Ramhorn (Animated)
From Transformers Wiki
The name or term "Ramhorn" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ramhorn (disambiguation). |
- Ramhorn is an Autobot from the Animated continuity family.
Ramhorn is a nosoron, which is a very mean breed of beast. He is a member of Rosanna's collection of exotic animals, along with Zaur, Steeljaw, Nook, and Night Watch. Rosanna has done her best to tame him.
Animated cartoon
Rosanna, who was walking Ramhorn and Zaur, was unfortunately near a police chase consisting of Cheetor, Crumplezone, and Ransack. The excitement frightened away her pets, who dragged along Rosanna by their leashes. Moving Violations
- An unused animation model, Ramhorn was given a bio in Transformers Animated: The AllSpark Almanac II.