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Stella (AB)

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The name or term "Stella" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Stella (disambiguation).
Stella is an Autobird from the Angry Birds Transformers continuity family.
ABTF3 ArceeBirdpoint.jpg

Perceptive, focused, and scientifically-inclined Stella appears to be the "brains" of the Flock. She nonetheless displays an aversion towards the abnormal, and anything that tests her comfort zone must be scrutinized before it can be trusted. After being transformed into Arcee by the EggSpark, she displays an independent streak coupled with a slight disdain for the other jokers members of the Autobirds. Thankfully, her patience is also amplified in this new form, allowing her to work alongside the others with little friction.

She has also taken the forms of numerous other female Autobots... and a few Decepticons as well!



Angry Birds comic

ABTF1 Stellaherewecome.jpg

After the Bad Piggies had stolen a batch of the Flock's eggs, Stella accompanied her fellow birds on a raid to retrieve them. Chuck managed to foul up Red's attack plan, causing the Bad Piggies' building to collapse on top of the Flock while King Pig and his minions escaped. Stella managed to avoid getting herself buried in the rubble, and urged Red to go after the pigs immediately. However, Red wanted to make sure that the others were unharmed fist. Bomb, Terence, Bubbles, and Chuck emerged relatively unscathed, at which point Stella took notice that the Blues had flown off after the Bad Piggies on their own. The Flock went to look for them, and as they flew about, Stella noticed the three little birds coming back towards them. The trio began babbling about an "EggSpark" and "Deceptihogs". As soon as the Blues mentioned that the eggs were in danger, the Flock hurried over to confront the pigs once more. Angry Birds Transformers #1

ABTF3 ArceeBird fullbody.jpg

By the time Stella reached the EggSpark, the artifact had transformed Hal and Chuck into "Grimlock Bird" and "Bumblebee Bird" respectively. Stella was curious about her friends' new appendages, (calling them "barns and pegs" before being corrected by Terence and Bomb) and admitted that she found the whole not to be to her liking. Despite her initial misgivings, she agreed to touch the EggSpark in order to grant herself a robotic body. After her upgrade, Arcee Bird was inexplicably seized by the sudden urge to exposit about her new persona and abilities. She stated that her "endless patience" was the only thing keeping her from ditching the rest of the "losers" on her team. On Optimus Prime Bird's command, she and the rest of the Autobirds transformed and rolled out into action. They eventually caught up with the Deceptihogs. Upon their arrival, she argued with Bumblebee Bird, imploring him to stick to their plan of attack, but the impetuous Autobird refused to listen. The battle was soon fully underway, with Arcee Bird helping Optimus Prime Bird take on Lockdown Pig. The clash was interrupted when the Flock's eggs, having been previously exposed to the EggSpark, sprouted robotic limbs, multiplied, and proved themselves to be excessively hostile. Age of Eggstinction!

In spite of this new development, Grimlock Bird insisted on continuing their fight against the Deceptihogs. Arcee Bird told him to pipe down, as the situation had become significantly more perilous for both factions. The Autobirds and the Deceptihogs joined forces to combat this newly arisen threat. During the scuffle against the Eggbots, Arcee Bird noted that they had not only become a threat to themselves, but to Piggy Island. She managed to dissuade Optimus Prime Bird from fighting with Megatron Pig, and pointed out that their current approach was proving itself to be ineffective against the Eggbots.

ABTF4 ArceeBirdvehicle.jpg

Arcee Bird was then assigned to a team alongside Bluestreak Bird, Lockdown Pig, and Drift Bird. Their mission: rescue Starscream Pig from the Eggbots. Bluestreak Bird was opposed to saving a "bad guy", but Arcee Bird insisted that any creature in danger deserved their attention. Frustrated, Bluestreak rushed off despite Arcee Bird advising against it. This eneded in Bluestreak Bird getting himself captured as well. Arcee bird deployed a large blaster from her forearm and began blasting away at the structure holding both Bluestreak Bird and Starscream Pig. Her attention was turned away from her objective when she found herself surrounded by gargantuan Eggbots. Nonetheless, her blasting had weakened the structure's walls, allowing her team to hear Bluestreak Bird banging against them from within. Drift Bird cut an opening in the structure, allowing Bluestreak Bird and a battalion of Eggbots to swarm out. The two group of eggs scared one another off, and the lot of them fled the scene. Arcee Bird could only stare dumbfounded as she muttered to herself: "eggs, eggs, so many eggs."

With Bluestreak Bird now rescued, Arcee Bird's group reconvened with the others. They had little time to regain their bearings however, as Starscream Pig pointed out that the island's transformation was accelerating. Revenge of the Fowlin'!

