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This is an archive of information pertaining to the Beast Machines: Transformers (1999) and Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001) cartoons taken from, the official website of Beast Machines story editor Bob Skir, where he engaged with the fandom to answer frequently asked questions about both TV series. Direct links to each original webpage have also been included.
All, spelling, grammar, and formatting errors have been retained from their original presentation.
The new series opens as Optimus, Cheetor, Black Arachnia and Rattrap discover themselves suddenly back on the Transformer homeworld of Cybertron - with no memory of how they got there. Instead of a hero's welcome for winning the Beast Wars, our heroes are hunted by a mysterious new breed of Transformers - the Vehicons.
These vicious machines enforce the will of Megatron, who has returned with a vengeance. Megatron has wrestled possesion of Cybertron, leaving Optimus and his team constantly under fire and on the run.
Forced underground, the Maximals undergo a strange reformatting that not only alters their Beast/Robot bodies, but the very essence of HOW they transform. No longer an instantaneous response, transformation is now a disciplined skill that must be learned and refined like a martial art.
The Maximals face their greatest challenges as they struggle to free their planet from Megatron and his Vehicons.
Beast Machines - Transformers
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Wed, 31 Mar 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Will you be pretending that BW seasons 1-3 didn't happen? Will you continue the plotlines left unresolved from Beast Wars?
- Oh, the Beast Wars happened all right...! How can we ignore three years of Transformer history... especially when so much of the future is riding on the outcome?
2) Will there be a clearer connection made between Generation 1 and Beast Wars? Is there going to be more references to Generation 1?
- The new series is designed to be self-contained... while being entirely respectful of EVERYTHING that has come before.
3) Will any Autobots or Decepticons be among the cast of heroes and villains in TF Beast Machines?
- Not so far...
4) Will the wonderfully written mature story lines and very in-depth character development continue to be the norm for BM? or are you considering "dumbing down" the show for the younger viewers?
- Marty and I promise to make the new series exactly as "dumb" as we've made Godzilla, X-Men, Batman, Superman, and Extreme Ghostbusters. (Even when skewing a show toward younger viewers, we *never* dumb it down. I personally write for an audience of one: myself. "Dumbing-down" a script would therefore be like talking down to *myself*! No matter what I'm writing, or for whom I am writing it, I always try to make my work as engaging and entertaining as possible. Otherwise, what's the point?)
5) Will we get to find out what happened to the human Autobot relationship that the original cartoon revolved around? Will humans ever be on Transformers again?
- At the present time, there are no humans involved in our current storylines.
6) Where will the new season take place? What time frame will this series take place in?
- It happens after the Beast Wars. Looooong after the Beast Wars.
7) How many (number) characters will be carried over from the current Beast Wars season 3 to BM?
- Well, that depends on how you look at it... There are roughly five carry-overs, only none of our familiar faces will have familiar faces. Intrigued?
8) How many new (number) characters are currently planned for each faction (Maximals and Predacons)? How many (number) female characters?
- Maximals? Predacons? What are *those*? (That's a *hint*, not a signal that they've hired the wrong guys!) ((And, for the record, there will not be enough female characters for *my* tastes! <But that's a discussion for another time!>))
9) Will the story-arcs format continue or will we have stand-alone episodes instead. Are multipart episodes planned?
- We're designing this as a novel for television, with one huuuge arc comprised of two smaller arcs containing episodes that are complete within themselves toward the building of a larger overall story. And, yes, there will be *several* multi-part episodes.
10) Will the show still be in CGI? Will Mainframe animate the show?
- That's two very big "Yeses" right there! CGI is getting better literally minute by minute, and Mainframe is right there pushing the envelope in ways that I personally find mind-blowing. (In other words: Did you like the first three seasons of Beast Wars? You ain't seen *nothing* yet!)
11) Are you committed as not only creative television professionals, but also as major new contributors to a legacy that millions of fans love and have grown up with?
- Absolutely! When something has a huge fan-following (such as X-Men, Batman, etc.), you *have* to be respectful of the elements that made it popular in the first place. To face a such a project otherwise would be idiotic. Toward that end, we're looking for the aspects of this universe that we respond to the most and hope to build upon it (rather than just being slavish and repetitive to that which has come before.) Basically, we want to give you more of what you like in this universe, but in new and original ways. (Watch the Godzilla series and you'll see what I mean.)
12) There has been a lot of confusion as to exactly what network beast machines will be showing on? Is it Fox Family, as it has been reported a few times, or will it be on the primary Fox networks as part of their Fox Kid's programming packages?
- Fox will be broadcasting it as part of the Fox Children's Network, which is their Saturday morning block. As veterans of Batman, X-Men, Godzilla, Beetlejuice, Spider-Man, and a ton of other Fox shows, Marty and I really love that network. (And they seem to like us. And they reeeeealllly like Transformers and Beast Wars!)
13) How much of the spark mythos given in Beast Wars will be used?
- Oh, it's come up in conversation from time to time. (See answer to #11)
14) Who are some of the writers lined up for season 4(how much of the season will you both be writing yourselves)?
- Marty and I wrote the first two episodes, with Marv Wolfman, Michael Reaves (Invasion: America, Batman, Gargoyles), Steve Melching (Godzilla, X-Men) and Brynne Chandler Reaves (Batman, Gargoyles) all lending a hand on subsequent episodes. The stories so far are terrific: *I'm* dying to see them all completed!
15) Will there ever be more stories about the original Transformers?
- Probably... but not as part of *this* series.
Fri, 02 Apr 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
16) Will the YTV network be showing Beast Machines?
- Beast Machines will be shown on Fox Kids in the U.S. As for other territories... I really can't say!
17) Will the Transformers in the Beast Machines series still have the ability to Transform?
- Absolutely! Sort of...
18) I was wondering exactly how many episodes there will be in the first season of Transformers Beast Machines?
- 13 in the first season, 13 in the second.
19) Are the transformers going to go to Cybertron? Will we see more of Cybertron in Beast Machines?
- Now *that's* an interesting question! Have we ever been to Cybertron before?
20) Will the American TF series ever tie into the Japanese ones?
- Probably not, for all *kinds* of reasons (most of them legal/copyright-related).
21) Besides the five "rough" carry overs, how many (number) other main characters will be regularly featured?
- Oh, ten or so.
22) A few months ago, a preview picture was released advertising Transformers Beast Machines. It featured what looked like a giant ape, a rat, and some other unidentifiable creature. Should we consider this to be a glance at things to come as far as the look of the characters in the new show?
- What you saw were rough designs, but it *does* indicate the direction in which we're heading. (A giant ape? A rat? Well who could *that* be?!)
23) Why Beast Machines? Personally I liked Beast Hunters better. Was it a Hasbro decision?
- To me, Beast Hunters sounds like a show about Marlon Perkins' Evil Twin. Somebody came up with Beast Machines. But since we couldn't use "War" or "Battle" or any other such terms in the title (some places don't like kids watching "War" shows -- hence the alternate title Beasties for Beast Wars, and ShadowRaiders for War Planets). Everybody concerned wanted a uniform title worldwide, and so far Beast Machines was the best one, and is apparently written in stone. In any event, a rose by another name..., when you see this show, you'll be hooked whether it's finally called Beast Machines or Cajun Cooking On The Bayou. I'm telling you, it's gonna be dynamite!
24) What does a story editor actually do?
- Well, first of all, it involves eating a LOT of breakfast cereals (high on my list: Quisp, Cap'n Crunch, and Count Chocula).
- Seriously, Story Editors are the head writers. We determine the direction of the shows, the ways the characters will change throughout the series, and which stories are told. Basically, we're in charge of the stories. And in the case of this series, we are coming up with storylines ourselves and hiring (the best!) writers to give them life. (Normally we'd take pitches from writers to see what kind of stories they'd want to tell. But since we're doing this as a novel for television, we're deciding ourselves out of sheer necessity how each chapter will be shaped.)
- The first three years of Beast Wars was a reflection of Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio. The next two years will be a reflection of Marty Isenberg and Bob Skir.
- Although Marty and I will be the Story Editors (read: Head Writers) of the new series, MARV WOLFMAN actually developed the storyline that we'll be following. The shape of the world, the conflict between our heroes and the new villains, the very nature of the new villains themselves, were all Marv's invention and contribution; Marty and I are deeply indebted to him.
25) I would like to know how to break into animation screenwriting. I am currently applying to grad school for film but I was wondering how to start the process of getting into the field. What do you recommend?
- Lots of Quisp, Cap'n Crunch, and Count Chocula! In addition, take LOTS of writing classes, and courses in animation -- traditional as well as computer animation. However, animation classes are for background -- Marty and I do not animate. We write. A lot. So write a lot, and read as many scripts as possible.
Mon, 05 Apr 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
26) Will you have immortals(spark cannot be extinguished) a la Rampage/Starscream on the show?
- Not for the time being.
27) Is Beast Machines going to be "previewed" this summer, much like FOX has done with other shows (like X-Men, Power Rangers etc.)? When is the exact release date? When can we expect to see BM toys?
- The show will premiere somewhere around September/October, with the usual Fox fanfare. I do not believe they are planning to "Sneak" it, but you never know. When the toys will hit the shelves is anybody's guess, but when they do, you'll know it before I do!
28) A big problem I have had with Beast Wars, is the slapstick comedy. I feel the show can do without Transformers falling off cliffs and being flattened like some sort of robo-pancake. Will you keep up this theme, or is this a story element I have seen the last of?
- I'm not a huge fan of slapstick. There will be a *little* of it from time to time, but the flattening of robots, the tweetie-birds spinning around heads that have just been konked, and other such Three Stooges gags will be very rare indeed. I always felt that undercut the show myself. However, there will be lots of humor; It will be generated by the characters and their interactions, the way they were in the Star Wars films and in Raiders. *That* kind of humor I can *never* get enough of -- especially when it heightens the tension rather than undercutting it.
29) What effects, if any, will the change from syndication to network broadcast have on the content of the show? Many people fear that the violence will have to be toned down to pass network censors. Have you, the writers, been given any additional restrictions? What will the level of violence be like? Will it be light-hearted and cartoonish or more action packed?
- The network wants action. Lots of action. LOTS of action. So expect action in huge portions. However, BS&P (broadcast standards and practices) does not allow for decapitations, projectile weapons (bullets), and outright death. So a lot of the mayhem that was permitted in Beast Wars in syndication will have to be adjusted. Nevertheless, the battles will be huge, and our characters *will* be fighting for their very lives. In short, the show will be just as exciting as it was before!
30) Will the Matrix of Leadership(the *only* thing that Unicron feared) be mentioned or seen on BM?
- Oh, it's come up in conversation from time to time.
31) One thing that's been a constant source of irritation for me is the treatment of the villains on BW-- specifically, they're just villains. You can lump them into two groups: "treacherous" or "toadying". This is something that REALLY bothers me. Will you guys be giving us villains that we can cheer for? More sympathetic, less stereotypical?
- Absolutely. Our approach will be to give our villains a point-of-view. They aren't merely "e-vil", but are rather fighting for something that, from their point of view, makes total sense to them. None of our villains will be driven merely by malice; that's always a bore.
32) With the original Transformers series there were two separate and distinct continuities: Comics and Cartoon. Are you going to follow the BW example and base it primarily in one universe with some elements being drawn in from the other to polish things up a bit? Or will it be based in either one or a separate one entirely on its own, while still respecting the earlier universes? What will you consider *canon* for BM?
- We're taking up where Beast Wars leaves off, so I'd have to say that Beast Wars is our canon.
33) I was curious if you'll be getting into the controversy of the Transformers' origin in BM. The original cartoon & comics totally differed on the subject but Larry DiTillio & Bob Forward decided to ignore the old TV show's canon in favor of the comic version, with Primus. Will BM address this at all, or just avoid the issue?
- The Transformers' origin... that *is* an interesting issue...!
34) What will we see in terms of differences between factions? Will it be pure good versus evil, or will there be "shades of gray?"
- Both, actually. The villains will have a point-of-view -- but for the sake of clarity, they will definitely be *bad*!
35) Will energon be involved in Beast Machines?
- Oh, yeah.
36) Who makes the call when it comes to a character' persona and background, does Hasbro impose any guidelines for you guys to follow when it comes to character development, do you start with a clean slate: the new BM toy' modes/gimmicks and a name or is there more(or less) to it? Is the toy' tech spec used for reference?
- Everybody has a say, but the final call is Hasbro's.
37) Does the CGI format actually hinder your creativity, do you tell yourself, I can't write this, they(Mainframe)'ll never be able to animate it?
- Nope, it opens it up! There are things in CGI you can do that you could never do in traditional cel animation! Armies of thousands, facial acting, and really cool camera moves. The stuff you're going to see on Beast Machines is going to blow away anything you've seen in cel animation!
38) Apparently you have planned a two-season story arc. Does this mean two separate seasons, or a two-part season?
- Two separate seasons featuring on huuuuuge story.
39) In the Beast Machines, will the same voice actors(E.g. Scott McNeil, Ian Corlett) still dazzle us with their talents or will we get new talent? Will composer Robert Buckley continue to provide the score on the new series?
- Voice actors will remain consistent, with new people joining our cast for new characters. And Robert Buckley *will* continue scoring duties.
40) In comparison to the current BW characters, how much larger or smaller in size are the Beast Machines characters going to be?
- Roughly the same size -- in *most* cases!
Thu, 08 Apr 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
41) As of right now are any episodes completed (animated)?
- Production is still in the early stages, but five scripts are done, with an additional four in various stages. What I *have* seen of the new production is mind-blowing, really exciting stuff!
42) Will any of the characters from Beast Wars s1-3 who are NOT regulars on Beast Machines make appearances in the series? That is, assuming any actually live.
- That's one of those "Only time can tell" kinds of questions. Let's just say that anybody who isn't around *will* be accounted for... one way or another!
43) Will the transmetal technology still exist, or are you introducing something else?
- We're moving beyond the Transmetal phase... for an all-new look.
44) Will the toy line still be called "Beast Wars" or renamed Beast Machines?
- Renamed "Beast Machines".
45) What did you mean by the characters "sort of" having the ability to transform? They will still be robots in disguise, robots having the ability to Transform into something else, as the Transformers have always been, won't they?
- Yes, absolutely. Sort of...
46) Since the new show will be picked-up by Fox, does this mean that the show will have a higher budget than the syndicated Beast Wars?
- The budgets will remain the same. But for this series, all new backgrounds, models, and animation will be employed taking advantage of the huuuuge technological breakthroughs that seem to happen on a minute by minute basis in computer animation. In short, expect this show to blow you away!
47) Will we finally see some spectacular space combat on BM? Will part of BM actually take place in space?
- Space battles is more the arena of War Planets (aka Shadow Raiders). Our show will feature more earthbound activity. Trust me: I looove space battles, and the stuff we have here won't leave you hungry for it!
48) The original series of Transformers had HUGE Transformers, such as transformable bases, or combiner teams that merged into larger robots. Will these types of Transformers be in Beast Machines?
- Huge Transformers, such as the ones in the original series, will be accounted for in our series.
49) For Beast Machines, will the ultra-talented Susan Blu(Arcee's voice in the original TF series) continue to be the show's Voice Director?
- I'm happy to report she's on board. I love Sue, with whom I've worked on Extreme Ghostbusters and Godzilla, and was delighted to find out that she was going to be part of the whole Beast Machines experience.
50) Will there be any references to the Ark(Autobot ship that crashed on earth)? Season 3 is centered around the Ark.
- Let's just say we haven't forgotten it, but it won't figure heavily in the new stories.
51) How long will the pilot for Beast Machines be? 2 eps?
- The pilot is a single episode that ties directly into episode 2 (as all of our stories interweave). Overall, each episode is meant to stand alone, although the odd 2- and 3-parter will arise.
52) Will there be more than 2 factions on BM? Wouldn't it be cool if there was a third NEUTRAL faction?
- I guess it would. But what would they do, stand around and *not* care which side wins? Or take sides and *become* heroes or villains? Anyway, no such factions factor into our new series.
53) Will I have to sit through BW' full three seasons to understand BM, or is this the perfect time for new viewers to come on board? To the average viewer, will it be a different show (besides the name change)?
- The new series is designed to be friendly to new viewers, who won't be lost by anything we're doing. At the same time, we're building on existing myths, so longtime fans won't be yawning their way through endless explanations of information they already know. This is designed to be a show that's fun for everybody, new viewers and longtime fans alike.
54) How much will time travel play into these stories? Will it be set in one time only, or will the characters have the ability to go back in time? Or forward?
- Time travel will not figure heavily into the framework of our stories (except for the last part of episode 26, wherein we go back in time and undo everything from before episode 1 in Beast Wars and beyond. Just kidding.)
55) Will all the Transformers be able to fly like in the Decepticons in the original Transformers series, or will only a select few be able to like in Beast Wars?
- You'll see. Let's just say, I really like heroes who fly, so even if some of our characters are earthbound, others will take to the sky.
56) Will there be "activation codes" as there were in Beast Wars?
- I guess so, but our guys have their hands full dealing with other issues right now.
Sun, 02 May 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
57) This isn't as much about Transformers as your other credits listed in your Resume. I love everything of yours that I saw and that really gets me excited about Beast Machines. But tell me, what happened to Gargoyles? I LOVED that show and it only really existed for one season!!
- One season? They had 65 episodes... plus an additional season of The Goliath Chronicles! That's a pretty healthy run! Although personally, I think it should have run longer, too.
- But the truth is, in animation there are two kinds of shows, those which run based on seasons, and others run on commitments. Gargoyles was not a seasonal show, like X-Men. The studio called for 65 episodes, and they filled that order. Once Disney merged with ABC, the network needed an action show for their Saturday morning block, and new episodes were created. Easy as that. And, again, I liked that world and wish they had made more.
58) Is Unicron's head still orbiting Cybertron? Are we going to see Unicron in BM? Is Unicron still spawning Transformer life in BM?
- Good questions, all. So far, Unicron hasn't factored into our stories. So far...
59) Will you have more control over Mainframe's animators and producers/directors than the previous story editors? Season 3 was full of errors and omissions (The Matrix holding Prime' spark, Nemesis shooting down the Ark, Megatron relinquishing the original Megatron's spark in Nemesis part 2(cut out of final version), etc. etc.
- I can't speak to all of the error in Season Three. Marty and I are working overtime to create a great overall story for Beast Machines, and we hope that any inconsistencies that creep in (which we are working very hard to avoid!) won't hurt the integrity of any of our stories or the overall series. But be forewarned, with a universe as complex as this one, a few glitches here and there are unavoidable.
60) Are we still warring on Cybertron, or are we at peace in BM?
- Peace? In an action show? We won't stand for any of *that*!
61) You said at least 5 characters will carry over but will they have the same personalities/attitudes?
- Yep... and the very same voices, too. But be forewarned... personalities change. It's the hallmark of dynamic drama.
62) Many people have begun to worry about your mention that the characters will transform...sort of. Many believe that this means that old Transformation sequences will be phased out in favor of "morphing", something that no Transfan wants, me included. Could you clear this up? Will Transformers still use the rotating/flipping/repositioning of parts as is traditional with this toy line? Does this "sort of" refer to a different aspect of transforming, as I suspect it does?
- Morphing ain't Transforming!!! Period! And until they change the name of the show to the Mighty Morphin' Maximals, our guys will NOT NOT NOT be morphing.
- So some fans out there are worried about my mention of the characters Transforming "sort of"? I've got news for you all... our characters are even *more* worried!
63) How many modes will the Transformers have? More than two, less than two? What is the average number of transformation modes per character?
- Each character will have two modes. (And, no, they aren't "Naughty" and "Nice"!)
64) Why are there only 13 episodes a season, why not 26 like the first season of Beast Wars? I figure it's because Hasbro doesn't want to pay for it, but wouldn't more episodes make them more money anyways?
- This is a network show, now. And network seasons are 13 episodes. Plain and simple.
65) Are the 2 promos of Cheetor and Optimus final looks? Is that Cybertron in the back of the promos? Will Cybertron play a big part in the new series?
- In this world, nothing's "final"! And as for Cybertron, this planet has *always* played an important role in Beast Wars!
66) Characters like Cheetor seem to be growing up and maturing. This implies that the Transformers were all "children" at one time. Is Beast Machines going to touch on Transformer "births" or life cycles at all?
- Yep. And as far as Cheetor's maturing process... well, all I can say is, "Wait for it..!" (Which is not to say that I am confirming nor denying that Cheetor will be playing any role in our new series. I cannot divulge that sort of information!).
67) Will the Battles take place on one planet or several planets? Are we still marooned on a planet in BM?
- Beast Machines will take place on a single world.
68) Can individuals send you guys stories/scripts? Can I audition for a character's voice? If I send you plot/concepts/character ideas or suggestions, will you use them on the show? Can you name a character after my dog/friend/son/wife? Can I have your job?
- No! No! No! No! And lastly, NOT ON YOUR LIFE, I'M HAVING TOO MUCH FUN!!!
69) Will we ever get to hear that Transforming sound that was on the old series? Will the transforming sound change once more for Beast Machines?
- I haven't heard the new FX tracks. But trust me, if it sounds as good as it's looking so far, your ears are going to explode at the same time as your eyes are!
70) I've followed Sue Blu's career with cartoons for many years now and enjoy her talents, my question is will she be staring or at least guess staring in Beast Machines?
- If I had my way, Yes! Although so far I don't recall her doing any of the voices. This is my third show with her (Extreme Ghostbusters and Godzilla being the first two) and she is an absolute dream to work with! And a great friend, too.
71) I am a bit confused concerning the no death/decapitation/projectile weapons guidelines from fox. I seem to recall all three in X-Men and Batman. Master Mold had his head blasted off (he was a robot but so are our guys), Batman had guns in the opening credits and Morph died in the first X-Men episode. As they are robots, are the guidelines still strictly enforced? And are the guidelines today stricter than those of a few years ago?
- Well, if they weren't strict before, this nasty business in Colorado should keep BS&P (and us) on our toes for a while. (By the way, Morph was only allowed to "die" because an executive at Fox promised on a stack of Bibles that the character would return -- a promise he never intended on actually keeping! ((See, not all network executives are finks who don't care about the shows!)) Morph only returned because the fans seemed to like him! And don't count me among them -- I bloody hated that character! Too giggley for my tastes!)
72) Will Earth play a part in Beast Machines, Terrans interacted with the natives of Cybertron in the old series but BW seemed to indicate that something occurred to end this interaction. Will you explain why the humans broke contact with the Cybertronians in BM?
- Uh... I'm sure we'll come up with something. (Which means, actually, that we already have!)
73) I am a big critic of any Transformers spin-offs, because of my loyalty to the 1st generation. Will there be any clarification between TF, BW, & BM as far as what lead to the change(reason) from Decepticon & Autobot to Predacons & Maximals so on and so forth? Will the origins of the Maximals and Predacons ever be told?
- I'm sure it'll come up in conversation at some point.
74) Does FOX plan or airing "Beast Wars" season's 1 thru 3 during the weekday afternoon block or ever? If so, Will Fox change the Beast Wars name to Beast Machines with a new title screen when airing those repeat episodes?
- Yes, Beast Wars *will* air on Fox. And Beast Wars will remain Beast Wars, and Beast Machines will remain Beast Machines.
75) Due to the time and expense of CGI rendering, we rarely saw non-toy characters in Beast Wars. Will the new series feature larger numbers of background or civilian characters? Will we be seeing any alien species/races in Beast Machines?
- A definite possibility!
76) Will we ever find out what happened to the Matrix and the real end of the Autobot/Decepticon war.
- The Matrix, yes. The War, yes.
77) Will we ever see The Transformers on the Big Screen again? Is a BM movie in the works/Will there ever be a Beast Machines movie? Is there the possibility of a third season of BM?
- From your lips to God's ears! I'd love for there to be a movie!
Wed, 12 May 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
78) Will Waspinator by staying on earth at the end of season 3 affect the Beast Machines story line?
- I'm sorry... "Waspinator"?
79) About those BM pictures that Mainframe posted, how long ago where they made? I saw the new picture Mainframe released of the BM BlackArachnia, and I hope she doesn't look like that! It doesn't even look as if she transforms into anything!! Is that the final look for BlackArachnia?
- I'm not sure which picture you saw and are responding to, but all I can say is that everything in this new incarnation is looking gangbusters in the final rendering.
80) Groovy little faction thing. Nice touch. Anyway, I was just curious as to whether there would be non-bestial alternate modes in "Beast Machines". Admitted, the name of the show would indicate that there are "beast" altmodes, exclusive, but it seems highly illogical for all of Cybertron to be using the forms of Terran animals. If there are only "beast" modes, will you be addressing why there are? Also, if they’re only "beast" alternate modes, will they be restricted to Terran creatures?
- So far, the Beasts in Beast Machines will be Terran creatures. But you raise an interesting point, one that *has* come up repeatedly in several key conversations. (In other words, "Wait for it...")
81) Are the characters basically going to look like the liquid metal terminator from T2 or can we expect bulky brawny looking characters like the original Optimus Prime and optimal optimus or what?
