Possum Brown
From Transformers Wiki
- Possum Brown is a human from the cartoon portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
A trucker by trade, Possum Brown drove a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne tractor trailer.
The Transformers cartoon
Possum was warned by one of his fellow truckers that he had two smokies on his tail. The police pursuit was brought to an abrupt end when Rumble landed on the back end of Possum's truck, and dispatched the two patrol cars with some laser fire. Unfortunately for Possum, the next thing the Decepticon did was crash through the truck cab's side window and eject him from the truck. The truck was taken to Megatron to be rebuilt into the Stunticon leader, Motormaster. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1
- Possum's name is quite possibly inspired by New Zealander and rally car driver Possum Bourne.
- It's also an occasional mondegreen from the song "Winter Wonderland"; the actual lyrics are "In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend he's Parson Brown" but sure, pretend that snowman is Possum Brown, why not?