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Spud Muffin

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Spud Muffin is a member of the Greaser Gang from BotBots.
Oh, you got me mistaken, Ray. I'm not a potato, I'm a man. And I'm about to show you how a man kicks a little ass with his man legs.

Spud Muffin is a really popular bot, bro. The "King of the Food Court" has been voted as Prom King and Deep Fryer Games MVP, amongst other things. He's quite proud of all of his achievements and often celebrates by going to the gym and doing some reps. He also despises the idea of being second place, and will use under-handed tactics to make sure he's number one.



BotBots Official Sticker Book

Spud Muffin had the power of being good at everything. BotBots Official Sticker Book

BotBots cartoon

Voice actor: Joseph Motiki (English), Niclas Mortensen (Danish), Timo Bakker (Dutch), Juha Varis (Finnish), Thomas Roditi (French), Jaron Löwenberg (German), Roland Czető (Hungarian), Warren Dsouza (Indian), Ery Putra Pradana (Indonesian), Paolo Vivio (Italian), Ahmad Azizi Abdul Karim (Malay), Gaute Boris Skjegstad (Norwegian), Mateusz Kwiecień (Polish), Márcio Araújo (Brazilian Portuguese), Sérgio Calvinho (European Portuguese), Ivan Porodnov (Russian), Jaime Roca (Castilian Spanish), José Gilberto Vilchis (Latin-American Spanish), Adrian Dima (Romanian), Kerem Doğutuna (Turkish)
Clearly, you don't own an air fryer.

One of the Hunger Hubs, Spud Muffin was brought to life by a strange Energon cloud that filled the mall Lone Bot and Carb Spud Muffin was the BFF of the gang's leader Burgertron... NOT. Actually a total faker, Spud Muffin despised his supposed bro, fuelled by resentment at being seen as a side-dish to Burgertron's main course, when fries were totally a main course of their own! The Goldrush Games - Part the Second

After taking part in the play I, Cheeseburger (written, directed and starring Burgertron) I, Cheeseburger and putting butter on Burgertron's feet during a hot grill skate party Spud to decide his bro had to go, and one night when the Hunger Hubs were playing vent-sliding, Spud sent Burgertron sliding off-course into a different vent. The Goldrush Games - Part the Second The next night, after rescuing Ulf the Orange from a bin after she wound up nearly being drunk by the flesh being, Spud feigned ignorance as to his friend's whereabouts, Burgertron having wound up in the mall's Lost and Found office. Spud's attempt at getting rid of Burgertron succeeded beyond his wildest dreams when, on the way back to the food court with the Lost Bots, Burgertron broke The Sacred Rule of the Mall and revealed himself to the flesh creature. Spud therefore totally had no choice but to kick Burgertron out of the Hunger Hubs and become their new leader. Mall Than Meets the Eye

As part of the BotVids craze, Spud Muffin filmed a video for all his bros, bro-ettes and bro-dentities of him sofa-surfing. Later on, while he was minding his own business, he was struck by Kikmee as she recorded her own "prank" BotVid. (Never) Be Yourself

With Burgertron gone, the Hunger Hubs revived his incredibly successful play I, Cheeseburger (now managed and directed by Spud Muffin, natch), having recast the title role to Brock O'Lonely. On opening night, a jealous Burgertron tried to storm the stage, nearly causing disaster. As Burgertron slunk away, he was confronted by an irate Spud Muffin, who admonished his bro for his uncool behavior. I, Cheeseburger

One night, a bird found its way into the mall, and eventually attacked the food court, scattering the BotBots there. Spud Muffin found the creature absolutely hideous (and not in the good way), and cowered under a table. When the Lost Bots showed up all dressed up in fantasy gear, Spud was even further baffled by the goings-on. After the Lost Bots shooed the bird away and out the skylight it had come in from, Spud and Ulf put an end to the celebrations by pointing out that Burgertron was the one who always left the skylight open, so the bird was his fault. Oh well. Live and Let LARP

Few things worse than cold fries.