- We're not going for that liquid metal look.
82) How big will the characters in beast machines be? Will they be like the maximals and predacons and be smaller then the g1 or will they be bigger?
- Pretty much in the same scale as the Maximals.
83) In the original script for Nemesis II, Primal returned the original Megatron's spark. This scene was animated, but cut for unknown reasons. So my question is, does Megatron still have the original Megs spark or was it "officially" put back?
- You'll see...
84) In G1 TFs almost all the toys where required to make at least a 1 ep appearance, even if they didn't get much development. In BWs many toys never made it into the show at all. Is Hasbro going to require all the toys in each year’s line be written into the show, or only a certain amount of them?
- We're having a bunch of characters in our show, who will all be available as toys. Whether Hasbro makes more toys outside of our series is completely up to them. I'm just happy to report that we are not getting phonecalls saying, "We're making a Transformer Dolphin and a Transformer Anteater, so stick them into episode #10 any way you can." The shows are based on our stories and characters, with mundo feedback and contributions from our Hasbro executives, who are not making the series revolve around the toy marketing. In other words, this series *is* about the story and its characters.
85) Will BM still be in 3D action??
- I lobbied for sock puppets. Lobbied and lobbied. I grew up on Lambchop, there's nothing wrong with Lambchop. It's a viable form of entertainment which has yet remained unexplored. But did they listen? No. So, for now, we are stuck with the same old state-of-the-art, ever evolving 3D computer animation.
- But if I have my way, Season Two will be *all* sock puppets!
85a) I think you and your team are one of the greatest writers if not the best!!! I especially enjoyed your work on Batman, Superman, and definitely X-Men!
- Thank you so much! I loved writing for those shows, and I'm really glad that people are responding to them. As strange as it may seem, we who write for animation get little or no feedback on our shows (unlike in the comics industry, where they receive mail for their letters pages), so it always strikes me as odd than anybody has even *seen* my work.
- I'm really glad you liked our previous work. Marty and I are working overtime to make Beast Machines especially great.
86) According to Mainframe BM takes place directly after BW. According to comments I've read on your page BM is almost a "next generation" show. Which is it?
- More of the former. We are following events that take up "soon" after the Beast Wars ends. Yet our characters will be entering a whole new generation, not in the traditional terms that we carbon-based lifeforms are used to (sons, daughters), but rather, in terms more directed at Silicon-based lifeforms (Version 2.0, 3.0, etc.) Let's just say, expect to see what you've always loved best... but all new and all different!
87) What will become of the many stasis pods (with protoforms) that the Maximals left on Earth? Will there ever be a mission to retrieve them and Waspinator?
- Only time will tell!
88) Will we see the Quintessons again? In the cartoon continuity, they created the Transformers and used Cybertron as a factory, with consumer goods robots (Autobots), and military (Decepticons). Will the struggle over the Quintessons vs. Primus origin be a factor like, say, the way evolution vs. creation does today?
- The Quintessons will not be playing part in our current series. So far.
89) Since not all of the original BW characters are not carried forward into BM, will there be an explanation as to why they were not being brought over?
- Yep. Everybody's accounted for, whether present or not. (We *like* continuity! Just please don't hang us when the occasional glitch hits.)
90) This Beast Machines thing is looking pretty cool. But you’re talking a lot about having 2 seasons of the show. Will the storyline end there, and if the series has done well, will another new series kick off after that?
- All of these questions will be answered by viewers such as yourself. As long as interest in the Transformers remains strong, the Universe will remain alive.
91) In Beast Machines, will we ever hear about the Vok from Beast Wars?
- Not so far... we've got so many other things keeping us occupied.
92) Will Optimus Prime ever make an appearance on Beast Machines? Will we ever find out what happened to Optimus Prime? I'm kind a curious is he living on cybertron in the "Old Transformers Home" or what?
- You'll see.
93) In G1, we saw a lot of Transformers who could combine with other Transformers to form a super-robot, will there be any gestalts in BM?
- Geez, it's hard enough keeping them in the same room together... how do you expect them to combine bodies? (But, hmmmmmmm, what a wonderful idea!)
94) Getting back to the no death, decapitation, projectile weapons guidelines discussed earlier... how will Fox justify airing BW episodes from seasons 1-3 that contain these elements? Will there be "edited" versions to comply with the guidelines? Will some episodes not be shown as a result? Or will Fox execs look the other way and air all 3 seasons as they were in their entirety?
- I'm not sure. They'll probably air them as they are, or tone them down *slightly*. But I don't expect they'll do any major butchering. Overall, they seem to like the show, old and new. But the shows made directly for them have to follow certain guidelines.
95) Will mainframe try to find a better UK distributor than the one Beast Wars is currently airing on as it is being shown at irregular times on public holidays only? As such no one has heard of it and I’m sure the figure sales are down as a result compared to USA or even G1 figures in the UK.
- I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time finding/watching the show. Since the new show is on Fox, perhaps they have a station or affiliates in the UK who will make it easier for you.
96) Is the cartoon being based around new figures or are the figures being created for the cartoon?
- This ain't no cartoon, bub! It's sock pupp -- er -- 3D computer action at its best! Anyway, expect all-new figures and all-new designs -- for both our series *and* the toys!
97) Shadows, Fur texture, will Beast Machines include these to desirable features?
- You want shadows? You got shadows! You want fur textures? We got fur textures! I'm telling you, if you had *any idea* how cool this new series is gonna look, you'd get out of line for The Phantom Menace and remain hunkered over your TV set like a hungry Mastiff over its dinner bowl!
98) I am still not to clear with that death idea. Will there still be bots dying? For example when Dinobot died that was a great episode. I liked him and all but I thought it was a great ending and everything. I would like to see some heroic deaths like Dinobots. Can we be expecting any?
- Heroic deaths fall under the heading of deaths, and Fox isn't real big on those. But don't worry, our characters will be fighting over HUGE stakes, and the jeopardy they face will keep you in mondo suspense!
99) What will be the name of the first episode of BM?
- Well, we *were* calling it "Hither Come... The Sock Puppets!" but the title changed when I lost that whole Sock Puppets Are Better Than 3D Action fight. (Perhaps a letter writing campaign from fans such as yourself will help them see this whole thing from my angle!)
100) Will the Tripredacus Council and the Maximal Elders ever be heard of again? Will their origin be revealed?
- Perhaps...
101) How long does it take to make an episode of BM and how much does it cost? Thanks for the FAQ!
- I'll tell you the truth... I don't know! I just write them; producing them is somebody else's lookout! However, I *can* tell you that I figured out a way to cut production costs into a mere fraction of what they currently are. And you know what it would involve? That's right: Sock puppets!
102) Will we see any more of Starscream? :)
- Not so far...
Sun, 06 Jun 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
103) Who would you love to work with, and whom do you admire the most in your profession? What is it about story editing that appeals to you?
- In my profession? I admire Paul Dini. He's a genius, pure and simple, with a different angle on any story than anybody else can/will ever come up with. When I see his name on a script, I know I'm in for a great story -- always! (We've worked together several times in the past, and I've always had a blast.)
- Actually, Marty and I have worked with tons of people we've loved working with, such as Michael Reaves, Jeff Kline (the producer on Extreme Ghostbusters and Godzilla, who developed those series and deserves a *lot* of credit for why those series work so well!), Alan Burnett, and on and on and on.... and we've loved working with all of them. The upshot is that I get to work with lots of people I respect and admire, and they all always ask to work with us again, which makes me feel very, very successful ("success" being based far more on happiness in life and working environment than, say, purely monetary issues). All of the people we like working with like working with us. (Which doesn't completely answer your question, but gives you an idea of why I personally love what I'm doing professionally.) ((The short answer would be Steven Spielberg and George Lucas and James Cameron... but hell, that would be *anybody's* answer!))
- What is it about Story Editing that appeals to me?
- I get to spend a *lot* of time in one universe (as opposed to visiting/assimilating new shows/worlds on a biweekly basis as a writer on somebody else's series), and I get to shape that world. On "BattleTech", Marty and I got to write a novel for television! On "Beast Wars", we're getting to tell a longer novel, working with our favorite writers, and for a much larger audience! It's satisfying, *very* satisfying, largely because when the show is finished, the overall series is very much a reflection of the Story Editor's vision. And in the case of Beast Machines, Marty and I are extremely excited about how all of the elements are pulling together, in terms of characters, storylines, themes, rising conflicts...
- Trust me, there's no better, more satisfying job than shaping a world and watching it grow. (Story Editing is thus not a job for just anybody... it's only for people with delusions of godhood!)
104) I have seen some of your work on series such as the X-Men, Batman, Superman, and the Gargoyles. From this I know you can make shows that have the maturity and depth that I want to see Transformers retain. Unfortunately, many fans have pointed out time and again their dislike for the Godzilla series. It isn't because of the writing, and I enjoy Godzilla a great deal, but the biggest complaint is the repetitiveness of the series (similar events occur every ep). Was being repetitive your idea, or the TV execs, or was it simply an inability to come up with anything else for the series to do? I could see some problem finding a challenge for Godzilla every episode otherwise. Also, will BM be more original, or will repetitiveness be a factor?
- I don't think *anybody* would ever cop to being deliberately repetitive (even if they're writing songs for the Spice Girls!). Also, I don't think our episodes of Godzilla *were* especially repetitious. (Point out which ones you felt were especially redundant, so we can see what you're talking about.) We tried to have a variety of conflicts between our characters, so that character-beats wouldn't be repeated endlessly. And a variety of monsters, all revealed in new and (hopefully) interesting ways. If you feel we failed, then, hey, how can I disuade you? I just don't happen to feel that we did. I *like* the series! (And the yet-unaired episodes feature some of our very best work so far!)
- Will Beast Machines feel repetitive? Not to us, it won't! *You* tell us what *you* think when it airs. We welcome your comments - positive and critical alike.
- And by the way, if you liked our "maturity and depth" in our previous shows, we've gone out of our way to highlight these elements in Beast Machines. Again: let us know what you think.
105) Will there be love relationships in "Beast Machines"? Will any of the characters have love interests? Especially the villains. You never see the main villain in cartoons have a love interest, is there a possibility of this happening in Beast Machines?
- What an *interesting* question...! (In other words... "Wait for it...!")
106) A while back near the beginning of season 3, Larry DiTillio said that if there was a fourth season there was a possibility that they would delve into the characters’ pasts, before the Beast Wars began. Since he is no longer writing, is there still a possibility that you will give us a glimpse of what life was like for them pre-Beast Wars?
- Not *exactly*. But we are delving deeper into the characters themselves, giving them personal stakes that only get higher, and conflicts between one another that only get hotter. In other words, if you liked these characters before, you'll be fascinated by the directions we're going to be taking them.
107) In beast wars we seldom saw the characters doing anything for fun, there was the time the predacons were playing cards, the time rattrap was playing video games, and I think that’s it. I like to think that war is not the only thing on their minds and that they do exercise some sort of recreation. Will we see anymore of this? Thanks!
- Personally, Marty and I would love to give our characters "down time" and send them on the nice long vacation that I personally would like to be taking right now. Sadly, events will keep them from playing videogames, Chinese checkers, or Parchisi.
108) When you're developing the personality for a villain, what do you look for inspiration?
- The reason Why he is doing what he's doing! Badguys with no motivation, who are evil just for the sake of being evil? BO-RING! I like villains with a point of view, whose intentions are totally understandable from their own perspective. Who are not evil, but good, at least in their own minds! So whenever I have a villain, the first thing I want to know is what is he after and why!
- (Parenthetically, I think that the Nazis were ultimately fascinating -- and will continue to remain fascintating -- because they *were* so absolutely evil... and yet not a single one of them from Hitler on down to the lowliest footsoldier would ever have thought of himself as such. It's how these monsters justified their evil actions in their own minds -- in whatever passed for their souls -- that makes them so interesting. From their perspective, these "people" were actually doing the right thing... and were motivated (as twisted as this sounds) by love and not hate! Exploring a twisted brand of thinking like that is a gold-mind for people interested in the human condition, and it would be a mistake to merely dismiss the Nazis as just a bunch of crowd-following monsters. ((And it would be an even bigger mistake to try to justify their evil acts by apologizing for them -- which I am *not* doing here, believe me!))
- (So I guess what I'm saying here is that whereas the Nazis made great villains in Raiders of the Lost Ark, they made for more *interesting* characters in, say, Schindler's List and Apt Pupil.)
- (Two more great examples involve Satan. The reason that The Exorcist -- the greatest horror film of all time (Bar none! None!) ultimately doesn't work for me as a story is that everybody has a solid point of view (the little girl, her mother, the 2 priests, the detective) EXCEPT for the character who is driving the whole damn story: The Devil (or the demon Pazuzu, if you read the novel). Think of how much better that story would have been if we'd been given some understanding what the devil had to gain from making a little girl vomit green pea soup! It's the only failing in an otherwise GREAT film... but as far a failings go... it's a biggie!)
- (On the other hand, Satan's viewpoint is expressed with wonderful clarity in Milton's Paradise Lost, which remains the single greatest work in the English language. Treating the fallen angel Lucifer as a vicious/childish malcontent, Milton eloquently illustrates *why* he was driven to usurp Heaven from God... and *why* he would never/will never learn from such a monumental failure... leading him to again defy God by defiling His Creation: Paradise! Milton thoroughly articulates Lucifer's viewpoint so that you know just what the devil is after and *why*... and it makes for a much more satisfying read. And for a much richer, less simplistic villain!)
- (Saying the Devil is bad: duh, that's easy. Exploring what demons are driving this demon's soul: riveting in a way that will never, ever get stale!)
- (Lastly, understanding someone's point of view is *not* the same thing as sympathizing with it! I'm not suggesting for a moment that we should ultimately sympathize with the Nazis or the Devil! I'm just saying that trying to understand what would motivate these people/characters make them richer *as* characters. Are we all clear?)
109) Do you have any tips for breaking into the industry? What kind of College courses did you take to get into your current line of work, and/or what would you suggest some one who wants to follow in your footsteps, so to speak, take in College in preparation?
- Read! A lot! And write! A lot!
- Read things that you love, and try to understand *why* you love them.
- And then try to create for yourself that thing (movie script, novel, short story) that you've always wanted to see but nobody's bothered to make yet. (Do NOT -- ever -- try to follow a trend that you see. By the time you see it, it's *over*, and your "fresh" take on it will seem a stale as last year's Wonder Bread.
- How do you break into the business? Everybody I know did it his/her own way! No two success stories are ever alike.
110) Have you met your animation staff in person? How closely does the writing staff work with the storyboarders and animators?
- We are working closely with Ace Fipke, our producer, and *he* works closely with the directors/animators. Marty and I *have* met many of them, but since our lookout is the writing, our basic relationships are with our team of writers.
111) Did you get to pick your character staff from a selection of upcoming toys or did Hasbro just send over info on who was going to be in the show? Did you get to see the toys that didn't make the show?
- For the first season, we were given a set of characters, and then we added one of our own (which Hasbro instantly wanted to make as a toy). For the second season, we're going to be adding some "new elements" (ie: new characters or old characters with new alterations).
- We did *not* make selections based on toy designs. The characters in the series, and the ones we are adding to it -- are informing Hasbro with toys to make. Their designs, based our our specifications, are informing the production company how to design the models. (We later get notes saying, "Oh, he doesn't have wings now" or "The bazooka arm is now a gatling gun" or whatever, based on production or toy-design needs.) So as you can see, there's a lot of back and forthing! Everybody has a major say, with us writers both giving cues and taking cues, with common sense as the final arbitor.
112) Will the faction symbols be different?
- We'll see.
113) Are you going to show any bloopers at the end of the episodes?
- No plans for it so far! There's too much story already, with no time left over for bloopers. (Or would you rather we spent less time on story and more time on gags?)
114) What is your favorite BW episode(s), and who is your favorite character on either side. Thanks for talking with us, it’s a promising sign.
- You're very, very welcome.
- My favorite character is a young guy you haven't met yet... and my favorite episode is one you're going to be seeing in just a few short months!
Wed, 23 Jun 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
115) I am curious if this is following on after the Beast Wars and our 'heroes' are returning to Cybertron will they look different at the very beginning of the first episode or will there be some sort of change or at least an explanation of the new look?
- Expect an explanation... and a *hugely* dramatic one at that.
116) What kind of music will be on the show? I always felt that soundtrack is 26% of a good show(take for instance Transformers the Movie) so what kind of music scores will BM boast?
- I agree with you wholeheartedly on the importance of music (being a big fan of John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, Bernard Hermann, Erich Korngold, James Horner, and Danny Elfman (to name but a few). Although I haven't heard any of the music yet, I suspect it will be in keeping with the kind of music heard in Beast Wars... although flavored differently for the new environment (after all, the music for Tatooine didn't sound like the music written for the Death Star, did it?).
117) Will the characters be more complex?
- Absolutely. Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio provided us with wonderfully rich characters, and we're trying to mine them for all they're worth while also taking them in new directions.
118) I am a huuuuuge fan of Blackarachnia and was wondering, will her attitude change or will she still be the same cocky widow?
- She will change and evolve as circumstances change around her. But through it all, she'll always be the same cocky widow.
119) Why so few female transformers? I know it's primarily a guy show, but Blackarachnia was my favorite on BW and from what I've heard, the TM2 Blackarachnia toy is already being highly sought after by many fans despite the fact that it hasn't been released yet. I'd think that her popularity would soften you guys up (I say "you guys" because I don't know who makes the final decisions) to the idea of bringing in more female characters.
- Like I need to be softened up?! *I* lobbied for years for a Harley Quinn doll, and snatched one up as soon as they became available!
- Marty and I love writing strong, well-defined female characters, and really wish this universe contained more of them. While none will be showing up in the first season of Beast Machines, we're lobbying for at least one for Season Two (and there *will* be a Season Two!).
- Why didn't we introduce such a character in the first season? Let's just say that's the only "fight" we lost. But since we're getting our way on everything else, we're trying not to be *too* bitter about it (especially considering how our new character is shaping up depite being handicapped by XY chromosomes).
120) I cannot stand the new look for Blackarachnia! Please tell me this isn't the final version. Is it possible for the Blackarachnia image on your site to change completely before rendering?
- Nothing's* final until everything airs... Sorry you don't like the new design, but please wait until you see her in action before passing judgement. (After all, we all hated Jar Jar Binks before finding out how wonderful he turned out to.... uh... bad example.) (Waitaminute... I've grown to actually *like* Jar Jar!) Anyway, give the new design a chance. And I promise she won't say things like "Meesa Maximize!"
121) Will there be 3 or 2 warring factions?
- Two. For the most part.
122) In BM will Megatron's ducky be featured? You just can't have a good bath scene without the ducky popping up.
- Well, let's just say that every time Megatron takes a bath the duck will be there.
123) I thought that the words the BW used (slag,pit etc.) added character! Will BM be using these pseudo swear words?
- Aw frag, I can never remember the answer to that slagging question!
124) Is BM going to be aimed squarely at 'kids' again?
- Every episode of every show I write is aimed squarely at *one* kid. Me.
125) Will there be *any* non-beast alt-modes on the show? Will we see other alt modes besides animals?
- Yep.
126) Are you still disturbing the timeline in BM?
- No. Marty and I are too busy disturbing each other.
127) Will there be any more “names” carried over from g1 for the new show?
- Not character names as such. But certain terminology comes up from time to time.
128) What's your view on fanfiction? Especially since the fact that many TF fans will start to go off on their own Beast Machines stories when the first episode airs.
- If folks are so inspired by what we're doing (or failing to do) and going off in their own directions, I'd love to see it!
129) Will superpowers come into play in this series as it did towards the end of last season?
- Not superpowers as such. Just the abilities that come with their new forms.
130) First off, a mountain of thanks for being kind and patient enough to answer all these questions--even the ones you can't REALLY answer just yet.
- You are *very* welcome. I'm really enjoying the interaction here with fans (as limited as the "interaction" is in a Q & A format.).
- I have a couple of questions which hopefully won't fall into that latter category...
- First, while it's apparent from some of your answers that you draw inspiration from numerous sources, literary and otherwise, what sort of "homework", if any, are you doing with specific relevance to the TF universe? In other words, which facets, if any, of the TF multiverse (toys, G1 comics, G2 comics, U.K. comics, G1 cartoon, BW) are you consulting for background material?
- Largely, Beast Wars. Mostly, the characters themselves. But for reasons I can't say right now, we *are* looking yet deeper into the past...
- Second, if you are using that reference material, have you developed any overall thoughts on it yet (amid everything else you're doing)?
- Any thoughts we have on it will be reflected in how we are using it, I suppose.
- Finally, the Blackarachnia sock puppet: silk stocking or fishnet?
- I would argue that white silk would be appropriate for Air-Razor.
- Black Arachnia is fishnet. All fishnet. (You know that kind that looks all spider-webby..?)
131) Will we be seeing more of the Maximal and Predacon written language? Will you make up any new alien languages for us to see? Thanks.
- We're focusing on our core characters, who won't be using alien languages. As to whether or not Maximal or Predacon writing appears in the shows, that remains to be seen.
- But if you're really hungry for alien languages, meesa knowing movie out yousa be seeing containing muchly language Gungun!
Wed, 21 Jul 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
132) Beast Wars: Transformers showed through various points in the series, whether through dialogue (Possession, Other Visits) or actions (The Probe, The Agenda Part 1), that Cybertron is filled with numerous political conflicts. With the Tripredacus Council, a major political group in the Predacon government, revealed to be part of a major plot to destroy the time stream in Beast Wars, will there be any type of political action taken in Beast Machines? (and if this cannot be answered, will there still be political conflicts in Beast Machines?)
- Political action. Well, actually, expect something more like philosophical action! (Trust me, it won't take the form of dialectical arguments over thick textbooks -- except for Episode #4: "Debate Team!"). Seriously, though, the major conflicts will be more philosophical in nature than political -- and I think you'll like the result!
133) In Beast Wars, Cheetor was hinted at having some type of premonition powers (in episodes like The Web, The Spark, Feral Scream 2,and Other Victories), but it was never fully explored. Will these powers continue to be hinted at, or explored, in Beast Machines?
- Not so far. But it *is* an interesting notion!
134) Do the Maximal Elders have possession of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership? Are the Maximal Elders really the few autobots that have survived the Great Wars? Will we see the maximal leaders carrying the matrix around in their bodies?
- The Maximal Elders don't have possession of very much at all! (Let's just say they're having a *real* bad week!)
135) First of all: I'm scared, but I'm excited. (BTW, Bob, thanks for Gargoyles "Future Tense." THAT ALONE makes me sure you can do this thing right.)
- I *loved* writing "Future Tense". Story Editor Michael Reaves offered me the story, and I realized that I couldn't say No, I just HAD to write it! And it came out great, too! (Did you know it was, at one point, supposed to be produced in 3-D? No lie!) Anyway, Michael is returning the favor of letting Marty and I write "Future Tense" by writing several episodes of Beast Machines for us, including episode four (which is *not really* called "Debate Team"!)
- Come on--STARSCREAM? "Even if it takes a thousand years, I'll be avenged on you"?? Don't tell me you can ignore that. Okay, just SAY there was going to be a season three. Will you ease all our minds and write that episode THEN? (Please?)
- No, we're going to keep you in suspense a while longer. Starscream is not slated to appear *so far*... but like a bad penny, you never know when he'll turn up!
136) This is not a question, but rather a suggestion/comment. If you don't plan to do any cross-references to G1 continuity, DO IT! (ahem) It adds a rich back story, and gives anti-BW factions something to think about. If you are doing so, my commendations.
- G1 continuity will play *some* role in our series, but be aware, we are taking most of our cues from Beast Wars.
137) Regarding the answer that you gave on repeativness, and your willingness to hear our opinions on it, my only complaint on the Godzilla series is that you always have Godzilla jump out at the right moment to save the day and beat the crap out of the monster/s. Why not have the monsters come to him, or show Godzilla throughout the whole episode and then have the monster appear? In other words try to see if there are other ways besides Deus Ex Machina to have Godzilla save the day, and to have our new/(old) heroes save the day in Beast Machines.
- Yeah, I wasn't always happy with the Deus Ex Reptilicus aspect myself... a few times it felt just a little too convenient. Still, you'll be seeing some reversals on that device in the second twenty airing on Fox this fall... The next set features some of our very best work!
138) Please, please, PLEASE, don't solve a solution ( strategy to beat the bad guys ) to a problem ( bad guys, schemes ) the same way every time, as was done in Power Rangers and that pitiful excuse for a show Voltron: The Third Dimension!
- At the risk of offending the creators of those shows, I won't be taking many cues from them largely because I've never actually watched them. Marty and I have a ton of stuff out there, so you can see how we set up problems for our heroes and then let them figure their ways out of it. Watch the episodes, and let us know what *you* think!
139) When is the official premier date for BM? Or if there isn't, what's the rough estimate?
- Early September, when the new season of Saturday Morning stuff premieres on Fox. The executives over there just watched episode #1, and are crazy in love with our work!
