Transformers Animated (Titan)
From Transformers Wiki
Transformers Animated was a very short-lived monthly magazine published in the United Kingdom by Titan Magazines. Based on the cartoon of the same name, and featuring a mix of original comic strips, reprinted strips, and regular features and competitions equaling just over 50 pages a month, the magazine ran to only three issues in the last few months of 2008. The cancellation was announced to subscribers [1], but came after issue 3 had already advertised a fourth issue (with a cover of Starscream fighting Swoop), indicating this was a last-minute decision. The idea of comics being recession-proof is bunk.
It is similar in format to Titan's Movie-based title but pitched to a younger audience, the thing Steve White previously said had been a flaw of Panini's Armada comic. Embarrassingly, Armada lasted longer - Transformers Animated has the dubious credit of being the shortest running UK-exclusive Transformers comic ever, and possibly one of the shortest running mass-market UK comics ever!
Titan Animated issues: | |||
Animated comics also were published as secondary strips in various issues of the Movie-based title.
Animated comics in Titan Transformers: | |||
Contents |
Comic strip
Opening each issue is an 11-page original comic strip, set in mid-Series 2 of the show. In the first issue, it immediately introduced a totally awesome spectacular fantabulous new Autobot and a new villain.
Regular features
- Character Puzzles — puzzles themed around, yes, a character.
- Nano-Bites — telling readers about awesome new stuff that'd be cool to have.
- Bits and Bots — a short gag strip.
- Bee Mail — Bumblebee answers your letters!
- Free Gift! — a cheap item that is hopefully desirable enough to convince a child to buy the comic.
Life after death
The cancellation was so last minute that several issues worth of story had already been drawn, and #4 was advertised within #3. This leftover material saw print in issues 23-25 of Titan's Transformers Universe title, as "pull-out" comics. The FANTASTIC FREE GIFTS! got recycled as well.
It went on to get a section to itself in IDW's AllSpark Almanac book.
As with its sister title, Animated filled out the pages while keeping costs down by reprinting comics published by IDW Publishing. Unlike its sister title, the reprints were screen capture strips rather than actual comic material.
We paid £2.60 for this comic.