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Ratchet (Movie)/toys

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Ratchet's a doctor, dammit! And has a lot of toys!



Transformers (2007)

Legends Class toys

Hasbro might have fixed the green color, but nobody told them to fix the hue settings for the official promo photos.
  • Autobot Ratchet (Legends Class, 2007)
    • Japanese name: EZ Collection Ratchet
An inexpensive, small-scale version of Transformers "Autobot Ratchet," he remains relatively faithful to his vehicle mode (though highly simplified), but transforms very differently due to his simplicity. In robot mode, he has a faux truck-front chest that's more faithful to the CGI design than the Voyager toy's chest, but the rest of his robot mode is (understandably) inaccurate and limited in articulation.
His spare tire, mounted on the rear end of his roof in vehicle mode, is actually a free-spinning wheel just like the normal four (albeit with a somewhat stiffer joint), and the same size as the front wheels... meaning that, in theory, it could be used as an actual spare tire.
He's feeling a little green around the manifolds.
The original production run of the toy sported a significantly wrong shade of green, being much, much brighter and more primary. A running change variant that quickly replaced the original version corrected the error, now sporting the same shade of green as the Voyager Class toy.[1] Still, the color variant was not limited to the US market, as both versions also popped up in Europe. The re-released toy for the blind-packed EZ Collection lineup, however, got stuck with the original, off-color version.

The Doctor vs. the Warrior.
  • Rescue Ratchet vs. Decepticon Brawl (Legends "Allspark Battles" two-pack, 2007)
Released as part of the AllSpark Battles refresh of the Movie toyline, Legends class Rescue Ratchet is, naturally, a redeco of the previously-released Legends class Ratchet in his white Generation 1-inspired colors. He comes packed with an all-new sculpt Legends class Brawl.
More information on Legends Rescue Ratchet at

Voyager Class toys

This green is both neon and Playskool.
  • Autobot Ratchet (Voyager Class, 2007)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: MA-02
    • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
Released in the first wave of Transformers Voyager Class figures, Ratchet transforms into a fully licensed AM General Hummer H2, customized as a fire search and rescue vehicle. During transformation, unfolding his legs will activate his Automorphing feature, which folds out his kneepads and feet, and 'bulges' out two small panels along his inner calves. The only Autobot toy to not feature a ranged weapon, Ratchet's right forearm unfolds into an axe (based upon a weapon concept study), and the removable rollbar/roof rack can either be mounted on his left arm as a shield/claw, or stored on his back.
Oddly, although Ratchet's thumbs are articulated, space is so restricted that they are all but useless. His left thumb can only move a millimeter due to his wrist armor getting in the way. His right thumb does have more space to move, but pushing it will invariably disengage the fold-out axe from his forearm.
Ratchet can (loosely) attach a Mini-Con on the rollbar/roof rack, and can hold a standard weapon via the shield/claw mount.

Hasbro proving that anything looks better as a slavish G1 homage.
  • Rescue Ratchet (Voyager Class, 2007)
    • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (deco artist)
Transformers "Rescue Ratchet," is an extensive redeco based in part upon Generation 1 Ratchet's Marvel Comics appearance. Aside from the deco and name change, the toy is otherwise the same in functionality to the previous Voyager class release.
Oddly for a deco described as being more likely for the type of vehicle, Rescue Ratchet's vehicle mode—a fire search and rescue vehicle—is prominently labeled "AMBULANCE" on the doors and the hood.
This same deco was adapted and used as an DLC alternate skin for Ratchet in the multiplayer and campaign mode for the Revenge of the Fallen game.

And yet they've done nothing to put better coloring on my legs....
  • Autobot Ratchet (Best Buy exclusive "Premium Series" Voyager Class, 2007)
    • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
Transformers Ratchet was one of the first figures in the Premium Series, released on October 16th, 2007 exclusively at Best Buy for the launch of the Transformers movie DVD. Ratchet's main plastic has been changed to a metallic yellow, with an additional coat of metallic yellow paint over the top of those parts (and others), resulting in a much more accurate color scheme in relation to the actual Movie character and prop vehicle.
Ratchet was presented in robot mode, within a special display package similar in shape to the packaging for the Hasbro release of Generation 1 Masterpiece Starscream. Even though Hasbro officially considers him as part of the Premium Series, this is not indicated anywhere on the packaging, as the Premium Series wasn't officially announced until after Ratchet and Megatron had already been released to stores.

  • Unleashed y Voyager (2007)
Transformers Voyager Class Ratchet was also available in a two-pack with Unleashed Bumblebee in Mexican markets. Both items are identical to their standard original releases.