- The episode also played at BotCon 1999, and the fans apparently loved it there, too.
- And for those of you who missed BotCon... Episodes #1 and #2 of Beast Machines will be playing at the San Diego Comic Con! Marty and I will be there to answer questions, along with producers Dan Didio, Ace Fipke (I think), and several executives from Fox, such as Dan Evans and David McDermott.
- The guys at Fox totally get the show, and have been 1,000% supportive, so rest asssured, this show is at the exact right network!
140) In Beast Machines will if Optimal Optimus is still the leader will other members of team be questioning his leadership all the time, like characters from Beast Wars?
- Sadly, yes! But he's a Big Bot, and he can take it! (Challenging authority, questioning people's judgement, is the only way to be certain that they are right! Always suspect people who will not allow their methods, theories, or beliefs to be questioned!) The Maximals challenging Optimus is *not* a measure of distrust; it's totally healthy, and adds a measure of conflict by which we can better understand *all* of our characters!
141) Will we be able to see more people in the cast of characters? In Beast Wars Larry and Bob F. and a few others gave us decent insights to characters...Dinobot's honor or Silverbolt's romantic side. Will the new cast of characters be given a just as detailed history or will we be given the G1 deal and only 1-2 people on each faction are given a history?
- You like insights... you got'em! Every one of our characters has a through-line, a dramatic arc by which they will grow. These will be character-based, not merely story/plot based.
142) Will anymore information be provided for the missing 300 years(G1-BW gap)?
- Sorry, but we've got our hands full with the current history! And trust me, it's *real* eventful!
143) Hi! Having read your comment about Paul Dini (Which I wholeheartedly concur with, anyone who can make a Masters of the Universe episode not just good but fascinating earns my undying admiration) have you considered inviting him to put a story forward for Beast Machines? Even as a one-off it could be great fun (Not that I'm suggesting you haven't got your own ideas, but as you say, if you want a new, oblique and FUN spin on a cliche, there's no one even _close_ to him). Best of luck with the new series from this side of the Atlantic(England, UK)!
- Inviting Paul Dini hadn't occurred to me... largely (and soley) because he is contractually tied to Warners on Batman Beyond and several other major (and hush-hush) projects. I'd *love* to work with him again -- every time I read one of his scripts it reminds me just how much I have to learn as a writer! (And that goes for many of the writers on our current series as well, including (but not limited to) Michael Reaves and Brynne Chandler Reaves!
144) One quick comment. After seeing your insight on so many things (the talk of villains earlier, for instance), I've decided as a fan, that you will be perfect for this job. I have no doubt that you will do good on this series and I hope other fans feel the same. My quick question is, will Silverbolt be on the next series; you can't have a Blackarachnia w/o a Silverbolt?
- Thank you so much for your confidence; I'm hoping it will be well-rewarded. In terms of Black Arachnia and Silverbolt... well, true love never *does* run smoothly, does it?
145) This isn't a question, just a comment: You are one of the most BRILLIANT show writers whose material I have experienced! Your work on Batman episodes was spectacular, Spiderman leaves me speechless in awe, and let's not forget Superman! You are truly awesome, and will make this series a champ!
- Head... swelling up! Can't... write... Must... find humility!
- Seriously, the reason you liked my work on those shows probably had a lot to do with the fact that I love those characters so much. As a kid, in high school, in college... comics has always been a vibrant storytelling medium, but beyond that... those characters just kick major ass! And the opportunity to work on characters that have captivated you throughout your life is too good an opportunity to pass up with anything less than your full effort. (It also didn't hurt that I was working for people I deeply admired! You don't want to give them any less than your best, either!)
146) I am a big fan of Batman, Superman and Gargoyles. Your stories for those shows gave it a mature and real aspect to the series. My friend and I have always said that these "cartoons" are not just for kids anymore. I know I have you and the other story editors to thank for that.
- The creators of the above mentioned shows love the characters, "get" the characters, and most importantly RESPECT the characters. They write these shows for themselves (as do I), and the result is a higher caliber of show which reaches a far broader, more mature audience than the 2-11 year olds that the networks are trying to target (this is not a put-down of networks, just a reality of the business based on advertising dollars and other nicities that never cross my mind while I'm at the keyboard on a script.)
147) During all three seasons of Beast Wars - The Matrix and The Pit - protoform factories are mentioned, will we get to see them inside and out? Will we ever get to see the Pit (the area where Predacons are created) and the Matrix Center (where Maximals are created)?
- Trust me... you'll be seeing a *lot*!
148) This isn't a question (so there's no need to put it in the FAQ) so much as it is a big "Thank you". "Beast Wars" was a show my son and I could enjoy together. Plenty of action, great graphics, but also actual stories and characters supported by solid writing. We were both concerned when we heard the show was going to Fox; we thought it was going to be turned into another Power Rangers. But judging by your resume (which includes some of the best animated series we've ever seen) and the responses in your FAQ, I think we can look forward to another series that engages the brain as well as the senses. Keep up the good work!
- I'm glad you and your son like Beast Wars so much, but the people to thank for that are Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio! They did a great job on that run!
- As far as Fox goes, don't judge a whole network on one show! Fox gave us X-Men, the original animated Batman series, Beetlejuice, and so many other killer shows! And all of these had major network input, from execs who truly understand good storytelling and who are working overtime to make the shows smarter, sharper!
- The people we're working with at Fox now *totally* understand this series, and are very encouraging and supportive! They're great guys who are looking forward to watching the finished programs just as much as you are!
149) Just wanted to tell you that you and the pictures released by Mainframe have convinced me that I will like Beast Machines. In the old Transformers cartoon(mainly season 1) when the bots and cons were on Cybertron, it looked deserted but we knew there were transformers living there. So in Beast Machines will we see other transformer civilians in the background or will it look deserted and we'll just have to imagine that the tf civilians are in their homes hiding from the Preds or what ever they are now. Thanks.
- Well, that's a tough question to answer without giving away too much. Sadly, we *won't* be seeing too many civilians on Cybertron. And if that makes you unhappy, just imagine how unhappy our heroes are going to be when they find out *why* !
150) Will Megatron be grieving over the death of his departed Predacons (i.e. Inferno)?
- No, he's too busy revelling over his newfound fortunes! (Megs isn't the kind of guy who mourns too heavily over *anybody* once they've served his purposes!)
151) This isn't really a question, just an interesting observation. I watch Batman the animated series and recently they showed the episode "His Silicon Soul" written by Bob Skir. In the beginning of the episode there is a building with an interesting name. It's called "Cybertron Warehouse". Looks like Transformers and Bob are meant to be.
- Was it called Cybertron? Really? I think we inherited the name from "Heart Of Steel", written by Brynne Chandler Reaves. But you know what? The more time I spend on Cybertron, the more I think I was born to be here!
- (By the way, "His Silicon Soul" was written by Marty Isenberg & Bob Skir. We both worked together really hard on that script, but since Marty did a lion's share of the work on that while I was enjoying my big chance to live in the X-Men universe, I'd like to give credit where credit is due and say, "Great scripting, Marty!")
152) Just saw "His Silicon Soul" again, very moving. Will we see emotionally gripping stories or just action, action, action?
- Would you believe.... *both* -- at the very same time! (When in doubt, we like to go for emotion over action. Our mantra is "Character, character, character", since it's your love for Optimus and Black Arachnia that'll bring you back for the next episode, and not, say, the Really Boss Explosions.)
153) Are the good guys going to have some sort of trump card to balance out the vehicons? Tanks and Jets do slightly overpower cats and dogs.
- But... these are really well-trained cats and dogs!
154) Will there be a populace of characters that main characters will appear out of, or will there be a plot-device, like Beast Wars' Stasis Pods, to help introduce new characters?
- New characters.... Hmmmmmmmm! Where *will* they come from? Hmmmmmmmmm!
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 (Ep 1)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Season one - Episode 1: The Reformatting
1) Hey, I caught a sneak preview of the first episode of BM at BotCon 99. First let me say it was great. Awesome! You have not exaggerated anything on this page. I especially liked the idea of a spiritual transformation to "tame the beast without." Great concepts. But I do have a couple of questions...
(1) how/why did the maximals revert back to their BW season 1 forms (as opposed to the forms they had at the end of season 3)?
- Heh heh heh... You'll find out! And when you do, you'll also find out something you didn't *want* to know!
- (2) There was reference to the matrix as being some sort of all-encompassing existence of energy that created life as we know it (the description kind of reminded me of "the force"). Is this the same physical matrix from G1 transformers that was housed inside the autobot leaders and can be opened to "light our darkest hour," or are we talking about something entirely different?
- the answer is "A", The Force, God, the AllSpark.
- ...and please don't say, "all will be revealed."
- I didn't! See, sometimes I *do* answer questions directly!
2) As you probably know, Mainframe and Hasbro showed the first episode of Beast Machines during BotCon TF convention. From what I've heard the audience was blown away by it (as you predicted! :) With this sneak peak come new questions though. Silverbolt and Rhinox were gone from the show. That's all right (although I liked them both) But what was slightly worrying is that none of the Maximals mentioned or seemed to notice they were gone. This is particularly worrying in the case of Blackarachnia, since her and Silverbolt's love is a huge reason she is who she is today. He's the only real reason she joined the Maximals at all. Will we see her fret about her love's fate? We WILL learn their fates eventually right? (Otherwise what could be a cool mystery turns into a gaping and annoying plot hole.)
- Silverbolt and Rhinox? Oh, they'll come up in conversation from time to time!
3) One of the things commented on after the recent Beast Machines preview at the BotCon (besides how cool the show looked! :-) was the inclusion of the Oracle and the hints about the Transformer's past. That's a great direction, with lots of cool potential! My question is, will BM respect (even maybe reference?) what we ALREADY KNOW about Cybertron's past? In the Cartoon Cyberton was revealed to be a Quintesson factory, where they built Transformers to sell. The TF's gained sentience and rebelled. (They learned to Transform later during the war with the Decepticons.) Then in the Comic Book we learned Cybertron and the TF's were created by the godlike Primus (Lord of the Light, whose essence WAS the Matrix) to battle the dark god Unicron. (He gave them the power to transform because Unicron could.) These two stories can work together. (Primus creating Cybertron, the Quintessons invading it later) Will BM be compatible with TF history this way too? Primus was mentioned in Beast Wars often, will he play a role here? Expanding and enriching the TF mythos is always welcome, but it should be done with a respect for what came before, Will BM have this?
- I'd like to think so! We will be addressing the known past, but some pretty large pieces are yet unknown... to the degree that you don't know what you don't know... and neither do our characters!
4) In the episode "The Reformatting", it was shown that the Vehicons are mostly mindless drones. Of course, the only forms shown were those of Tankorr and the Cybercycles. Will there be any Vehicons, with the exception of Megatron, that will have individual personalities, or will we see only Megatron with a bunch of powerful vehicular Transformers?
- Megatron doesn't believe that anybody but himself should have personalities, and so they don't. And they won't. Unless Megatron were forced into making it so...
- In the same vein, will we see any Transformers sympathetic to the Maximals on the hunt, or possibly any Maximals themselves join the four outcasts?
- You'll see!
- Lastly, since there are various groups of Transformers spread throughout the universe, will we see more of these groups come back to the planet, or will the main conflict be the Vehicons hunting the Maximals?
- The answer, oddly, is *both*!
5) Greetings guys, first off I'd like to congratulate you on what seems to be an excellent new series and a faithful but creative elaboration upon the "mythos." Now that the first episode of BeastMachines is public domain, I'm sure you'll be getting more specific questions (like these); I hope you can answer a few.
Without any further ado:
1) Was the Oracle responsible for drawing all the scattered TFs to the planet in the first place, or for drawing them BACK to Cybertron?
- Both!
- 2) Is this the "original" Cybertron or a duplicate, a la Generation 2?
- The original!
- 3) Has the Beast Wars timestream been altered? What happened to all the rest of the Maximals and Predacons?
- The others? Something bad, no doubt, with a capital "M"!
- 4) Will all the Vehicons be drones, or will some of them have personalities? The Promo pic of Jetstorm certainly suggests so.
- Megatron only wants his drones to be mindless.
- 5) PLEASE tell me Tankorr is going to be renamed (Okay, not a question, sorry).
- Oh, we'll find *some*thing else to call him. But I guarantee you won't like his new name, either!
- 6) Is the Oracle a personification of Vector Sigma, a manifestation of Primus, or something different altogether?
- It's the AllSpark, God, if you will. the spark of every transformer who has ever lived, or ever will live.
- 7) Are there any of the original Autobots or Decepticons left? Is Starscream's spark still around, and is Unicron's head still in orbit around Cybertron? (If it isn't, I hope you explain why)
- All will be revealed!
- 8) The "lost levels" of Cybertron are a good and logical idea. Will more of the action be situated in them? Will some of the levels contain clues to ancient Cybertronian history?
- Yep!
- 9) Who exactly lives in the expansive urban areas of Cybertron? Will we get to meet these occupants?
- Sadly, we will!
- 10) Is Megatron still in his dragon incarnation? You can see the dragon claws on his chest (peeking from beneath his robe) in the promo picture.
- You'll see.
- 11) Will the absences of Silverbolt and ESPECIALLY Rhinox be addressed? Rhinox was possibly the best, most fully-developed character in the "original" Beast Wars series.
- We promise you, we haven't forgotten about them!
- 12) Why do the maximals begin the show in their original beast modes, and not their respective transmetal/transmetal 2 forms? Is this due to a temporal factor (like going forward in time to get back to Cybertron)?
- There *is* a reason, and it *will* be revealed... eventually.
- 13) Is there a possibility you're incorporating any elements of the Japanese continuity without violating copyright per se? Such as, the IDEA of blowing up Cybertron, or planets of independently-evolving Transformers scattered throughout the universe, etc.
- I'm not familiar with the japanese transformers, so some ideas may overlap just by coincidence, great minds think alike, and all.
- 14) It seems like the Beast Wars show (which you cited as your primary "canon") drew heavily upon the comic book continuity--heck, they even used the comic's writer for the last episode. So will you seek to reconcile the plot elements obviously derived from the comic (Primus, the Matrix being a force of creation, The Swarm) with the old cartoon version (the Quintessons, etc.)?
- We've got our hands filled with current events, so there's no time for history! But what we *can* reconcile, we *will* reconcile!
- 15) Why am I asking so many questions when I know most of them will be answered over the course of the series?
- Because it lets me know that Marty and I were on the right track when we wrote these episodes, addressing so many of the concerns you all seem to have *before* we knew that they *were* concerns!
- Heh, heh...that last one was for you guys, 'cuz I'm sure you're thinking that by now. And the answer is, simply, that I'm impatient and can't wait. I hear the show is everything you said it would be, and I'm extremely excited. Keep up the good work!
- Thanks! Marty and I have been working overtime to make good all of the promises i've been making here!
- That's all for now, and thanks for your time and efforts. Peace!
6) I attended BotCon and would like to say that all of my doubts of the show are gone it looks great!! what i am wondering is maybe you could still use at least one of the my 3 personal favorite characters who died (tigerhawk, dinobot, and depthcharge) You mentioned that the two missing characters sparks where just floating out there couldnt it be possible that theirs are two? pretty please
- Sadly, there are no plans to use the aformentioned characters as yet. But the show ain't over yet!
7) Hello! I was a proud member of the 1,000+ that attended BotCon '99 this past weekend! I'm sure you will be getting a great deal of response from the MUCH APPRECIATED sneak preview of the first episode of Beast Machines. If no one else mentions it, the room was packed, a second showing was demanded, and all were cheering, laughing and clapping. Having the classic characters in their original beast forms was a nice touch. It caught us all off guard. (Here it comes) Of course, I am being a little picky when I mention... the Mighty Morphin' Maximals we apparently have on our hands now. It's not horrible, but, as you said in response to the morphing rumor - morphing is NOT transforming, when it applies to the Transformers. I assume that the decision to depict the conversion to robot mode in this way could have been the decision of someone else, or even (shudder) some manner of marketing committee call. Many fans find it disappointing, and the Hasbro rep played it up, indicating that the Maxies will be "more spiritual, use a martial arts approach to fighting." Like Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Or Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Again, the shudder) A spirituality can be depicted in dialogue, body language and actions. They don't need to morph. Mainframe has done the usual fab job, the detail in the characters almost making the characters look too organic to be Transformers (again, to fit the story, I suppose). Your new direction for the story looks good - some are curious how far the "origin" story will go. So far, the Transformers' origin has been credited to Vector Sigma, a race called the Quintesons, and a supreme being named Primus. A fourth may further muddy the waters. ULTIMATELY - I assume these changes are meant to appeal to the main demographic - so FOX will have great ratings and Hasbro can sell toys by the truckload. And if the kids don't ask Santa for the super-ultra sized Cheetor, the Transformers will fade again from the toy stores and television screen. Whatever keeps it going, eh? We love the Transformers, and look forward to cheering and clapping in our living rooms come September.
With the way Beast Wars went, they'll all have new a new look next season anyway. Maybe we can sneak some real transforming in then, hmmm?
- I was very adament in my answer about Transforming not being the same as Morphing... and then animation comes back and damn if it doesn't look like morphing and I don't look like a liar! Okay, okay, it *does* look like Morphing, but I assure you the feel of the characters will be the same, and Rita Repulsa will not be making any (many?) guest appearances! Trust me, some of our characters will Transform traditionally. And the new aspects of the show will sit quite nicely with you all once you see how they all fit in!
8) Where do you get off saying that this 'Spiritual Transformation' is transforming at all? No matter what you call it, it's morphing, and you know what, that's not what I watch transformers for. I watch it for transforming where they slide and twist and fold and you actually SEE them transform, not some white aura crap. I'm not blaming this totally on you, I'm sure this has something to do with FOX taking over, but in any freaking event, MORPHING sucks. It's also nice to see you totally IGNORED what was cannon for the show since the Original TFs were BUILT to transform and be sold, and here you have some legend about them having to learn to transform? That makes for some great consumer goods. You want a more spiritual show? That's wonderful. I want a show where big giant robots that turn into different things go around kicking the tar out of each other while displaying awesome personalities...this does not mean mindless bad guys that you can kill off in droves.
- Sorry you don't like the morphing. I wasn't thrilled with it either, but believe me, it had more to do with how the designs animate than anything related to Hasbro's plans/needs. The fact that the original Transformers were built and sold as a workforce *will* be accounted for! And as for giant robots kicking the tar out of each other... it'll be there, it'll be there!
9) 1.Were did you get the idea for the reformatting thing and the transformation style in BeastMachines ? 2. Will Primus be involved in BeastMachines ?? Thank You
- "Reformatting" was our way of reconciling the old designs with the new designs; they couldn't just show up lookin' different with no explanation at all! But instead of just making an excuse for the change and moving on, we've incorporated the Reformatting into the very heart of our story, in ways that will enrich our characters and our themes. Keep watching...!
10) I know you've heard this a thousand times since the BotCon showing of BM, but Why? Why no Transforming, I know you have Spiritual transforming (MORPHING!!!) but that isn't spiritual tfing. The only main gripes that i've heard so far is the Transforming and all the spiritual stuff. Are you gonna change this? or is it set in stone?
- The spiritual aspect of the show will be ongoing.... but it's there to serve a purpose and you'll soon discover what it is! Also, again, I'm sorry folks are having trouble with the morphing/transforming, but please know that some of our characters will be undergoing traditional Transformations as well!
11) I managed to see the first episode at BotCon and I loved it! Not only does it look fantastic, but you managed to capture the personalities of the original characters perfectly, especially Rattrap and Blackarachnia.
Now for my question, will we get to learn about any of the old civilizations of Cybertron in the series as the story progresses?
- I'm glad you like our handling of the characters. And yes, we'll be learning things about Cybertron's past as our story progresses... but *mostly* we'll be dealing with current events, not history!
Fri, 27 Aug 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) You say you want to give us what we want? Well I want MORE G1 influence! That means characters from G1 HAVE to appear in the show. Give them new forms if you must, BUT USE THEM! Or do you just not GIVE a Rattrap's skidplate WHAT us older TF fans feel? Starscream left "Possession" swearing revenge. Follow up on that. And for the sake of temporal stability, you MUST have the gang return to prehistoric Earth to clean up, retrieving Waspinator, the stasis pods, Dinobots body. Ravage's head (You can STILL bring him back!) and EVERY scrap of metal that came from their era. The previous writers left enough scrap lying around to COMPLETELY change the course of human history, not to mention forgetting to return Megatron's spark. ANY out-of-time object has the potential to damage history. So far, BM doesn't sound like it has ANYTHING I liked about Transformers has remained. You may as well take the name Transformers out of the title and change the names. Oh I bet it WILL be a very well-written, entertaining show, but it won't be what I grew up with and loved. PLEASE! For the sake of us older fans, put a few G1 characters as regulars or semi-regulars in the second season.
- Some of the issues you are bringing up *will* be addressed... others will remain tabled. We haven't forgotten about Starscream, believe you me... it's just that for now he'll be biding his time waiting for the right opportunity! (Sadly, it won't be in *this* 26.)
2) Is anyone going to have a gun with missiles/lasers/blasts of energy? Or will everyone chuck stuff/fight hand to hand?
- Our guys will be relying mostly on battle skills... but trust me, they're plenty well armed!
3) Are we going to see the memories of deceased beast wars transformers? Rampage could be in some one's nightmare, or Dinobot could have a memorial, or something.
- Oh, deceased Transformers *will* be getting memorials, believe you me!
4)I have no questions. Just an observation. Your responses to the questions put forth are some of the funniest and witty statements I've ever seen. I'm very much looking forward to BM and having it run at least three seasons if the Fox execs have both the brains and the $$$'s!
- The Fox execs are not a factor in the continuing of Beast Wars/Machines/Transformers... it's all Hasbro. So as long as their is a fan-base (ie: market), Hasbro will continue making the line of toys and the shows to support it. Me, I hope it runs for a LOOONG time because I'm having a lot of fun here!
5) Will Megatron be the ONLY sentient bad guy, or will there (possibly not from his plotting) come other evils that perhaps even threaten him? Can we expect more Vehicons? Thanks.
- No, yes, yes.
6) I was wondering, since they're on Cybertron, will there be any cities (for people to protect, rather than just all out war)? Or just little bases? Also, I just want to say, THANK YOU SOOOOO much for having this FAQ. I want to be kept up to date as much as possible.
- You're welcome. And yes, there will be cities. And no, there will not be block parties on them!
7) Some of my favorite characters were the traitorous members of the Predacon team. You talk about developing characters when you just want to write off the bad guys as "mindless". Tell me you have some kind of plan for the vehicons as far as personality go! No two word answers please.
- You'll see!
8) One thing I found cool about Beast Wars was how the characters in their beast modes would do beast things (IE, Rattrap would eat some garbage when he's a rat) will they be doing things like that, or will all the action you have in store for them keep 'em! busy?
- Both.
9) This isn't a question, it's a thank you. Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions. (some of them several times ;) It shows you have an interest and feeling for the fans and that's quite pleasant to know. If we ask too many silly questions, quiz you on TF minutia, make unrealistic requests, or even gripe about the "morphing-esque" thing please know that it's only out of our deep love for the Transformers Past, Present, and Future. Thank you for doing your best to continue that and for what looks to be a GREAT show. :) That said, let me cast my vote with the others for a Starscream episode _somewhere_ down the line. His appearance in BW really demands a sequel/rematch with Blackaracnia. It's the sort of thing that could easily fit into a continuing arc without interrupting it, he has strong links to both G1 and BW, fans love him (how could you not love someone THAT dangerous, unabashedly self-serving, charismatic yet cowardly at heart, and above all completely treacherous.) And plus, everyones favorite immortal, disembodied spark is the ONLY character besides the original Optimus Prime to appear in EVERY US Transformer Cartoon and Comic since the beginning. You wouldn't want to break that streak, would you? ;-)
- I'm having a great time answering all of these questions, so thanks for your continued interest in the show! As far as Starscream goes... well, I like tradition as much as the next guy, but our Maximals have plenty to keep them busy without Starscream rearing his ugly/treacherous/charismatic yet treacherous head!
10) It appears that you too are a Star Wars fan, yeah. Anyway, I was wondering if you have as much say as Mr. Lucas does when it comes to the MUSIC for Beast Machines. In the case of Star Wars, Lucas sets the tempo, the beat, the mood of the Music. Sure it is Mr. Williams that is actually making the Music, but it is with the direction of Mr. Lucas. Do you also have the same amount of power and say as far as the music is concerned or is it up to someone else to figure out what is to be done for music? Please answer this question for me. Thanks and take care.
- I loooove film music! And although I have no direct say into what goes where on this series, the composers are certainly setting all the right tones! (I love the cues on Beast Wars, especially the quiet, woodwind-like ones!)
11) I have a funny feeling that Cheetor is going to play a big part in BEAST Machines... i keep thinking he will either become the maximal leader like Hot Rod did in Transformers:The Movie, or he will turn to the Dark side, like that vader guy.... I'm probably totally wrong, but the point is that through this FAQ page, you really have some of us TF fans thinking, and that is a great thing, for ratings, support, and best of all, it will help make some damn good thinkers out of us so someday we might carry on the TF tradition.