ABTF4 HappyBirds.jpg

Megatron Pig was ready to call off the whole situation as hopeless, but Arcee Bird argued that they needed only to think things through. The Autobirds and Deceptihogs eventually managed to formulate a plan, having figured out that they needed to separate the EggSpark from the land to cease its transformation. Guns ablaze, they made their way to the EggSpark's location. As they neared their goal, Galvatron Pig went berserk and turned against the rest of the group. Arcee Bird was taken out by one of the Deceptihog's cannon blasts, leaving her unable to help in launching the EggSpark off-planet. Despite her absence, the EggSpark was successfully catapulted away, and everything returned to normalcy. As the Flock discussed the day's events, Stella bounced about cheerily, saying they all had earned a little peace and quiet... unaware that nearby, a robot cactus had begun to run wild. Hard Boiled

Commercial appearances

Stella got turned into Arcee Bird by the power of the EggSpark. She then helped the Autobirds and Deceptihogs destroy some turrets recently cyberformed by the Eggbots. Angry Birds Transformers: Cinematic Trailer

Arcee worked out lifting some weights at a gym. It sure was easy for her... but not for King Pig. Especially when his spotter, Galvatron Pig got distracted by the lollipop that Arcee Bird left behind on a nearby control panel. Elsewhere, Airachnid Bird was doing some yoga stretches... until she got her foot stuck behind her neck. After Airachnid Bird, Arcee Bird, Optimus Prime Bird and Megatron Pig finished their workouts, the four of them jumped up in the air in a cheer. Freezeframe. Arcee and Airachnid join the team!

Arcee Bird and Optimus Prime Bird were on the run from some Flying Pigbots when they came to a cliff edge. They tried to fight back, only to realize they were out of ammo! Thankfully, Bluestreak Bird showed up and helped them out! Meet Bluestreak and Prowl!


Angry Birds Transformers

Voice actor: Heljä Heikkinen (Finnish)

As Arcee

  • Squad: Valkyries
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Mission Prize, Special Event Prize

Arcee is a "speedster" character, not as blindingly fast as Bumblebee but on-par with the likes of Jazz or Starscream. Her blaster unleashes a rapid-fire stream of blue force bubbles that don't pack very much destructive force, but have absolutely the most vicious "push" power of any attack in the game. One blast can send a piggy or a giant stone block flying to the far horizon. Like Galvatron Pig, she needs to be choosy in which blocks to push away to send towers toppling. However, she fires more blasts per burst at higher levels, and "dragging" the targeting reticule can send them in a broad swath rather than a concentrated blast. Angry Birds Transformers

At first, Arcee could only be unlocked semi-randomly by sending characters away on Space Bridge Missions. Arcee would sometimes appear as part of the roulette wheel of prizes for the longest mission at a Bridge. Later, Arcee would become an unlockable character in the "Medic!" special event (running from August 23 through August 28 2016), and then again in the next event "Ride of the Valkyries (September 2 through September 7 2016). Both events focused on destroying a specific block type each day to earn Tokens to unlock prizes.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Daniel Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Incendiary Rounds Burns through "armored" enemies in Sparkruns and is based on her friend but it’s a pig? He also appears on some promotional art too. Sweet.
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Pilgrim Hat Head ??? ??? +20% Damage Thanksgiving Event exclusive
Festive Deely Bopper Head Rare 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Accessory
Tree Topper Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Noble Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sword Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Clip Size
Pistol Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Airachnid

What, not Gale?
  • Squad: Valkyries
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Mission Prize, Special Event Prize

When Arcee came into the fray, the Eggbots got it in their... heads?...yolks?...whatever it is they have to try their cloning ploy again, this time with Arcee. And just like with Nemesis Prime, it all went wrong and they went and gave the Autobird/Deceptihog alliance another warrior. Oops. Airachnid may be a bit of a creepy loner, and nobody's really sure what she'll do if she finds the EggSpark, but there's no question she's no friend of the Eggbots.

Airachnid is very similar to Arcee, being speedy and using force bubbles (albeit pink) as a weapon. But where Arcee shoots a steady stream, Airachnid's blaster fires them in a shotgun-like spread. One bubble will be directly aimed at the intended target, but the others spread out. The higher her level, the more bubbles she fires at once (originally three, but then five through higher upgrades). These bubbles don't quite pack the push-punch Arcee's does, but Airachnid can certainly pack an insane damage-punch- strong enough to obliterate Walking Mortar Towers with just the right amount of shots.

At first, Airachnid could only be unlocked semi-randomly by sending characters away on Space Bridge Missions. Airachnid would sometimes appear as part of the roulette wheel of prizes for the longest mission at a Bridge. Later, Airachnid would become an unlockable character in the "Medic!" special event (running from August 23 through August 28 2016), and then again in the next event "Ride of the Valkyries" (September 2 through September 7 2016). Both events focused on destroying a specific block type each day to earn Tokens to unlock prizes.

