Praetorus Wharf
From Transformers Wiki
The Praetorus Wharf is an area belonging to the Nova Cronum Orbital Torus State, reaching out to the Iacon Orbital Torus State. The Tygun Span either begins next to or leads out of it.
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Generation 1 continuity family
Dreamwave Generation One continuity
Prowl led a team to Nova Cronum to investigate on the Decepticons' new mobile command base and ordered caution as soon as they entered the Praetorus Wharf area. However, caution is a virtue hard to conform to when you are unknowingly driving over the enemy, as the team discovered the moment the ground started shaking under them and Trypticon engaged them in combat. Devastation Prowl immediately and repeatedly called for backup, as the few he had brought along didn't stand a chance against the giant. Two sets came, but even with the extra manpower the Autobots didn't stand a chance. Fortunately for them, Shockwave suddenly needed Trypticon's assistance in the Neutral Territories, who cut off the fight to respond to the order. Revelation
2005 IDW continuity
At some point in the past, Trypticon was felled in the Praetorus Wharf and his body was frozen over. A group of Transformers crossed over the frozen Wharf while traveling from Iacon to Alyon, noting a black metallic surface without realizing it was Trypticon. Redemption
War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material
Located at the Praetorus Wharf, an advanced, mobile, weaponized Decepticon base had been discovered by the Autobots. Teletraan-1's scanners indicated that this base was actually the Titan Trypticon. Stationed there was also the Decepticon Weaponizer, Brunt. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files
Live-action film series
The Praetorus Wharf exists and is surrounded by Nova Cronum, the area of where the Stella Galleries are located, Tarn, the Launch Pad, Uraya, and Tyger Pax. Risk
- The Praetorus Wharf is one of the blue zones on the board.
- On the War for Cybertron: Siege website, the Praetorus Wharf is spelled "Praetoreus Wharf". One may think that this was an intentional adjustment to the name, however, the map that is unlocked on the website has the name spelt the same as the media that came before it. With the website being the odd one out, it's reasonable to assume that this was just a typo.