- Keep watching. We have big plans for Cheetor.
12) Do you get any feedback from the voice actors regarding their characters? Since they've been doing their characters for a couple of years and all, do they ever gripe ("He wouldn't say *this*") or make suggestions? Or do they just toe the line and collect a paycheck? <G>
- They are all great guys, and are delivering just what we want for our characters. And, yes, they will often suggest line alternatives that better help "sell" an idea or attitude.
13) So far what I have heard about BM has been great. I just wish I could have been at BotCon to see it, Also it is very brave of you guys to maintain a page like this and answer so many people's questions. You guys are a big help to all us hardcore TF fans. Now the question: In one question someone asked if we would see "cybertron citizens" you said no. Could they all be in slavery to Megatron?
- They certainly *could*... but Megatron already came up with something far, far worse for them.
14) I have 2 questions; "Crossing the Rubicon" was written by D.C.Fontana, is this the same writer from the original "Star Trek" and "Logans' Run"? Will she be writing any more Scripts for "Beast Machines"?
- Yes, it's certainly the same D.C. Fontana! I've always loved her work. And, no, so far we haven't had her on board for Beast Machines. (Although now that you mention it...)
15) First, thanks a million for doing this. Okay, can we expect to be dragged kicking and screaming into "message" episodes, now that the show's on network? For instance, the 3rd season of Gargoyles took a drastic turn into prejudice philosophizing that had nothing to do with the previous season or its main themes.
- Fox is making major demands on us... that the stories be great and that the characters be great. Beyond that, they're giving us a LOT of latitude! (And, trust me, we are truly grateful.) Have I mentioned lately that the exec in charge of the series is a HUUUUGE Transformer fan?
16) I have always enjoyed hunting down episode scripts to see what has been changed between the script and the animation. Will you be releasing the scripts on
- Sure, if they let me post them. I'll ask if it's okay, once the segments have aired. But certainly not beforehand!
17) I've read the FAQ and I must say I'm very impressed by your candid answers. I saw very little fluff in the way of answers. You did a great job of answering the questions honestly, without spoilers, and it all looked very sincere. The Autobots and Decepticons have been in place for about 9 million years -- that's a lot of history. Will you be touching on any of that? What about the factions of Autobots and Decepticons who never made it back to Cybertron after the Great Wars? I realize that BW took place a few hundred years past our present day timeline, but frankly, that's just a drop in the bucket to these long lived beings. Surely there are some out there who are still Autobots or Decepticons with no idea of these little 'brothers' running around ruling the planet. I'm glad you have a lot of respect for the old ways, yet still have the drive to move forward.
- Autobot history *will* come into play (after a fact), but specific characters will not be returning for cameos or anything.
18) Hey Bob, First off, I do have to say that I'm looking forward to Beast Machines - September can't come fast enough. But the main point of this message is more of a personal matter, I guess. I was just wondering (since you attended UVA) if you're from Virginia, and if so, whereabouts in the state? Your attendance at UVA caught my eye because I attend Virginia Tech!! Now, as all Hokies and Cavaliers know, we tend not to like each other, but I promise that won't come into play in my judgment of Beast Machines! Again, I look forward to September. Thanks for your time! P.S. GO HOKIES!!! :)
- I'm actually from Long Island, New York. And I'm glad to have a few Hokies on board watching the show! (P.S. -- "Wahoo-Wah! Wahoo-Wah! Uni-Vee Virgin-eye-uh!" -- I think we just found our new Maximal battle cry!)
19) Okay, I'm about to become a pain again (heck, ask Hasbro how much of a pain in the aft I can be,) but my question the any chance you and Marty will be adding any more femmes. This isn't just for myself but a lot of the female fans are getting slightly upset at the lack of femmes characters. Black Arachnia is cool, and so was Airazor but with Airazor dead there is only Black Arachnia. So please, please, please add some more femmes. Trust me, I do this to Hasbro on a weekly basis so don't get too upset if I keep nagging you on the subject.
- I love writing women (check out The Rogue's Tale on X-Men) and lobbied ferociously for a new female to join our team. I lost the battle in Season One, but Season Two offers us a whole new opportunity (one which *you* will really appreciate!). Wait for it...!
20) Are there plans currently (yes or no) to have an episode wherein a villain will play the role of a hero?
- Well, Megatron is mighty heroic, certainly from his point of view!
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 (Ep 1)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Season one - Episode 1: The Reformatting
1)I was one of the lucky folks at BotCon, and I must say that I was quite impressed with the intro to the new series. Great work! I don't really mind the spiritual aspect of the new storyline, at least if it is there to complement the "nature versus technology" theme that we seem to be seeing and not as a soapbox for morals-of-the-week or an Energon surge-like marketing crutch to keep the Maximals in beast mode more often. It's an interesting prospect (if somewhat similar to the storyline of Beast Wars II in Japan), especially given that the "animals" are robots. Yes, the "morphing" effect was troubling, but I imagine that if you really want to, you can slowly modify the Maximal transformation effect for a more traditional shifting-of-parts conversion (you *can* do that if you choose, right?). At any rate, my questions (and please don't take my curiosity for criticism; I was very pleased with "The Reformatting" overall): 1. The Maximals seemed disturbingly unconcerned with the fates of their missing comrades in "The Reformatting". I don't think that we can really attribute this to the stress of their situation, especially since Primal seemed to think that his group was complete once Blackarachnia (whose utter failure to mention Silverbolt was more worrisome than anything else) turned up. Will there be a story-based reason for this selective amnesia, or was it simply deemed too confusing for new viewers to include a mention of the vanished Maximals in the first episode?
- As people who've seen episode # 2 already know, the missing team-mates will soon be *very* missed by our Maximal heroes...
2. Yep, yet another Rhinox/Silverbolt query. I have no problem being patient and waiting to find out what happened to them in the context of the series, but I'm curious about the behind-the-scenes reasons for their removal from the main cast. Did you (or Hasbro) simply want to start with a smaller group, and those two random names just happened to get the chop (rather like Terrorsaur and Scorponok at the beginning of the second season of "Beast Wars")? Were there commercial factors, such as relative toy sales or the fact that Silverbolt's Fuzor subline has ended? Or is there a plot point that actually hinges on (rather than simply explaining in retrospect) the disappearance of those two specific characters? Finding out the answer to this will tell us a lot about the company's attitude toward the individual characters, for good or ill, so any information would be appreciated.
- The team we follow was the team that was suggested to us by Hasbro/Mainframe. We didn't set-out to get rid of Rhinox and Silverbolt. So by having us concentrate on these wonderful four characters, they also afforded us an opportunity to have fun with the characters who *aren't* in the fold as well! (In what way... only time will tell!)
3. Was the plant from the first shot merely symbolic, or is there a reason why organic life is present on Cybertron? Does it tie in with Primal's vision inside the Oracle of an Earth-like planet apparently being terraformed into a technological one? (Or will all be time? ;-)
- Please take that plant in the beginning as symbolic. But also realize that organic life on Cybertron is going to be a key factor as our continuing story unfolds!
4. It's hard to assess this one based on his few lines of dialogue in the first episode, but Megatron's familiar speech mannerisms (the "yeeeses" and "nooooos" in particular) seemed to be gone. Has his personality become more mechanical in "Beast Machines," or will his sense of humor and idiosyncrasies remain?
- I always felt that the Yesses and Noos and suchlike made Megatron a little... "delic-i-ously eeevil" for my tastes, always acting out of the need to just be evil. Larry and Bob solved this problem over time by giving him better, more solid agendas, such as disrupting the time-flow. Marty and I decided to take a different tact with time around, giving Megatron an agenda (and world-view) so focussed and palpable that, from his point of view, it was totally supportable and not just based on hatred or spite. Thus, "our" Megatron will play as less idiosyncratic, and much more agenda-driven. ((Think of him as Darth Vader in Empire... loaded with personality and attitude (don't forget, Vader had some of the funniest lines in the movie: "Apology accepted!"), but thoroughly committed to a philosophy that makes perfect sense. I think that this approach will make him play yet scarier than before, but, in the end, you'll have to be the final arbitor on that!
5. Will we see more traditionally humanoid robot modes among the Vehicons, perhaps among the more independent "clan generals" alluded to by the Hasbro and Mainframe representatives? Even in their "vertical" forms, the Tankorrs (tank corps?) and cybercycles seemed to be little more than taller tanks and motorcycles, without the visual personalities that have separated Transformers from piloted or automated mecha in the past.
- The Generals will be structured much like their troops... but their personalities will make them play more "humanoid". (Trust me... it's worth the wait!)
6. And finally, here's one that's on the mind of many a Transfan -- how the heck does Jetstorm/Skybolt stand up?!
- He doesn't! He hovers just off the ground (like Maxmillian in The Black Hole, only without the wires!).
Thanks, good luck, and keep up the great work!
- Thanks!
2)Hi! I Really Loved the BotCon Showing of Beast Machines! I find it sad that once again we will still not really know about the Transformers Civilization this year(that's the thing that has been bothering me for years! There was always hints but they never went any place with it) hope fully that will change a little BM year two. Now on to my questions. One Ok.. This is Cybertron.. How in the name of Primus do the other Maximals that will eventually join get beast forms? Especially Earth ones! Earth is a long ways a way from Cybertron.
- Okay, class... all together now... "ALL WILL BE REVEALED!"
And that Brings me to my 2nd Question... Were in the universe is Cybertron? Now I know it was originally supposed to be at Proxima Centori (the red dwarf star in the triple star system of Alpha Centori) but then it moved in and out of our solar system over the years... So what Would I like to know now is... Is Cybertron still at Alpha Centori (which is 4.3 light years away) or some were else? I hope you can answer my question. OH and I hope your lobby for more Females will happen! Thanks!
- Cybertron's location is... well, it's real far away, that's all I can say for sure! It's location in our star-charts isn't really an issue in our stories (yet), so pinning down its exact location is likewise a non-issue. As far as Female Transformers are concerened, they will be joining the party in Season Two!
3)I, like a few hundred others, had the extreme pleasure of viewing "The Reformatting" at BotCon '99 a few weeks ago. I loved loved LOVED it. If the next 25 episodes are done even a quarter as well... you know. It'll all be good. Now that I've caused your egos to swell a bit, let me take you down a peg (respectfully of course). When we find our trusty hunted beasts in the bowels of Cybertron, there was some brief speculation that they would have met up with vector sigma (an "ok" idea) or, even better, Primus. Once the Primus idea had been generally accepted, it was a little disappointing to see that they met up with this new oracle thingy, which you have claimed is a physical manifestation of the allspark (unless you believe the allspark IS physical). Personally, I am a bit leery of this new entity. Sigh. All will be revealed (and cleared up, mostly) I suppose. The whole morphing thing goes without saying. Megatron's apparent demigod-like status scares the *you know what* out of me. Keep up the excellent work, and enjoy the hell out of it.
- I will, and I am! (And believe me... if you liked episode # 1, they get EVEN better! Episode #2 was blowing people away... and then we saw 3 and 4! If you like these characters and this world, you have a LOT to look forward to!)
4)Bob, it's great! I saw the first ep at BotCon, and loved it! I dislike what everyone calls "morphing," but I've dealt with it. My question will also probably sound rather odd... but do you have any way of explaining to people that morphing *is* transforming (which it is), even tho it isn't like the "classic" transforming we're used to in G1 and the like?
- Well, it sure looks like morphing to me! But in subsequent episodes, it will look/play yet more mechanical/traditional. (Ace's explaination is that our characters have transcended into this new form of changing.) All I can tell you is that the traditional Transformers will transform in the traditional way, and that the new, technorganic characters will transform in *their* own way... So at least there's a visual consistancy to it!
5)Dear Mr. Skir- I just saw you at the Comic-Con Convention on Sat. the 14th and just wanted to tell you that I thought the two episodes you previewed were awesome! Awesome doesn't even describe it! I love the new direction you are taking the show and I just want to wish you guys the best of luck with it-although if the first two episodes are any indication, I don't think you'll be needing any. Of course, I left with a million questions, but I'll just wait and see how the story unfolds. Anyways-I loved the episodes and am drooling with anticipation of what's to come.
- I'm really glad you all liked it so much! But believe me... the best is truly yet to come!
6)I attended BotCon this year, and was absolutely thrilled by the "Reformatting." However, the initial excitement has worn off, and the logical side of me has kicked in. After considerable thought, I have to say that you have written yourself into a corner (in more than one way). Just how imaginative and interesting can a series be when all of the "bad guys" are mindless drones? How can there be true and dynamic character interaction when the best thing your antagonist can do is give you a blank stare?
- Marty and I *like* writing ourselves into corners -- it truly tests your imagination! And the answer to your question is quite simple and speaks to the heart of our characters: as leader and sole Spark/mind on Cybertron, why would Megatron allow other Sparks to exist on his perfect Cybertron? He wouldn't! And why on Earth would he *arm* them? He wouldn't! And he won't, either, EVER! ... unless he finds a really good reason for doing so! ("A really good reason" might entail a pack of organic-ridden opponents he can't seem to otherwise get rid of, but then again, only time will tell!)
7)In "The Reformatting", there is a scene with an earth-like planet being Cyberformed and becoming Cybertron. This is a vision created by the oracle, though, so it may be to symbolize the change of forms of the Maximals. I think the latter, but could you clear this up? Is it actually the history of Cybertron or is it symbolic of the Maximal's changing forms?
- It's both... and neither! (Does *that* clear it up for you?) Think of it as a symbolic journey, Castaneda-like visions which mean much, much more than literal history, but speak to higher truths of the mind, heart, and soul (ie: The Spark).
8) It looks like you've spent a good chunk of time in "the reformatting" explaining things and hinting at what's to come. This is a good thing. I like to have things explained. My question is this: How long will you take to "reveal all?" Will we know most of it in the first few episodes, or is it going to take all season before we get the full impact of what's going on?
- It'll take 26 episodes to get the full impact of ALL that's going on!
9) I was astounded by the first episode of Beast Machines shown at BotCon 99. I missed a wedding for it, and I'm glad I did. My question is about the promo scene afterwards. Is that going to be the opening credits? It was also said that you were looking for a music group to do the opening music. What are some of the bands you are considering? (people need to stop crying about the spiritual transformation)
- I didn't see the promo piece that you saw... but I have seen the opening credits. The music is in place... but sadly, no sock puppets! Seriously, though, it majorly rules!
10) In the Beast Machines Pilot, the Oracle says that the original Transformers had to learn how to Transform. Are you going to be mentioning that when the Quintessons first built the Transformers that they were not able to Transform and that the Autobots modified themselves to Transform into vehicles to get the edge in battle against the Decepticons?
- Sure, if that's what you want.
11) A minor problem in the beast machines premiere shown at BotCon(paraphrased): Optimus Primal states when the transformers *first settled* Cybertron, they had to first learn to transform. In the original cartoon, they were created *on Cybertron* by the Quintessons for various purposes, and eventually rebelled and drove their masters off. In the comics, Primus created the Transformers *on Cybertron* to mimic Unicron's transforming capabilities, and to prepare for Unicron's rampage. In each continuity, both see the Transformers as being built on the planet of Cybertron, instead of cybernetic nomads colonizing an abandoned world. Can and will this slight glitch be repaired before airing on fox? Such as instead of saying they came to Cybertron, changing it to built on Cybertron? Thanks for listening.
- Oh, is this a glitch? (Insert evil laughter here, indicating the writer knows more than he is telling...)
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 (Ep 2)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Season one - Episode 2: Master of the House
Hey, I saw the sneak preview at the San Diego Comic con and it looked awesome! Truly the best preview I've seen ever. Also I like the mood, of the setting. It seems pretty dark, gloomy, sad. Like "after a war" or something (maybe, possibly?). Another thing is I like the way you made the Oracle seem just like Vector Sigma... Anyway, here are my questions. 1. Is there a connection between the Oracle, the Matrix and Vector Sigma?
- No, they're just friends.
2. Will there be some type of guide or "ancient one" the maximals meet that tells them (directly) what happened to the citizens and everyone else on Cybertron while they were gone(?) a la Alpha Trion?
- That would be telling.
3. Will there be any (un)familiar faces that we know from either Beast Wars or G1 give or take they changed like Ravage?
- Only time will tell!
4. There was talk about the ancient levels of Cybertron, like where the Oracle was found. Will we see even deeper levels? Or even ancient Transformers like in that one G1 episode where the Aerialbots went back to the Golden Age and met Orion Pax(young Optimus Prime)?
- We'll be seeing a lot of Cybertron... on *all* levels!
5. Will we see what happened to Optimus Prime (AKA the ultimate leader, aka "till all are one", aka the robot who wouldn't, couldn't stay dead).
- Perhaps.
6. Will there be any mention of the Covenant of Primus that told all that was too happen. Like in Beast Wars. Or will there be something even more shocking the characters find that will leave us intrigued?
- I'm leaning toward *more shocking*.
7. Will there be like a an ultimate good/bad guy (secret weapon)who is revealed in the deep ancient levels of Cybertron like Omega Supreme or better?
- Linda Tripp will *not* be appearing in the intial 26.
8. FINAL QUESTION, I promise! Why did the Oracle bring all of the Transformers together? Will this be revealed?
- Oh, probably!
I apologize for my many questions, but this new season has got me exited. Cuz, I have no Idea what's going to happen next! Again, great job so far. You got this TF fan's attention. Thanks
- You're certainly welcome!
2)I made the trip to ComicCon just to see "Beast Machines." I was not disappointed. Thank you for being there to answer questions. I like the look, I like the new beast forms, I love the music... although I still think the new robot modes look too "cartoonish." However, I did enjoy the "being left hanging" effect at the end of each episode, and I REALLY liked the way "Master of the House" added on to the story progressively from "The Reformatting." Is this how the show will go from now on, or will there be stand alone episodes?
- There *will* be stand-alones. But remember, this is a novel in 26 chapters, so even as some things close, others will be left open-ended!
3)People who saw BM ep. 2 at the Comiccon mentioned the action takes place in a city called something like "Cybertropolis" That's cool, we never got many place names on Cybertron during G1. We did get a few important ones though. The greatest of these was IACON (Capital of Cybertron,home of the Autobots, it was a domed-city featured in both the comic and cartoon) And there were other (less important) places like Polyhex, Tyrhest, Vos, Darkmount and Tarn. Any chance these parts of Cybertron might get a mention? Just a little thing, especially if all the action is in Cybertropolis, but it'd be a nice touch of "realism"
- We'll see about taking you all there. However, we will mostly be taking up residence in Cybertropolis.
G1 Megatron Spark Clarification
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Original Megatron's Spark in Nemesis Part Two
If anybody's wondering (and plenty of people are, apparently), the Original Megatron's Spark *was* put back into its rightful body.
We didn't include it in our series because that information/story beat was totally covered in the end of the last episode of Beast Wars. (Sadly, it was cut out at the last minute for time.... but we had "moved on" story-wise!)
So please let people know... there will be NO "We've got to put that other Spark where it belongs" subplot.
Megatron's having two Sparks, one of them being other Original Megatron Spark, WILL NOT BE FEATURED IN ANY WAY DURING BEAST MACHINES.
Thank you!
Tue, 12 Oct 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) What was Marv Wolfman' storyline treatment for Beast Machines?, Can you tell us what some of the other writers' concepts for the new series were? Thanks for the Discussion boards!
- Marv came up with the Maximals returning to Cybertron, who stole the sparks and planted the virus. The Vehicons and the Generals were their ideas. All the mystical stuff came from Marty and I, based on Hasbro's request that we add a "spiritual dimension" to the show. The overall arc of the series, the quest that Optimus et al are on, was also our idea, based on many conversations with Hasbro, Mainframe, Fox, and us.
2) Will we ever see any of the new Transformers with guns? Tankorr has a big cannon, but what about everyone else? Cheetor and Primal block shots, Blackarchnia has electricity, and Rattrap has his ah...tail.
- Our heroes use their wiles and resourcefulness, plus a few cool weapons. Guns? I've never been a fan of them myself, and do not write heroes who need them. My heroes win by *not* firing a shot, but rather using cunning. For those who like guns, go read the Punisher.
3) Thanks for the discussion boards. Don't let any of the trolls get you down. You guys are doing a great job. Now, if only you could get the animators to start drinking decaf. :) I look forward to the rest of the season. Incidentally, do you guys plan to have a cliffhanger at the end or no? Thanks for keeping TF alive
- There will be a huge cliffhanger at the end of 13. And will you have to wait until next September to see the outcome. At first we thought "Yes", but now Fox seems to have other ideas... <s>
4) It isn't so much a question as it is a complaint. I had high hopes for Beast Machines. But after seeing the show for four weeks I feel as if I'm being cheated. The character designs do not look robotic enough and the beast forms are even worse. The show is moving far too slowly and seems to be incredibly childish. I will stick around to see if it improves any over the next few episodes if for no other reason than morbid fascination seeing a ship sink into murky waters with people still on it.
- Another satisfied customer! Seriously, though, stick around. You might be surprised!
5) Hey Mr. Skir (and the rest of these amazing writers)-- First off, I have to say that BM may quite possibly be the best Saturday morning Cartoon ever. I'm not just being a fanboy here, I honestly feel that it has the potential to become the most complex and well balanced cartoon in the U.S. However, there are some things I was wondering about. I know the show's only on episode 4 and all, so most of these will probably get cleared up, but I'm just dying to ask! 1)Right now the cast feels a little small. Other than Nightscream, are we going to get to see any new (or old) characters? I'm particularly hoping for more vehicons, as the maximals just don't seem to be very outnumbered at this point. I guess, though, if the three generals were to command waves of brainless vehicons, that too, would be ok. 2)Is Cybertron going to remain deserted throughout the show? Again, the cast size thing (I guess it just doesn't feel epic enough to me with these few characters present). I'd hope, at least by season 2, that there will be some signs of life from the planet itself, if not some neutral 'bots. Again, thanks a lot for what is rapidly becoming the only show I make a concerted effort to watch on Saturdays.
- I'm sorry, did you say you actually *liked* the show?! Hmmmmmm, must have been a computer glitch, since all the reviews I've been reading indicate my popularity is somewhere between Lee Harvey Oswald and O.J. Simpson!
- In Season Two, the cast *does* get larger. However... the overall population on Cybertron remains pretty much the same!
6) What's with Beast Machines? You've totally screwed it up! Megatron getting angry and falling to the ground was cool the first and second time, but is this going to become a weekly routine? And why the "I am Transformed" crap? It's getting old. I think moving to Fox was a big mistake. They've tamed it down so much it's stupid. Please, please, save BM before you lose all your fans.
- Yeah, Fox sucks! Blame Fox! Let's get 'em!!! Except for one tiny detail....
- The "I Am Transformed" invocation came *entirely* from our friends at Hasbro! (Don't worry; in Season Two we abandon it for "I Am A Sock-Puppet!") Also, they haven't tamed-down *anything*! We haven't received a single note from them complaining about the violence... we've gotten to do all of it we want to! So... blame us writers! The network has been absolutely supportive!
7) Beast Machines is an incredible continuation of Beast Wars!! I've had to continually laugh at myself because every week I find myself counting down the days until the next episode. (I have to laugh because I passed being a kid a long, long time ago.) First, the kudos. The memory flashbacks/dream sequences that Blackarachnia had were extremely well-done. The daydreamy expression she had when Primal was lecturing was priceless! Megatron's current state of mind and rationale follows seamlessly from what happened in Beast Wars - very well thought out. The Tankorr-spark mystery is quite intriguing. I hope you reveal the whole story that we've been appetized with! Now, the questions. Will we ever revisit Waspinator or is he out of the battle for good? Why hasn't Cheetor had any dream sequences yet? He knew which sparks had been combined to form Tigerhawk, so why hasn't he had any visions about Tankorr's spark? Will a comic book series ever be in the works? Thanks for making me feel like a kid again!
- Wow... that's *two* people who seem to like the show!
- Waspinator, when last seen, was king of the cave-people (after spending simply forever being blown to bits)! Why in the world would he want to leave there?
- Also, we're leaving all of the vision-stuff to Optimus. So Cheetor will not be doing any of that. (We have other plans for him!)
8) Thank you Mr. Skir and all the others who have managed not to loose one ounce of the Spirit and fun of the Beastwars in Beastmachines. I love Black Arachnia's new look, all the eye's included. The humor and adult theme of the story have remained the same if not upped a notch. My only regret besides the millions of commercials that seem to take up all of the show is when it ends. The Men and Women who work at Mainframe have astonished it's audience with all the new effects, sounds and execution of each episode that I have seen so far. The future for this show is promising. Okay Now that I have pumped your head full of rave revues, It's now time for the good stuff. Like question's you'll dodge and sputter " YOU'LL SEEE." PHAAHH!!!
1. Bring back Rhinox and Silverbolt no matter what, you evil non-answering a question demigod writer.
2. Please explain who or what gave Megatron that scar over his eye.
3. What Time Period did Megatron fall into when the Autobot shuttle carrying him transwarped at the end of Nemesis 2 in relation with time period he came from ? Any changes to the far past could have Unicron coming for dinner.