  • Transformers Commemorative Box Set (Autobots) (2008)
Released an an exclusive for Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACG, also known as Ani-Con) 2008, The regular Ratchet toy (and not the Premium Series redeco) is released without any changes along with Premium Series Bumblebee, Premium Jazz, Premium Ironhide, and Premium Optimus Prime. The toys are packaged with a synthetic, leather-like box, and it comes with a sheet of Certificate of Authenticity.
The boxsets are limited to 100 pieces.

Fast Action Battlers

An axe that shoots missiles. Seriously.
  • Axe Attack Autobot Ratchet (Fast Action Battler, 2007)
    • Japanese ID Number: QC-03
    • Accessories: Missile
Transformers Fast Action Battlers "Axe Attack Autobot Ratchet," is a small, deluxe-sized figure with limited articulation and a simple transformation. He features a spring-loaded missile-firing axe, a "robot punch" gimmick, and automorphing. To activate the "robot punch", one must twist and release Ratchet's torso. An inner spring will cause it to snap back to (more or less) anatomical position. His front grille can be rotated 180 degrees, which powers the automorphing feature, and causes Ratchet's front fenders, doors, and roof to separate during transformation from vehicle to robot and form his shoulders and arms (and vice versa). Unfortunately, this sacrifices show accuracy, as the grille ends up right-side up, while the rest of his alt mode cab remains upside-down.
In vehicle mode, the missile stows handily underneath Ratchet's chassis.

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  • Rescue Torch Ratchet (Fast Action Battler, 2008)
    • Accessories: Missile
Transformers Fast Action Battlers "Rescue Torch Ratchet" is a Generation 1 Ratchet-themed redeco of Axe Attack Ratchet, with a deco similar to Voyager Class Rescue Ratchet.

Cyber Slammers

Even the Throttlebots didn't want me.
  • Autobot Ratchet (Cyber Slammer, 2007)
Transformers Cyber Slammers Ratchet is a cute little super-deformed Hummer H2 that transforms into a cute little super-deformed Autobot medical officer. 'Slam' his robot mode down into van mode and he rolls along, slowly transforming back up into vehicle mode. Like most Cyber Slammers, Ratchet manages to cram most of his vehicle mode's major details into a compact, super-deformed version of that mode.

Revenge of the Fallen

Legends Class toys

Just as Don and Andrew foretold!
  • Autobot Ratchet (Legends Class, 2009)
    • Japanese ID Number: EZ-07
This Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class Ratchet is a tan redeco of Ratchet's 2007 Legends Class figure.

Deluxe Class toys

I have a waist-coat!
  • Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2009/2010)
    • Japanese ID number: RA-28
    • Accessories: EMP Blaster/Energon Multi-Beam Gun, EMP Blast Missile
Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Class Ratchet is more accurate to Ratchet's final robot mode design when compared to his Voyager class toys. However, his licensed vehicle mode has been changed to something akin to a military Humvee, albeit in Ratchet's distinctive emergency rescue regalia. This smaller vehicle mode means that his feet end up prominently sticking out from underneath the vehicle.
He also features a new "launching EMP blast missile"-launcher weapon that resembles the arm-mounted machine gun that Ratchet uses in the films. The missile launcher weapon can also be attached to Deluxe Lockdown, echoing the interactive features of their Animated counterparts' toys. Likewise, Lockdown's engine can plug into Ratchet's rooftop, but that looks kinda doofy.
Ratchet's Mech Alive feature is unlocked when the missile launcher is plugged into his arm, in which gearing moves pieces into place around the weapon as it's locked into place. His chest also has an Automorph-like rearrangement of his chest-mounted headlights into robot mode configuration as his abdomen is pushed down into place.
Ratchet's head had the peculiar feature of having two ball joint sockets stacked one atop the other- there was the shallow socket that his head was set at in the package which allowed superior mobility, then a deeper one that limited head movement but concealed his neck joint. The deeper socket could be used by pushing the head down. Sadly, a running change in his design eliminates one of the ball joints, making his head basically unposeable. His redecos would later continue to use this version of the mold.
All copies of these molds have their upper arms assembled incorrectly compared to the stock photo, leaving the mushroom joint slot exposed at the front, and the molded details facing backwards.

Voyager Class toys

What the hell, Hasbro? You couldn't afford the other half of the emergency stripe?
  • Desert Tracker Ratchet (Voyager Class, 2009)
    • Japanese ID number: RA-08
    • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
This Revenge of the Fallen "Desert Tracker Ratchet," is a barely redecoed version of the Transformers Voyager Class Ratchet toy released in 2007, the only new decos being the change of his black plastic to dark grey and a "dirt" spray on his doors and shoulders. In a probable effort to cut costs, Hasbro has removed several decos that existed on the 2007 toy, such as half of the Emergency stripe on the sides of the vehicle, the red paint for the light bar and the turn signal lights.

