Null-reality pod
From Transformers Wiki
Null-reality pods are vessels capable of traversing between dimensions. Invented in Over-Run's home dimension, these orb-shaped devices seat a single Mini-Con and are powered by impacted nucleon power cells.
Dreamwave Armada comic
When Unicron assaulted his homeworld, Over-Run took the Mini-Con Matrix and three null-reality pods and fled to another dimension, where he hoped the inhabitants would be capable of defeating the planet eater. Armada #13 As he put up a beacon in San Francisco, Over-Run left the null-reality pods in Big Sur National Park, where the Autobots discovered them. Astroscope found similarities between these devices and technology the Transformers in their dimension had experimented with before the war, and deduced that they had an extradimensional visitor. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 After the Autobots left to find Over-Run, the Decepticons found the null-reality pods and took them back to their Silver Ridge base. Several Autobot Mini-Cons were dispatched to infiltrate the Decepticon base, as Over-Run needed the pods to bring back the local version of Optimus Prime, who was lost in another dimension. Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4 The mission was a success, though the Mini-Cons had to wait with Prime's rescue until Sky Blast and Payload could figure out which dimension he was in. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 Once Prime was found on an alternate Cybertron in the process of being eaten by Unicron, Over-Run, Sparkplug, and Comettor used the null-reality pods to travel there and retrieve him. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4