4. Will we get to see the Pit and the Matrix and all the cute infant sparks? What about other Transformer worlds?
5. Will Megatron receive a new transform mode to match his new found evil ? Like Galvatron's Cannon mode ? I like the dragon and all the missing parts but common Megatron is in control of all Cybertron. I sure he can afford a little body work and wax.
6. Last but not least how soon till Megatron turns his eyes back to Earth? Plus will humans come to play on Cybertron in the next season ? Allright Mr. " Wait and See." Some of these questions you've heard before and you'll here again that just because we love the show and we love the writers and CGI wizards who allow us to be kids again for twenty minutes on Saturday mornings. Keep up the great work.
- 1. Nope, they're gone! Sorry!
- 2. Scar?
- 3. We aren't doing any stories involving time travel/time-streams. So... he didn't fall into the past or anything. (Also, the original Megatron Spark *was* returned, so DON'T GO THERE!)
- 4. Nope. And nope. We're staying here. And "The Matrix" we're dealing with is not part of that whole Matrix/Pit thing.
- 5. Giving Megatron a new mode. Hmmmmmmmm...
- 6. Megatron will not be turning his attention on Earth at all. He's set his sights on Cybertron, and *that* will remain our arena for these two seasons!
And, hey, thanks for actually liking the show!
9) Here's just a quick note with my thoughts on the series. 1) I'm 28, and I love the show. Thanks for not writing it "down" to a younger audience. It may not be Shakespeare, but it's good solid entertainment. 2) Being the age I am, I collected and love the original TFs. So thanks for the "cameo" by Optimus Prime in episode 3. It referenced history for us older fans without detracting from what you are doing now. In fact, it appeared to be a good visual metaphor for Megatron's view of TF history, since he's doing his level best to wipe it clean and start over. 3) Making the transformation process itself one of the key plot elements in a Transformers series is great, and it makes a lot of sense. I love the fact that you've moved beyond the "Maximals/Autobots stop Predacons/Decepticons from getting the energy to conquer the galaxy" story that fueled so much of G1 and early BW. I think it's great that you've moved past that and are doing some new things... you're carrying the TF concept forward. 4) I enjoy the broad storyline that reveals just a bit at a time as we move through the episodes. The mystery is one that I enjoy seeing unfold week after week. 5) The animation is superb! Kudos to Mainframe. 6) Purely mechanical TFs again... a nice touch for an old fan like myself. Out of your new characters, ie the three sentient Vehicons, JetStorm's personality is a blast! His dialogue in ep 3 was great fun. "Spider babe at 12 o'clock!"
Looking forward to more. Keep up the great work!
PS - oh yeah... I enjoyed the cameos by Rhinox and Silverbolt. Out of all the mysteries posed so far, the lack of any mention of them was the one that I was impatient to see addressed. Now that we've seen them (in a limited way of course) I can sit back and wait.
Good job guys.
- Thanks! Just wait till you see what's coming...!
10) Every one seems to be confused at what the two disk Optimus Prime's statue means (from "Fires of the Past"). I think their the two disks from the Voyager space probe 1 and 2. Others think they mean their like lions at the front of a library. Data disks instead of lion though. Finally some people think that it's the two disks in the Beast Wars. The alien disk and the Golden disk (from Voyager one). Can you please tell us what the disks represent?
- They represent collateral damage! They got blowed-up, will never appear again, so please don't give it a second thought! (Also, the script doesn't mention an Optimus statue at all, let alone gold discs, so whattaya askin' *me* for?!) ((Oh, another possible answer: he won them in the 2,395,989 Annual Cybertronian Spelling Bee!))
11) Hi Bob. Beast Machines is an awesome TF continuity. You guys are doing a great job. My question is, as of October 12, 1999, how many episodes have you finished for Beast Machines? Have you guys started anything on season two yet?(stories, models, plots, characters) Thanks, keep up the great job!!! =)
- I am currently editing the script for #20, and the stories through episode 26 have been conceived (although not thoroughly outlined!).
12) In fires of the past Megatron's Info Drone carried on an in depth conversation with him. Furthermore he exhibited fear for his own well being. So my question is: Does the drone have a spark or just a complex Artificial intelligence and if so how is that different from the spark?
- The Diagnostic Drone is an AI. He does not possess a Spark.
13) I've seen the 1st 3 eps. now and am totally floored. The computer animation is so smooth is looks almost like traditional cel, and is visually incredible. But the story is the true marvel. I love where you guys are moving with it. It is beginning to have a Babylon5 feel to it; the grand story arc instead of a more episodic feel which is all good. I love what you've done with the characters, especially Optimus. At first he was real 'zen master' till Megatron laid the 'you-killed-everyone' guilt trip on him. Nows he's having more trouble keeping his center than the rest of them. I see the parallels of the whole spiritual advancement line of thought with Megatron and Optimus. Megatron taking the external, bodily perfection route whereas Optimus is more internal, emotional mastery approach. Very classical and gets the point across very well I think. The concept of dropping back into a more primitive, unenlightened state (beast mode) when they become ruled by their emotions is a neat twist. Thanks!
- I'm glad you like what we're doing! (I guess we're going a better job than the louder voices in the room are suggesting!)
14) 1. In fires of the past Megatron pulled up things from the floor that contained sparks. could there be more down there? 2. why was their shuttle shot down in times of peace or was there a pred+maxi war on when they got home? 3. are there other places in the Galaxy that contain Transformer life such as: Stations as shown in BW or on earth and finally who if anyone still lives on cybertrons moon there still is on out of three?
- The three Sparks used by Megatron were taken from the countless that he grabbed when taking over the planet. As for the shuttle crash... Megatron was behind it; the exact circumstances will be reported in a couple of episodes...
15) Are there any plans to make a BM novel(book)? I mean it would be pretty cool to visualize the characters as you see them in your mind. Thanks.
- Ask Hasbro! I'd love to see our novel made into a novel!
16) I do have one question about episode 3. When Black Arachnia was "remembering" Silverbolt, it sort of seemed like Silverbolt was speaking to her, perhaps telepathically. Was Black Arachnia's recollection just a series of flashbacks, or was Silverbolt somehow communicating with her?
- It was a recollection voice. From where Silverbolt is *now*, he ain't talking to *any*body!
17) There doesn't ever seem to be daylight on Cybertron. Does it orbit a star? Surely it doesn't just drift in space! Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions, it means a lot to us. You're doing a great job on BM - every time I watch an ep, I just can't wait for the next one!
- We like spooky night-time stories, so most of the time the sky will be dark!
18) I was wondering if BM turns out to be hit (which it will the 3 episodes I've seen are excellent!)will Fox Kids continue the show after 2 seasons??? Because I personally think that there are many story lines a writer such of yourself could expand and 2 seasons doesn't sound like much.Once again GREAT JOB!!!
- Beast Machines is a novel for television in 26 chapters! After #26, the story ends... But the story of the Transformers *will* continue!
19) I must say, I continued to be impressed with Beast Machines after seeing Master of the House, especially after seeing Megatron again. In fact, once ol' Megs appeared, it finally seemed like the show had gained something it hadn't had since Beast Wars ended -- Megatron is crucial to the series. Primal and he do have that chemistry... Thanks for the great story! Two comments, though. One, PLEASE bring back the "yes" and the "no"s! Just once? Please? It was an aspect of Megatron that I enjoyed greatly from Beast Wars, and it helped define his character. "Deliciously eeeeevil" or not, I think his signature way of talking needs to return. Second, Rattrap seems to have lost his edge rather noticeably, I think. I know he's in a weakened state, but he always seemed to deal with it much better before. Sure, he'd whine about it, but he'd still be a bada-- er, I mean, kickbutt. As a friend put it, he's no longer "Rattrap the <illegitimate child>" which we grew to love so much... Regardless, I look forward to each new episode with fevered obsession. Thanks for making me question my mental health. :)
- Megatron will be saying Yes and No, periodically. But like as much as before. Also, Rattrap *does* seem to be a little less feisty, doesn't he! We'll see about amp-ing up his 'tude! (Although, let's face it, he's severely under-powered these days!)
20) Why didn't you just call the new series The Beast Matrix and have done with it?
- Uh.... because it wouldn't look good on the packaging?
21) I really loved the personal interests of characters in Bw, but there's something that always bug me. Why that there's always villains who switch side (ex.Dinobots ,Silverbot Black Arachnia) but we never see a good guys going bad? I would have give my last penny to see in BW Silverbot going back as a pred for B.Arachnia. Don't you think that the story would be more rich if traitors were not always on the side of the bad guys? (also seeing friendship between villain would also be cool !)
- Good guys going bad?! Are you crazy?! What kind of story would *that* be?! <insert evil cackle here...>
22) First off I'd like to say "thank you" for taking the Transformers into yet another new, exciting direction. Secondly I'd just like to ask you some questions about "Master of the House"?
(1) Were those wall paintings in Megatron's lair symbolic of his rise to power?
(2) Did Megatron terminate his fellow Predacons as well as the Maximals?
(3) Will we be seeing more of the Oracle?
(4) Does Megatron feel the pain inflicted upon his Vehicon warriors?
(5) Is the Council Building the very same building that the Tri-Predacus Council and the Maximal Elders once convened?
- 1. The velvet paintings of him as Elvis, or the one's where he's playing poker with all those dogs...?!
- 2. Well, nobody's left on the planet but him so I'm guessing *that's* a big ten-four!
- 3. Yep.
- 4. Sadly, no. Unlike President Clinton, Megatron doesn't feel *anybody's* pain! (Although I'm told that both enjoy a good cigar!)
- 5. It's the former Citadel of the Maximal Elders.
23) There seems to be an oxygen type atmosphere on Cybertron now that we've seen that the planet was built over an Earth-like one. I'd like to believe that BM will still respect the original series concept that the Quintessons built Cybertron. But in the original series, there was no visible atmosphere around the planet (even though that brat Spike was able to run around the planet with the Autobots). In BW, we witnessed the planet with no visible atm. either. Is the visible atmosphere and opening wind sound effects part of your story and will it be explained or was that a move by the animators or Hasbro?
- Cybertron *does* have a breathable atmosphere... otherwise our Technorganic Maximals would perish!
Sat, 06 Nov 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) The 'pseudo-Soundwave' robot shown in episode 5 in the flashback isn't really Soundwave, right? In the recent episodes I have noticed a unique repetition, Soundwave. Why does it seem that most of the former inhabitants of Cybertron are relatives of Soundwave? Nightscream seems to be a Rumble relative and the Revelations Episode 1 most of the corpses seemed to be either Soundwave or a Prowl/Bluestreak. Is this just a "recycling" of robot images from the Beast Wars series? Or is it something else? After seeing "Forbidden Fruit" I had one question. Is/was Nightscream Rumble (G1), or was this a trick the animators put in? The scene I refer to is when Nightscream recalls how he came to be a bat. We see a transformer who looks like G1 Soundwave, and then a smaller blue transformer run out from behind him. Please clear this up for me, and anyone else who caught it. If Nightscream was Rumble, I'm not sure how that could fit into future stories - but it would be an interesting subplot to your already great show.
- Basically, since the non-descript Transformers we've seen in our show have been less-than-full characters, the animators are reusing existing bodies/designs to save time, allowing them to concentrate more fully on more pressing details. So, no , you haven't been seeing Soundwave or Rumble.
2) I have sat back and watched and can't hold my tongue anymore. I was a great fan of the Transformers cartoon, a HUGE fan of Beast Wars, and I want to add my two cents on the Beast Machines.
IT ROCKS!!! The story has been excellent so far. I love the way you started slowly and are throwing in little subplots here and there to spice it up. The animation is more than I anticipated, which is only to be expected from the CGI wizards at Mainframe. Please continue to keep up the good work, I trust you will do the Transformers universe justice.
The thing I was wondering about is TigerHawk. I have been able to piece together the fates of Rhinox and Silverbolt, and love the twist involved, but I have yet to see any mention of the Vok emissary. I just want to know if he will appear, as I thought he was one of the best characters in Beast Wars, even though we only saw him for a short time.
That is all for now. Your fans are out there, they just don't say much.
- I'm really glad you're enjoying the show! TigerHawk's story (short as it was) ended in Beast Wars, and will not be picked up in our current series. But that doesn't preclude him from appearing in our next series, beyond the ending of Beast Machines...
3) Hey, Bob, im sorry to admit that I dont have any questions to ask you. (the only ones I have, im waiting for the series itself to answer)... The reason im writing this is to give all of you mega kudos. The animation ROCKS!!! The CGI wizards deserve a big wet kiss... Now, as for you, Bob Skir, and the other plot-makin-dudes, i have some information for you.... yessssssssssssssssss.... (As megatron would say) Your stories ROCK!!! You've been able to reignite my excitement with transformers in a huge way, and your shows pretty much the only reason i get up early on Saturday. BTW, i saw the episode where your "Special plans" for cheetor start being revealed, and i say ITS ABOUT FREAKIN TIME someone besides an Optimus variant took command for a while. Dont let any of the nay-sayers get ya down; YOU GUYS ROCK!
- Thank you *very* much! We're having a lot of fun taking Cheetor to a new level, along with all of the other characters, finding new ways for each of them to stretch and grow (despite rumblings from certain quarters who aren't happy when we keep the characters the same *or* change them!). Keep watching...
4) Hi Mr Skir, I have been watching Beast Machines lately and I must say I am loving it!. You once said that bots from Cybertron are shattered all over the Galaxy and some of them will come back to cybertron and will not like how its being run. I First thought they were the vehicons but now I know better. Will the bots from space be making any appearance or something? Thank You
- Yes. Absolutely.
5) Just wanted to add my voice to the others. The show is really a step up from the original. In both animation and story. I would just like to ask if there would ever be a chance for at least one episode that the Maxi's could be on the offence. It just feels a little depressing seeing them always on the run, altho It does add a sense of urgency on there parts to keep going and find safety some where and look for other transformers that may had fallen through the grip of Megatron's glowing claw. Thanks for keeping the Transforms fresh and alive!
- We're doing this series as a novel for television, so in the early chapters our guys were getting their bearings while getting their asses kicked a little. As the story progresses, so will heroes. And, as you've just seen in Episode # 8, our guys *will* be playing offense, rather than merely trying to win a defensive war!
6) If their are only 13 episodes per season, and we are coming up to episode 8 in a few days, will re-runs be added in between the rest of the episodes? If not, this season will end before Christmas, and waiting from then until next September for season 2 would be excruciatingly difficult. Or do you plan to keep this season going until around May (like Beast Wars - which had more episodes per season)? Could you clear this up?
- Well, either Fox will run the series in order over and over again until next September, when we move into the second-half of our story, OR they will decide to begin airing the second season early next year (Feb or so). But... if they do run season-two later this season... what will there be to watch next Fall?!
7) Just a quick question, in one of your earlier posts, you made a comment about how "Your"" heroes don't use guns, and that any one who wants to see that kind of thing should read the Punisher comic book. This statement has caused quite a bit of an uproar, both for and against. (Mostly against from what I read in discussion groups.) Could you clarify the statement a bit for us, and was it your decision, Fox's, or both to have the good guys not use guns? If so, why? Was it A PC decision, or a personal one. The reason I don't think it was Fox, is other show like the Big Guy seem to use guns on a fairly regular basis. Thanks for any help you can give on this.
- Your question would require a dissertation to answer, but simply put, I personally would rather see heroes winning the day using their natural abilities and cunning than firepower. That's my personal preference. Hasbro said that this approach was what they were looking for, so we were both in synch (I didn't approach them with this radical notion; we approached each other and agreed). And whereas Fox will allow certain forms of guns and ammunition to be used in their shows, they generally shy away from it when it isn't necessary (and with characters with as many abilities and as much smarts as our Maximals possess, why arm them?). So, let's just say that We (the writers), Fox, Hasbro, and Mainframe agreed to dis-arming our heroes, thus pitting them against a planet of heavily-armed villains which will push them to their very limits, making them all the more heroic for the victories that they achieve.
- I'm sorry if my personal approach/preferences disgusts/annoys/offends fans who like seeing heroes heavily armed. But for them, there *are* heroes who *do* need guns (such as the Punisher). Spider-Man doesn't need guns. Neither does the Hulk. And neither do Optimus, Cheetor, Black Arachnia, et al.
8) Okay. I was thrilled to see everything looking so wonderful! The writing is top notch, but I noticed a bit o' a lack of that witty banter between Rattrap and the rest of the Maximals! Rattrap and originally Dinobot use to wisecrack back and forth a lot! After Dinobot died, Rattrap and the rest of the Maximals provided that sort of fun humor! SO far in Beast machines there has been some, but not nearly as much as there use to be. Heck, Rattrap has barely said "We're all doomed!" True, true, they're in shock about being on the run and all, but will we ever see that sort o' witty banter return? Please?
- Keep watching... it'll be there.
9) Just thought I'd let you know you're doing a FANTASTIC job. The characterizations are getting better and better and better (cheetor in particular, its neat seeing the character that he was, in form of nightscream, and the leader he has become after all the madness...quite amazing), and I LOVE the multi-series continuity. Off the top of my head I can think of no single series that has kept a coherent thread of continuity not only across episodes but across SHOWS better than the TF universe. Thanks for giving it the attention it deserves, and writing it for everyone, not just the kids. I have loved and enjoyed the whole universe since I was a wee lad, and its nice to be able to still enjoy and appreciate the adventures of some of my favorite heroes even now, while approaching 30. Once again, thank you.
- You're very, very welcome!
10) Hey Bob and Marty. Great job on the show, it's getting really interesting and I like how the storyline is getting really dark and angst-filled. Since Megatron removed all the sparks of the TFs on Cybertron, does this mean that he once again has possession of the G1 Megatron's spark? Or any other Decepticons or Autobots of the past?
- Megatron has them *all*!
11) I would just like to compliment you on creating a very good continuation of the Transformers saga. I was initially upset, like may others were, about the morphing of the Maximals but I think I can get used to it if the episodes are as good as they have been. I would like to also give a big kudos to finally giving these characters some actual personalities: Primal loosing it and blaming himself for what has happened to Cybertron, the Vehicon generals being Maximals rebuilt and Rattrap doing whatever he needs to get weapons. Nice touch by the way, the Maximal who needed his gun the most has to find other ways to fight. Also the scenes in the recent beginning of the three parter Revelations was incredible creepy. When I first saw that transformer "cemetery" I could feel the goose flesh running up and down by spine. Really creepy and kind of fitting for Halloween weekend. The spark removal machine was also very terrifying and spooky. Keep up the good work.
- Thanks! A *lot* of people found the whole cemetery-thing spooky! (Which is gratifying because, when you can pull it off, creepy-science fiction is really quite wonderful (ie: Alien).) We had a great time putting this three-parter together (especially working with Brynne Chandler Reaves, Marv Wolfman, and Steve Melching). And wait'll you see how it all ends!
12) Umm...correct me if I'm wrong...but wasn't Unicron's giant head floating over cybertron. When the original Transformers ended, I think Unicron was still the planets newest moon. I can just imagine RatTrap saying,"My the Unicron sure looks lovely tonight...WHY didn't we ever BLAST that thing out of the sky!?" Or a lovely seen with Black Arachnia, and her newly remodeled boyfriend (since SilverBolt is now Thrust), admiring the big robots head. Now that's what I call romantic (and disturbing!?)
- A giant head floating over Cybertron.... what a wonderfully creepy image! (Please note that I'm deep-into writing #26 as I make this observation!)
13) Why is it that Beast Machines seems to be 90% action? Is this because of FOX? Hasbro or other factors? Too be honest I see little plot development.
- Have you been watching the three-parter? The plot is thickening even now...
14) You've said that besides the five carryovers, there'd be ten or so featured characters. We've only gotten four thus far (five if you count Diagnostic Drone) and we're halfway through with season 1. Will any more of these characters be introduced first season, or will all six or so be introduced in the second season?
- I meant that there would be ten or so total characters, which is pretty much where we are. Expect some new faces, and some changing faces, next season!
15) The Maximals are very concerned about their fallen brethren (And rightly so)... will similar concern (or mentions) be given to the rest of the cybertronian populace? The Predacons, and the few remaining Autobot and Decepticon carryovers?
- We're trying to refer to Cybertronians as "Transformers", which includes *all* factions. We are avoiding terms like "Predacons" because the conflict between Maximals and Predacons doesn't factor into our current storylines, and we don't want to cause any confusion. But rest assured, Cybertron *was* populated by all four of the "species" you mentioned.
16) Beast Wars established the Maximals (and Predacons) as having many, many colonies and outposts. Might some of those colonists try to return home to reclaim what Megatron has taken?
- Yep.
17) What exactly is the matrix? I've seen the movie and all the episodes of Beast Wars and Machines were they say something about the matrix, but i still cannot get it clear.
- In Beast Machines, when we talk about the Matrix, we are talking about the AllSpark, made up of every Spark that ever was, and every Spark that ever will be. (Which, if you replace "Spark" with "Soul", is my definition of God.)
18) I just wanted to start by saying, wow, you did a great job on BM. Was it hard trying to make a series based on a couple of toys and turning it into something worthwhile?
- Sometimes a couple of toys are all you have to work with. In *this* case, however, we had the benefit of a vast universe with a rich mythology (which some people think we are enriching while others feel we are bastardizing!). And whereas Marty and I are very proud of the work we're doing on Beast Machines, we fully recognize that we are building on concepts and characters made by others, most significantly Larry DiTillio and Bob Forward, who did such a great job on Beast Wars! (Plus which, Marv Wolfman provided the basic scenario for the current series, which we then outfitted with an overall arc and novel-style story structure.)
19) How the heck did Nightscream get his bat form? Was the Oracle involved, or was it that funky tree?
- You'll find out the answer to this as soon as Nightscream does... in just a couple of weeks!
20) Well this is more of a comment than a question. I'd just like to tell all of you that you are doing a great job! I have been a long time fan of both G1/2 and Beast Wars, and despite what some of the fans feel towards this series, I think that this is one of the best! I love the way that you keep the audience in the dark, while slowly revealing bit by bit of information to us, but seems like we'll get an episode or two where we will be hit in the face with info that we've been wanting. I love how you're exploring Cybertron's past, as well as the origin of the transformers. I have one question though, is this the original Cybertron, or are you following the G2comic or Japanese series continuity? In the Japanese series Cybertron (Seibertron) was destroyed, while in the G2 comic it was shown that Jhiaxus had terraformed something like 17 planets into a cybertron-like state. It's not really important, just something that has been bugging me. Anyway, I'd just like to say keep up the good work, and don't let the fans who don't like the series get you down. You're doing a fine job, and I don't think that anyone who is complaining about the series can do any better.
- Thanks for enjoying the show. The answer to your question is: Yes, we are on Cybertron, the one true Cybertron. (See? You *can* go home again!)
21) This is a reference to "Godzilla: The Series:" Are there any plans of bringing Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidora to the series?
- Godzilla is done, done, done, with the completion of all forty episodes. I would personally *love* to go back and do many, many more of them. But as for the "marquee" characters, they were never available to us -- because they needed to remain "unencumbered" for their own licensing needs. Which left us to create new villains -- a giant bat instead of Rodan's bird, a giant snake instead of Mothra's caterpillar, and (my personal fave creation!) a cyborg-zombie Godzilla (Cyber-Godzilla) instead of MechaGodzilla. Oh, and did you see my giant robot yeti? (Man, did I love doing that series! Especially when I got to destroy my hometown in "Lizard Season"!)
22) Hi! I like the show... Just wondering, does Megatron's "Secretary" (who is my favorite non-toy character, and one of my overall favorites)have a name?
- He is the Diagnostic Drone. And, for the record, he is an AI, with no Spark of his own. (And I love him, too!)
23) You guys are doing an excellent job! I really don't know why some fans are disappointed. Here's my question, How large is Cybertron? Is it still as small as in the original Transformers series (Moon sized), or did it get larger. Thanks for a great show.
- I envision Cybertron to be a good-sized planet. How big? Well, let's just say *I* wouldn't want to paint it!
24) I've watched about 2 episodes thus far (missed one due to work schedule and another got pre empted by baseball). Anyway I quite enjoy the look of animation (in the words of my Mother 'that other show looked like it was drawn by a 4th grader') - I'd like to note I don't agree with her observation *grin*. I'm sure by now you have received some gripes about the look of the characters themselves (i.e. ye gods are they ugly) so just add me to the list. Poor Rattrap looked way better in BW IMHO. I do like Opts new gorilla form though. BA's spider look is nice but I don't really like her rail thin robot form (reminds me way too much of the sickening amount of starlets starving themselves these days). . I certainly look forward to the storyline as it progresses. Sure got me guessing as to who's spark Tankor has that felt familiar to Opt. I wish you all much success with BM and that you will manage to please some of the fans some of the time. *grins*
- I'm totally with you... I like some of the designs far more than others. But... even the ones you are cold to at first start to grow on you in a big way (Black Arachnia's robot form being chief among them. Didn't love it at first... bigtime like it now!) (And, no, she isn't modeled after Calista Flockhart!)