Oh. So Desert Tracker Ratchet was desert-tracking Grindor? Okay.
  • Surface To Air Showdown (Voyager Class 2-pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
A Costco-exclusive two-pack featuring Ratchet squaring off against Grindor, strangely reminiscent of Ratchet's fight with Blackout in the Transformers: Autobots Nintendo DS game. Both toys remain unchanged from their individual retail release, but Ratchet is now simply named "Autobot Ratchet" rather than "Desert Tracker Ratchet".

Fast Action Battlers

Lol @ Voyager, I have more paint apps than you!
  • Beam Blast Autobot Ratchet (Fast Action Battler, 2009)
    • Accessories: Missile
This Revenge of the fallen "Beam Blast Autobot Ratchet" toy is a redeco of the 2007 Fast Action Battlers Autobot Ratchet, now done in a sort of "impractical army" camouflage colour scheme.

Robot Replicas

Damn it Prime, I'm a doctor not a gunslinger!
  • Autobot Ratchet (Robot Replica, 2009)
Revenge of the Fallen Robot Replicas Ratchet is a non-transforming, highly posable toy intended to be more accurate to Ratchet's CGI robot-mode than transforming toys are capable of. Ratchet is approximately five inches tall and features articulation at his neck, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, knees and feet.

Transformers (2010)

Legends Class toys

  • Desert Decimation (Multi-pack, 2010)
A redeco of 2007 Legends Ratchet, in the same general base colors, but with a metallic sand deco along the bottom of his vehicle-mode side panels.
He was only available in the market six-exclusive "Desert Decimation" four-pack, along with Legends-class redecoes of Ironhide, Decepticon Brawl, and Bonecrusher.

Deluxe Class toys

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  • Rescue Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2010)
  • Accessories: "EMP Blaster", "EMP Blast" missile
  • Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
Released in the fourth wave of 2010 Transformers Deluxe-class toys, Rescue Ratchet is a white and red redeco of the Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Class Ratchet toy. Much like the many Rescue Ratchets from the 2007 movie line, his color scheme is heavily inspired by Generation 1 Ratchet's Marvel Comics appearance.
The upper-arm misassembly error from the original mold is still present on this version.

Voyager Class toys

"A redeco that isn't white and red! THANK PRIMUS!"
  • Night Ops Ratchet (Voyager Class, 2010)
  • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
Released in the first wave of Transformers Voyage class toys, "Night Ops Ratchet" is a mostly-black redeco of the 2007 Voyager class Ratchet, the deco being somewhat similar to the second RPM Ratchet.
He is somewhat mistransformed in-package and in Hasbro's stock photos, as his windshield pieces remain over his abdomen in robot mode, not rotated around behind as they should be.

EZ Collection Real

  • Ratchet (Real Color Ver), (2011)
  • Ratchet (Metallic Color Ver.) (2011)
Released as part of the blindpacked EZ Collection Real by TakaraTomy's "TakaraTomy A.R.T.S", this Ratchet is a redeco of the first Legends Class figure, using the off-color version's green. Like his EZ Collection Real brethren, Ratchet comes with two different variants: The "Real Color" features a flat shade on the plastic colors and paint, while the "Metallic Color" features metallic paint and plastic instead. Like all land-based vehicles in this line, He features an extra paint applications on the wheels rims, which is only seen in the stock photo compared to the final product, which is left bare due to being molded with unpaintable plastic.

Dark of the Moon


The Japanese release (CV) of the figures features no physical changes on both the toy, and it includes one instruction sheet of "how-to-play" the cards for the Mechtech Wars Online games.
Sigh. I bet you five bucks that it'll just be four new toys at the most and then I'll be white with red bits again. Just bet you...
  • Autobot Ratchet (Cyberverse Legion, 2011)
    • Series: 1
    • ID Number: 008
    • Japanese ID Number: CV16
Cyberverse Ratchet is a Legion-class mold in white and light green. The new mold makes a few changes to his transformation compared to the Legends version, most notably finally forming his chest from the actual front of his vehicle mode. He has ball-jointed elbows (in a "lifting a dumbbell" orientation), making him one of the slightly more articulated Legion figures. His left hand is a standard-sized clip for holding Cyberverse accessories.
Like the previous mold, his spare tire is the same size as his wheels and can be rotated with some effort, though the method of attachment is different.
Despite what is shown in the stock photography seen to the right, the actual toy has Ratchet's head painted a different, more matte shade of green than the rest of the green plastic he's cast in.