Spud Muffin joined in the surprisingly successful and disaster-free whitewater escalator rafting event set up by the Lost Bots, and had a genuinely good time along with everyone else. So much so that he had to concede that maybe the Lost Bots had earned the chance to go to Bot Prom... but oh no, what about the security guard? Burgertron assured the Bots that they'd handle Dave, and thus a great night would be had by all. Shortly before the Prom, while walking with Ulf and Fottle Barts, he paused when the gals talked about possibly letting Burgertron back into the Hunger Hubs if Bot Prom went well, and darkly groused to himself that Burgertron would never return to the Hunger Hubs if he had anything to say about it. While his squadmates were unaware of this dark aside, it was witnessed by Dimlit and Jacqueline, but their warnings bounced right off the all-too-eager Burgertron, who didn't want to believe that his best spud would have turned on him. Spud Muffin later snuck away from the Prom to the mall's daycare area, where the Lost Bots had trapped a now-napping Dave in the foam block pit. Spud untied the safety rope and laid it back in the pit so Dave could pull himself free once he woke up and continue his nightly rounds... and thus the Lost Bots were blamed for the ruination of Bot Prom as it was hastily disassembled to avoid detection. And while Burgertron found French-fry grease on the safety rope afterwards On the Bot Prom Dance Floor, he could not deny that, as Ulf pointed out, Dave's atrocious eating habits and hygiene meant that it very realistically could have come from the human's greasy mitts. The Ruckus Rally As the Lost Bots threw their own, private Bot Prom afterwards, a furious Spud Muffin looked on from the vents, confused at how the band of dweebs could still be happy, and promised that he'd make sure that happiness came to an end. On the Bot Prom Dance Floor

Supd's next attempt to thwart Burgertron's redemption in the eyes of the other BotBots was particularly easy. While the Lost Bots had won the Ruckus Rally, Burgertron's Racer-Roni speedster they used was still technically registered with the Hunger Hubs, so Spud and Brock simply waited for the Hubs to be declared the winners on said technicality and scoop up the trophy. Womp-womp. The Ruckus Rally

Spud Matlock

When the Lost Bots's popularity reached new lows as they became the hilariously ineffective "Crime Stoppers", Spud hit on a new plan to get rid of Burgertron: setting up a pile of salty grease on a random banister in the mall, which a wandering Sprinkleberry then slipped on, causing him to fall and become trapped him in the daycare area. Then Spud set up evidence, including a stray sesame seed and a doctored video showing a burger shoving a donut into the flesh creature's office, so that it would look like Burgertron was responsible for Sprinkleberry being eaten alive. The Sugar Shocks demanded Burgertron be taken to Food Court Court, where a completely unbiased Spud Muffin served as prosecution for his bro. Despite his assurances he was just doing his job and there was totes nothing personal about what he was doing, Spud then proceeded to demonize his best friend as a complete psycho killer who wanted to waste every bot in the mall. However, before Burgertron could be sentenced to exile, Kikmee and Bonz-Eye appeared with a surprise witness: the very much alive Sprinkleberry! Of course, with Burgertron found innocent, this left the huge pile of suspicious evidence lying around needing to be investigated. Spud Muffin announced they'd look into all that for reals... right after a massive dance party. As he danced, shedding greasy salt everywhere, Spud Muffin quietly sang to himself about how he'd got away with things again... Crime and Bun-ishment

When the spoooOOOOOOoooky Spector Halloween store infected the mall, Spud joined with his fellow Bots to try and figure out how to stop its spread to other storefronts. They didn't really come up with anything. In time, the Lost Bots "beat" the store, and it was gone the following night... but Spud was more than willing to suggest they were to blame for the terror that replaced Spector Halloween: a store full of frozen tundra and red-clad bearded creatures. Spirit of Halloween

An uneventful night suddenly got super eventful when Snorg, glitched out on negative energy from Bonz-Eye's angry karaoke session, stole Dave's Scootmobile and ran rampage through the food court, blasting Bots with sonic booms and repeating Bonz-Eye's scream-sing digs at the other Lost Bots. Scared as he was of the carnage, he couldn't help but laugh at the hurtful things Bonz-Eye had sung about her fellow Lost Bots. Once Snorg was calmed down and the Lost Bots had a round of apologies and reconciliations, Spud and Ulf sat baffled by what they'd witnessed. Rage Against the Karaoke Machine

Despite his issues with the Lost Bots, Spud was incredibly impressed when Clogstopper actually returned from having been "scanned out" (bought by a human and removed from the mall), and joined the others in trying to emulate the weird little Bot's "defective" ways so they too could be free of the fear of being taken away by humans in the daytime. Spud even crowned Clogstopper "King of the BotBots", a move the entire rest of the Bots (save the Lost Bots, who Clogstopper was currently snubbing) were totally in favor of... until they all were forced to endure the plunger-bot's multi-hour one-bot puppet show To Unclog One's Heart. That was too much, and Spud revoked the crown, now realizing that Clogstopper wasn't returned for being awesomely powerful. Scanned Out

