From Transformers Wiki
- Slashmark is a Decepticon Stunticon from the Robots in Disguise portion of the Aligned continuity family.
Dumb Bots aren't exactly Slashmark's thing. He will insult and snark at those deemed lesser by him, and unfortunately, his arrogance means there are a lot of fellows that will end up victims of deep-cutting words. But perhaps this is a good thing. He isn't exactly surrounded by Cybertron's smarter Decepticons and the Stunticons could use someone like him to keep them from getting into mission ruining arguments or just plain old goofing around.
True to his own name, his tires can generate energy fields that can slash up a concrete road or an enemy Autobot, which should teach uppity lawbots some good manners. He can also manifest this energy in robot mode as hand-held rings to be used in melee combat or thrown at foes. Slashmark can also combine with Heatseeker into Heatmark, as well as with the full Stunticon team to form the chaotic Menasor.
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2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon
- Voice actor: David Kaye (English), Olivier Francart (French), Reinhard Scheunemann (German), Lorenzo Scattorin (Italian), Janusz Wituch (Polish)
Believing the winner's title of "Ruler of the Roads" to be literal, Slashmark and his fellow Stunticons entered the Crown City Grand Prix. Slashmark found himself repeatedly tangling with Drift and Sideswipe as they attempted to stop him although they'd been bodyswapped as the result of a failed combiner experiment. The pair eventually managed to get the better of Slashmark and knocked him off a cliff. Disordered Personalities After the Stunticons terrorized a police car, Slashmark combined with Heatseeker to celebrate, however Motormaster was unimpressed with their progress thus far in conquering Earth. The Golden Knight
When the Stunticons discovered a maglev train that was faster than them, Motormaster ordered his four subordinates to bring him its power source. The Stunticons had to fight their way into the train yard and then ended up atop the train, fighting the Autobots after Grimlock accidentally set the train into motion. Slashmark and the others were eventually thrown off and had to report back to an unhappy Motormaster. Railroad Rage
In response to Motormaster berating the Stunticons for their failure to defeat the Autobots, Slashmark blamed the fact he had to work with "buffoons", eliciting a hostile response from Heatseeker. He took part in Motormaster's new plan, which involved them luring the Autobots to a desert location and then forming Menasor, with Slashmark becoming the combiner's right leg. Menasor's attempt to secure a satellite dish which was part of a meteor deflection system ended when the Autobots used the dish to send Menasor flying. Combine and Conquer
Accompanied by Wildbreak, Slashmark was using a tracking device to search for Cybertronian technology and inadvertantly stumbled on the scrapyard which the Autobots were using as a base. They reported to Motormaster as the Autobots blasted off in Optimus Prime's ship, and were ordered to return so the Stunticons could mount a surprise attack in space. Though the attack was unsuccessful, the Stunticons to detected Windblade's cache of tech on the Moon and opted to head there instead. On reaching the cache, the Stunticons merged into Menasor so they could break through its defences. Mission accomplished, the Stunticons headed back towards their ship and again combined to destroy Prime Force One, when they found it parked next to their ride. Unfortunately for them, the combined Autobots caught up with them and defeated Menasor when the five Stunticons came into conflict with each other. The five Decepticons were later loaded into stasis pods and taken into Optimus Prime's custody. Moon Breaker
Robots in Disguise (2015)
- Menasor (Team Combiner, 2017)
- Available only in the Menasor Team Combiner 5-pack, Slashmark transforms into an off-road vehicle of made-up model in a few simple steps. He can also convert into a leg for a Team Combiner super-robot, though his nominal placement is as the right leg of Menasor. While the instructions tell you to raise the vehicle rear up to form the leg first before flipping out the robot legs/kneecaps, and when you transform him back into vehicle mode, you have to turn back the combiner feet/robot body first before you flip back his legs/kneecaps.
- Slashmark uses the universal connector joint shared by all Team Combiners and Crash Combiners, but since he can only form a leg in combined mode, this can lead to some interesting-looking combinations.
- He is a retool of his teammate Heatseeker, with a different headsculpt.
- Slashmark uses Heatseeker's body-type, but with a heavily-edited Museum guard head switched in.
- David Kaye's voice for Slashmark is heavily based off of character actor Jonathan Harris.
- Slashmark's colour scheme evokes the original Generation One Breakdown despite Wildbreak being more in line with his personality.