"Damnit! I'm a doctor, not an astronaut!"
  • Autobot Ratchet / Lunar Crawler (Cyberverse Action Set, 2011)
    • Series: TBA
    • ID Number: TBA
    • Japanese ID Number: CV18
    • Accessories: Multi-axis repair claw, satellite dish, crawler/gun, Earth's moon backdrop
Cyberverse Action Set Ratchet is a redeco/retool of the DOTM Legion Ratchet, now in gold and white with brown tires. The roof mounted spare tire has been replaced with a new piece featuring a 5 mm peghole. He comes with the Lunar Crawler vehicle, which he can combine with in vehicle mode, as well as a much smaller crawler (as seen in the movie) which transforms into Ratchet's gun.
Like other action sets, a removable cardboard backdrop for display is included. This time, the backdrop depicts the surface of the moon, with a rover and an Autobot flag in the background.
The Japanese release comes with the same MechTech Wars Ratchet card from the single-packed figure above.

  • Battle in the Moonlight (Cyberverse multi-pack, 2011)
The Walmart exclusive "Battle in the Moonlight" giftset includes a redeco of the single-carded Cyberverse Ratchet mold in medium green, white, and off-white. Unusually for a Hasbro Transformers toyline redeco, this figure uses exactly the same paint operations as the single-carded figure, just replacing black paint with grey.
The set also included redecos of the Optimus Prime, his trailer, and Legion-class Crankcase.

Deluxe Class toys

No patients? He can fix that...
  • Autobot Ratchet (MechTech Deluxe, 2011)
    • Japanese ID number: DA06
    • Accessories: MechTech Cannon/Power Saw
As part of the first wave of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Class toys, Ratchet is accurate to his new appearance in the film, with his different ambulance livery. As part of the MechTech series, he comes with a lever-activated flip-out spinning "Power Saw" blade weapon, that is compatible with any 5mm port. In robot mode, Ratchet has 5 mm ports in each of his fists, on his back, on each of his shins, and on top of both of his shoulders. In Hummer H2 mode, he has a port in his spare tire and the shin ports can be revealed. He also has a pair of C joint bars on the lightbar.
As the saw flips out from the side, the weapon housing features an alternative peg on its left side, should the saw ever collide and be obstructed during deploying. The two pegs also mean that, with some fiddling, Ratchet can hold his weapon with both hands.
The Japanese Dark Side Moon release comes packed with a character card and an accompanying transparent plastic card of his MechTech weapon for the MechTech Wars online game.

...well played, Hasbro. You win this round.
  • Specialist Ratchet (MechTech Deluxe, 2011)
    • Accessories: MechTech Hand blaster/Double-barreled cannon
A redeco of Ratchet that is... completely different. As a prominently labeled Rescue vehicle, he is now mostly red with white detailing, which aside from essentially reversing the color scheme of his Generation One counterpart, is also a reference to a color scheme from his earlier movie design. He now comes with a redeco of Skids's MechTech blaster, which converts into a double-barreled cannon when the scope is pulled. Coincidentally, the double-barreled cannon is also reminiscent of his Animated counterpart's EMP blaster.
His weapon was also redecoed into the weapon of Streetside Bot Brawl Bumblebee.

Put your pants back on.
  • Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2011)
    • Accessories: EMP Blaster, EMP Blast Missile
This redeco of Deluxe Class Revenge of the Fallen Ratchet is exclusive to Toys"R"Us' Mission Earth: The Scan Series, to represent him trans-scanning his vehicle mode. As such, nearly all of his vehicle mode parts (and thus, most of his robot mode) are cast in translucent clear plastic, with the rear of his vehicle mode being left unpainted, the middle having painted scan lines, and the front having a heavy amount of paint operations in order to cover the clear plastic. Amusingly, the trans-scanning process apparently recognizes the electro-cardiogram graphics of Ratchet's vehicle mode, as the outline of the graphics is present on the painted scan details.

Voyager Class toys

It's me again!
  • Autobot Ratchet (Voyager Class, June 23, 2011)
    • Accessories: Roof rack/claw
This Target-exclusive Ratchet is a redeco of the Voyager class mold that has been used since the 2007 Transformers toyline. In this release, Ratchet is decked out in his new colour scheme for Dark of the Moon, but is physically unchanged from previous releases.
He comes with a comic book by IDW Publishing, Transformers: Ratchet.

Movie Trilogy Series

Deluxe Class toys

  • Ratchet (MechTech Deluxe, 2012)
Movie Trilogy Series Ratchet is a redeco of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Ratchet, done up in traditional Ratchet colors. Like the rest of the Movie Trilogy Series, its release was cancelled. However...
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Movie Advanced Series

Deluxe Class toys

MovieAdvanced Ratchet.jpg
  • Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2014)
    • Japanese ID Number: AD15
    • Accessories: Sword
The cancelled Movie Trilogy Series Ratchet was eventually released as part of the Movie Advanced Series subline of TakaraTomy's Lost Age toyline. As mentioned above, this release of Ratchet is a redeco of Dark of the Moon Deluxe Ratchet in G1 Ratchet colors.
He includes a large sword that was originally included with the simplified deluxe version of Beast Hunters Bumblebee.


