Sizzle (G2)
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The name or term "Sizzle" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sizzle (disambiguation). |
- Sizzle is a Decepticon Laser Rod from the Generation 2 portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Though clearly the more cunning of the two, Sizzle (aka Fireball) could easily be seen as suffering from the same cowardice as his partner, Jolt. He has no qualms about abandoning his teammates on the battlefield if he's low on fuel or confronted by a superior force. On the other hand, "running away" for Sizzle is really a "tactical advance to the rear". It's not fear which guides his actions, but the search for an advantage that'll put him on top of the situation. He sees no point in staying in an uneven battle simply to maintain his pride and image as a warrior. Sizzle is a strategist, and his goal is to win, not to look like a winner.
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Marvel Generation 2 comic
Sizzle was brought to life by Megatron using the power of the Creation Matrix, which he had siphoned from a beaten Optimus Prime. Along with the other Laser Rods and Rotor Force, Sizzle was meant to usher in the new age of Decepticon supremacy. Though he and the other new Decepticons proved effective in securing rheanimum gas from the moon of Tykos, even their power proved ineffective against the Cybertronians under Jhiaxus's command. New Dawn
Megatron was forced to seek an alliance with Prime, but refused to have his Decepticons accompany the Autobots to planet Ethos to save it from invaders; he considered such altruistic nonsense to be beneath his notice. Megatron made it all too clear to Sizzle that he planned to eventually do away with Optimus Prime and his do-gooders once they had played their part in Jhiaxus's defeat. Tales of Earth Part Five Upon realizing that Ethos's invaders were Jhiaxus's forces, Megatron ordered his soldiers to aid the Autobots after all. Sizzle found himself staving off a planet-wide genocide for the greater good of the Autobot/Decepticon alliance. Escalation! This alliance of first generation Cybertronians was then forced to defend the Autobot headquarters on Earth from an invasion by Jhiaxus's forces. Sizzle and Electro happily used the energies of their swords to zap the Cybertronian soldiers to pieces. Total War! The alliance remained after the battle with the Swarm and the defeat of the Liege Centuro. A Rage in Heaven!
Fleetway Generation 2 comic
Fireball was one of the Decepticons who came to unleashed carnage on Earth under Bludgeon's command. War Without End
Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity
Legends comic (1)
When the Cybertron Alliance fell apart due to the humans murdering Megatron's friend, Sizzle answered Megatron's call for war. Bonus Edition Metroplex
G-2 pack-in manga and story pages
Sizzle initially teamed up with Jolt in striding into battle with Megatron. When Megatron was hit by Optimus Prime's "Matrix Saturn" attack, both of the Decepticon Laser Rods scattered. G-2 #1
Sizzle and Jolt later ganged up on Electro, declaring their intent to turn him into Autobot scrap. Electro fought back with his "Knee Flash Kick", declaring his intent on turning them into Decepticon scrap. G-2 #3
Later, he found himself on the run from Volt, but intentionally allowed the Autobot to chase him into a cave. There, Sizzle's stealth shield gave him an advantage in the fight, allowing him to sneak up behind his opponent in total darkness. G-2 #6
Some time after that, he teamed with the Decepticon Cyberjets in encircling the Autobot Laser Rods. Unfortunately for him, Road Rocket managed to kick up a smokescreen and attack. G-2 #11
Sizzle would eventually be afforded a chance at payback against Road Rocket, teaming with Jolt and Road Pig in chasing the Autobot through the Decepticon base. They managed to corner him, but the Autobot found back-up in the form of Aero Raid, who infiltrated the base through the airducts. G-2 #14
After that, he watched as Megatron defeated Volt and offered him a place among the Decepticons. He then continued to watch as Strafe zoomed in, punched Megatron in the jaw and rescued his friend. G-2 #15
Later, he succeeded in taking Electro hostage back to the Decepticon base, presenting the Autobot to Megatron. Jetfire quickly showed up to spring his ally. G-2 #16
Sizzle joined in Megatron's final assault against the Autobot base. Megatron was defeated, though, and all the Decepticons were banished to deep space. G-2 Part 6
Legends comic (2)
Later, after Megatron was humiliated, Galvatron II assumed command of Sizzle and the Decepticons. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 1 They attacked the planet Beast in an effort to steal its energy. Jolt and Sizzle terrorized the smaller Legends World refugees during the attack. The Road to Legends' Revival Chapter 3
Wings Universe
Created on Earth in the 21st century, Sizzle was one of many "second generation" Transformers who turned to crime and formed the Decepticon Syndicate under Clench's command. After the Syndicate's conquest of the Large Hadron Collider, Sizzle and Jolt tried and failed to defend the facility's computer systems from Electro and Volt. As the four fought with each other, they were caught in an escaped cloud of forestonite gas and presumably developed Laser Rod powers. Generation 2: Redux
2005 IDW continuity
Sizzle appeared in a fictional scenario projected into the mind of a dying Sideswipe through a mnemopathis projector. He and other Decepticons were depicted as helping with relief efforts on post-war Cybertron, though Sideswipe initially believed they were smuggling energon and attacked them. The Life of Sideswipe
Commercial appearances
- Sizzle drove down a racetrack with other hot rods, then transformed to smash a light pole and menace a young onlooker. As the boy was later seen watching Leadfoot on the same racetrack, it's hard to say how successful Sizzle's menacing was. Rotor Force and Laser Rods commercial
- Dreadwing and Smokescreen fought Sizzle—even though he's supposed to be a Decepticon—and a gold redeco of Sizzle who was presumably meant to be Electro. So that was strange. Dreadwing and Smokescreen commercial
Generation 2
- Sizzle (Laser Rod, 1994)
- Hasbro EU name: Fireball
- Takara name: Firebot
- Takara ID number: TRF-6
- Accessories: Sword
- Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Released in the second year of Generation 2, Laser Rod Sizzle transforms into a hot-rodded-out Ford Panel Wagon. Pressing a button on his hood causes a red LED to light up, making his clear plastic engine glow red. In robot mode, this LED can be moved around at the end of a wire, and can plug into the bottom of either of his fists, allowing his light saber to be similarly illuminated. his saber stores under his vehicle mode back end, with the handle sticking out to simulate a rear bumper and tailpipe.
- Also like other Laser Rods, he has a number of different hinges in his limbs and a rubber band "o-ring" waist similar to those of G.I. Joe figures, giving him an unusually large amount of articulation for the time, heralding the era of "Super Posable!" Transformers. Unfortunately, like G.I. Joe figures, this "o-ring" is prone to dry-rot and breaking.
- Sizzle's Japanese bio states that his chassis is made out of Cybertitanium, which makes him nearly undefeatable in combat.
Foreign names
- Japanese: Firebot (ファイアボット Faiabotto)
- French: Magneto (Canada)