Beach Blanket Bug Off

The Hunger Hubs began hosting a series of wicked-cool nightly "beach" parties, to which the Lost Bots were naturally disinvited. However, the sand that was dumped into the vents every night as part of the cleanup was putting strain on the mall's air conditioning and threatening drastic overheating. When the Lost Bots, now backed up by fellow social outcasts the Science Alliance, tried to warn everyone about the effects of irresponsible party prep, Spud scoffed at the very idea that "science" would know more than they did, and the BotBots began partying harder and kicking sand in the vents out of sheer spite. Their tune changed when the Science Alliance used tubular tunes to relay their environmental message, and from that point on the BotBots recycled their beach sand rather than dumping it into the vents. Spud then invited the now-cool Science Alliance to party with them... leaving the Lost Bots in the lonely lurch once again. The Science Alliance

When Dave was fired for extra-gross-even-for-him negligence, Spud and the other BotBots went absolutely nuts, partying like crazy as they believed there was now no-one to look out for. Unfortunately, Dave's boss had acquired a trio of security bots to replace Dave, and these three unstoppable machines terrorized the "vermin" that had infested the mall. Even in the face of obliteration, Spud managed to work up some digs at the Lost Bots as they cowered together behind a pillar, and took Burgertron's (admittedly vague and not-great) "plan" that every squad needed to try and come up with some way of stopping the machines. As each squad's attempts failed, the Hubs enacted Spud Muffin's plan: using shopping carts tied to the rafters as a battering ram to knock the security bots into the fountain. The plan worked... for about five seconds, and the security bots rose from the waters in mid-Spud-self-congratulatory-speech, now in even more deadly "emergency defense modes". Luckily for everyone in the mall, Burgertron's plan to lure Dave back to the mall actually worked, and the human, enraged at the sheer amount of damage the security bots were doing to the only place he'd ever felt he belonged, managed to get onto one and plug in the mall's security code, shutting all three down, saving all the BotBots. Shopping Brawl

"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Barth Plagueis the Wise?"
"DyyyaaaaIII heard that!"

In order to distract the BotBots from the fact that Burgertron had saved them all, Spud Muffin promptly threw the "funnest party ever", complete with a Fun-O-Meter devised by the Science Alliance to prove he'd thrown the most kickin' party in all of BotBots history. A party so epic that it summoned the golden "Gamesmaster", who declared the BotBots were worthy of participating in the Goldrush Games, where the various squads would compete to prove who was the best in the mall. Naturally the Hunger Hubs participated, and "naturally" they started in first place and stayed there the entire competition. In the semi-finals finale, Spud was in the second half of the Dumpster Dive Relay race, with the teams swimming through very gross trash-water in the mall's back storage area. Spud Muffin almost took first, but ended up in a photo-finish tie when Burgertron used a can of spray cheese to propel himself to the finish line. The Gamesmaster conceded that the spray cheese was a legal tactic due to his own words earlier in the event, and this put the Lost Bots in fourth place, just barely qualifying them for the finals. Spud Muffin stalked off after the event, returning only to ask Burgertron for a minute alone... where he asked Burgertron to leave the Lost Bots and return to the Hunger Hubs. The Goldrush Games - Part the First Though he was confused, having become increasingly convinced over time that Spud Muffin was in fact sabotaging him, Burgertron eventually agreed to return, particularly when the other members of the Hubs asked him to come back as well.

Despite the loss of their leader, the Lost Bots refused to give up (and not just because failure to take first meant they'd be banished to the Dark Side of the Mall, a very specific and suspicious "rule" that only affected them). While the various members of the two squads ended up bonding over the friendly competition, Spud very pointedly did not, getting increasingly agitated and competitive, yelling at Burgertron to stop being friendly with the "enemy". By the Obstacle Course final event, the Hunger Hubs and Lost Bots were tied for first place. Spud was the first of the Hubs to run, ending up slightly behind Kikmee as he passed the macaroni baton to Fottle Barts. He then hoofed it to the finish line, waiting for Burgertron to take the easy win when Dimlit got his foot trapped in the final obstacle. But the burger-bot instead pulled his friend free and carried Dimlit to the finish line... and just before they could cross, Spud Muffin pushed the pair over and took the baton, claiming the win for himse- err, the Hunger Hubs, yes, the Hubs, of course. Never mind the withering glares the other Hubs gave him.

Hahahaha! Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys!