KreO-Toy AoE Kreon Ratchet.jpg
  • Optimus Prime Dino Hauler (2014)
This version of Ratchet is based on the live-action film version of the character. He is only available as part of the Age of Extinction-branded "Optimus Prime Dino Hauler" set, exclusive to Toys"R"Us stores in the US and Canada.
He uses the Prowl style helmet.

The Doctor will see you now.
  • Autobot Ratchet (Custom Kreon, 2014)
    • Set number: A7837
    • Pieces: 29
    • Accessories: Weapons rack, buildable large rifle, buildable hammer, spare body parts, door-wing pack
Part of the first wave of Age of Extinction-branded Custom Kreons (available only at Toys"R"Us), this version of Ratchet is also based on the live-action movie character, but with considerably more tampographs than the version in the "Optimus Prime Dino Hauler" set. He comes with a buildable parts rack on which to hang/store his many many extra pieces. His "normal" helmet is chromed, plus he comes with an extra clear-plastic helmet, torso and legs, plus the Jazz door-wing backpack. He also has a pair of extra arms (originally from the Kre-O Battleship aliens), plus a buildable long rifle and sledgehammer.
He is also a shelfwarmer.

Movie The Best

  • Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2017)
    • Japanese ID Number: MB-06
    • Japanese release date: February 25, 2017
    • Accessories: Two guns, two missile racks
Released as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Movie The Best toyline to conclude the 10th anniversary of the live-action film series, this Ratchet is an extensive redeco of his Mechtech Deluxe toy, with two of the guns that originally came with Dark of the Moon Deluxe Class Leadfoot.

Studio Series

Ratchet's face was kind enough to donate most of its silver paint to the buzzsaw.
  • Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2018)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • Hasbro ID number: 04
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-04
    • TakaraTomy release date: April 28, 2018
    • Accessories: Buzzsaw, "Mission City Battle" backdrop
Studio Series "Autobot Ratchet" is a Deluxe Class figure based on the engineering of the Dark of the Moon Deluxe mold. He changes from robot to licensed Hummer H2 and back in 18 steps, and includes a movie-inspired buzzsaw accessory that can store on his spare wheel in vehicle mode. He also comes with a cardboard backdrop display depicting the battle of Mission City. He can also use the gun accessory of the figure below.
Unfortunately, due to the grill being molded in soft plastic, some of the samples may come with the grills bent. Loose hips also appear to be a somewhat common issue with the mold. The roof rack hangs egregiously down his back in robot mode, limiting backwards leg movement. Willing customizers can cut the hanging part of the roof rack and reattach it to the top of the back/roof with little effect on transformation while improving looks and articulation.
Ratchet, along with the rest of Wave 1 Deluxes, was made available at Hasbro Toy Shop following New York Toy Fair 2018, two months ahead of the scheduled brick and mortar release date.

Now comes in lime!
  • Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2018)
    • Movie: Dark of the Moon
    • Hasbro ID number: 16
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-14
    • TakaraTomy release date: September 15, 2018
    • Accessories: Gun, "Battle of Chicago" backdrop (1st version)
"Autobot Ratchet" is a redeco of the figure above, based on his appearance in Dark of the Moon (and Age of Extinction by extension). He comes with a new gun accessory based off the one wielded in the live-action films and a cardboard backdrop depicting a war-torn Chicago. As a redeco, this Ratchet can use the buzzsaw of the original.
It has been reported that there is an illustration error with Ratchet's instruction packets, as Ratchet's instruction manual cover illustration has the art depicting the step to insert Ratchet's gun into his hand... which unfortunately makes the gun look like it's floating.

No longer will red and white Ratchets be held down by being exclusives!
  • Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2022)
    • Movie: Bumblebee
    • Hasbro ID number: 82
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-80
    • TakaraTomy release date: May 28, 2022
    • Accessories: Blaster, "Cybertron Falls" backdrop (2nd version)
This Studio Series Autobot Ratchet is based on his brief appearance in Bumblebee and turns into a Cybertronian truck or emergency vehicle of some sort. As with the majority of Bumblebee's Cybertronian characters, his alternate mode was created by Hasbro and TakaraTomy for the Studio Series toyline as the film model was not designed to transform. He comes with the blaster that he utilized in the Cybertron battle scene, which can be stored on his back or on top of his vehicle mode. Like the other Studio Series toys, the interior of the package forms a display backdrop, this backdrop being a war-torn Cybertron as it appears at the beginning of the film. Ratchet also features 5mm compatible feet like many other contemporary Deluxe Class figures.
Unfortunately, some of the white nylon plastic (POM) used for the waist and thigh sections has been seen to become discolored pretty quickly.
This figure was retooled into Bumblebee Ironhide.

