From Transformers Wiki
Fans realize something Hasbro does not: that robust 41-year-old billion-dollar franchises, while seemingly healthy, are in actuality as fragile as two bricks tied together with tissue paper. One mistake, one bad mis-step will cause the entire thing to shatter and fall apart; and Transformers would be ruined forever.
Fortunately, there is hope. The Transformers fanbase has resolved to remain ever vigilant against something that could Ruin Transformers Forever, and call out a warning if they see something that could potentially do so.
Some Transformers conservationists suggest a more extreme approach, that Transformers should abandon all attempts at re-invention and instead cater exclusively to the old-school collectors. Though attractive, this approach may prove impractical as a long-term solution.
Ruined Forever remains a serious threat to Transformers now and in the foreseeable future, though it's possible a proposed initiative requiring all Transformers fans to purchase an annual plastic offset could ensure our fragile brand's existence through the mid-21st century.
Things that have Ruined Transformers Forever in the past
- Killing Optimus Prime
- Transformers that don't transform
- Munkies
- Hippies
- Reboots
- Divorce
- Pokéformers
- Perverts
- Exclusives
- Bayformers
- Teen Titans
- Bees, my god
- Radical Feminist SJWs
See also
External links
- Ruined FOREVER on TVTropes on TVTropes (because we are the trope namer)
- Wave 2 of the Transformers toys in 1984 ruined the brand forever (short essay)