Transformers Encore
From Transformers Wiki
Transformers Encore (トランスフォーマーアンコール Toransufōmā Ankōru) is a series of Generation 1 reissues from TakaraTomy which began in 2007, succeeding The Transformers Collection. The toys are packaged similarly to their Generation 1-styled boxes; the toys themselves are very close to the original releases, though there may be visible differences in plastic color tones or the substitution of extra paint applications for stickers.
In 2018, the lineup returned and focused on reissuing post-Generation 1 toys until 2020.
List of Transformers Encore figures
# | Figure | Release date |
01 | Convoy | September 2007 |
02 | Megatron | September 2007 |
Additional figure: e-HOBBY Black Megatron, not to be confused with the earlier e-HOBBY version of Black Megatron. | ||
03 | Soundwave (with Condor) | September 2007 |
04 | Starscream | September 2007 |
05 | Ironhide | December 2007 |
Additional figure: e-HOBBY released a New Year Special Exclusive: "Black Protect Ironhide", which was available in April 2008. The text on e-Hobby's page for the toy indicates the black coloration is meant to homage Ironhide's original Diaclone predecessor, but between the release of Ratchet Emergency Green and a hint in Ironhide's new bio, it's easy to see this is also an homage to the new live-action film series Ironhide. The packaging was the same as the regular Encore Ironhide's. See the article on Ironhide for additional info. | ||
06 | Ratchet | December 2007 |
Additional figure: A "Ratchet Emergency Green" redeco which homages Movie Ratchet is a Japanese mail-away exclusive available with a purchase of the book Transformers Visualworks. After the book release on December 4, 2007, purchasers could mail in a ticket from the book and purchase either one (5200yen) or two (10,000 yen) of the item. Ratchet Emergency Green was distributed in April 2008. | ||
07 | Sky Lynx | February 2008 |
08 | Meister | March 2008 |
09 | Omega Supreme | June 2008 |
Additional figure: e-HOBBY released a redeco of Omega Supreme in blue and white as a "GADEP" unit, otherwise known as a Guardian robot. | ||
10 | Bumble & Minibots (Bumble, Outback, Pipes, Wave and Tailgate) | July 2008 |
11 | Skywarp and Thundercracker | August 2008 |
Additional figure: e-HOBBY re-released Sunstorm as an exclusive in February, 2009. It also includes a special comic featuring the character. | ||
12 | Metroflex | September 2008 |
13 | Trailbreaker | December 2008 |
14 | Hoist | December 2008 |
15 | Great Cassette Operation (Eject, Rewind, Jaguar, and Buzzsaw) | March 2009 |
16 | Bruticus (Onslaught, Swindle, Brawl, Blast Off, and Vorter) | July 2009 |
17 | Great Cassette Operation Vol.2 (Ratbat, Slugfest, Ramhorn, and Steeljaw) | July 2009 |
18 | Skids | October 2009 |
19 | Great Cassette Operation Vol.3 (Rumble, Frenzy, Overkill, and Condor) | November 2009 |
20 | Devastor (Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Gren, Long Haul, Mixmaster, and Scavenger) | November 2011 |
21 | Soundblaster (with Enemy and Wingthing) | February 2012 |
22 | Twincast (with Nightstalker and Stripes) | February 2012 |
20A | Devastor (Anime Color Ver.) (Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Gren, Long Haul, Mixmaster, and Scavenger).
This is a more cartoon-accurate recolored and redecoed version of Devastator and his component members, most notably featuring a new head mold for Devastator and a purple drum for Mixmaster. |
January 2013 |
23 | Fortress Maximus | March 2013 |
God Fire Convoy (Fire Convoy and God Magnus) | 23 March 2018 | |
Returns Convoy | 24 November 2018 | |
Unicron (Micron Shūgō-tai Color) | 22 December 2018 | |
Big Convoy | 26 January 2019 | |
Big Convoy (Matrix Buster ver.) | 28 February 2020 |