Celebrating 15 years of G1 color redeco jokes!
  • Transformers 15th Anniversary (Multi-pack, 2022)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: 04
    • Accessories: Buzzsaw, "Autobots Arrival" reversible backdrop
"15th Anniversary" Autobot Ratchet is a redeco of the first Studio Series figure, featuring slightly improved paint applications and plastic color changes compared to the first release of the toy. Ratchet's windshield and doors are now an inaccurate transluscent black, his gray plastic is a few shades lighter, and he sports a much more accurate yellow-green color, even moreso than the Premium Finish version.
In terms of deco changes, Ratchet's face is properly painted this time, his vehicle lights and wheel rims are painted silver, there's gunmetal on the rear bumper, more black on his robot chest, and the windshield has a green trim instead of the original black. The red stripes across the sides of his vehicle mode have been replaced with the Premium Finish version, but no other new tampographs were carried over. Additionally, paint has been removed from his rear windows, indicator lights, robot shoulder lights, and most of his waist.
This figure comes in an Amazon exclusive 5-pack alongside redecoes of Studio Series Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide and Jazz, released to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the first live-action Transformers film. The pack comes with a unique reversible backdrop depicting the alley where the Autobots first met Sam on one side and the exterior of Sam's house on the other.

Movie Edition

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  • Autobot Ratchet (Tiny Turbo Changers, 2018)
    • Series: 3
    • Bag Code: A
Autobot Ratchet is a new mold released in series 3 of Tiny Turbo Changers and he converts from robot to an olive green ambulance... though with a red grill.

  • Autobot Ratchet (Tiny Turbo Changer, 2018)
    • Series: 4
    • Bag Code: A
Tiny Turbo Changers Series 4 Autobot Ratchet is a grey redeco of the figure above. He still retains the red grill.


  • Autobot Ratchet (Power Series, 2018)
Bumblebee Energon Igniters Ratchet transforms from a robot mode generally unchanged from his original movie appearance into a white 1980's styled ambulance, meaning he doesn't look anything like his actual Bumblebee movie appearance at all. As a Power Series figure, Ratchet can use Igniter Cores in his vehicle mode, revealing two blue cannons. The little door in the back of his ambulance mode also opens. Cute. Only the side which faces outwards when in package features any paint applications though.

Masterpiece Movie Series

Now with two MP Ratchets, when in Primus is Takara waiting to give us a Masterpiece Rhinox?
  • Ratchet (2020)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: MPM-11
    • Hasbro release name: Autobot Ratchet
    • TakaraTomy release date: December 26, 2020
    • Accessories: "Buzz Saw", "Laser Cannon"/machine gun, "Arm Missile" pods
Masterpiece Movie Series Ratchet is based on his appearance in the first two live action films. The toy includes a much greater amount of articulation (totaling to over 50) and accuracy than his other toys, including individually articulated fingers, ankles, and a moving jaw. The robot transforms into an officially licensed Hummer H2 and includes die-cast parts, as well as several paint applications. He includes his "Laser Cannon", freely spinnable "Buzz Saw", and pair of "Arm Missile" pods, each of which can be plugged in either of his forearms. He also retains the spinning torso feature in his transformation scheme.
In an undocumented feature, all of Ratchet’s accessories can store on his back. The Buzz Saw plugs into a hole in his upper back, the "Laser Cannon" plugs onto the same wheel assembly it does in vehicle mode, and each Arm Missile pod can plug into a hole on the back of each shoulder.
Originally, a physical figure used for initial stock photos and a stop motion reveal video had the car mode windows, doors and front fenders cast in translucent blue plastic, which greatly collided with yellow paint used for door and fender parts, resulting in slightly greenish tint colliding with the yellow plastic parts. Later CGI renders and physical stock photos had these parts cast in clear colored plastic, resulting in the paint applications having more cohesive coloring. The final toy has a very slight blue tint to it, though.

Giving Acid Storm a run for his money for "Most Neon" Masterpiece figure.
  • Ratchet (Dark Side Moon Version) (2024)
    • Movie: Transformers: Dark of the Moon
    • ID number: MPM-11D
    • Hasbro release name: Autobot Ratchet
    • TakaraTomy release date: March 30, 2024
    • Accessories: "Buzz Saw", "Laser Cannon"/machine gun, "Arm Missile" pods
A straightforward redeco of the above MPM figure based off his appearance in Dark of the Moon (and Age of Extinction by default). He features all the same accessories and features as before.
Ratchet was revealed in early September 2023, with pre-orders going live a month later, including at Hasbro Pulse.