Spud declared the move was legal, and the flummoxed Gamesmaster spluttered out an agreement. Burgertron finally confronted his former friend, and through a bit of trickery, revealed that the "Gamesmaster" was really a browbeaten, unwilling Brock O'Lonely in a robot suit, and that the Goldrush Games were nothing but an elaborate ploy Spud Muffin had devised to get Burgertron and the Lost Bots finally banished from BotBots society forever. Confronted by the other Hubs, Spud Muffin snapped, gleefully admitting to his numerous past attempts at sabotage and that he would have eventually kicked Burgertron out again anyway, laughing that for all he's done, Burgertron was still the only one to break The Sacred Rule of the Mall... only to break the Rule himself when he failed to notice Dave's approach, all the other BotBots having changed to their "disguise" modes. Luckily for Spud, Dave had by this point realized that he'd gotten his job as security guard back thanks to the burger-bot, and asked the "sidekick" to send his "boss" his thanks, and that he was done trying to catch the little robots and would keep their existence a secret. Unfortunately for Spud, this was not remotely enough to save him from the ire of every BotBot in the mall. They were ready to put him on a delivery truck to be permanently exiled, but Burgertron and the Lost Bots intervened, declaring that for all he'd done, Spud Muffin deserved a second chance, just as Burgertron had gotten. Thus, Spud found himself banished for an indeterminate amount of time to the Dark Side of the Mall, with its decrepit stores and creepy dolls, to work his way back to redemption.

With Spud gone, Ulf and the other Hunger Hubs asked Burgertron to return and lead them in his absence, but instead Burgertron asked to stay with the Lost Bots, who would then be recognized as an official squad. Everyone agreed and had a rocking celebration. Who replaced Spud as the Hubs' leader is an open question. The Goldrush Games - Part the Second

Commercial appearances

Goldrush Games Digital Commercial

Spud Muffin cheered with other members of the Greaser Gang for the golden Winner's Circle tribe. Later, an illustration of him as a french fry container appeared on the display behind the podium the Winner's Circle members stood on. Goldrush Games Digital Commercial



Mr. Potato Head's radical cousin from the '90s.
  • Blind Bag Mystery Figures (Single pack, 2018)
Part of the first Series of BotBots, Spud Muffin is a 1-inch tall robot that converts into an order of French fries.
Spud Muffin is available in the individual blindpacked assortment, and like all single-pack BotBots, is 1 to a case of 24.
This mold was also used to make Brotato, Dud Spud and Energon the Nevergone.
The single-pack release of Spud Muffin is a "recommended minimum buy" for a complete set of Series 1 BotBots. The multipack below would get you a lot of duplicates.

  • Greaser Gang (8-pack, 2018)
Spud Muffin is also available in one of the "Greaser Gang" 8-packs, along with Fottle Barts, Ms. Take, Nrjeez, Poo Sham, Pucksie, Raddhaxx, and Lost Bot Bonz-Eye.
The only notable difference between the single-pack and multi-pack release is that the single-pack has production number stamping on him, where the multi-pack version does not.

BotBots-toy S3-ArcadeRenegade.jpg
  • Arcade Renegades Surprise (16-pack, 2019)
Spud Muffin was also also inexplicably available in two of the six iterations of the "Arcade Renegades Surprise" 16-pack, found only in one of the eight blindpacked bubbles on the package. The ID code for each arrangement is printed on the back, just to the right of the team art next to Sweet Cheat (appropriate!).
He comes in these blindpacked arrangements:
1: 24K-Bit, Laceface, S'up Dawg, Sheriff Sugarfeet, Skillz Punk, Spud Muffin, Sweet Cheat, Tangry Tart
3: 24K-Bit, Chilla Gorilla, Duderoni, Papa Click, Skillz Punk, Spud Muffin, Sweet Cheat, Wrist Banned


Do you want me with that?
(Cartoon alt-mode pictured)
  • Spud Muffin's name is a play on the term "Stud Muffin", a term used to describe an extremely attractive and popular (in a sexytimes sense) human male.
  • Spud Muffin appears as a prop on the Decepticon snack table in the Transformers Stop Motion Netflix Anime shorts "Virtually Reality", "Haunting of Bot House", "Anime Attack!", and "The Bot Dance Off".
  • Throughout the BotBots cartoon, Spud Muffin's pupils will occasionally lose the little triangular "cutout" sections that most all other BotBots' pupils have. Whether or not he has them seems to be random, and he seems to be the only character this happens to.
  • The Series 6 Dud Spud toy looks a lot like Spud Muffin. Like a lot a lot, nigh-identical, which is unusual for this toyline. Even odder is that Dud Spud's checklist photo shows a markedly different deco altogether, also a rare thing. It's possible Dud Spud was at some point intended to be a new version of Spud Muffin to better tie in with the Netflix cartoon, but plans then changed or mixups happened.
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