From Transformers Wiki
- Take-Off is a Decepticon Action Master from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Take-Off is a consummate Decepticon, believing that superiority in the air will ultimately lead to victory on the battlefield. The fact that becoming an Action Master means he needs to rely on external aids to take to the air hasn't dulled this belief one iota. His eagerness and devotion to the Decepticon cause makes him quick to action, and quick in action as one of the faster soldiers in the army. Take-Off can be a quick-talker as well, and is often heard bragging about the latest hapless Autobot scouting party he annihilated during a divebombing assault.
He's partnered with the robotic beast Screech, who he can combine with to become a high-flying terror. Having energon extractor guns built into his abdomen just adds to his vampiric character.
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2005 IDW continuity
Take-Off was one of the Decepticons stationed as a guard at the Grindcore prison. He was assigned to pilot a larger walker mech to keep crowds under control. Speak, Memory: Part 1 He later served under the command of Turmoil when their second-in-command, Deadlock abandoned his post. Drift #1
Wings Universe
Take-Off was a blabbermouth Decepticon who joined in with Gutcruncher's crew because he admired the 'bot's intelligence. Unfortunately, he was rather stupid himself. At some point, Take-Off and his buddy Roadstorm attempted to trans-scan the laser-cycles of three "ruffians" from Rigel III, only to be caught in an altercation with the trio. On another occasion, Take-Off rescued Roadgrabber in Median. He never let Raodgrabber forget that he owed him for the rescue.
Gutcruncher discovered an asteroid containing an extraordinary energy-source, which he planned to use to destroy the Elite Guard. To this end, Charger sent Take-Off to secure a ship for them. But all Take-Off managed to do was to blab out the group's plans during a meeting with Axer. Delta Seeker of the Elite Guard overheard Take-Off's ramblings, and took off to inform his superiors before Take-Off could stop him. Ashamed of his own foolishness, Take-Off drowned his sorrows with a few drinks before returning to HQ.
Instead of admitting the true extent of his failure, Take-Off told Gutcruncher that he simply had failed to procure a ship. He then brought Roadgrabber along for his next attempt at acquiring transport to make sure this endeavor would yield better results. They hired a ship from 'bots named Dealbreaker and Bad Boy, really the Autobots Tap-Out and Powerflash in disguise. As the Decepticons headed towards the asteroid in the Darklon, Take-Off briefly detected two Autobot signatures in the vessel's cargo bay. He sheepishly reported his finding to Gutcruncher, realizing that they had gotten ensnared in an Elite Guard trap. Take-Off and Charger were tasked with tracking down the Autobot signatures while Gutcruncher dealt with the "neutrals" the Decepticons had employed. Gutcruncher's team turned out to be no match for the four Autobots, and they were all stuffed into a makeshift brig.
After the Darklon landed on the asteroid, the Decepticons managed to escape and sneaked out of the ship to ambush the Autobots, taking them prisoner in turn. But when they excavated the crystal energy-source on the asteroid, the substance reacted violently, and both Autobots and Decepticons were struck by energy beams emanating from it. All those who were struck by the beams, including Take-Off, received increased physical power, but found themselves unable to transform. Rumbler overpowered Take-Off, and the Decepticons were taken in as Elite Guard prisoners. A Team Effort
The Transformers
- Take-Off with Screech (Action Master, 1991)
- Accessories: sonic boomer laser, Screech partner
- Known designers: Andy Couzens (Hasbro), Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy), Masakatsu Saito (concept artist)
- Released in the seventh year of the European-market Transformers toyline (the first year following the end of the US line), Action Master Take-Off is a non-transforming 3¾-inch action figure, with a swivel neck, shoulders, knees, and steel ball-jointed hips. As an Action Master, he is compatible with any other Action Master weapon, partner, or vehicle. Despite his name, his design—particularly the wheels on his shoulders and legs—seems to indicate that he previously transformed into a car. But the twin turbines in his belly would also allow him to "take off" (ugh) into a flight mode, so maybe he was a triple-changer? Your guess is as good as ours.
- He came with his bird-shaped partner Screech, who can plug onto Take-Off's back and serve as a backpack and battle helmet.
- As part of the Europe-only portion of the original line and a unique mold to boot, he tends to go for a high price on the secondary market.
Foreign names
- Italian: Rapax
- Japanese: Take-Off (テイクオフ Teiku Ofu)