Premium Finish

  • Ratchet (Deluxe Class, January 29, 2022)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: PF SS-04 / PFSS 04
    • Hasbro release name: Autobot Ratchet
    • Hasbro ID number: SS-04
    • Accessories: Buzzsaw
As part of the fourth wave of TakaraTomy's Premium Finish subline, Ratchet is a detailed redeco of the Studio Series mold featuring more paint applications that represent his appearance in Transformers and more details of false dirt. He comes with the same weapon as the first use of the aforementioned mold.

Buzzworthy Bumblebee

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
  • N.E.S.T. Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2023)
    • Series: Studio Series
    • Movie: Dark of the Moon
    • ID number: 96BB
    • Accessories: Gun, "Battle of Chicago" backdrop (1st version)
Buzzworthy Bumblebee "N.E.S.T. Autobot Ratchet" is a recolour of his earlier Studio Series figure, transforming into a dark gray licensed Hummer H2 with N.E.S.T. livery and Autobot badges. His bio states that he teams up with N.E.S.T. to defend Chicago from a Decepticon attack. The serial number that appears on the doors of his vehicle mode actually refers to "Fire Department 681" "Search and Rescue E4", which were his identifying markings from his vehicle liveries used in the movies.
He retains the blaster from his DOTM release, as well as the "Battle of Chicago" backdrop.
Much like the rest of Buzzworthy Bumblebee, N.E.S.T. Autobot Ratchet is exclusive to Target and was first revealed via online listings with no prior announcement from Hasbro.
Care should be taken when posing the feet, as there have been a few cases of the ball joint shearing off without warning.


Titanium Series

Ratchet rejects your measly attempts to paint his face.
  • Autobot Ratchet (3" Robot Masters, 2007)
    • Accessories: Movie-style Autobot sigil display stand
Titanium Ratchet is a die-cast metal and plastic figurine, with an accurate sculpt based on the CG model owing to the fact he doesn't need to transform. Being a figurine, he only has articulation in his shoulders, neck and waist. For some odd reason most of his face is left unpainted. Ratchet comes with a Movie-style Autobot symbol display stand.

  • Rescue Ratchet vs. Blackout (3-inch Robot Masters multi-pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: Movie Autobot sigil display stand
This Revenge of the Fallen Toys"R"Us-exclusive set features a redecoed version of 2007's Titanium Series Ratchet in white with red detailing and an unchanged version of Blackout.

3D Battle-Card Game

3DBattleCard Ratchet.jpg
  • Ratchet (3D Battle-Card, 2007)
    • Card number: TBA
Ratchet is a 28-point "Rare" piece in the 3D Battle-Card Game. Constructed of punch-out pieces from plastic cards, he can be assembled into his rescue truck mode or robot mode. In vehicle mode, his robot head peeps out behind the truck in a rather hilarious manner. He uses the same construction as the Movie Payload, and Generation 1 Trailbreaker cards.

Transformers (2007)

The irony that the medic gets firearm merchandise, though the weapons specialist doesn't.
  • Ratchet AllSpark Blaster (2008)
The Ratchet AllSpark Blaster is one of several Movie roleplay toys. The toy consists of a blaster attached to Ratchet's (hollow) hand which a child can slip their own hand inside like a glove and wield. Pulling the trigger causes the toy to emit transformation sounds, allowing the user to transform the toy weapon from laser blaster mode to battle cannon mode, by pulling the handle on the back. Laser blaster mode features features siren and laser sounds and a "triple laser light", while the battle cannon mode has cannon blasting sounds and a "weapon-blast light".

  • TRANSFORMERS Chess Set (2007)
Two identical gold-colored plastic statues of Ratchet serve as the Chess Set's Autobot-side Rooks.


Their decision to light a campfire in the Ruby Crystal Mines of Burma really pissed Ratchet off......
  • Autobot Ratchet and Autobot Jazz (2008)
The Ratchet and Jazz turnaround is a 3D sculpture of the two characters, both in robot mode, emerging from rubble and explosions, with a movie-accurate sculpt (compared to the various transforming toys). The 'turnaround' aspect of these sculptures simply means one can turn the piece around to display a raised-relief of the movie-style Autobot sigil instead.
This product's release was cancelled for the US market, but was released in Central America, Australia and in Asia.

Transformers Movie Screen Cleaners

Movie Ratchet screencleaner.jpg
  • Autobot Ratchet (2008)
Released by Tomy Yujin on January 2008, this Dangler is a faction logo-shaped screen cleaner for your cell phone, with a stock image of Ratchet printed on the other side.