Despite being an Autobird, Airachnid used Deceptihog Materials in her upgrades before they were replaced with Crystals. And truthfully, she came out before Nemesis.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Wooly Hat Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Snowman Head Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Holiday Event exclusive
Noble Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Landlord Cap Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +16% Defense Chinese New Year exclusive
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Insecticon Chest Rare 5 Rare Coins + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate Seemingly not based on any existing insecticons?
Spider Legs Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Acid Rounds Based on the ones she has in other incarnations of herself.

As Chromia

Can't you hear me yella? You're puttin' me through hella! Stella! STELLA!!!
  • Squad: Valkyries
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize (5000 Tokens)

Stella-as-Chromia, as the mentor and bodyguard of Windblade, makes an appearance as the second new character of 2017. Her weapon is a halfway point between Arcee's and Airachnid's, as it fires a rapid succession of bubbles but with a bit of a random spread (not as wide as Airachnid's). Instead of pushing stuck-but-not-destroyed objects though, the bubbles can pull entire groups of objects towards the screen, giving you a really good close-up view of pigs as they fly forward. While this means some risk of taking minor damage from colliding into blocks, it actually makes Chromia the most destructive (and profitable) of the Stellas, as any blocks that go behind the "camera" are instantly destroyed.

Chromia was first teased in the "Valentine's Day" Challenge Event, but wasn't available to unlock until two events later in the "Red, White, and Blue" event.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Guardian Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Pistol Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Actually mounted on her leg

As Novastar

Novastar Bird.png
  • Squad: Femme Fatale
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize

Novastar's projectiles are bubbles imbued with fire. They fly in an odd pattern, moving in the direction of Novastar to the reticle slightly faster than the player before rocketing towards the target, but once that’s done, it can do real damage to towers.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Pistol Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +20% Explosive Force Actually mounted on her leg

As Moonracer

Stella As Moonracer Bird.png
  • Squad: Wreckers
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event Prize

Moonracer's projectiles are extremely similar to Novastar's, but instead of incendiary effects, Moonracer‘s projectiles are equipped with an EMP modification, and are fired faster.

This makes her a much better character overall, as you can do more destruction and not get as much firepower.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Pistol Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +10% Explosive Force Actually mounted on her leg

As Greenlight

  • Squad: Support
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge Event

Well, Greenlight used to be a scientist, and her weapon does have some interesting science to it. It basically combines Arcee/Chromia's & Drag Strip's weapons, firing a small stream of green bubbles, which have the former two's strong push and Drag Strip's homing ricochet effect. The result? Things flying everywhere.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Dazzlestrike Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense
Headphones Face Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage New skin based on Courtney’s Headphones
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Autobirds Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Faster Reload
Sword Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Actually mounted on her leg
Jetpack Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Defense

As Flamewar

Ok, we really need Gale in the game now...
  • Squad: Noughties
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Challenge events (price: 10000 Tokens), Gem purchase

D... did... did Stella just succumb to her dark side?! Her incarnation of Flamewar brings Stella to the Deceptihog side of ABTF. Which is okay. It’s her life and she is allowed to live it as she wants. And hey: Deceptihogs and Autobirds work together in this game, so technically she’s still on the good side... right?

Now that Stella is on the Deceptihog side, she gets a much more “evil” weapon. One that both fits her name and the original G1 version. Her weapon shoots alternate clips of three (five when upgraded to higher levels) fireballs and purple poison bullets.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Frenzy Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Medaillon Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Flamebow Arms Rare 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Faster Reload Actually mounted on her back; based on the bow that several of her G1 toys have.
Pistol Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Actually mounted on her leg

As Sergeant Chromia

Chromia cries as she discovers how bad the Warpass character models are looking.
  • Squad: Operations
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

After yet another defeat at the hands of the Deceptihogs, General Optimus Prime has had it and decides to deploy Sergeant Chromia. Her job is to take out as many Deceptihog defense systems so the Autobirds can start their attack. Let’s just hope her plans are not sabotaged by Sergeant Thundercracker...

She shoots bubbles that are functionally identical to Arcee's but have some added splash damage and some sort of ice effect. Nobody on this wiki currently knows what it does, due to not wanting to sink 18 dollars into a mobile game for two characters and some accessories.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Guardian Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Defense
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Pistol Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage Actually mounted on her leg

As Sergeant Greenlight

So if Stella portrays Flamewar, does that mean she’s going up against herself?
  • Squad: Ground Force
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 10)

The war for Piggy Island is escalating, and it seems now more than ever a ground force is needed. One such warrior is Sergeant Greenlight, and she has come to turn the tables. However, the Deceptihogs now have a bird ally of their own in the form of Sergeant Flamewar. It seems that this war may never end.

