by the Logicons for those who sought to consult the mass of knowledge they left behind.
Meanwhile, the Dinosaur was brought down from orbit by Medusa, plummeting toward the planet. Thanks to the efforts of the ship's crew, and Saberback convincing the Logicon mind to act, it was prevented from impacting, and after a mildly controlled landing, transformed into Trypticon's city form. In the cycles that followed, what was left of Trypticon was turned into a city, dubbed "Dinosaur City", run by Longrack. Thanks to Saberback, the Cybertronians were given the Logicons' leave to stay. Some of the Dinosaur's crew left, with a few, such as Apelinq, staying behind. Intersectionality
As the Grand Uprising continued, Dinosaur City went from strength to strength, drawing in all manner of visitors, including tourists. Then, one decade after the war ended, the sight received visitors: the Vok, insistent that mortals didn't belong on the planet, and that the Cybertronians would need to prove their "cosmic worth". Fortunately for Longrack and gang, Lio Convoy had also arrived to help out. The Inexorable March
Animated cartoon continuity
LGC-8803 was an unclaimed planet in the Milky Way. The Complete AllSpark Almanac