Fri, 03 Dec 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) I love the show you have created and the evolution of the characters. Which continuity are you using comic (Primus) or cartoon (Quintessons)?
- Mostly, we are using playing-off the mythology we've inherited from Beast Wars! But, in general, things from both the comics and the cartoon have been creeping into our scripts (The Key To Vector Sigma ring a bell?).
2) Tankorrhinox was a largely unexpected twist, and while I do like the character (especially the fact that he acts just like evil-Rhinox in "Dark Designs"), we haven't really gotten an explanation of how he went bad. *Is* Rhinox's spark corrupted, as Cheetor suggested, or are we meant to believe Primal when he says that the decision to side with the Vehicons was based on free will? It wasn't really clear in the context of the story, especially since both Cheetor and Primal have been wrong so often recently. So what should we-the-viewers think? Has Rhinox been reprogrammed? Is this meant to be character progression and the same guy we knew from the Beast Wars? Or is the truth a mystery which will be revealed later on?
- Rhinox has seen all sides of the argument, and chose to go more in Megatron's direction (which, quite frankly, puts him in good company considering the reviews I've read from certain quarters -- who would like to perpetrate violence on me for introducing the idea that Cybertron may have been organic in the dim, dark past!)
- In # 9, Rhinox explains that he disagrees with Optimus. The reading from the actor has Rhinox growling and shouting these lines, which makes him seem corrupted (or, at the very least, not in his right mind). It was my *actually* intent for the lines to be read SADLY, to give the turnabout a poignant tone! But I wasn't there, so what can you do? I wanted the friends to be reunited... only to part company. But the "angry" reading makes it look almost like Optimus is abandoning his friend just when he needs Optimus the most! (This isn't a complaint against the actor or the director, just an observation on intent versus execution.)
- Rhinox's subsequent activities will show the lengths to which he will go in order to see *his* vision of a perfect Cybertron come to fruition. And the net-effect is that certain forms of fanaticism can be even more dangerous than Megatron's megalomanica.
3) Will Fox Kids continue on to the next season of Beast Machines in January 2000? I heard a "rumor" that YTV will be airing the second season of BM...btw the show mind is overloading with possibilities on what the next episode will reveal...and i like it! Thanks for keeping the spirit of Transformers alive... looking forward to the next installment of Transformers... Till all are... well you know
- Fox *was* considering airing the second season in early 2000, but now it appears it won't be on until September. (I hope YTV will also wait - I'd hate for all the YTV people to see it and spill the beans MONTHS before the Fox people get to see the shows for themselves!)
4) I've always been a big fan of TF, but this has got to be the most mature story line thus far. I've been watching since i could talk, and I'm 18 now. I always felt a little strange watching BW cause of my age, but since BM came out, it's freely talked about in my high school. PLEASE don't ever make it more kiddy!
- More *kiddy*. Trust me, we're going in just the *opposite* direction in Season Two. It's the second half of our "novel", and we're raising the stakes on EVERYTHING! (By the way -- thanks for watching! And also for not condemning us for trying to do something a little *different* with the series.)
5) You said that season 2 will be the last of Beast Machines. Please tell us that you guys will still have a contract with Fox and produce more Transformers??
- Fox has just picked up Season Two. The final script for the final segment of Beast Machines will be done next week, and the story will thereby end. But... Transformers WILL continue! (There's even talk of an all-new feature!)
6) Good job with Beast Machines. You have created a great show even if those morons at Fox Kids got rid of guns (I wish I could get away with shooting them with Rhinox's big guns). I have been wondering about Dinobot coming back or adding another Dinosaur to the group. I like Dinosaurs better than any other animals and I think kids do as well . I also like the more serious good guys and would like to see another Maximal who doesn't get all the jokes like Silverbolt or Dinobot or Perceptor (the scientist in the original transformers). I know Optimus is like that but he's the leader. Any way great job and keep it up even with out the guns (until the end of Fox Kids as we know it.)
- Whereas Fox is glad there are no guns in our show, I have to confess I'm just as "guilty" of getting rid of them as they were. (Not to mention Hasbro, who designed the characters -- sans guns!) As far as serious-minded new characters... you'll just have to wait until Season Two (and you *won't* be disappointed!).
7) Great job on the show! Just one confusing element: in Revelations, Part 3, Optimus said the Matrix/Oracle sent the Maximals (and, it seems, the Predacons) to Earth in order to reintroduce the organic element to Cybertron. Is he saying that the Matrix wants to return Cybertron to an organic state or just reintroduce organic matter to coexist with the technological Cybertron?
- Optimus is currently under the impression that the Matrix wants Cybertron to be completely organic again. And, driven by guilt over "losing" the Beast Wars (or, at least, dropping the ball at the three yard line and letting Megatron free), Optimus will do anything he deems necessary in order to make that vision come true. (Is it my imagination, or is he becoming almost -- or more! -- dangerous than Megatron?!)
- Anyway, your question is an excellent one, which will be fully addressed over the next few episodes!
8) I must say the story line has been great for BeastMachines. I have been a Transformer fan since it started back in 1984. The show is great I love it but I just have one question, How can Cybertron be organic when the Quintessons built it as a factory for building robots. I guess what I'm trying to say if Cybertron was built how can it be organic?
- There may be more to Cybertron's history than we've been told so far...
9) I just wanted to let you know that it is very refreshing that this old man of 41 can sit down with his young children of 4 and 6 and watch Beast Machines together and really, really enjoy it. We started watching Beast Wars when it began, when my kids were just pups and they like the characters have grown with the show. My youngest, Connor, is growing as fast as Cheetor is. It is so wonderful to follow the development and maturation of a character, as my kids grow and become "little people" as well. It was quite a shock to the oldest that Rhinox has chosen not to follow Optimus, and because of that decision her little 6 year old mind had to process why he did it. We talked about our own personal decisions and how important they are. So you see, you might be sitting many miles away, writing a show that is seen by many millions of fans worldwide, but know that that show comes into MY house. Into MY life and the lives of MY children. I welcome you and all the Beast Machines in every week. (Mom does not follow the show, but she peeks in and wonders what is going on and feigns that she does not care, then asks the kids to clue her in, yes, a closet fan.) I just wanted to say keep up the good work and keep us guessing. Thanks for allowing us to come along on this wonderful ride.
- Thanks for inviting us into your homes, and into your children's imaginations. Rather than presenting characters in/as absolutes (Optimus as pure good, Megatron as pure bad), we're trying to inject a little grey into the stories -- giving Megatron a point of view that *is* justifiable, taking Optimus into a realm that may prove less-than-justifiable... and we're glad that you're watching with your children to help them through the idea that people who are good *can* do bad (for good reasons), and contrariwise that bad people can do evil using arguments that, on the surface at least, sound reasonable.
- Again, thanks for watching!
10) Why is Optimus' name Optimus Primal? I know it is to honor Optimus Prime (G1), but don't the leaders have to end in Prime? This would imply that Primal is NOT the leader of the Maximals (it was revealed in BW that his command of the ship was his 1st). So, who was the REAL leader of the Maximals..or was it just the council. I thought having the Matrix made you leader. Can you please explain?
- The Council Of Elders was the ruling body on Cybertron. Until Megatron instituted his own pecking order -- of one leader presiding over a population of one!
11) Why did Megatron keep the sparks? Why not kill off everyone and rule the planet, why pose a threat to yourself in keeping them. I just think this is a MAJOR error and will come back to haunt him. I mean, now, everyone (almost) can be set free.
- Why keep the Sparks? I dunno. Maybe he has a really good reason that we haven't seen yet!
12) I've been a LONG time fan of TF's and I just wanted to write you a big thumbs up! "Survivor" was just wonderful! Great JOB! Giving Tankorr the genius of Rhinox makes the whole Vehicon threat so much more ominous and adds so much to the whole plot line! Regarding that promo for next week's show, that "key" they referred to sure looks a LOT like the KEY to "VECTOR SIGMA" Just for kicks, I pulled out my old TF tapes and watched those two absolute classic "The Key to Vector Sigma" shows from the original Transformers cartoons. Man would that fit into the whole Beast Machines storyline. Being that the key has the power to turn organic material into metal, among other things! (Though wasn't it destroyed in the end? Well, maybe "they" made another one!) I hope you and the other authors took some time to view these shows as well. It's great to have consistency and continuity between these new shows and those we loved as kids so many years ago. All I can say is great job and thanks for incorporating as much of the original TF mythos into these new stories. It just adds SO much more to the suspense and intrigue of the plot. Oh and one last thing. Yea I agree with ALL of the other letters you've received about it. Please have those Mainframe animators show Unicron's head orbiting Cybertron. That'd be just the icing on the proverbial cake! Keeping my head skyward and hoping!
- Hope you liked # 11... As far as having a big head orbiting over the horizon... well, we'll see if we can find some reference material on that to make you Unicron fans happy!
13) I was just wondering if you could put all five members of the Maximal group in order from oldest to youngest.(Some are obvious, but I want to be sure) Keep up the great work on the show!
- If I had to guess.... Optimus is oldest, then Rattrap, then B.A., then Cheetor, then Nightscream. (There may be some wiggle room between the first three, actually. But their ages never really come up in the stories anyway!)
14) I was wondering, since you mentioned something about other Transformers coming back to Cybertron from outposts and such, if the ones returning will be Maximals/Predacons or Autobots/Decepticons? Or, will they be from some other faction? If you can't say at this time, I understand, but it'd be cool to see what their allegiance is.
- We'll see...
15) How is "Beast Machines" doing in the ratings on the Fox Network? Are the ratings equal to or better than expected for the 11 a.m. E.S.T. slot? I hope they're good since I'm curious how the Maximal/Vehicon war will turn out. (The idea of Rhinox/Tankorr secretly plotting to overthrow Megatron certainly puts a new twist on things.)
- Beast Machines in ruling in the ratings, as Fox's #2 show (behind Digimon -- following that Pokemon swell), and #1 with boys 6-11. Put it this way... they've renewed us for another year, and they're VERY happy with us all!
16) In the "Revelations" 3-parter, one of the flashbacks explained how the maximals were reverted to their pre-transmetal bodies... except Optimal Optimus' body never had a pre-transmetal form, because, as explained in "The Coming of the Fuzors, pt. 2", his spark was transferred in to a new, transmetal from the start, body. How could Optimal Optimus' body revert to something it never was?
- I'm sticking to the answer that his original body mutated into a Transmetal one, as did the other Maximals. To be perfectly honest, for purely thematic reasons, we needed to begin the series with our characters as ANIMALS. If doing so has created a huge continuity problem for longtime fans, I deeply and sincerely apologize for it. But in the context of our current series, it was necessary to begin with robots chasing animals, otherwise the story would not have worked visually for our new audience.
17) Why put an Eagle for the Beast Machines logo?
- I frequently wonder the same thing!
18) Wow. easily the best show on television. PERIOD. thank you for giving us intriguing storylines, well drawn characters, and super slick/super sexy lookin' scenes. i love all the characters, especially black arachnia and nightscream. can't wait to see the next episode every week (actually get to watch it twice a week - on ytv wednesday night and FOX saturday morning). such a refreshing change from most of the mindless plop masquerading as kids television (Spongebob Squarepants being the exception) and BM is canadian too! YAY!! cheers and keep up the good work!
- Thanks for watching!
19)Any Word on whether or not past BM story scripts can be published on your site? Those of us who don't get to see the ep's first time around would still like to know the story.
- Mainframe has requested that, at present, that we don't publish the scripts. If and when they let us, I'll post them immediately (so you can see the progression of ideas).
20) I am a 19 year old female and a huge fan of the show, and I love everything you are doing with it.I must say my only complaint is the lack of female characters. I know there is going to be one more female added next season, but come on!! I hope that by the next series there will be an even number of males to females. Now on to my question, in the revelations three parter I noticed that Blackarachnia's spark was green the same color she glows when transforming. Does that mean that Rattrap's spark is red, Cheetors pink, etc.? Also I've seen that all other sparks look the same, so would that mean the matrix did not just reformat their bodys but their sparks as well? If so what would that mean and how would it make them different from other transformers? Or was it just a artistic decision?
- Hey, I argued till I was blue in the face for our new bat to be a female (in my mind she was Newt from Aliens. Now, instead, he's John Conner from T2 !). So.... if I had my druthers, half the cast would be female!
- By the way, there will be TWO females added next season! Happier? (I know *I* am!)
21) What I have to say is not a question but a comment. Awesome!! You both have taken Transformers to a new level. And an incredible level at that. Beast Machines is everything I have ever hoped you both could make it. I grew up watching Transformers. They were my favorite cartoon. Now, my 5 year old son and I watch the show. He thinks it is the best show on. Again, thank you for, what I would call, doing your homework on the show. You guy's are great. Thank you.
- I'm glad you like the new direction! It's met with a lot of controversy on the 'net, with people wanting to lynch us for "ruining" Cybertron and "corrupting" their mythology (by using many ideas that Hasbro insisted on, Fox wanted, Mainframe liked...). Marty and I are very happy with the story we're putting together, and we're happy that some of you out there are happy, too.
22) About Unicron's head, it seems that many people saw the Movie, but missed most of G1 season three. Yes, after the Movie, Unicron's head became a moon of Cybertron, but in "Ghost in the Machine", Unicron's head was blasted into space. In "Grimlock's New Brain", Unicron's head was shown somewhere NOT in orbit around Cybertron. If Unicron's head had still been in orbit at the start of "Rebirth" (It wasn't.), it wouldn't have stayed there when Cybertron itself was moved. So, basically, Beast Machines has been right so far by NOT showing Unicron's head. Unicron's head should not appear in orbit without a really good explanation. Great work on Beast Machines, by the way.
- Well, so much for having a floating heading hovering over Cybertron!
23) Will we ever hear again the "classic" transformation sound, like the one Ravage gave us in BW "The Agenda Pt2"?
- That's the one I hear in my head whenever I write them Transforming... but I don't do the post production sound, so I'm not really the person to ask!
24) Like many other posts on the website, this is not a question but a note of hearty thanks to everyone who's working on Beast Machines. You guys took a phenomenal base (Beast Wars) and improved on it/remained consistent with it! Kudos to a job well done, indeed! Some small comments: Cheetor's evolution from juvenile to adult was/is incredibly fascinating to watch; Rattrap's new look *does* eventually grow on you; and I CAN'T WAIT to see what happens with the vehicon generals now after seeing the three-part episode. Mr. Skir, I also wanted to interject applause for you: as a HUGE fan of both the Batman and Gargoyles series, I wanted to let you know how great those shows were. I appreciate that you write intelligent, moving, interesting, and well-rounded stories. Keep up the good work!!!
- Again, thanks for watching. I can't wait to see what you all think of how we end this season.. and where we are going in Season Two!
25) Is Optimus Prime dead? Granted, this is a direct question, and it probably won't be answered directly, but could you at least throw us a bone here (all of us Optimus lovers)? I mean, Optimus was in both G1 AND Beast Wars, so is he going to be in Beast Machines AT ALL? There hasn't been a single Transformer series he hasn't been in yet, so are you going to break this chain or leave it? PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION I'M DYING TO KNOW!!! The Optimus statue wasn't enough-even if there is only a vague reference that he is dead of old age or he is chilling somewhere on Cybertron, it would be GREAT! I know you've probably already sorta' answered this question, but even a "You'll see!" answer would be cool! We already know Megs has EVERYONE'S spark, but will they ever get around toward retrieving Optimus's? Thanks.
- Optimus Prime will not be factoring into our series in a major way. Although his presence may eventually be felt...
- Well, that's all for now!
- Keep watching!
Wed, 22 Dec 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) I remember that Transmetals 2, like Blackarachnia, could(because of their exposure to the "Transmetal 2 Driver") grab things(telekinesis) and heal themselves. Do Blackarachnia and Cheetor still have these abilities?
- Nope. Our characters heal themselves because they are Technorganic (See Nightscream's recuperative abilities on display in # 10). As far as TK goes... Nope again. They can do so many cool things already, that giving them paranormal abilities seems extraneous... and totally outside our story, thematically!
2) Have to be honest - I didn't like Beast Wars when it first started and I didn't watch it until more references about Transformers:G1 was mentioned. Like Ravage showing up, Starscream, and the Maximals finding the Autobot Ark. Then I watched them all in repeats and I liked them. However, I love Beast Machines, because it's going back to basics, alot of action and good plots. I love the old material coming back, like the Key to Vector Sigma. But my question is, when did the names change from Autobot/Decepticon to Maximals/Predacons? The Cybertronian Wars went on for millennia with them using those names, so when did it change and why? I think I know alot about the Transformers, since I have been into from the very beginning. This is one gap I am not sure. Can you please clarify this for me.
- This is a gap that has yet to be explored... and will not be resolved within our 26-episode arc. However, a couple (not many, but a few) things from G1 will appear in Season Two. Keep watching...
3) Pray tell how can a planets 'core' be organic, the compression of gravity could result in it becoming super heated. If Cybertron was the size of Earth it would collapse under it's own mass, thus it makes sense for it to be smaller. Organic catacombs maybe, but the true center being Organic seems a little unlikely. There's no way a natural planet could have a organic center, so the question is what is the organic 'Alive' center, well the only logical thing that fits is. "Primus". So if you take some of the old TV show as cannon, and say the Quintesson built Cybertron, then perhaps they built Cybertron on top of the Asteroid with Primus inside. He's the best explanation as to where Inorganic robots get souls from. Similarly you can say Primacron did not construct Unicron, he assisted in the rebuilding of a body from a pre-existing being. From Unicron's asteroid perhaps. Primus Provides the organic, Cybertron provides the Mechanical result: Techno-organic biomolecular fusion. "The Matrix wills it" : Optimus Primal.
- I like your theories a lot. Let's just say that that the term Organic Core is more poetry than truth... then entire core is not organic goo, but rather there are pockets of the stuff all over the place. We have such pockets on our planet, the oil deposits where we find fossil fuels (Do you realize that cars eat dinosaurs?!). So whereas the pockets of organic matter are not the same as our petrochemicals, the basic idea is the same. Where did this matter actually come from? That's an awfully good question!
4) OK first off I LOVED EP 13!!!!!! The ideas and writing behind the characters were surprising and very deep. The ideology behind them were quite the surprise. How in gods green earth did waspinator get to Cybertron? Even if he could fly that far wouldn't he have to go significantly far into the future? How did Waspinator get to Cybertron I didn't understand that part very well? Well love the show thanks for the FAQ.
- Thanks for watching and liking! How did Waspinator actually get home? Well, he did have 65 million years to make the journey... I'm sure he thumbed a ride somewhere/somehow. Let's just say it's a story that still needs to be told! (And, no, we don't tell it in the next Season. But somewhere down the road we'd love to tell it!)
5) You've shown us how the maximals got turned back into their original beast forms, how Nightscream got his organic form, how the old Transformers lost their spark and why Cybertron is deserted, how Megatron escaped from the Maximals before getting to Cybertron, you have filled in many gaps in the show's story line. There's just one thing that I would like to know: how did Megatron get to Cybertron after escaping from the Maximals' space ship, reach Cybertron before the Maximals did and take over the whole planet? Help!
- Easy... when he fell away from the ship, he dropped out of the timestream and into Cybertronian space while our guys where still moving forward in time. So, in essence, instead of landing seconds before our guys, he landed... months? years? Well, long enough to take over! And our guys landed too late to do anything to stop him. So now the question is, how do we stop what he is doing now?!
- Which brings me to an interesting point. A fan asked me months ago if we were going to be doing any time-travel stories, and I answered No. Then, upon seeing #8, a fan said "Hey, Skir lied to us! This IS a time-travel story!" Well, just to put this matter to bed, we are NOT doing a time-travel story. Megs landed AFTER our guys originally left for the Beast Wars -- he did NOT affect the timestream! Thus, our guys are not racing to find a way to put things right (which we did as a story in The Mask, and as the story ran in Back To The Future II, which WERE time-travel stories). Our story is about what is happening here and now and how to deal with it here and now. It is therefore NOT a time-travel story. So there!
6) Will we ever find out how Megatron got his scar over his right eye ?
- Hey, you try falling through time and space unscathed! I'm still wondering where Harrison Ford got that nifty scar on his chin -- but I suspect the truth is less intriguing than the mystery behind it. So, to answer your question, No, we won't be finding out. It's just there, and it's totally cool. For now...
7) Will we ever hear Rattrap say were all going to die like he said he the Beast wars series.Thank you for making this show it is one of the best looking computer animated show on television and I think you should make a TV soundtrack of both of the series Thank you!!!!
- I'd love to get a soundtrack, too! As far as Rattrap's catchphrase... keep watching!
8) Why are you making us wait until September to see season two? That's nine months!! That's a long time. Why was this season so short? Has FOX confirmed airdates/times for the second season of BM yet? If so, when will it start?
- Why am *I* making you wait?! I'd like to start showing Season Two right now! After all, they're ready to roll! I suspect that if enough people contacted Fox and Hasbro, they'd start airing them sooner! But then... we'd blow through Season Two by March! As things are, Season Two is set to air next September, far too far in the future for my tastes!
9) Where is the Matrix of leadership? We are getting the idea that the MATRIX is a godly allspark where all transformers come and go.... but what about the physical matrix of leadership... the object we saw in the movie that is passed from leader to leader in order for that transformer to have a direct link w/ the MATRIX (allspark) so that they can be a more effective leader??
- The Matrix we are referring to in Beast Machines is a godly entity. The artifact you are referring to will not be figuring into our current series, storyline. Sorry!
10) Okay, so according to the later episodes of G1, Unicron's head shouldn't be floating around after all. Doesn't mean big bad planetoid can't show up anyway. I'd love to see what Mainframe could do with a 3D Unicron.
- You may just get your wish... after a fashion!
11) You were gracious enough to tell us 2 females were joining the cast next season. Can you hint to anything about them? Thanks a lot for the great series and the FAQ site!
- All I can tell you is that one of them will be a very good girl, and one of them will be a very bad girl, and that they won't be showing up early in Season Two, but a little later into it. Anyway, they both rule (that's an opinion, not a statement of fact/social status)!
12) Please help bring back the original transforming sound. I miss it a lot...
- Hey, I just write'em!
13) If the Maximals are part organic, wouldn't their organic parts bleed, age, and eventually die? Wouldn't that be a disadvantage in the war against Megatron?
- They'd age eventually... but the nano-technology in their systems would keep them healing, hale, and hardy for many, many years!
14) A recurring background object has been the skull of a T-rex. Is this a sign of things to come? A rebirth of the Dinobots, perhaps?
- If only! No dinos in this arc, sadly! Maybe next season (three -- if there *is* one and they keep us aboard!)
15) This is a statement rather than a question. I know some fans are upset with the new story-line behind cybertrons make-up. I think it's great!!! However, for those fans who know their Original Transformer episodes, from Episode #78 "The Dweller in the Depths" the Quintesson discuss experiments with Trans-organics(they were half beast-half machines).... Thus the Quintesson did indeed use organic materials and mechanics! Therefore it is possible that Cybertron may have originally been organic! Also in the episode, there are scenes were the background is rock not metal! By the way, I think Beast Machines rules! I have been a long time fan of Transformers and think you all are doing a terrific job!!!!!
- Well, thank you very much! Marty and I have taken a lot of heat from Transfan Fundamentalists (for good reasons as well as bad ones), so it's nice to hear from a longtime fan who is actually in favor of what we're doing and where we're going. Although, we still haven't told you where we're actually going yet... not ultimately, anyway, although a few clever fans have already figured it out! Which tells us we're laying down the tracks the right way...!
- That's all for now.
- Happy Holidays... and a Terrific 2000!
Wed, 19 Jan 2000
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Is there any chance we'll ever find out who the Council of Elders are? Could they possibly be Autobots?
- During the second season we imply that the Autobots evolved into the Maximals, so I'd assume that the Council members would be Maximals.
2) How does one pronounce "Skir"? Does it sound like "fur"?
- Actually, it's pronounced "Skier".
3) Ok you guys have said that Beast Machines will be a 2 season story arc. Recently I've heard a small rumor or two floating around that there might be a season 3. Can you shed some light on this by possible confirming yes or no for season 3? I'm sure that if there isn't a season 3 there will be something that follows and I'm sure if I wait "all will be revealed!" Thank you for your time.
- All *will* be revealed... once Season Two begins to air in September and Fox decides whether they want to pick up the series for another go-around. Until Fox begins airing the new season, there's no reason to go ahead with any more! Although, paradoxically, there *will* be more whether Fox wants them or not... as long as the fans want the world to continue, and Hasbro keeps the toy line alive. All things considered, it seems unlikely that they would end such a successful franchise. And the long downtime between series gives Hasbro a long time to decide where the universe should go from here... and who should be in charge of it. (I'd love to be doing more, since I've had such fun with the characters, but ultimately it's Hasbro (and Fox?) who will make that decision.