Her weapon is very similar to her original although it shoots five green bubbles instead of four.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Dazzlestrike Head Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +40% Defense
Headphones Face Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage New skin based on Courtney’s Headphones
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Autobirds Chest Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Faster Reload
Sword Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Fire Rate
Pistol Back Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +20% Damage Actually mounted on her leg
Jetpack Back Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +10% Defense

As Sergeant Flamewar

Wait, she’s not up against Arcee!?
  • Squad: Ground Force
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

The war continues and all the wins on the side of the Deceptihogs don’t seem to be doing much for the Autobirds. But that doesn’t matter, because Lord Megatron is sending out his top member of the ground force, Sergeant Flamewar. As their first bird ally, she will hopefully defeat her archrival Sergeant Greenlight (not Scout Arcee?) in the war for Piggy Island.

Her weapon is pretty much identical to the original.

As Scout Arcee

  • Squad: Specialist Raiders
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

The Deceptihogs are becoming more dangerous by with every second that passes in this war. The Autobirds' resources are nearly depleted, and thus Scout Arcee moves out to stock up on that sweet sweet survival. Unfortunately, that is exactly what the Deceptihogs had been waiting for, and before Scout Arcee knows it, their seeker captain is on her tail...

Once again, her weapon functions the same as the original.

In the introduction to War season 12, this war-torn version of Arcee was called Commander Arcee, but as playable character is then allegedly demoted to scout as she starts her search for resources. What could she possibly have done to deserve that?

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Daniel Head Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins Incendiary Rounds Burns through "armored" enemies in Sparkruns.
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sunglasses (3 colors) Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Sword Arms Epic 5 Epic Crystals + 60,000 Coins +40% Clip Size
Pistol Arms Rare 5 Rare Crystals + 20,000 Coins +20% Damage

As Sharpshooter Moonracer

  • Squad: Hardboiled Warriors
  • Mission Type: Investigator
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

As the dangerous General Scorponok runs amok on the battleground, the Autobirds send in Sharpshooter Moonracer to gather valuable intel on the devious pigs. In the process, it becomes apparent that she must now also use her sharpshooting abilities to take the scarred arachnid down.

As is custom with the War Pass characters at this point, her weapon is a carbon copy of the original. So much for Sharpshooter.

Accessory Body Part Rarity Cost Base Effect Notes
Baseball Cap Head Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Headphones Head Uncommon 5 Uncommon Crystals + 8,000 Coins +10% Damage
Sunglasses Face Common 5 Common Crystals + 2,500 Coins +10% Transform Recharge
Pistol Back Legendary 5 Legendary Crystals + 200,000 Coins +10% Explosive Force Actually mounted on her leg

As Neon Chromia

  • Squad: Cobalt Crew
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

Falling short of the Deceptihog forces once again, Neon Chromia is sent out to investigate rumors of a new Deceptihog battlestation. She stealthily moves towards the supposed location, and low and behold, the mechanized pigs have indeed set up a brand spankin' new headquarters! Having gathered sufficient intel, Neon Chromia turns back for a briefing: action is needed. Unfortunately, her snooping has been noticed; in a matter of seconds, Neon Thundercracker blasts away at her mere presence...

Energon effects apply to this newly energized version of Chromia. This means she will experience higher damage from, well, anything that damages really. Luckily, this also means that Energon will heal half a heart back up.

As Neon Arcee

  • Squad: Steel Strike Force
  • Mission Type: ???
  • Unlock Type: Prime Pass reward (level 40)

Arcee is helping the Autobirds in the war by gaining the power of neon, now to face off against Neon Scorponok (not Neon Flamewar?).

Now with the power of Energon, she takes more damage from hits but also can heal from Energon cubes.


  • Despite being heavily featured in early advertisements and artwork for the game, Stella-as-Arcee was not actually in the game for a very long time. Oops. By the time she was added to the playable roster, the original heavily-Generation-1-Arcee design was changed to be more of a merger of Generation 1 and Prime Arcee, with a motorcycle altmode.
    • Flamewar being a repaint of Prime Arcee is also a nod for Stella being a merger between G1 and the Aligned continuity.
  • In celebration of the launch of the Angry Birds: Transformers game, a costumed actress portrayed Stella-as-Arcee and interacted with fans young and old at New York Comic Con 2014 (despite not being in the game oops).
  • Arcee Bird's Daniel Accessory is, of course, a reference to Generation 1 Daniel Witwicky, who eventually became Generation 1 Arcee's Headmaster partner. Him being a pig, meanwhile, makes no sense whatsoever.
  • Airachnid Bird's Insecticon accessory does not appear to be based on any specific Insecticon, which is actually a real oddity for this game.
  • There was a glitch in the game's code that allowed players to buy the season 7 bots for gems. However, this has since been fixed.
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