Revenge of the Fallen


  • Ratchet (Surprise Cup, 2009)
A small figurine based on Ratchet in his robot mode, with an attached cord on top to be used as either a keychain or a cellphone dangler, was one of eight possible miniatures that could be found as a freebie in the bottom of each Nestlé Surprise Cup. Interestingly, these first started popping up in European ice cream booths around March 2009, a good couple of months before the usual assortment of toys and merchandise for Revenge of the Fallen hit retail shelves.

Missile Mania Board Game

  • Ratchet
Ratchet is one of eight characters featured in the Missile Mania board game, represented by a small standee adorned with artwork of the character.

RPMs - Robot Powered Machines

"Did anyone get the number of that hummer that ran me over?"
  • Autobot Ratchet (2009)
    • Series: Combat Series
    • Number: 01 of 04
As an RPM, Ratchet is a non-transforming Hot Wheels-scale search and rescue vehicle. Sculpted on the underside of the vehicle is Ratchet's robot mode, name and faction insignia. A variant deco featured the search and rescue emblem seen in the movie on Ratchet's doors, instead of the more common Autobot symbol.

For when you need your emergency vehicles stealthy.
  • Autobot Ratchet VS Megatron (2009)
    • Series: Battle Series
    • Number: 05 of 08
This redeco of Ratchet essentially reverses his colors, coloring him black with a green bumper and roof rack. He was only available in a two-pack with Megatron.

Figure Collection

ROTF-Merchandise Figure Collection Ratchet.jpg
  • Ratchet (2010)
    • Accessories: Stand
The Figure Collection edition of Ratchet is based on his Fast Action Battlers toy.

Robot Heroes

Going my way?
  • Autobot Ratchet & Megatron (Two-pack, 2007)
Robot Heroes Autobot Ratchet is a soft-plastic figurine sculpted in a super deformed style, with joints at his head and shoulders. He can place one hand on his hip and raise his thumbs-up arm for hitch-hiking fun. He was packed with Megatron.

  • Autobot Ratchet (Single-pack, 2008)
In some countries outside of North America, this Ratchet was released individually in a blindpack with no notable changes.

Infected with herpe— er, AllSpark Power.
  • The Final Battle (Multi-pack, 2008)
Sold exclusively in Walmart stores, "Autobot Ratchet with AllSpark Power" is a repaint of the first Robot Heroes toy. Sold with redecoed Jazz, Blackout, Optimus Prime, and Megatron, no molding was changed on this toy. However, the figure boasts an "AllSpark blue" paint job, which swaps out a few of the toy's original decos with the bright blue paint instead.

"While Megatron desperately attempted to escape the confines of this thumbnail through brute force, Ratchet deployed his saw and aimed it towards the border, opting for a more... surgical approach."
  • Battle for the AllSpark (Multi-pack, 2009)
Packaged in a set depicting the battle in Mission City with Brawl, Megatron, Sam Witwicky, Optimus Prime in truck mode, Starscream in fighter mode and Bumblebee in car mode, this Ratchet figurine has the circular saw on his arm that he uses to slice off Brawl's left arm.

Oh, look at the time!
  • Autobot Ratchet & Barricade (Two-pack, 2009)
Part of the third wave of Revenge of the Fallen-branded Robot Heroes, a different mold of Ratchet brandishing his machine gun is packaged versus a redeco of the original Robot Heroes Barricade figurine.

Burger King

  • Ratchet (2007)
Ratchet starts as a fairly well-detailed representation of his Hummer form that doesn't roll. Pressing on the bumper opens the car shell as a spring loaded robot mode figurine bursts out from within. The figurine is removable and there is an Autobot insignia sculpted into the floor of the car.

"Who slapped me with the ugly stick?"
  • Flip-Out Ratchet (2011)
Part of the 2011 Burger King Dark of the Moon promotion, Ratchet is a simple figure with bobble-head-like proportions, but is otherwise reasonably accurate to his on-screen appearance, though his colors are more reminiscent of the first two movies. The entirety of his body flips out of his enormous head when it is opened. He is made of glow-in-the-dark plastic with non-glowing grey paint applications.

Thrilling 30

  • Ratchet (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 1 / #13
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Ratchet was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 1
    • Accessories: 5 collector's bases
The same Ratchet figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream and Sentinel Prime.

Prime 1 Studio

Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Ratchet.jpg
  • Ratchet (2016)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: MMTFM-13
    • Accessories: Base, buzzsaw
Limited to 750 pieces, Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Ratchet is a huge non-transforming sculpture based on his first movie appearance. The statue is made of polystone along with other materials and features light-up LED eyes.
He also comes with a buzzsaw that can be attached to either of his arms.


  1. Comparison images of both color variants of Legends Ratchet
  2. Design notes on Studio Series Bumblebee Ratchet from Hasbro designer Sam Smith on Instagram
  3. Design notes on N.E.S.T. Ratchet from Hasbro designer Sam Smith on Instagram

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