4) There are rumors bouncing around about a G1 Transformer movie in the works; I was wondering whether you or Mr. Isenberg are involved in the writing? I hope so, you guys have done a fine job on Beast Machines!
- Thanks for the vote of confidence. I've heard the same movie-rumors. From what I hear, they already have a big-name screenwriter attached, someone (I suspect) the studios will trust enough to give the project a green-light. I just hope he "gets" the universe, does a great job, and has as much fun as Marty and I have had.
5) Is Alpha Trion still a part of Vector Sigma, or has it evolved to a higher plain of being? Keep up the excellent work.
- Alpha Trion doesn't figure into out stories, so I'd have to say it evolved.
6) You mentioned that There will be 2 New Female Characters introduced into the Show. I was wondering will there be any romance between anyone with any of these 2 New Females?
- One of them is already attached. The other is completely available, and will be in the company of a bunch of guys who haven't had a lot of female companionship lately, so I'd say a romance is a definite possibility!
7) Will there be anymore cool G1 References like in the previous season of Beast Machines?
- Yes. Some pretty big ones! (But don't be expecting any major crossovers or guest appearances...)
8) I am 22 years of age and a Huge fan since the beginning of transformers and season 2 of beast wars and I would like to know something..... In the final episode Primal is about to Reformat Megatron to get him to understand why he's the way he is and to "stop the insanity" but then out of the blue tankor/rhinox hits him with the Key to Vector Sigma and at the very end primal detonates the Plasma Energy Chamber. What is his reasoning behind this move? I understand that Primal wants to bring back the organic parts of cybertron but to blow it up isn't that a little extreme? Its almost a "If I can't have it none will" mentality can you elaborate on this for me? thanks. The CGI Is awesome.
- Tankorr/Rhinox had a very clear agenda, which would NOT have been served by allowing Optimus to take Megatron out of the game. Rhinox therefore hit Optimus, knowing full-well that Optimus would never, ever, activate his own doomsday device. Sadly, Rhinox was mistaken, and now all of Cybertron has paid the price...
- I agree with you, by the way, the CGI is totally awesome! Mainframe is currently preparing work on an all-new series at the moment, which is going to take this artform to a whole new level (which they have done with *each* successive series since Reboot!). I can't tell you much about the series itself, except that it is located on present-day Earth, and involves no robots whatsoever. It's also going to kick major ass!
9) I was wondering, do the Maximals have abilities that we haven't seen yet? Cheetor, so far, only has those two swords and can run at great speeds, but can he do anything else? I also like the idea that the maximals can defend themselves with their "natural" abilities and don't need bombs, or guns and put up a good fight with the Vehicons that do use those things... Good call for the show. Lastly, I know you probably can't tell me, but how many maximals will there be at the end of season 2? I can't wait!! I LOVE YOU BOB!!
- And I love you for watching! Our heroes won't be gaining new powers per se, but the new tricks they come up with as they hone their skills will be worth watching. Plus which, we're giving them some new toys to play with in the new episodes which are going to be a lot of fun. How many Maximals by the end of Season Two? Roughly seven.
10) What is all the music from beast machines called? especially the battle theme! =)
- I call it great! But you'd have to ask the composer or the producers about the actual track/cue titles... Marty and I don't indicate *anything* about music in our scripts, knowing full-well that during the exciting scenes exciting music will play, and during the slower, tense scenes likewise appropriate music will "naturally" appear.
11) In BW Rattrap was assigned command by Optimus when he was being held captive by the aliens, so why is Rattrap not even considered second in command in the BM?
- Because Cheetor is growing up, and Rattrap will have other duties to keep him occupied. (Personally, I think it's a mark of emotional maturity on his part that he is not threatened by Cheetor or trying to assert his "right" to command.)
12) Mr. Skir my most humble of apologies, at first I was mad as hell at you for the whole organic thing with Cybertron, But now we all owe our praises to you. You who brought back actual robots, You who brought us back Cybertron, You who got us some awesome toys to play with. I thank you. Now for my question. I still think that Megatron and Optimus Primal are both loser not because of you but since beast wars no offense to Larry, But they'll never be their namesakes, However I love what you have done with Tankor and Cheetor and I honestly think that you've gave them far more potential than expected, I'm so looking forward to season two, but I'm curious to know will Cheetor surpass Primal as leader of the Maximals? I mean come on I thought he was a loser before but now he has really turned to a genocidal lunatic, with an outcast complex. Cheetor has demonstrated some excellent leadership skills, probably time for him to take the reins. Oh and kudos on Waspinator! Thanks for keeping the Transformers alive!!!!!!
- First of all, to give credit where credit is due... Marv Wolfman suggested the return to Cyberton and the whole Megatron/Vehicon angle. (However the overall arc-structure, and the Organic Saga, came from Marty and me.) Likewise the fact that Tankorr was Rhinox came from Marv, although what Marty and I did with him *since* that revelation was our idea. Also, bringing Waspinator back? Marty. I thought it was great (although someone someday has to explain to me how he hitchhiked his way home...).
- And, yes, Cheetor has grown into a great leader at exactly the point where Optimus... well, he went too far, okay? I mean, he blew up the whole fricken planet he was hired to save, what's that about?! Suffice to say, we'll be addressing these issues next season along with some new business that will be rearing its ugly floating head...
13) How did megatron arrive on cybertron, and not get arrested/fragged by the tripredacus council (who had attempted to in BW - using Ravage), or by the maximal ruling body? The show rocks, and you guys are doing a great job.
- Megatron spread the virus, as we've seen several times already. That's how he wiped out the whole planet and took over. (Some people REALLY want to see that story, but there's not a whole lot of story to tell. It was a sneak attack, plain and simple.)
14) We now know that rhinox is "happy" serving the forces of evil, but what about Waspinator and Silverbolt? Are they "happy" serving Megatron? Was it a conscious choice? and if not, why not "defect" like Rhinox is attempting to do?
- Rhinox doesn't see what he's doing as evil; he just enjoys a different vision than Optimus, and thinks that Megatron has the right idea but isn't totally suited for the job (whereas Rhinox *is* suited). About the other guys...? Waspinator is definitely happier being a biker than a frequently blown-to-bits bug. And Jetstorm is having the time of his life... for now. (You think Black Arachnia's going to give up on him? Guess again!)
15) I would just like to commend the story editors on continuing the Transformer tradition. I'm 18, in college, working, being a big boy, but I still get up on Sat. to watch Beast Machines and I tape it for my continued viewing pleasure. I even buy the toys for tradition sake (and they're cool). Just thanks a lot for keeping it going, and I LOVE the new series. Yeah things here and there I would change, but overall, AWESOME!!! I'm so looking forward to season two. WHAT HAPPENS TO OPTIMUS' HAND?!?!? I can't wait. Which brings me to my question. Is it official Fox is waiting until Sept. to air season 2? I've heard so, but nothing solid or from a definitive source. Thanks so much for letting us enjoy a great series that is mature and developing and interesting, but still lets us all be kids again! Keep it up!
- I'm glad you're enjoying the series. Sadly for Beast Machines fans in the U.S., Fox *has* officially decided to hold off showing season two until next season... in September. However YTV fans will get to see the new series a lot sooner, enabling them to post all kinds of spoilers (thereby eliminating all of the surprises we writers have worked so long and hard to create!). DON'T READ THE SPOILERS... Season Two is worth the wait!
- That's all for now!
Tue, 07 Mar 2000
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Can you tell us more about your upcoming projects: Action Man? X-Men: Children of the Atom? Thank you.
- We, first of all, Marty and I are doing a series called Action Man for Fox. It'll be a CGI show from Mainframe, and is absolutely incredible. Breathtaking stuff. Marty is spearheading the writing on Action Man, and he's literally pulling out all the stops.
- As far as the new X-Men series goes, since the WB hasn't formally announced the series yet, I don't feel completely at liberty to talk about it. But I CAN tell you what it isn't! It isn't a followup to the Fox series, it won't follow the feature film, and it won't be done in CGI. It will be All New, All Different (to coin a phrase), featuring some of your favorite characters in a way you've never seen them before. (Let's just say I can't wait to get started on it!)
2) Hey yas! Just have to say that BM is way past cool! I am loving it so far. But I do have some questions. You said there would be two new females I think that's great but can you give use anymore info 'bout them? Names? Flyers?
- They will both be ground based, and they will both be worth waiting for! (Our Canadian fans will be meeting them both VERY soon!)
3) I must say season 2 so far has been real enjoyable, and it is shame that many people are being forced to wait for it. I am finding it a lot more fun then season 1, and eagerly look forward to meeting the new Vehicons.
Anyway, my question. When it came time to design new characters for the show, how much input did you have when it came time to design which toys would appear? I know Hasbro likes certain types of toys to show up, but am curious about how much free reign they gave in the final process of this decision making. I know Nightscream was your personal creation, is this the case for any of the new comers in Season 2?
- I'm glad you're enjoying the new season. The new character designs were suggested mostly by Hasbro (the giant Megatron head, Noble/Savage, the two new villains), and the new Maximal was largely my idea. Of course, the manner in which the characters were presented is the result of many long discussions, with Marty and I taking the point on exactly WHY certain characters act the way they do, and who they are exactly. Case in point -- Hasbro said they wanted a new Transformer who went from beast to beast; Marty, Ace, Dan Didio, and I all discussed who/what this character would be, as well as what that character would APPEAR to be when first introduced.
- In short, it's all a collaboration.
4) Mr. Skir, in your answers, you have said that Optimus and the rest are meant to seek a balance between technology and organics. However, with the introduction of Savage/Noble, a new question arises: where is the balance? This new character is purely organic, at least that is what we've been told. It seems to me that the Oracle, in reformatting him into this organic body, has gone against it's own wishes.
- Noble/Savage was not the product of the Oracle or the Matrix; it was a cruel twist of fate which placed Megatron right in to the heart of his own worst nightmare (and you people thought we were ripping off the Hulk! Fooled ya!).
5) Did BM editors/writers change Jetstorms name from Skybolt because it resembled Silverbolt?
- Nope. It was a copyright/trademark issue. We recorded "Skybolt" then had to change it. I was glad, because the name Skybolt sorta gave away the secret (although we were originally thinking of revealing that Trust was actually Silverbolt, to fool you all!)
6) So far the beast machines show has been awesome, sadly I have to wait until September to see season 2, but I've been reading the episode reviews. This brings me to my question, Will Jetstorm return as a character with his spark now that silverbolt has returned?
- Trust me, the second season is worth the wait! And as far as Jetstorm goes, he's gone, gone, gone.
7) Hey Bob, I love what you're doing with the show. However, what's your big problem with not integrating a lot of G1 elements? I don't understand why you're so against it? That's what the majority of fans want to see, don't you get it? More people will watch the show. I understand that you all are artists and doing what you want, but hey guys, people want to see the Transformers they grew up with every week as children!!!
- True, but Hasbro wanted this series to be independent of the other series so that new audiences would be keyed-in, rather than being left behind by references to shows that were written 20 years before these kids were even born!
- Put it this way, Marty and I told the Hasbro people that we were not Transfans, and they hired us anyway. We offered to read about the old shows and watch them and all, and Hasbro discouraged us from doing so, urging us to instead follow their edict to make the show more spiritual in nature. They encouraged us to follow our own path, and so we did.
- All of the original G-1 writers are still around; Hasbro and Mainframe instead called on us, and let us do the show we wanted to do.
- But take heart, there will be a few (only a few, but they're there) references to G-1 in some upcoming episodes.
- Anyway, thanks for watching, and for giving us a chance to tell our story. Marty and I are deeply indebted to Hasbro, Mainframe, and Fox, who all encouraged us.
8) Now that 2 of the 3 Vehicon generals are gone, will there be any new Vehicon generals taking their place?
- Oh, yeah. And they won't be all warm and fuzzy like the last bunch, either!
9) Will there ever be a Beast machines Movie? And if there is when is it coming to theaters?
- Yes, Hasbro is trying to put together a Transformer movie now, although which incarnation it will be has not yet been determined. Marty and I are not involved with it (we'd love to, but so far nobody's asked). As far as when it's going to be in theaters.... let's just say I wouldn't hold my breath. The soonest it would be out would be Christmas 2001. but Christmas 2003 would be a safer guess, in my humble opinion. (But what do *I* know -- I'm not even involved!)
10) This may sound a little funny, but I am 38 yrs old and love beast machines. I couldn't wait to see every new episode on Saturdays and have recorded them to watch over and over. I thought it was really lousy that season 2 did not air in the US and am very bummed out. My reason for sending this is to ask if both seasons will be available on DVD. I don't think VHS would do it fair justice. But I will take what comes up. I can't hardly wait for season 2. Thanks!
- Well, I'm 39, so I'm thrilled that people in my age group are enjoying my work. As I've said before, I'm sorry you have to wait to see Season Two, but trust me, it's really, really worth it! And as far as DVD goes, I'd love to see it on that format!
11) Hey, Bob, you guys are doing a great job on BM. What happened to Tankor's Diagnostic drone? Tell me he's OK. Keep up the good work!
- The Diagnostic Drone went offline during the big skirmish in #13. We won't be seeing him anymore. But some mindless Drones of the same configuration may appear in upcoming episodes. Just don't expect them to have the same wonderfully snooty personality.
12) I keep reading that Megatron is considered a Vehicon. Why would he betray his own Predacon heritage!
- Maybe he sees this as an upgrade. (When it comes to achieving his goals, Megatron has always shown the ability to betray simply EVERYBODY/ANYBODY!)
13) HI! First I'd like to say that you are doing a wonderful job with the show, and I'm really looking forward to seeing more. Secondly, I have a question. I've always enjoyed observing the relationship between Rattrap and Dinobot. After DB's death however, we didn't get much of RT's after thoughts or feelings. I realize that this could have been missed because of the unmade "dark glass" episode(outline from Larry DiTillio (Story Editor - Beast Wars): Rattrap salvages a computer bank from the Axalon and in it's circuits he and Rhinox find the Core consciousness of the old DinoBot (which as you will recall DinoBot uploaded in a previous episode(Bad Spark)). Rattrap gets obsessed with the idea that he can restore the old DinoBot by getting it into the new Dinobot's systems. Rhinox tells him this will probably not work, as core consciousness without a spark is only an illusion of the person to whom it belonged. And if it didn't work, it just might give the new Dinobot all the old Dinobot's datatrax on the Maximals which could give the Preds and advantage. Optimus thus forbids the attempt. But Rattrap defies this order, sneaks out and at much risk to himself, does manage to get the core consciousness in place. For a moment the old DinoBot does seem to emerge but as Rhinox warned he is only a shadow of his former self and must do everything he can to keep the new DinoBot from regaining control of his body, a weird mental struggle which would have been fun to animate. The old Dinobot knows he is doomed to lose this struggle and tries to "sacrifice" himself again by infiltrating the Preds and taking out Megatron before he can complete his master plan to destroy the AutoBots. It doesn't work and the New Dinobot regains control of his body only to be blasted by Megatron. Rattrap comes to accept that his old pal is truly dead and realizes he cannot bring him back. However he honors his friends memory.), but will we get to see any thoughts of the lost warrior from RT's point of view? I noticed that he seemed angry at Nightscream for his comments about the beast wars, to which he replied "I lost friends in that war," but will we see any more specific references to Dinobot? Keep up the good work!!
- That all sounds really good, but the simple fact is that Dinobot was never meant to be part of this story. (If he was, he'd require a lot of attention. He's like that.)
- However, I'd love to bring him back in a future incarnation of Transformers.
14) Mr. Skir, I have a few theories as to where season two is going but I won't pester you about that. I just wanted to ask you that if it was your idea in Savage Noble to have Thrust cower behind the Maximals when they confronted the dragon (Savage)? *chuckle* At that moment he was so much like his former self Waspinator, it wasn't funny! Is this a product of not being under Megatrons control? If you don't want to answer that's okay. I just wanted to let you know that I am really enjoying the series and eagerly waiting to see what loops you through at us next! *grin*
- I'll have to check to see if Thrust's cowering was in the script, or was a comedic bit thrown in by the director.
15) Why was a shogun warrior chosen for Silverbolt's robot mode?
- Hasbro and Ace suggested it. We all liked it. And that was that! (I just wish we could have kept some of that bird-dog design in his Beast Mode from before. Silverbolt isn't Silverbolt without the dog-face, IMHO.)
16) I am Student from Germany. I just wanted to tell you my opinion about Beastmachines. I may not be the greatest authority since I was only able to see some episodes over the Internet, but I think you might be interested in what people from other countries think about the show. I have to say that I like the show. The characters are good, the animations are superb and I like the idea of a continuing storyline. This series looks as if it was made for grown-ups and not for kids. It is like Babylon 5 for the "kids hour". :) My only problem is that the episodes seem to be very hectic. The Maximals are constantly on the run from the Vehicons or are discovering new truths about Cybertron. There is not much time for personal interaction between the heroes. This was handled better on Beastwars. BUT I really do not see Beastmachines as a Transformers Series. You have just changed too much in opinion. Not only did you change the very good ending of Beastwars by bringing back Waspinator without any reason, but by removing Cybertrons population you also destroyed the history of the original Transformers Series. All old school Transformers fans must now believe that the childhood heroes are sparks captured by Megatron or dead. The technoorganic stuff will also change Transformers like never before. I think that this is the real problem for most of the fans. They just cannot understand how someone could remove so much of essence of Transformers just for two seasons of a new show. Beastwars was different. Also there were things never done with Transformer before (combining Robots with organic material) it did not harm any of the original series history. If you would have done something similar most of the fans would not have been that upset. I hope I did not sound too harsh. As I said before I really enjoyed the show so far. When I see it I just do not think of it as a Transformers show but of a nice sci-fi show with transforming technoorganics. ;-) The last thing I would like to tell you is that I really like the way you interact with your audience. You really show that you are interested in the opinions of your fans/foes.
Thanks for your time
- And thank you for YOUR time, and the full weight of your consideration.
- As far as the character interaction goes, keep watching. It happens more and more as Season Two continues.
- As far as all of the radical changes in Transformer-lore goes, we tried to remain faithful to the history of Cybertron, while changing it as radically as possible for the new storyline. All of this was suggested by Hasbro, who (as I said before) could easily have made this all a straight sequel to G-1 and Beast Wars by bringing back the writers from this various series. Instead, they wanted Marty and I to follow this new path, and encouraged to follow our own instincts.
- I'll be interested in what everybody thinks once the story is all finished.
- Again, thanks for watching, and thanks for caring.
17) You have made a mistake I believe. The Key to Vector Sigma power was only due to its contact with Earth's ecosystem so the power of the key wouldn't be the same on Cybertron. Anyway you can explain or clarify this mistake. Thanks your still doing a great job with the show.
- Apparently it taps into Cybertron's ecosystem as well.
18) Question: I live in Japan, so I don't have seen Beast Machines aired but some summaries and videoclips. and I hope It coming to Japan very much. Here's a question. Megatron spread the virus. Why Wasn't Megatron infected by the virus? and aren't Vehicons? Was he vaccinated?
- Megatron protected himself and his Vehicons from the virus's effects.
19) Hey there and howdy... I don't care what anyone says, you guys do good work. You're not perfect, but hey, who is. And as a change of pace, I thought I would answer one of your questions. 1) (Regarding Waspinator/Thrust) Also, bringing Waspinator back? Marty. I thought it was great (although someone someday has to explain to me how he hitchhiked his way home...).
Possible Answers: 1) He could have hung around on earth until about 1985 (spending long periods of time in Stasis), and sneak a ride on the Decepticon space bridge, then lay low through the great war. 2) Stasis pods were made to reach orbit by themselves, he could have scrounged together a working stasis pod, climbed into it, and set himself on a slow cruise to cybertron, by the time the pod drifted there, he'd be getting back after his own departure with Megatron. 3) He could have found and scavenged a shuttle or escape pod from the wrecked Nemesis. 4) Thrust isn't really Waspy, he just said that because being a BW Maximal is the hip thing to do in the Vehicon army
As for my question:
Kudos to your handling of Rattrap as the new maximal tech-head. Well, Tinkerer. Its cool to see the hero in charge of technology more or less just cobbling things together and jury-rigging them rather than producing works of genius all the time. Will Rattrap be keeping this role?
- Oh, yeah. His role will become VERY important in upcoming episodes!
20) Hey there. I've been meaning to write this for a while. Heck, since BM S1 began. I wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying the show. I've been a TF fan since 1984 and in my opinion, all and all, you've done a very good job on the thirteen eps we've seen. :)
There were a few glitches, don't get me wrong. Rattrap, as portrayed in BW, was FAR too practical to not take on Megs with his armor in "Weak Component" and Megs was shown time and again in the earlier show to despise the very concept of "honor," so his actions at the end of that ep. don't quite jive either, but other than that I'm very happy with Beast Machines and its characterizations. :) Heck, you made Cheetor cool! BTW, The last ep of the season was spectacular. Good job all around!
That said, my question:
Could you clear something up for me? I know you've said Rhinox chose the Vehicon cause after watching both sides. However, that just does NOT seem like something the Rhinox from BW would EVER do, no matter what he saw. It's just completely against everything we were ever shown of him. EXCEPT when he was infused with a Predacon program for 1 ep. In THAT ep he acted almost EXACTLY like Tankor does. So, if his mind has been influenced, joined, or merged with the Tankor mind/program created by Megatron, then this change of attitude seems much more understandable. Was this the case?
- We were going for a moral grey area where Rhinox saw the logic of what Megatron was trying to accomplish, and also turned his back on the chaos that Optimus was trying to inflict on the planet. (Hell, most of the fans were on Megatron's side, so why not Rhinox, too?). That being said, Rhinox/Tankorr's behavior, and the brutality he visited upon his former friends, DID strike me as out of character. At least we got to put him right eventually, though! Anyway, we were NOT trying to say he had been corrupted by Megatron or an evil-virus -- he simply made a hard/bad choice.
Fri, 14 Apr 2000
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) Striker? Strika? Strykka? Which is it? And is the character based on the six-wheeled assault vehicle toy that Hasbro has been calling Blastcharge?
- It's Strika. (Although I lobbied hard for the name "Tananka". Lost that fight bigtime!) I don't know what they based the design on, but the character drew a lot from the Sarah Douglas character in Superman II (when I was writing her, at least).
2) Hi, Mr Skir and all the Guys (and girls I hope). Let me tell you my situation.
I'm from Costa Rica. My connection to Beast Wars from Season 1 to 3 was always HBO Latin America. Well, It seems that Beast Machines is not aired in my cable system, so I've had to "experience" Beast Machines by all the synopsis and comments I read on your page (thank you!) and others. So, I have to imagine almost everything I read of the episodes (unless I get some images). All this is to ask you: Savage/Noble is full organic. Does he have a Spark or a soul? And, by the way, YOUR WEBSITE ROCKS! and so you do!
- Thanks! I hope Beast Machines comes to your area so you can enjoy it for real.
- Noble/Savage was Megatron, and thus possessed Megatron's Spark. Once that was removed, what little remained of that Spark (residual energy, if you will) accounted for the creature's having a personality/soul.
3) I have been a Transformers fan ever since I was a little kid in 1984, now that I'm a young adult I still watch the show as Beast Machines. I really have to commend you on this second season, it's been the best source of domestic TF entertainment I've experienced in years (usually I wrote BW off since I discovered it around the same time as the anime). And you needn't worry too much about the negative opinions of others, BW faced the same thing when it began as people passed general judgement with seeing only a little of it.
Obsidian and Strika's drones. Do they have actual names like Aero/Cycle/Tank drones? Or would I be right in calling them Chopperdrones and ATVdrones?
- Well, we just called them Obsidian-Drones and Strika-Drones, but you can refer to them however it makes sense to you.
4) We are a married couple who love the show and have been big fans of Mainframe since the first episode of Reboot. And we want you to know that two English majors love the show and can't wait for each new episode. We really haven't been this addicted since Reboot III.
While speaking to the fake Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal calls him his "ancestor". Does this mean that transformers procreate and if so, how? Will we see a little Blackarachnia or Silverbolt?
Thanks for such shocking and addicting stories!!
- Thanks for watching! (Having English majors enjoying the show means a lot to someone who earned a BA in English himself!)
- The "ancestor" line was more metaphorical than literal. The way my current HP is the "decendent" of my old ALR, which was the decendent of the IBM I originally owned...
- Black Arachnia and Silverbolt... there was a line in a very early draft of Episode 8 in which Rattrap tells them that, now that the war with Megatron is over and they are returning to a peaceful Cybertron, they can finally settle down and have a couple of small appliances! (The line got cut for time, as do so many lines and scenes!)
- Do Transformers mate and procreate and reproduce? I'd have to say yes, but not in any form that we organic creatures do. It's all about software upgrades and new hardware, and not nearly so much fun as we humans enjoy!
5) What *is* the time gap between G1 and BW/BM? We were told 300 years in Beast Wars, which seems like an awfully short period for all of the changes we've seen. Now in "Spark War Part 2," Iacon has been lost for "eons". It's wonderful to finally be getting some background information on Old Cybertron, but it's a bit confusing as well.
- Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little confused myself on the issue. I think a LOT of time passed between G1 and BW, and so that's how it is in Beast Machines. (However, in BW itself, 300 years have passed, since that's how Larry and Bob portrayed it there.) Yeah, I know it creates a sense of contradiction, but all you REALLY need to know is that the entire civilization turned over between G1 and the later series.
6) Some websites are reporting that Botanica is not based on a toy. Is this true? Would Hasbro and Mainframe and the writers really focus so much effort on a character that doesn't promote a Transformers toy?
- Well, Hasbro came up with the design, based on MANY conversations we had with them. (I think the idea for a Plant-Transformer originated with me, however.) Whether they decide to go ahead with a toy is entirely their decision. I kind of hope they do... I really like her! (BTW, the Nightscream figure RULES, looking totally formidable (rather than really, really silly, the way his robot mode looks on the show!)).
7) Will we be seeing the Maximals actually using or consuming energon? Only seeing energon's true functions in BW once or twice left alot of fans in the blue about just what energon actually was. Thanks for the FAQ Mr. Skir. It is very nice to have a writer that takes both time and criticism and shows true compassion for his fans.
- I realize how important the Transformers are to its many fans, and I deeply respect all of you.
- The consumption of Energon will not be portrayed in the few remaining episodes... we'll be too busy burning it up in battle!
8) Have you been approached to begin any work on the next Transformers TV series? Did you quit X-Men to work on additional Transformers stories beyond season 2?
- No word yet on anything in terms of any future Transformers series -- and you won't until Season Two airs on Fox and they decided whether they want to move ahead for another round. (If they say no, then Hasbro/Mainframe will PROBABLY move ahead on their own.)
- I left X-Men for reasons that were entirely personal. (My love for the X-Men began with the introduction of the All-New, All-Different X-Men in 1975, and I saw this series as a chance to do it MY way, and have a great time doing it right. ((It was done VERY well at Fox, but I always felt I could have done it just a little better. Personal bias based on deep devotion; you all know the drill.) Anyway, despite my love for the property, and the fact that the approach that the WB wanted to take would actually take us ENTIRELY in the direction I wanted to go, I decided to leave the series. Again, my reasons were personal, and had you been in the room, you'd TOTALLY understand my position.)
- Having said that, I wish Bob Forward well, and think that he'll deliver the X-Men as a terrific series.
9) Since Botanica was an explorer like Optimus Primal, she should have had a crew like Optimus. What happened to the rest of Botanica's crew?
- We didn't say, but in my mind they all remained behind while Botanica returned to see what was happening on Cybertron.
10) Okay. About the new Vehicons, how did you and Hasbro decide to base characters for season 2 on toys that are being released this year? Why Obsidian and Strika(aka Blastrax)? Do you know if there are toys for them scheduled for next year, or are you allowed to give that information? I'm wondering what the reasoning was, since Beast Machines season 2 was meant for September 2000-2001 airing, yet the toys are from a long time before. Obsidian is shipping now!
- When we got together to discuss Season Two, Hasbro showed us designs for the figures you mentioned. We worked them into the series as the characters they became. It's that simple.
11) I kind of like Botanica. Whose idea was it to make an alien plant? Fits with a variation on Beast Wars, anyway, which is an agreeable way to introduce the character as a fellow explorer. Was the species she took the form of sentient, because the plant form appears semi-humanoid?
- The idea of the Plant-Transformer began with me (since the overall theme of Beast Machines involved returning the organic element to Cybertron, and as Beasts, our heroes only represented half of the flora/fauna equation). And yes, she did land on a planet populated by sentient plants.
12) I watched "A Wolf In The Fold" on Wednesday night and something confuses the hell out of me. This Hate Plague Virus that Megatron implanted in the back of Silverbolt's head....Is it the exact same virus that Optimus Prime had to deal with in the episode: "Return of Optimus Prime"?
- Well, not the EXACT same virus. Think of it as a variation...
13) have all the Beast Machine warriors forgotten that Waspy is in Thrust?! Did BA tell them Waspy was in there? And if so (or if not) why have they not tried to bring him back? I know he's a Pred/vehicon but they could still use his help. I don't think it would be that difficult to convince him to help. Thanks for your time. Love the show!
P.S. Waspy is the best!
- Thrust works better as Thrust than as Waspinator. (Basically, we made the joke and then we moved on.) Which means, as much as we all love Waspinator, the series itself was better served by keeping Thrust around than it would have been by reverting him.
14) Dear Bob,
I have been following the second season of Beast Machines through several fan web sites, since FOX has decided not to air it until this fall. Let me say that I love your work on the show; I have only recently discovered the Beast War/Beast Machine story, and I was unaware that there is a whole history that stretches back decades in connection with the toy line. For a forty-four year old man to get enthusiastic about something like this these days is rare indeed, and I find I am obsessing about plot details and what is going to happen next on the show.
This leads me to my question. It is obvious that the second season is going to end on some sort of climactic note. I anticipate that there are going to be more deaths (in addition to Noble), but I am wondering whether you will be leaving the series in disarray by having it end, as Beast Wars did, with the threat of Megatron continuing. It seems to me that he is the show; without him, there can be no further episodes, at least along the story lines suggested so far. Beast Wars ended with Megatron being carried into hyperspace on the back of the shuttle, paving the way for the Beast Machines. But if there has been no renewal of the show for a third season, the idea of continuing this particular story line will be a big frustration to the fans without a proper resolution.
I also am aware that unlike Beast Wars, where the Maximals sometimes won the fight, Beast Machines has them always on the run. If they win, it is always with great loss or the threat of Megatron beating down their door once again. Can the Maximals ever truly win in this show? It would be nice, if the show has to end, to see it end on a truly positive note for once.
I would be interested in your thoughts on these matters as well as any spoilers you care to give away. ;-)
Best wishes
- Sorry, no spoilers from ME! But since the series will be concluding in a matter of weeks, you'll be getting all of your answers soon enough!
15) Will we be seeing you and Marty Isenberg @ BotCon 2000(The Official Convention celebrating The Transformers, featuring Beast Machines)? Please help bring Beast Machines(toys + both seasons) to the UK. Thank you!
- Would people LIKE to see us there?
- Well, that's all for now!
Thu, 06 Jul 2000
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1) What's the next season, movie, or whatever you plan to do after BM going to be in the Transformer legacy? Is there anything you can tell us now about the next series of transformers(Mainframe says that Hasbro wants to go back to Earth before the Beast Wars started and of doing something with that setting and time)?
- I haven't the faintest idea! All I know is that the Transformer Universe Will Continue! However, I honestly have no idea whether Hasbro wants to proceed with a feature, another series, or what. All I can say is that Marty and I had a blast writing the Beast Machines series, and that if Hasbro wants to invite us back for more, we'd love the opportunity. (And if they want to hire new writers to approach this world with fresh eyes, Marty and I wish them well.)
- There are so many great directions to go into, and I can't wait to see where Hasbro, Mainframe, et al wind up going...
2) As a Canadian female over forty, I feel better knowing that there are other adults that enjoy BW/BM as much as I do. Now that season 2 has aired in Canada and you know the results i.e. ratings, Is there going to be a season three? As an old science fiction fan, jaded by what is being produced currently, it seems that Mainframe is the only organization putting out anything of any quality. Love your work.
- Why thank you. As I said above, Marty and I had a blast writing this series, and we're enjoying tackling the world of Action Man as well.
- As far as a Season Three goes, the Saga of Beast Machines ended with episode # 26, however I expect that there will be some new series down the road...
3) When will the BEAST MACHINE SEASON 2 start on Fox?
- The beginning of September, when they premiere their new season. Such has ALWAYS been the plan, despite the angry cries of "Why is Fox keeping us from Season Two of Beast Machines?!" which have appeared all over and other websites. Beast Machines was always designed to be two 13-episode seasons, and the bane of having Fox actually air every episode in order with no repeats during season one was that fans had to wait a full ten months to find out what happened after the #13 cliffhanger! (HINT: the story continues...)
4) Hi! I am a huge fan of Transformers and Godzilla. In one episode of BM, Megatron projects pictures of a robot on to the ceiling of the council citadel. Are those pictures of him? If not, who are they of? I'd like to say I love your shows and I think they are very well written.
- Thanks for watching! I'm not sure who was featured in those pictures, to be quite honest with you.
5) I have just witnessed a very awesome thing. I have just seen the last episode of Beast Machines of season two, and I have got to say that you did a very good job ending the series. I loved the irony and the way it made me words can explain it, it was magnificent. I was also very sad to see that Beast Machines was over, and that I would not be able to see Cheetor, Rattrap, Black Arachnia, Silverbolt, Nightscream, Botanica, Megatron and all his minions, and last but not least old Bigbot, Optimus again. I especially loved the way Optimus blossomed into the greatest transformer to ever live and will ever live on Cyberton. I congratulate you on your awesome work on Beast Machines. I know transformers will live on in my life forever. Thank you for changing my life and bringing new and great things to me. Thank you Mr. Skir
- What a nice response to our story (and certainly more welcome than the "I want to punch you in the face when I see you" responses of SO MANY people on!). The ending of our series caused a LOT of controversy, and the people who liked it REALLY liked it, while the people who hated REALLY want to chase Marty and me into the swamp with torches and Frankenstein rakes.
- I'm deeply gratified that you felt so strongly about Optimus being so heroic in the end. I tried to make him a deeply flawed character, who grows as his faith is challenged. I'm glad that came through for you, and hopefully for others as well...
- Anyway, I'm glad you liked it, and I hope you'll come aboard for Action Man this Fall.
6) Hey guys, i just have to tell you that I am 30 yrs. Old and the transformers have would be an understatement to call it anything but a spiritual high for me. Beast machines has especially brought the excitement back that I had in 1984 when G1 came out. Bob and the rest of the crew, thank you so much for keeping my "spark" alive.
- The mandate from Hasbro was for a Transformer series with a deeply spiritual side. I'm glad that you liked that aspect of the series (especially since you are a G-1 era fan, whose numbers have included the loudest of our critics).
- I always saw this show as a chance to do a religious epic for television, and I'm glad that Hasbro and Fox encouraged Marty and I to follow our ideas to their logical (if extreme) conclusion.
7) I don't really have a question so much as I have a comment. I just saw the last 4 episodes of season 2 and I have to say I'm glad I didn't read any spoilers about them because they KICKED ASS! Oh my god! I loved how Megatron was in the Diagnostic droid and the romance between rattrap and botanica, seeing Thrust/Waspy was wicked, You guys did an awesome job on this series and if there is to be any new Transformer series I want ya'll doing it.
- I just wish they kept the kiss between Rattrap and Botanica onscreen, the way it was in the animatic! Why is it okay for a spider lady to kiss a bird dog, but it's not okay for a rat to kiss a tree?! I mean, what's that about?!
- I'm glad you had a opportunity to see the shows without spoilers SPOILING the surprises. (And I'm puzzled why people seek out spoilers knowing they'll do just that! Aren't the twists a huge part of the fun?!)
- Anyway, thanks for watching Beast Machines; I'm glad you enjoyed it.
8) Would it be possible to post something on-line to show a behind the scenes look at how the beast machines are created. it looks as if you have a plenitude of fans(me being one) and I'm sure they're as interested as i am. thanks and keep up the ground breaking animation
- Well, my part of the show involves me sitting at my desk and typing a whole bunch; anybody really want to watch that?! As for watching the computer animators, contact Mainframe and see if they've got anything...
9) I'm a big fan. Beast Machines is a great series and I commend you on your work. Now I got a question. What happened to Obsidian and Strika after Season 2 of Beast Machines, are they dead? Will Obsidian and Strika return?
- Obsidian and Strika had a MAGNIFICENT scene in which they return to Cybertron and decline an offer to be reformatted themselves (partly because they feel unworthy because of their role helping Megatron, and party because I wanted them to remain "pure" when I brought them back in the next series... which (as of this writing) I haven't been invited onto yet.
- Sadly, their finale got cut for time. As one producer put it (albeit more nicely than I'm putting it here: ) "The story is over, enough with the epilogue scenes, roll the damn credits already!"
10) Why did you decide to have Megatron and Optimus(he didn't even get to say goodbye) die in the end?. I'm going to miss Optimus(sniff). What exactly happened to Optimus and Megatron(were their bodies vaporized?) Optimus's last words were "Prepare to be reformatted" but how can that be when afterward they both died?
- Well, they got reformatted into being the new Cybertron, their bodies being vaporized in the process.
- Will they be back in some other form, or have we seen the last of them..? Only time will tell.
11) Now that you're done with the series, is there anything you'd change if you could do it all over?
- (BIG, BIIIIG LAUGHTER). Having finished the show, I'd have to say, Yeah, there ARE things I would change.
- Most of my choices for change involve Season One, since I was totally in charge of Season Two and it turned out very much the way I wanted (yes, especially the ending of series, despite/because of how controversial it proved to be!)...
- SEASON ONE: In retrospect, whereas starting the story in the middle was a good idea, waiting eight full episodes before revealing ALL of the backstory was maybe not the brightest decision we could have made. Although it did provided us with a really cool surprise, that the brutal, idiotic Tankorr was actually the brilliant, pensive Rhinox. That surprise was worth the wait. But overall, I would have ended the exposition by episode three or four.
- Also, the whole Transforming As A Martial Arts thing was my least favorite idea in the world. Always hated it. Not my idea, but it got sold and it got into the show I let other people deal with it... (And the training sequences? Yuck! I did everything I could not to have them!) (And just why the hell would machines need to LEARN how to transform? Either you can, or you can't. It really is that simple!)
- (Plus: the big boo-boo, about how the Autobots "settled onto Cybertron", as if they had come from somewhere else... that verbiage was part of the development before we got to it, and by the time we discovered how fundamentally wrong it was to Transformer history it was too late to change it!)
- Additionally, Marty and I had no say over character designs. And whereas we were overall thrilled with how the characters looked, for my part, I would have given Rattrap a less wimpy/goofy robot mode (although we DID have fun with how inventive the character had to become in order to overcome his weaknesses.) And DON'T EVEN get me started on Nightscream's robot mode! (The toy's robot mode is a LOT more like what I had in mind for him. Not dopey at all: no Namor wings on his ankles, and no Leonardo curl across his face!)
- SEASON TWO: I wish I could have introduced Botanica, Obsidian, and Strika a lot earlier. They were HUUUGE model builds for Mainframe, which is why they turned up so late in the series... and I really wish I could have used them earlier.
- I also wish that the scripts didn't have to be so short. CGI eats up time quicker than traditional cel animation, meaning that (since chases are more easily animated than conversations and "complex" scenes) a lot of story had to get thrown over the side. (Episode # 16, in which Silverbolt comes back, especially suffered from all of the necessary cutting.)
- Anyhow, despite the changes I would make, I am deeply happy with how the series came out.
- I am more proud of Beast Machines than any other series I have ever done.
12) I'm wondering if Hasbro will make a Botanica toy, or if they will do a whole plant line(that would be cool!)? I've heard rumors that the won't be a Botanica toy and that you, yourself, said that you weren't certain! Also about the Strika toy I also heard that she would be the Blastcharge toy, is this true? Because in my opinion the vehicle form does look like her, but the robot form I would have to disagree.
- I am not sure whether they will be making a Botanica toy or not. However, Strika will most certainly be on toy shelves.
13) I was watching Saturday cartoons on May 20th and saw "Action Man." At first I thought it was another kiddy show when I saw Robert N. Skir as the writer. I was partially asleep at the time and was wide awake as soon as I saw the name. I watched and sudden resemblances to BM appeared in my mind.
Rattrap = Rikki. He's the complainer (duh!)
Grinder = Optimus. Sort of, the philosopher, but a little more cool.
Fidget= Blackarachnia. Can't really find a big connection. But both babes doing dangerous stuff.
Alex Mann= Cheetor? Well, sort of fits. High flying. Lots of energy. Also like Optimus, since the AMP thing is like his connection to the Matrix.
Brandon Caine = Noble/Savage. Mutant. Changes to a freak.
Dr. X = Megatron. I mean, he's both organic and technological. Leads mechanical drones. With all this upgrade talk probably wants to get rid of organics.
Well, love the show, however, don't know when the rest of the show goes on. The premiere is there and the whole show disappears. I love your work. It's the greatest. I bet my life on that.
- I'm glad you liked the show. The execution was very much Marty's, since I was busy running the scripts on Season Two of Beast Machines while Marty was overseeing the first season of Action Man (and it totally rips! Every episode is an E-Ticket Ride!)
- The premiere itself was a special showing, a movie-for-television in anticipation of the new Fall series. So watch for on Fox beginning in September!
- Anyway, I don't really see the characters in Action Man as being analogous to any of the characters from Beast Machines. (And as the series goes on, I think you'll agree as well.)
14) Please develop the character of Fidget on Action Man, I want to know more about her, and for her to have adventures of her own. Thank you for the discussion boards.
- Talk to the folks at Fox and Hasbro. I would personally LOVE to see Fidget get her own series, since I'm the guy who created her (making her, technically speaking, my daughter.). I'm also glad to see people glomming onto her after the way people were trashing Nightscream, whom I created for Beast Machines. (Hmmmm... I wonder if that means people would have liked him better as I originally conceived him... as a female. Yep, Nightscream was originally Belle Bat, patterned after Newt from Aliens -- as opposed to John Conner from T2, as she/he eventually became.)
- More information than ANYONE wanted to know...
15) What the freakin' heck was that!? I, like many of us old timers gave Beast Machines a chance. It had great potential in that it took place exclusively on cybertron as no other transformers series has. And the fact that you created this forum for the fans to express our thoughts directly to the team creating the show, I thought that you, of all people, would heed the suggestions and the warnings that we gave.
Now, while I understand that you do ultimately have to answer to Hasbro and that you didn't call all the shots on the show, I think that you still could have done something. Beast Machines flies in the face of everything that we grew up loving. First the characters aren't the giants that we loved, but that was fine, we accepted that. But now you have turned Cyberton into a glorified green house. It is the opinion of many of us out here in cyberspace that both the staff of the show and Hasbro no longer care what we long time fans of the transformers think despite this site you created.
It should show you how devoted we are when we continue to give a show that many of us out and out hate, chance after chance after chance. The only way to salvage the franchise is to follow Takara's lead and bring back the Autobots and eventually the Decepticons. It could be done very easily, we saw at the end of Beast Machines that Primal's spark left cybertron to join the matrix, which means that it is not on cybertron. You could start it off with our current heros or some new characters going off is search of the matrix and go from there.
You have much to make for Mr.Skir.
We fans are legion, and we are not happy.
- First of all, I want to thank you for watching the series. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this particular incarnation of Transformers; maybe the next one will be more to your liking.
- Let me add that I totally understand your frustration and disappointment. Years ago I was working on Fox's X-Men series, which was a dream project for me (having been a total X-Men fanatic, and having written an X-Men feature completely on spec out of sheer love for the characters). Although the head writer tried to get things right, he didn't know the characters very well at first. He was very open to listening to history lessons and suggestions from this very young, eager writer, and yet many things in the series still weren't right. Characters weren't exactly the same as the comics -- they didn't talk the same and some of their origins were completely messed up. It drove me nuts! The bottom line was: despite the fact that the series was terrific (and remains the single best adaptation of any Marvel property ever), it was never good enough for me, never right enough for me, never the way I personally would have handled it. And the head writer was a genius and a good friend (and we remain good friends, despite the strains caused by that series...) -- but I was an X-Men fanatic and I love those characters and I wanted/needed to see them done exactly right.
- So when you say you were left angry by the Beast Machines series, I know exactly how you feel. Really.
- But the bottom line is very simple: Hasbro, Mainframe, and Fox could have hired any writers they wanted. Lots of writers out there are G1 literate, and virtually all of the G1 writers are still alive and active in the industry. The simple fact is that they hired Marty and I precisely because we were Transformer illiterates -- they wanted us to approach this series with fresh eyes, and actively discouraged us from watching the old shows. They wanted us to make this show ours, and we did exactly that.
- And Hasbro hired Marty and I to do a Transformer series with a strong spiritual edge. We gave them EXACTLY what they wanted, and made ourselves and Fox happy, too.
- We delivered a show of which we are very proud.
- We delivered a show that made Fox, Mainframe, and Hasbro very happy (so happy they hired us to do Action Man while we were still working 20 hour days keeping Beast Machines on schedule!).
- We delivered a show that, in turn, delivered exactly the kind of audience Fox wanted. An audience that keeps returning, even in fourth and fifth repeats. Big numbers.
- And we delivered a show that many Transfans love...
- ... and just as many hate.
- They hired Marty and I to deliver a show, and we gave them exactly what they wanted.
- We didn't set out to make anybody angry, or to diminish the love anybody had for Transformers, and we're sorry if it's had that effect on anybody.
- However we wrote the show we set out to write, and we're very, very proud of it.
- (Just to clear up a misconception, Marty and I had nothing to do with the formation of any websites... Renaud created it to give Transfans a forum to discuss Transmatters with one another. And I agreed to the formation of so that I could answer questions from fans. However, I do not appear there for suggestions, ideas, or history lessons. It's merely a place to talk.)
- Maybe you'll like the next incarnation of Transformers better.
- In the meantime... thanks for watching, and thanks for caring.
Transformers - Robots in Disguise
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Transformers Robots in Disguise Rumor Control
First Rumor: The RID show will be edited for violence and FOX will add extra computer CGI segments to the show, to make it more hip.
- I wish. The show (as broadcast in Japan) is actually MUCH lighter in tone than any of its American- (or Canadian-) made predecessors--almost goofy at times. Most of our editing is to LENGTHEN the show, and to give the ADR (Automatic Dialog Replacement) writers a little more room to form those lengthy, complex English sentences. The only CGI we're doing is a slightly slicker version of the classic "logo" wipes from the original 80's series, as well as a few targeting overlays and chyrons. If there were any heavy violence, though, we'd have to cut it--America just has different standards for children's television than they do in Japan. (exec in charge of RiD)
Second Rumor: The show will not be broadcasted in its entirety, instead episodes will be composites of multiple Japanese RID episodes and FOX won't be using the recap episodes of the original Japanese show.
- Well, I dunno what you mean by "recap" episodes--we haven't come across any clipshow or "bottle" episodes of the Japanese--but at this point, we're not planning on combining any episodes. We've done that on some other acquisitions, but there's no need to here. (exec in charge of RiD)
Fans would really like to know if the original voice actor(Peter Cullen) for Optimus Prime will reprise his role for RiD. Mr. Cullen has said that he got very attached to the Optimus Prime character and that given the opportunity, he would play Optimus again.
- I'd love to use Peter Cullen--I don't know if the person in charge tried to get ahold of him, but be aware that SAG (Screen Actors Guild) looks at ADR (Automatic Dialog Replacement) recording about like the WGA (Writers Guild of America) looks at animation writing. For some reason, the SAG pay scale for re-voicing is a TINY FRACTION of what original animation voiceover pays, so Mr. Cullen may not be willing unless he's really in it for the love. In any event, much of our voice casting is sort of reminiscent of the originals, but the characters are very different, even in those instances where the names remain the same. (exec in charge of RiD)
Will the RiD Transformers be portrayed as the "eighties" characters, totally new characters, or the eighties characters in a different dimension. Will attempts be made to tie the translated RiD story line in with previous US series?
- The best description I can come up with is somewhat similar characters in a parallel dimension. About the only thing that's really the same is Optimus definitely looks like Optimus, in robot mode anyway. Otherwise, he's a fire engine. The series doesn't directly connect with any previous series or timeline--it's sort of an alternate retelling of the original premise featuring some similar characters. Remember, everybody, we're just re-voicing an existing, fully-produced show from another country. While we're trying to give it the flavor of the original show, there's not a whole lot we can do to change storylines or even the tone of the existing episodes. It's definitely a "younger" show, and not nearly as deep as the original. It's still fun, but G1 fans will probably find it a bit too wacky for their tastes. There are also a lot of weirdly-out-of-place anime touches that are fun to look for--like the classic "giant bead of sweat" appearing on a car door. (exec in charge of RiD)
Will the classic transforming sound effect from the original eighties TV show be employed?
- We're shooting for a similar sound, probably tweaked a little. Again, we're not producing an original series, so the principals--and rights-holders--involved aren't necessarily the same. Ironically, the Hasbro that markets the toys and owns the names (which we're using by permission) isn't actually a producing entity on this one like they were on the other Transformers series. There are some things we can't legally use on this show, because it would actually WEAKEN Hasbro's copyrights and trademarks. Crazy, I know, but that's show biz for ya! (exec in charge of RiD)
- This just in... the Transforming Sounds in the new series are being taken from the original series. I hope the fans like this bit of news. (Bob Skir)
Source: the exec in charge of the RiD show overseeing the re-edit of CaRobots.
ADR (Automatic Dialog Replacement): means replacing existing dialog with new material. What they call "looping" in movies, only in Japanese animation it entails replacing existing dialog (and even storylines!) with English translations (to the point where the whole story could be different.). (Bob Skir)